Chapter 40... Um.. alright...

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Warning: Violence, big fight scene, broken bones, strong language
Y/n's POV

Wednesday March 18
My mind was racing faster than it had ever been. What the fuck just happened? Roy was crying about dragging me in here, then he was crying about how I accepted his apology or something, I found the ONE WAY TO GET OUT OF HERE and he steals it, kisses me (??!?!?!??!) and then runs off to who knows where to "fix this?" Not to mention he locked me in this closet in a school infested with cultists. Maybe he was high.
I had already felt around everywhere that I could think and I couldn't find any more lucky bobby pins. I had no way to get out of here unless I could find something to break the door down. I hugged my knees and scooted into a corner. I couldn't tell which corner. It was too dark to see. Wait.. My phone! I still had my phone! My mind was too focused on other things to remember! I prayed it still had battery. I wasn't able to charge it for days. 
I pressed the power-on button and the screen lit up in my face. My eyes had to adjust to the bright light. I turned on the flashlight and checked the time. 3:08?! I hadn't realized we had been here so long. I was now able to see around the room. Though it didn't prove helpful. There still wasn't anything that I could use to get out. Plus, the battery was at only 3 percent so I wouldn't be able to use it for long.
I started to cry. It started slow but then picked up to violent sobs. What was my life? Didn't we move to this town to get away from everything? To finally settle and live a peaceful life? But instead we get all wrapped up in this fucking cult business. So much had happened since we got here. My mom was in a cult, Roy was off to who knows where, and Susie and Ross were doing who knows what with the resistance. People we though we knew we're on the side of the cultist freaks and Robert was kidnapped and we're all at great risk of dying. 
After I had finished crying, my phone battery died and I was plunged into darkness again. My brain had also settled a bit and I could think clearly. I decided to analyze the events of this night from the discovery of the resistance to the plan to the fact my mom was a cultist up to..
Holy shit, Roy kissed me. 
That information finally settled into my brain. Every event of the night had been spinning around in my brain too quickly for anything to fully sink in until now. Even weirder was the fact that he had obviously aimed for my lips but doing it so quickly had steered him off to right next to them. 
I felt my cheeks get hot and my heart beat faster. What was he thinking? Did he actually like me like that or was that just a spur of the moment, adrenaline manipulated good bye like in the movies? I puzzled over it a bit, but decided I should clarify before making assumptions. I would just have to ask Roy if he ever returned.

He would. After what felt like forever and a day trapped in this closet, I heard the loud, hurrying footsteps of a large group of people. I could also hear shouting from a bunch of people.
"Over here! They're over here!"
"In the closet?"
"Yeah yeah!"
"Did you lock them in there?"
The door was swung open and I was glad I wasn't in it's path because it slammed violently against the wall. My eyes had to adjust to the light, but when they did I saw Roy standing in the doorway with the resistance behind him.
"Hey, Loser." He said in a slightly breathless voice.
"Dumbass! You're back! The fuck took you so long!" I tried to sound angry but my voice cracked too much. God, was I happy to see these guys.
"He had to round all of us up!" Chimed in Susie as she popped her head out of the crowd.
"The battle has started! We must continue!" Shouted Jaune. 
"Jaune! Why is there blood on your hands!" I yelled.
"Had to kick some cultist ass. No big deal." She replied.
"Well don't just sit there, Loser! Come on we have to go!" Roy cut off any further questions I had. 
He offered his hand and I took it. Suddenly I was on me feet, sprinting down the school hallway at the head of the resistance with Roy, Susie and Ross.
"How did you all manage to get here?" I asked.
"Easy! I used your notes." Roy said, pulling my notebook out of his pocket.
"Wait, how did you.." I paused for a second. When he kissed me, one of his hands slipped off my face before the other. 
"You little fuck!" I exclaimed, realizing the stupid pick-pocket move he had used on me.
"Took you that long to notice?" He asked teasingly.
"After we win this fight you are SO dead!" I yelled. However I couldn't help but grin to myself. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins. This was it! The final fight! If we won this, the cult would be gone for good! Plus, I was relieved that Roy probably didn't have feelings for me. The kiss was a distraction and it sure as hell worked.
We approached the gym door and I kicked it open as hard as I could. The entire cult turned to look at us.
"Time to die you sons of bitches!" screamed Susie. Everyone in the resistance pulled out an object that could be used as a weapon, like crowbars, planks of wood, and various other things that could be found in an abandoned building. Roy pulled out his baseball bat as well as my own. 
"What is the meaning of this!" Shouted Mayor Evermore. 
"Get out of our town you freaks!" Yelled Jaune as she and the rest of the resistance charged into the gym. There were more members than I had originally thought.
"You ready to fight for your life, Loser?" Shouted Roy over the ruckus. He held my bat out to me.
"Any day, any time, Dumbass!" I responded, grabbing my bat.
We nodded at each other and charged into the center of the battle with the rest of the resistance. 
Left and right, Cultists and Resistance Members were fighting. A cultist grabbed Lila's weapon and wound up to hit her when Jaune came out of nowhere and stabbed them in the back with a dagger that she definitely didn't have before. Susie and Ross were back to back fending off any cultists that got close. One of the resistance tripped and a cultist kicked them in the side. 
A cultist ran at me and I hit them in the head as hard as I could with my bat. Roy ended up breaking the knees of a cultist backward with his bat. Man that kid was strong when he put his full force into it. I rubbed my wrists and shook off the memories. I turned around just in time to whack an approaching cultist with my bat. 
No one was winning. Which also meant no side was losing, but still. We had to pick things up before more people got hurt. I swung at three more cultists. One I hit in the head, second in the knees and the third one I missed. They grabbed the arm that had my bat to stop me from swinging again. They smelled strongly of perfume. Another bat landed right on top of their head and they fell to the ground. 
"Thanks." I said.
"Uh huh." Replied Roy. He knelt down next to the cultist and pulled their hood off.
"I'm sorry, mom." He said in a soft voice that was laced with sadness and anger.
He stood back up and swung at another cultist I turned around and kicked one in the crotch, hoping they were male. They were.
"Y/n!" I heard Susie scream.
I whipped around to see Susie being pinned to the floor by a cultist. This one was familiarly short.
I ran over to hit them in the head but they caught my bat in their free hand.
"Oh, Y/n~" They trilled. It was Sakana. "You wouldn't hit a friend would you?"
"You overestimate this relationship." I replied. I ripped my bat out of her hand and smacked her in the side of the head.
"Thanks!" Susie said, quickly standing up.
"Of course." I replied. I took one last look at Sakana before sprinting off into battle again.
You know what I said before about no one winning? Well, we have an update and it isn't good. The cultists apparently have regenerative powers. Mayor Evermore explained that the pendants they wore enabled them the ability of partial immortality.
He shouldn't have given it away. I found Roy in the crowd.
"Go around and tell the resistance to use the cultists necklaces to choke them and then take them off. I think they' aren't immortal without them." I said, barely audible above the noise of the room.
"Great idea." He said back. He hurried off to tell the resistance. I punched a cultist in the face and leapt on their back to grab the gold chain and pull it back as hard as I could. The cultist fell over and I slipped the necklace off of their head. I put it on and swung at another cultist. Now things were going our way.

The fight was almost over. Almost every standing member of the resistance had stolen the pendant of a cultist. Only a few cultists were left standing and we had definitely taken more cultists than the cultists took of us. The number dwindled until there was only one cultist left. Mayor Evermore. The resistance surrounded him and backed him into a wall. He was shaking a bit. Out of fear or exhaustion I couldn't tell. 
"What did you do with my partner, fuckass?!" Demanded Ross.
"Give us our town back, bitch." Hissed Susie. She held one of the cultist daggers to his chest.
"Wait wait wait! Don't kill me! Please don't kill me!" Evermore pleaded. Pathetic.
"Why should we let you live?" Asked Roy. "You have done nothing but almost ruin our lives on MANY occasions."
"I'll give you anything, please! I have money, possessions, power, anything! You win, just let me live." Evermore sobbed. Who elected this guy?
"Alright.. Anything you say?" I questioned.
"Yes!" Evermore cried.
"Ok. Leave our fucking town and don't ever think of coming back here again, you hear me?" I demanded harshly.
Evermore quickly nodded his head. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Kill him." I said coldly to Susie.
She didn't hesitate. She stabbed the knife to the hilt into the ex mayor's chest. Ross grabbed his pendant and tossed it to the side.
"You fucking whore!! I would've left peacefully you bitch!!" Screamed Evermore as he died.
"I doubt that, Evermore." I made fierce eye contact with him through the holes in his hood.
He died. 

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