The Cult (pt 3)

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Y/n's POV

Friday February 28
It had been a week since the game ended and things felt.. different now. It felt freeing that I no longer had to worry about getting bullied by the Hatzgang or whatever shenanigans Roy was going to pull next, but it also felt.. empty? Is that the right word? I kept expecting something to happen but it never did. They kept their promise of leaving Susie and I alone and we only spoke during our meetings. It felt strange. But it also felt great! I no longer had to rush through getting stuff from my locker and I didn't have to worry about getting accosted at lunch or during break.
But while it felt great it also felt kinda wrong. In a good way. Like a large chunk of my daily schedule was cut out but it was the part that I didn't want to do.
Well.. it felt great at first. The first week was like a breath of fresh air but that air became stale very quickly. I soon fell back into the monotony of everyday life and it was boring. Sure the Hatzgang were a huge roadblock in the way of enjoying life but at least they broke up the monotony. I know how it sounds and no I don't miss the Hatzgang. 
The monotony didn't last long.

"We have to go back." Said Roy during our meeting that night.
"Back where?" asked Robert.
"Back to that abandoned building. Now that Y/n and I have been there and we know what we are looking for it should be a lot easier. Plus, with extra people it should be safer!" Roy answered.
I widened my eyes in surprise.
"What? No! We can't go back there, are you crazy?" I retorted.
"Come on! It probably has the most answers out of anything in this town! We haven't explored the whole place and with more people we can cover more area!" Roy argued, turning toward me.
"I see what you're saying but I don't want to risk more people's lives. Sure having more people there might make it safer and faster but it could also slow us down and make it a lot more dangerous if there are more people in there making noise that we would have to keep track of! And if we split up like you say then it is very likely that someone will get lost or kidnapped." I returned.
"I think we should go! You literally SAW the cult there and it would definitely have a bunch of evidence!" Added Susie.
"Speaking of evidence, we didn't ever open that police file. We could do that first and it would give us a chance to think about this plan a bit more." Interjected Ross.
"Good idea! Who has it?" Asked Robert. He was visibly nervous at the thought of exploring an abandoned building that almost got someone kidnapped. 
"Roy took it." Said Susie.
"Yeah Roy has it. Roy where is it?" I asked.
Roy was frozen in place, his eyes wide. 
"Roy? Where is the file?" asked Robert.
"Ok.. Nobody panic.. this is a solvable problem.." said Roy nervously. Oh no.
"And I just want everyone to remember that being angry wont solve the problem and could be a setback" No no no.. I remembered. Please don't let it be true! Don't say it, don't say it
"Buuuuuuut... I maybe sorta.. leftthefolderinthewoodswhenwegotlost." Roy said it as quickly as possible but we all heard. For once I hated being right.
"WHAT!!!" Yelled Ross, Robert and Susie in unison. They each had a different tone. Susie was furious, Robert was shocked, Ross almost couldn't believe it. I felt a mix of all three but it was muffled by the fact that I didn't expect anything less from Roy.
"Well.." Said Susie, after composing herself. "I guess that means that we have to go to the abandoned building. To make up for lost evidence. Nothing in the police file that isn't there right?"
"Your logic is terrible but I agree. We should check that place out. We could get a lot of answers." Said Ross.
"I don't know.. that sounds really dangerous. Didn't you hear what Y/n said about it?" Said Robert. He squeezed his hands in response to his anxiety. (He just like me fr)
"Well.. I've changed my mind." I said.
"Really!?" asked Roy excitedly. "I mean- um- do tell.." 
He looked around nervously and coughed. Something about him trying to cover up his excitement amused me.
"Since Roy is a dumbass, and the police files that we spent hours trying to find that could get us into serious legal trouble have probably been eaten by forest animals, we need to go make up for lost evidence. I don't want to go back but it might be necessary." I explained.
"Well then. That's majority! 4 to 1! We're going back!" Said Roy.
"Going back where?" We all turn toward the source of the voice.
"Hafer? What are you doing here?" asked Susie.
"I was just taking an evening stroll and saw you guys huddled up like you were summoning something. What is going on?" He replied.
"It's super confidential and sensitive. I don't know if we should-THERE'S A FREAKING CULT IN TOWN!!" Said Susie.
"WHAT?!" shouted Hafer.
"Would you two please be quiet? I don't want to draw attention to us." I shush them harshly.
"What?" asked Hafer in a softer tone.
"Yeah! You ever notice how weird shit always happens in this town?" Replied Susie.
"Not so far fetched that there would be a cult, too!" 
"I guess so." 
"We are trying to find more info on this cult so that we can drive them out of town!" 
"How noble."
"Yeah, It's pretty cool I guess."
"I hope you guys drive em out. I have to go now."
"Wait. That's it? You don't want in or anymore information?" I questioned him.
"Nope. I don't need that kind of shit in my life right now. Tell me all bout it when it's over, kay?" replied Hafer.
"Oh.. Ok then. Bye." I said. Hafer was.. interesting.
"Bye. See y'all at school on Monday." He said, waving to us.
"See ya, Hafer!" Called Susie.
"So. What time are we going?" Said Roy. Everyone turned back toward him.
"I say tomorrow. 6pm. Does that work for everybody?" I suggested.
"Sounds perfect." Said Susie.
"Sure." said Ross.
"I'm free at any time during the weekend so it works for me." said Roy.
"I have to eat dinner with my family at 6. I'll catch up with you guys at, like, 7, ok?" Said Robert.
"That's fine." I said.
"Alright. It's decided. I'll see you all at 6 pm." Said Roy.
"Right." The rest of us said in unison. Then we all parted ways and returned to our homes. 
I was afraid to go back.

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