Did you think the story was over soon?

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You were wrong, Y/n. Your POV btw.

Friday June 13
The bell rang and every student bustled out of the school as fast as possible. It was Summer Break! I had officially survived my freshman year in this freaky town. I met up with the Hatzgang outside. 
"Schools out for the Summer, boys plus Robert. Time for the tomfoolery to commence." I announced. (To clarify, Robert came out as non-binary on April second and uses They/He pronouns. Ross already knew.)
"Don't ever say 'tomfoolery' around me again." Said Roy.
"You aren't my mom, McDoynald. I will say tomfoolery whenever I feel so inclined." I responded jokingly.
Roy rolled his eyes. Roy's parents as well as my mom were some of the cult members who survived and were now serving a lifetime sentence in prison, so Roy had to stay with his uncle. We tried telling someone about what was going on, but Roy didn't have any other living family members in town and the police didn't have enough physical evidence to make any charges. I hoped that nothing too bad was going on for Roy at home but you could never be sure.
Susie ran up to the group and joined us. 
"Alright! How is everyone doing this fine Summers day?" She asked.
"It would be better if I had a slushie or something. This sun is relentless." I said, gesturing with my hand.
"Oooo that sounds good! Y'all wanna get slushies? I can text grandpa." Said Susie.
"I'm down. Lemme text my mom." Shrugged Ross. 
"I'll see if Radford will let me go. He's supposed to pick me up today." Answered Robert.
"I don't think my uncle would let me.." Said Roy, looking at his shoes.
"Screw your stupid uncle! It's the first day of Summer and you need a slushie, what with you wearing the same sweater all the time." I insisted. "If your uncle has a problem with it then he can take it up with me." 
Roy smiled a bit at that. Seeing him happy for once since his unfortunate luck landed him with his uncle made me feel good. I was glad something I said made him happy.
I didn't have to ask anyone for permission. I was supposed to be living with my aunt in Oregon but he knew how much I liked it here and he didn't like kids so he arranged an indefinite sleepover with Jaune. Skye and I lived with her now. She had a decent house and was super nice. I was starting to see her as a sort of mother-figure. Skye didn't understand where mom went, but she was happy in her new home. Even if she had to sleep in the hallway walk in closet. She was becoming friends with two boys that lived on our street. One was the son of Jaune's friend, Lila and the other was Susie's little brother. Pump and Skid I think their names were. They were strange boys for sure but Skye liked them so who was I to argue.
"Alright! Slushies! Let's go, team!" Exclaimed Susie. 
We all arrived at the gas station to make our purchase.

"So this guy asked me out earlier this week and it got me thinking." Susie shared as we sat on or around the park bench. (Bench is back y'all!) "I don't think I've ever had a real crush on anyone. Not boys not girls. Nothing. It's super weird. Maybe I'm an android." 
"Maybe you're just aromantic." Suggested Robert.
"Maybe. But I think it would be cooler if I were an android." she answered. "I'll look into it more later."
"What did you say to the guy?" I asked.
"I told him to piss off." Susie replied confidently.
"That's kinda mean.." I started.
"It was that kid Lieremy." Susie clarified.
"Ooooh! Makes sense! You shoulda led with that" I said.
The rest of the group nodded and muttered their agreement.
"What do you guys think we're going to do with our summer?" Asked Ross.
"I want something cool to happen. Maybe we'll see a ghost!" Suggested Susie.
"I personally want nothing to happen. I'm still weary from the cult stuff." I said.
"Same. Maybe we could use the new frisbee Radford got me for my birthday." Robert suggested.
"We could watch that new movie coming out about a giant fuelled by love, who tickles old people and keeps their ears in a jar. Then a swimmer from Mexico, has to stop him. Then the swimmer guy remembers that he actually killed the villian ten years previous and is suffering from flashbacks." Roy added.
"I don't know. The trailer looked kinda cheesy." Said Ross.
"Do any of you remember, Hafer?" I asked.
"Who?" Questioned Roy.
"Honestly I can't remember." I said.
"I think he was my friend." Said Susie. "But he moved or something."
"Makes sense." I shrugged.
"Shit. My uncle's texting me. I have to go for dinner." Roy grumbled.
"That sucks. See you tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yeah. See you guys tomorrow." He answered.

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