Roy's House😏

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Y/n's POV

Saturday February 29
We began the slow walk to Roy's house. I texted my mom where I was going and while she was wary at first she allowed me to go. 
All of us were tired so the walk was very slow. It was fine though, we weren't at risk. We are safe now. Robert kept stumbling but never tripped. He wouldn't let any of us help him hold Ross. 
"Alright Roy. We aren't in the building anymore. What happened after you fell, how are you alive and what was chasing us?" I questioned.
"Alright alright. Here's the story; After I fell the house shifted and I found myself in a room with a bunch of cultists-"
"What! Really?!" Interrupted Susie.
"Yes. Now don't interrupt. So they all turned to look at me and I ran out the door behind me. That hallway was long as fuck, by the way. The cultists were chasing me. Then I saw Y/n curled up on the floor with their eyes closed. I grabbed em and kept running. That's basically it." Roy explained.
That makes sense.
"Why do you think the cultists chose that place for their secret base?" Asked Susie. "It's so creepy and confusing. How do they find their way around?"
"I don't know. If I were to make a cult I would hold the club meetings somewhere that isn't so.." I started but then trailed off, looking for a word.
"Cursed?" suggested Roy.
"Yeah. Cursed." I said. I started spacing a bit and stared at my feet as we walked. The events of the night replayed in my head and I had so many questions. That building is so impossible. Not that nothing strange ever happens in this town. Tons of weird stuff goes down around here. It's just that that building felt.. impossible somehow. Like it shouldn't be here. Like if you made a wrong move or breathed too hard the whole thing would come crashing down and disappear. Like it had never existed. 
"Alright, we're here." said Roy, snapping me out of my thoughts. Woah.
His house was huge! And super fancy! The front lawn was covered in neat decorations like flowerbeds and fountains. The whole thing was surrounded by a wrought iron fence forming patterns like swirls and flowers. 
"Holy shit! You're rich!" Exclaimed Susie.
"Shh! My parents don't know I'm out. We have to sneak back in through the window." shushed Roy.
He climbed over the gate to open it from the other side and we snuck quickly to the side of the house. A long chain of fancy bed sheets and pillowcases hung from a window, high up on the wall.
"How are we supposed to climb all the way up there?" Whispered Robert. 
Roy narrowed his eyes in thought. 
"Ok. New plan. Susie, Y/n and I will climb in through the window and I will open the back door for you two. Y/n and Susie will wait upstairs of course." Said Roy.
"Ok. That should work." replied Robert. 
"Cool cool. I'll climb up first. Then Y/n then Susie." Roy whispered back.
He began to clamber up the fabric chain toward his window. After he was in I climbed up. When I got through the window I looked around. His room was huge. Everything was neat and tidy, something I didn't expect from Roy. The only thing on his wall was a full length mirror that sat near his door. He had a desk with drawers and a wardrobe as well as a large bed near the single window. The room was very plain. It didn't fit with the way I saw Roy.
"Why is it soo... plain?" I said without thinking.
"Oh like you could do any better." Said Roy. I heard Susie yelp outside. She must be struggling a bit.
"But to tell you the truth.. My parents make me keep it this way to fit their aesthetic or something." Admitted Roy.
Damn that sucks. Imagine having a huge room full of potential and not being allowed to use an ounce of it. 
"Oh.. Sorry." I said. I felt a bit bad for him now. 
"It's not all bad though! Check this out." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his wardrobe. "If you tell my parents or anyone else about this I wont hesitate to break the promise of the bet." He said in a low voice.
"What, are you keeping a body in here?" I asked.
"What? No! Just promise you won't tell!" He insisted.
"Ok. I won't." I sighed.
"Alright." Said Roy. He pulled me inside the wardrobe quickly. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. I backed up into a corner of the wardrobe. Suddenly a light came on. A soft orange glow coming from a salt lamp held in Roy's lap. There was no clothing in the wardrobe, instead the walls were covered in posters, pictures and drawings. There were printed photos of Roy and the rest of his gang having fun and actually being happy, there were posters related to various games and shows that Roy was (probably) interested in and there were a few drawings of little characters and flowers, most signed Robert but a few were signed Ross. Quite a few of the drawings were of cats or cacti. I also noticed a trans pride flag sticker stuck to the wall in the lower corner.
"My parents, um, never check my closet so I keep all of my cool stuff in here." Said Roy quietly. 
It was as if every part of Roy's personality was shoved into this little closet.
"It's- It's actually pretty cool in here. It kinda sucks that you have to keep it all hidden though."
"Yeah. If my parents knew about this stuff they would freak out. But they can't expect me to grow up in a room as bland as a middle-class hotel can they? So I sneak stuff in here."
"Why are you showing me of all people?"
"Well.. I've shown Ross and Robert, too."
"Yeah but they're your friends. Why are you showing me?"
He paused for a moment to think. 
"Well.. I didn't want you to think I was as bland as my room." He responded after a while. I felt like he was leaving something out but I wasn't going to get into that.
"Don't worry. It's hard to think of you as bland at all." I responded jokingly.
"Hey you two!! Come out of the closet!!" Said Susie as she flung the doors open. I jumped, startled by the sudden noise.
"What do you mean? I'm not gay!" Roy retorted, lightly pushing Susie as he stood up.
"Ha ha. Very funny. Now go let Robert and Ross in." She said.
He snickered as he left the room. I turned off the salt lamp and closed the doors to the wardrobe.
"Sooooo.. what were you two up to?" Susie asked teasingly. My stomach dropped at her words. Oh no. It had begun. I had just made myself a perfect victim to her relentless teasing. 
I remembered Roy's threat about telling people about his wardrobe stuff.
"We were just talking." I replied.
"Suuuuuure.." She winked at me. I rolled my eyes.
Robert burst through the door with Roy close behind.
"Can we use your bed, Roy?" Asked Robert as he hopped from foot to foot anxiously.
"Yeah." Replied Roy.
"Great!" Robert said as he pivoted and ran to Roy's bed.
He set Ross down on the bed carefully and listened to his heartbeat once more, just to make sure.
"It's really faint.. Is that bad?" Said Robert anxiously. 
"I don't think so.. is it the same as earlier?" I asked.
"Um.. yeah I think so." said Robert.
"Alright. Then he probably isn't getting worse. How about we all go to sleep now and see how he is in the morning. I'm sure we are all tired right now?" I suggested.
Now that the excitement of the night's events had passed, a wave of overwhelming sleepiness washed over me.
"That's a good idea." said Susie, yawning.
"Yeah.. let's do that." said Roy sleepily. He drooped over like a wilted flower, as if he couldn't support his own weight for any longer. "I'll go get some blankets and pillows."
He left the room quietly and soon returned with an armful of fabrics. He set it all down in a big pile.
"Just take something and set up wherever." Grumbled Roy. "I'm too tired to get 'proper amounts' or something."
He grabbed a blanket and pillow and set up near the window. I grabbed a blanket and a pillow. They were so soft! Is this the stuff rich people sleep with all the time because if so, I might need to start me a multi-million dollar company. I set up near the wardrobe and Susie set up next to me. She had grabbed a bunch of blankets and made herself a nest. 
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep under the soft blankets.

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