A Kinky Marriage Arrangement

By wonderworld_felt

586K 12.9K 2.1K

"Does your pathetic body want me slut?" she whispered in my ear. All the blood rushed down to my cock as she... More

Please Read
1. Callum's Life
2. Irene's Alternative
3. It's Time We Separate
4. I Need Your Help
5. The Encounter
6. Give Him To Me For A Night
7. No Choice
8. Make It Burn, However You Want πŸ”₯
9. Accepting Defeat πŸ”₯
10. Kids
11. You're Coming With Us
12. Hell On Earth
13. Why Me?
14. Are You Okay?
15. Abused
16. She's A Goddess and You're Her Slave
17. Nova
18. I'm So Sorry
19. I Told You I Liked Red
20. Date Night
21. Lost in Her Eyes
22. Seductress πŸ”₯
23. Contract
24. Contract 2 πŸ”₯
25. Ball Busting πŸ”₯
26. Teasing πŸ”₯
27. Denied Pleasure πŸ”₯
28. Mysterious Calls
29. Chastity πŸ”₯
30. Argument
31. Butterflies
32. A Stalker
33. Monsters
34. I'm So Mad
35. I'm Gonna Fuck You Like I Hate You πŸ”₯
36. Safe in Her Arms
37. Red File
38. Task 1
39. Spanking πŸ”₯
40. Picture
41. A Public French Kiss
42. Office Sex πŸ”₯
43. An Unnamed Parcel
44. Jealousy
45. Myra
46. Back Massage
47. Task 2 - Basement
48. Gianna
49. Back to Hell
50. Confession
51. Mischievous
52. Make Me
53. Day 1 - Multiple OrgasmsπŸ”₯
55. Day 3 - Sounding πŸ”₯
56. Realization
57. Mom?
58. The Meet
59. Kidnapped
60. Still Kidnapped
New Book Alert!
61. Finally Seeing Her Again
62. Traitor!
63. Getting the Upper Hand
64. Revenge
Epilogue πŸ”₯

54. Day 2 - Pet Play πŸ”₯

10.1K 140 26
By wonderworld_felt

Callum's POV:

Irene untied me and I immediately fell on her. My legs felt like Jell-O, and this was only the first night.

She slowly guided me to the bathroom and placed me in the tub. However, she refused to remove my blindfold.

But I wasn't complaining. For some reason, the warm water felt a lot better when I couldn't see it.

"Stay here, I'll be back soon" Irene said and walked away. I heard the bathroom door close as her footsteps faded away.

I relaxed all the muscles in my body and leaned back. I love aftercare. It's so soothing and relaxing. I can get lost in here.

Irene came back around 15 minutes later and told me in was time to get out. She dried me up and led me somewhere.

Finally, when she removed my blindfold, I saw that we were standing in front of a mirror.

"Do you know what you are?" she asked as she hugged me from the back. "I'm your submissive mistress" I said. Irene chuckled.

"That you are. But what are you right now?" she asked as her hand came up to play with my collar.

"I-I'm your kitty" I said as heat creeped up my cheeks. This was as embarrassing as it was arousing. But I don't think I'm getting hard anytime soon.

"Exactly! And where do kittens sleep?" she asked, a childlike excitement lacing her voice. I gulped. I think I know the answer to this.

"I-In the c-cat bed" I said, now fearing that I'm gonna have to spend my night in an animal's bed. Irene smirked and led me behind the bed.

My breath hitched as soon as I saw what was there. It was a human cage! There was a pillow and a blanket inside the cage.

I turned around and looked at Irene pleadingly. "Don't worry, you'll fit in it. I've made sure you do" she said smiling.

I gulped looking back at the cage. I mentally cursed myself for doing what I did. Past me was dumb; present me is scared.

This is just the first night!

"Alright, go in now, so that I can also go to sleep" Irene said as she placed the cage beside the bed.

I slowly got on my knees, crawling very slowly towards the cage. I was trying to delay the events, hoping that Irene would change her mind.

But she didn't. And I eventually entered the cage. Thankfully, there was enough leg space in here if I slightly pulled my knees to my chest.

But head space? Heck no! My back was completely bent and I was sure I would need a back massage after this. My spine was crying in agony.

"Goodnight little kitten. If you want anything, just meow from in there and I'll help you" Irene said and locked the cage.

Once the lights were off, I tried to go to sleep.

Keyword – tried

The cage was fucking uncomfortable. For around 2 hours, I kept twisting and turning, to find a comfortable spot.

Eventually though, tiredness took over my body and I fell asleep; more like fell unconscious.


I woke up the next morning only to realize that this all wasn't a dream and I was still in the cage.

I groaned as I tried to sit up and hit my head on the top of the cage. Irene's chuckle grabbed my attention and I looked at her pleadingly.

She was standing at the door with a tray of breakfast in her hand. Only then did I realize how hungry I was. I didn't even have dinner last night.

Irene opened my cage and kissed my forehead while whispering a faint 'good morning'. I was just happy to be able to straighten my back.

But my eyes widened when I saw Irene transfer the beautiful pancakes in a cat bowl.

"Go on sweetheart, eat like a good kitty" she said, smirking. I whined in annoyance but I was hungry.

So like a cat, I dug in my food with no hands and only mouth. I swear she made pancakes only to torture me.

The sticky syrup was all over my mouth and I still couldn't eat satisfyingly.

Once I was done, Irene placed another bowl with water in front of me. I sighed and once again started drinking like a cat.

It took me a while, but gradually the water finished. Irene petted my head, telling me what a good kitten I was. I meowed and smiled at her.

But my smile soon vanished when I realized I needed to pee. I looked at Irene, begging her to understand what I meant.

I crossed my fingers, begging the gods up there that she didn't just give me a litter box to use. I would die of embarrassment.

Thankfully, Irene was kind enough to let me use the bathroom. I cringed as I walked in the bathroom and looked at myself.

I looked like shit. I had syrup all the way around my mouth. My hair was worse than messy and there was water dripping down my chin.

I did my business and washed my face at least 3 times before walking out. Or should I say crawling? Yup, my knees were cursing me at this point.

I have been crawling ever since the moment we reached home last night.

We headed downstairs and as Irene ate, I sat beside her feet. She asked to give her head under the table and I gladly did. She tasted like heaven!

"Let's play fetch!" Irene suddenly said. I looked at her confused. "I know you're a kitten, but I like the game" she said and ran upstairs.

She came back down with a bag of balls. They were soft squeezable ones and all red in color.

Irene then led me to the backyard. I was internally crying, begging that none of our neighbors saw me like this.

I was literally naked with a collar that said 'kitten', while a cat tail hung down from my butt. And not to forget, the cat ears.

"Let's play!" Irene squeaked excitedly as she threw the ball. I ran behind the ball but was put in a dilemma when I reached it.

How do I pick it up?

Cats don't have hands, so should I use my mouth? I decided that was the best bet I had and so I did just that.

Irene smiled approvingly at me as I crawled back to her with the ball in my mouth. "Turn around" she commanded and I obeyed.

A whimper like sound escaped me when she spanked me hard. I felt her removing the butt plug & massaging lube into my hole and was very confused.

But I shrieked the next second, trying to run away from her as she tried to put the ball in me.

But Irene spanked me again and said in her dominant voice, "sit still, or I might just have to go extreme."

Her voice held a warning I couldn't unsee. And so reluctantly, I got back in position.

Somehow, she managed to insert the ball in my ass. Irene spanked me again and I whimpered at how the ball felt in me.

She bent down, leaving kissing along my spine and whispered in my ear, "Let's see if you can take nine more. Now go fetch little kitty."

And with that, another ball was thrown for me to go get.


Turns out, the limit in my ass is 7 balls. Because for the love of god, Irene couldn't get the eight one in.

But she was still trying and it was starting to hurt. I already had seven balls in me, and this was just not feeling good anymore.

"C-Cloudy" I said one of my safe words. Irene immediately stopped and came and kneeled down in front of me.

Cloudy was a safe word to use when I wanted a break from something.

"You okay?" she asked. "I don't think I can take more. It really hurts when you try to put it in" I said.

She gave me a small smile and stood up. "I guess there's a limit everywhere" Irene said and kept the balls aside.

She ordered me to crawl behind her and walked inside the house.

The balls inside me moved with every movement I made and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Every time one of them hit my prostate, a small moan escaped my lips. I had been hard for god knows how long.

Irene led me all the way to the play room. Then she asked me to squat and left to go get something.

When she returned, she had a litter bowl in her hand. Oh god! Please no.

"Go on little kitty, return me my play balls" she cooed and placed the bowl under me. I looked at her pleadingly, giving her cute cat eyes.

But she wasn't having it. Irene fisted my hair and made me look up at her. She harshly bit my ear and I almost screamed from how bad it hurt.

"If I have to repeat the command again, it will be much more than just squeezable balls up your ass" she threatened.

I gulped and shifted my gaze from her. I know for a fact she's got something much worse planned. She's just taking it slow coz it's my first time.

Irene let go of me and I got back into position. Here comes the most humiliating thing I'll ever do in my entire life.

I'm not gonna describe what happened next coz....yeah, that shit's embarrassing. And I'm pretty sure y'all can guess anyway.

To add to my misery, no matter what I did, I just couldn't get the last ball out of me. I looked at Irene, conveying my dilemma with my eyes.

Irene sighed and turned me around on my stomach. "Such a useless cat. Doesn't even know how to clean himself" she said.

I bit my lip to keep the whimper in when Irene harshly thrusted some sort of device inside me. A sigh relief escaped me as the last ball exited.

Irene left me after that. She said she was done for the time being and I could do whatever I wanted until she returned.

And guess what I did? I slept. I slept like a madman. I had terrible sleep last night. The cage is fucking uncomfortable.

Plus, I need energy for whatever Irene has planned for me. So yeah, I climbed the soft bed, and immediately drifted off.

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