By giselle4710

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Taylor a twenty two year old woman who worked as a detective is trying to find the most wanted gang leader in... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
The end

Part 8

45 0 1
By giselle4710

You could play the song now if you want


It was early morning and me and the boys were still trying to find Taylor.

She had ran off in Samuel's car whom made him pissed. He was with Jay and Hailey while I was alone and Jordan was with Alissia.

We looked everywhere but there wasn't no sign of Samuel's car neither Taylor.

She was really pissing me off, as soon as I find her I will torture her and will do it with fun.

We were driving for about two hours when we finally came to a stop. We saw Samuel's car with the driver seat wide open.

Jay stopped his car and Samuel got out fast checking his car.

He checked to see if he had a scratch or bump when we heard him scream.

"FUCK! THAT WHORE SCRATCHED MY CAR! SHE IS GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT SHE DID!"Samuel said, hitting his tires over and over again.

Hearing him call Taylor a whore made my hands turned into fists. I walked up to him and pushed him onto the floor getting on top of him punching him.

Taylor had punched him and good. I punched him after punch when I felt the guys getting me off of him.


They finally let me go as I was fuming like crazy.

Samuel couldn't get up from the floor from all the blood he had and all the punches.

"Next time you want to talk about Taylor like that Samuel, I swear to god I'll kill you and abandon you in the streets making you bleed to death. Watch your fucking mouth when your talking about Taylor. And you deserved that to you car. It's just a stupid Camaro that you bought with who's money? My MONEY! I gave you the money so that you could buy that crappy shit just for you to like it more than your own pet. I mean like who are you? We don't recognize you anymore and neither did Melanie." I said, making everyone gasp while Samuel looked furious.

"You want to know who I am Alejandro? Well let me tell you who I am. I'm a guy who was almost beaten to death for me to join your gang. I was a innocent and kind ass person but then you came in my life and ruined everything. You changed me from inside and outside. You put a whole bunch of trauma making me slowly fade away and becoming into this person. I SOMETIMES DON'T EVEN RECOGNIZE MYSELF BECAUSE YOU CHANGED ME AND YOU MADE ME BECOME INTO THIS NEW SAMUEL THAT I NEVER THOUGH I WAS GOING TO BE. THAT'S WHO THE FUCK I AM!" Samuel said on the very edge to cry.

I was hurt by his words and I imagined how he was years ago. I changed him and he will never forgive me for all the shit I put in his mind. I killed his most loving parents in front of him because they didn't pay me back, I had him almost get beaten to death, he tried suiciding himself twenty times but failed, he tried killing me but didn't had the courage to do it, he wanted me to torture him until he was on the floor defeated and not moving nor breathing. He's been through shit because of me... I changed him just like how I changed Taylor... I always fuck shit up

I walked up to him and wanted him to forgive me but I didn't want to seem weak in front of him and everyone so all I did was say sorry for fucking up his life and hoping for him to forgive me.

I wanted to take him to the nearest bar and drink our pain away with shots after shots but still I couldn't do that.

"Whatever, it's not like I can be mad at you forever. And I'm sorry for calling Taylor all those names, I was just mad at myself and for making Melanie kill herself. She changed me but I changed her more... I'm the one who always fuck things up." Samuel said with a tear escaping his eye.

"Hey, hermano it's okay. I'm the one who fucks up not you. You're right I've changed you and I feel so bad for that I never wanted any of this to happen and I don't expect for you to forgive me after everything I made you go through. I just want to say that I will protect you no matter what but at the same time I could kill you anytime and anywhere I want." I said with a jokingly smile.

He looked scared for a moment but then brushed it off and walked toward me giving me a hug.

I haven't hugged one of my guys since forever which made me miss it. I pulled back and spoke for them to go look for Taylor. If Taylor left the car here with the doors wide open she couldn't be that far.

Samuel closed the door of his car and hopped into mine. I closed my door and began driving looking everywhere my eyes going everywhere trying to find this woman.

Only if she knew what was coming for her...


I woke up my eyes slowly blinking making my vision getting clear. I noticed that I was still sleeping in the same position I put myself last night.

It was bright with the sun already shining. I slowly got up and walked out of the alleyway checking my surroundings finding it clear.

I had my head low hoping no one would recognized me as I walked back to Samuel's car.

It took me about half an hour to reach Samuel's car when I saw that the door was closed.

My heart dropped and I knew that I had to get out of here. They were close and were searching for me everywhere.

I got in the front seat and started the car but as soon as I was about to drive off I felt a cold metal feeling on my neck.

I looked down and it was a sharp blade. The guy covered my mouth as I heard him talk to someone on the phone. I recognized that voice immediately. It was Jay's voice.

Of course, Alejandro wanted him to be here so that he could give me up to Alejandro.

"Look who we have here." Jay said with a smile putting the neck deeper into my neck.

"I recommend you to turn off this car and wait for your prince to come and get you."

"Well it's not like I have another choice do I? You just fed me to the wolfs so that they could come and eat me alive." I said taking my hands off the steering wheel.

Jay laughed putting the knife deeper onto my neck making me wince. 

I looked two my right and saw two familiar sports car pulling up.

My heart began beating faster when I saw everyone get out of the cars. Samuel looked at me with anger and lust in his eyes as I saw him walking up to the car.

He unlocked the door and gave me a smirk pulling me out of the car making Jay's knife slightly cut my neck making a little bit of blood come out.

"You really think you could get away in my car Taylor? I don't think so." He said leaning closer to me with blood-lust in his eyes.

He wanted to kill me but he remained calm. I heard low and big footsteps, I knew who they were. He pulled me back up from the floor and holded me tight.

"Where did you think you were going, little girl?" He said pulling tight on my hair.

He dragged me back to the car and threw me onto the passenger seat making my arm hit the seatbelt.

Everyone got inside their cars while Samuel was talking to Alejandro. Alejandro turned around looking at me straight in the eyes, his hands turned into fist and his eyes grew darker. He gave Samuel a hug while they walk to their cars.

Alejandro got in the driver seat speeding off, leaving a big trail of smoke behind. He didn't do anything in the way back. He remained quiet but his grasp on the steering wheel was saying otherwise.

We all went back home as Alejandro killed the engine of the car. He got out of the driver seat and rushed to my side. He grabbed me by my hair dragging me all the way to our bedroom.

He opened the bedroom door and locked it behind him pushing me onto the floor making my head hit the pole of the bed.

Alejandro leaned down in front of me and grabbed my cheek hard making me hiss in pain.

"You've been such a bad girl and I need you to learn who's in charge in here darling." He said before slapping me hard getting off from the floor.

I already knew what he was going to do and he would be doing it with pleasure.

He hit me on the rib making me scream in pain having tears fall down my eyes again. He hit me on the same spot over and over again as I heard him laugh.

I didn't meant nothing to him, he just used my body because that's who he is. He uses my body whenever he wants and I keep falling for it.

"P-please, I promise t-that I w-won't do it again." I said with a knot forming in my throat having tears stinging my eyes.

I haven't slept well and haven't ate in the last 48 hours and this kicking wasn't helping at all.

I felt my body go sore from all the kicking he was doing that I stopped breathing. He noticed it but he continued kicking, I felt that some of them were fractured or broken.

My eyes started closing and I was unconscious not feeling anything move around my body. I was too defeated, sore, and my ears were ringing for no reason, everything was blurry but I still felt a sharp pain on my ribs seeing Alejandro doing the same motion.

"You're fooling with me Taylor, you just want me to stop. You should've though about that when you were trying to run away with me." Alejandro's words came out gibberish which I didn't fully understand.

He stopped kicking me as I felt the sharp pain on my ribs getting more painful.

I saw him take out a cigarette and light it up taking a puff. I saw my vision get more clearer as I saw him look down at me.

He tortured me too much and put shit in my head way to much.

He crouched down to reach my level and put the cigarette on my arm making me scream and having tears burning my eyes.

"You like the pain huh, well you got to learn." He said putting the cigarette deeper into my arm leaving a big bruise.

He lit another one and did the same over and over again until he had finished the packet. There was holes and bruises all over my arms. It was stinging and burning from the pain.

I've been tortured way too much and I can't get away from my problems. I've had a rough childhood but my father was always there for me teaching me about cars.

My siblings hated me and tortured me until I was on the floor begging for them to stop just how I'm doing with Alejandro now.

My mother loved all my sibling especially me. She would say that I wasn't her daughter ad that I got adopted and I wasn't her blood. She made me go to sleep crying every night. She was a witch but in disguised and my father was to blind that he never left her.

As soon as I turned eighteen I moved here hoping to start a better life, but not for me to end up like this, in this house, in this bedroom, in the position, and in this trauma.

Since I was daydreaming about my past I didn't feel Alejandro handcuffing me onto the pole when I heard him call out my name.

I throbbed my head from side to side ignoring the pain on my ribs. I looked at him with my red, swollen, and puffy eyes with huge under bags.

I saw him holding a sharp knife playing with it in his hands. My eyes grew wide but I couldn't move. I felt like I was paralyzed and he was the demon in front of me. He leaned down reaching my level as he whispered in my ear.

"Don't move. I promise that it won't hurt that much."

He ran his finger over the knife as I saw each move he made. He lowered the knife onto my stomach making me want to vomit. He pressed the cold, sharp knife onto my stomach when I felt a sharp pain.

He put the knife deep inside me making blood come out staining my clothes. I've had Melanie's blood and now I had my blood.

I screamed over and over again begging for him to stop. My yells and screams echoed the room making my head go dizzy and my ears ringing.

My breathing became low when I went unconscious again, feeling my heart stop beating. I felt that this was it, I was finally going to die and I was so ready for it.

I've tried killing myself a lot of times that I was sent to an institution for help. I got out and forgot all the thoughts about trying to kill myself but yet I would still hurt myself with a lighter and a razor.

I didn't feel the knife into my stomach anymore, all I felt was my stomach going numb and that's when I really didn't feel anything no more.

God, I was so ready to die... this was it, the trauma was finally over...


I took out the knife from her stomach seeing blood staining all over her clothes. She had Melanie's blood as well as hers.

She looked so fucking beautiful being in pain. She had bruises and holes all over her arms as well on her ribs from all the kicking and now she had a huge cut in her stomach making her loose a lot of blood.

I didn't know what I was doing but I for sure felt more calm and very happy.

She didn't have enough torture like how I wanted her to have. I wanted her too feel a lot of pain in her body.

She's made me go through a lot of shit and now it's her turn. I was going to cut her own skin and make it into a nice jewelry but was stopped when Alissia and Hailey came inside the room.

They screamed in terror while they rushed over to her defeated, lifeless, and bloody body.

"No, no, no. Taylor please, NO. Hold on Taylor, please don't go, stay with us, I can't lose you too." I heard Hailey say with a crack in her voice taking the handcuffs off.

"WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU CRAZY! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Alissia said pushing me onto the wall. She hit me on my chest but I slapped her across the face marking my hand on her cheek. She didn't budge and all she did was spit on my face and returned the slap but harder walking out of the room slamming the door behind her.

I looked at the blood that was onto the floor trailing over to the door. I opened my door and saw blood droplets all over the floor. I groaned under my breath knowing that I had to clean everything up.

But I guess that I teached Taylor a lesson...


I had Taylor's bloody body onto mine while blood was dripping all the way downstairs. I heard Alissia's fast footsteps behind me. I grabbed Jay's car keys and unlocked the door. I slowly put Taylor's body in the passenger seat hearing her moan under her breath.

She was losing a lot of blood and she had bruises all over her. I saw the guys come out and Jay looked at me seeing that I had put Taylor in his car.

He loved this car more than anything and didn't like no stains but I didn't care, I had to take her to the hospital. We just lost Melanie and I could not lose her. She was older than all of us and was feisty as well as brave.

Alissia got in the backseat and I drove off like a maniac. I loved fast cars and drove once or twice but ever since I got with Jay my interest faded away and I was happy that I was driving again.

We arrived at the hospital in fifteen minutes helping Taylor get out of the car. I put her arm around my neck while Alissia did the same.

We walked in yelling at everyone.

The doctors recognized her completely and knew who she belonged to and what Alejandro was capable to do if she didn't survive.

They got out a stretcher and gently put Taylor's body in it. They rushed to a room while me and Alissia stayed in the waiting room desperately.

Alissia was crying as I was trying to wrap everything in my head.

We entered Alejandro's room to find Taylor on the floor handcuffed losing blood. He was about to cut her own skin which I knew he wanted to make it into a disgusting jewelry but he was stopped when me and Alissa came inside his room.

We heard three fast cars pulling up making a trace of smoke onto the air as it faded away. Alejandro got out of his car followed by Samuel and Jordan when Jay got out of the car.

They came inside as everyone was shocked too see Alejandro covered in blood. He had a smirk on his face still holding the knife that he had put in Taylor.

"What the hell are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. YOU WERE GOING TO KILL TAYLOR AND I SWEAR TO GOD ALEJANDRO THAT IF SHE DIES I'LL DO THE SAME TO YOU." I said with anger rising.

Jay came towards me and slapped me on the face making me stumble hitting Alissia's shoe. My cheek was left stinging from the pain but I was to angry to even cry.


"YOU HAVE FUCKING ARMS AND HANDS JAYDEN, YOU COULD CLEAN YOUR OWN SHIT. BUT I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL I HEAR THAT TAYLOR WILL SURVIVE. GO AND HOOK UP WITH ANOTHER CHICK BUT I'M NOT COMING HOME." I said calling him by his first name. He feared me when I would call him by his full name and I was surprised that he still did.

He looked at me with a gasp escaping his mouth while all the guys looked at me. Alejandro was smiling at my words that made me want to drag him around the hospital and shoot him in the brains.

"What the fuck are you smiling at?" I said with a attitude that Alejandro never liked.

He was taken from my words as I saw his eyes turn more darker. He sometimes scared me with those looks but his own pet was in the hospital and he didn't care for shit.

"Calm down that attitude Hailey. You don't want me to do what I did with Taylor, do you?" He said flashing me the knife he had covered in blood.

Tears swelled up in my eyes as I walked up to him and spat at him. He rubbed his fingers on his face cleaning off the spit. He giggled and was about to do something bad when he was interrupted by the doctor. I heard him groan under his breath as I turned around facing the doctor.

"What do you have for us doc? Please tell me something good." I said.

"I have good and bad news." The doctor replied making my heart drop to my stomach.

"What's the good news." I said impatiently

"The good news is that Taylor survived the stab and she'll be okay. The bad news is that she has five broken muscles in her rib which can lead her to death but she will be okay. She will not be able to walk to much so she'll be in a wheelchair and when she breathes she'll have a strong pain so make sure to be with her at all times just in case." The doctor said making me sigh of relief.

"Thanks doc." I said with a weakly smile. "Can I go see her?"

"Yes you may. She's in the recovery room level four." He said with a smile.

I nodded while me and Alissia headed to the elevator. The boys were in the waiting room but Alejandro came with us.

He almost killed Taylor and he still had the audacity to go and see her after all he's put her through.

Oh I hated him, I hated him very very bad. I wanted to slap the shit out of him and make him beg for me to stop. I wanted to torture him like he did with Taylor.

The elevator stopped at the level floor and it opened its door. We walked to Taylor's room quietly.

Alissia opened the room as we all went inside. Taylor was in the bed with a breathing tube sleeping. She looked horribly destroyed and broken it hurt me seeing her like that.

Alissia went over and sat next to her holding her hands. She looked pale but looked cute sleeping.

Alissia was sobbing quietly which pissed of Alejandro.

"Oh shut up already Alissia. She isn't dead! Stop being so dramatic!" He said almost shouting.

I looked at him with my blood boiling I slapped him leaving my hand mark.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that! If you don't want to be here and see your fucking pet in the bed then you could leave! I bet she doesn't even want to see you when she wakes up!" I said furious at him. My hands turned into tight fist ready to punch the living shit out of him.

He chuckled but didn't do anything and just pushed me on the floor leaving the room.

I went to sit beside Taylor and held her other hand. She was cold and looked pale.

She was strong for handling Alejandro's shit, he was the one who would always put trauma in girls head and later on kill them in a brutal way.

I lifted her gown revealing her stomach and she had a big scar. I felt my eyes go blurry from the tears that were falling down.

"Oh Taylor, I'm so happy that I still have you. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. We don't know what we would do if we lost you." I said reaching over to Alissia's hand squeezing it.

She gave me a weakly smile and looked back at Taylor. We heard her breaths slow and low.

I wanted her to open her deep green eyes and tell her how brave she was for holding onto this shit. She was the one who had more trauma than all of us. Alejandro really changed her and she had enough.

I just want to escape with her and live our normal lives again.

I can already see a future with her. She makes me more happy and makes me feel safe...

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