Dean's Life

By Rddudd

92.5K 2.4K 3.1K

This is a story about Dean Winchester's life. He's a sheriff's deputy and a strict dad who's not afraid to sp... More

Once Over
Don't Even
Move In Day
Making Room
Paying the price
Say Uncle
Tea Party
Same Difference
Nick of Time
Didn't ask
For One Reason
No Big Deal
Taking Care of Business
Bad guy
Girl time
Don't think
What happened
Line Jumping
Focused on the Past
Traffic stop
Getting through
Either way
Because you are
This time around
Building Blocks
In Case
My life


1.1K 28 26
By Rddudd

Amy's pov

Patting my hand in return, Rachel replied, "Yes, sis, I know that in your own delusional way, you're trying to help me."

I sat back and smiled, relieved I was finally getting through to my stubborn, unyielding sibling.

Bursting that utopian bubble, Rachel added her caveat.

"But I also know I'm a grown-ass woman and I can make my own decisions when it comes to the men I date, or in this case, the men I fuck."

"Rachel!" I shouted, admonishing her for her crude choice of language.

Just like she did a thousand times when we were growing up, my baby sister rolled her eyes at me dismissively.

"What?" she questioned facetiously, knowing damn well why I wasn't happy with her choice of phrasing.

I simply frowned in response. Somethings will never change and my sister's gutter worthy potty mouth even a salty sailor would blush at, is one of those things. Uncle Bobby must have whipped her ass a hundred times for swearing when we were kids but it still never did the trick of putting a stop to her love of foul language. Mom even used to wash our mouths out with soap but it still never stopped Rachel from having such a colorful vocabulary.

Distracting me from my trip down memory lane, my little sister snapped, "Let's just agree to disagree on this one, counselor. Ok?"

Sighing heavily, I replied, "Fine, I'll drop it..." Rachel gave me a smug satisfied look. "For now," I stipulated, wiping that grin off her face. "But only because I have to get Drew to his dentist appointment." Wagging my finger at her, I warned, "No promises for later, though."

"Whatever," Rachel replied, rolling her eyes and shaking her head, pretending to be annoyed with me being all big sisterly as she always liked to say, but I could still see the smile she was hiding underneath, knowing she secretly loves how overprotective I am of her. At least I hope she loves that I want to protect her from herself when it's for her own good.

"I'm ready, Mommy," we heard Drew call out from the living room.

"Ok, baby. I'm in the kitchen with Aunt Rachel," I shouted back, so he wouldn't start frantically searching the house for me, yelling and waking up his big brother and sister.

"Hi, Aunt Rachel," Drew greets my sister, climbing onto her lap, shoving his favorite Paw Patrol character in her face.

"Hi, baby. Who's this?" Rachel asks, taking the figure from his hand.

"That's Marshall. He's a fire dog," Drew explained to his aunt.

"Oh I see, he's got his uniform on. He must have a very important job. How cool," Rachel gushed, sweetly showing interest in Drew's toy.

"Uh huh," Drew agreed, nodding. "Are you coming to the dentwist (dentist) with us, Aunt Rachel?"

"Well, uh..."

Interrupting to let my little sis off the hook, I told Drew, "No, sweetie, Aunt Rachel has some important business she has to take care of before she goes back home to Colorado. Dont you, sis?" I asked, prompting her agreement with my raised eyebrows and head nod.

"Oh yeah, um that important business I have to take care of," Rachel played along. "Sorry, bud, I can't come with, but if you behave for your mom and get a good report from the dentist, I'll take you out for ice cream this afternoon. Ok?"

"YAY! ICE CREAM!" Drew shouted excitedly. "Can I get a sundae with spwinkles (sprinkles)?"

"Of course you can," Rachel replied, as if it wasn't even an option.

"Come on, sweetie," I told Drew, holding out my hand to help him off Rachel's lap. "We've got to go now, or we'll be late for your appointment. Say goodbye to your aunt. You'll see her when we get back."

"Ok, bye, Aunt Rachel," Drew said, as he took my hand and hopped down. "See you later."

"Talk to Sam," I mouthed to my sister, before Drew pulled me out the door, now excited to get to his appointment, knowing the treat he has waiting for him once we return.

Dean's pov

Before heading off to work, I went down to the basement to let Sammy know I was leaving and to check on the progress he's made on the remodel.

"Hey bro, I'm just heading out to the station. Amy had to take Drew to the dentist so it'll just be you and Rachel here with Alex and Katie. Alright?"

"Dean, have I thanked you recently for letting me stay here? Cuz I really appreciate you opening your home to me like this. I mean really appreciate it," Sammy repeated with a goofy grin on his face, as he slapped me on the back.

I looked at him with suspicion, knowing something's going on here by his weird reaction.

"Don't thank me yet," I replied, eyeing him closely. "I'm gonna keep working you like a dog on this basement. You'll be beggin' to move out in no time." I frowned, scrunching my forehead in confusion at my baby brother's strange demeanor. He's still grinning like an imbecile.

"No problem. I'm more than happy to help out," Sammy replied, way too cheery for this time of the morning.

"What's with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just in a good mood, that's all." Sammy avoided looking at me. "Can't a guy be in a good mood without gettin' the third degree?" he asked defensively.

"Yeah, a guy can but you can't. Not at this hour anyway. You're usually all moody and self-reflective and philosophical and shit in the morning, not some grinning idiot."

"I just had a really good night last night, Dean, that's all. Let's just leave it at that okay?"

"Whatever, you're weird. I gotta go to work. Keep an eye on the kids and fix whatever is going on with you before I get back, cuz you're creeping me out."

Sammy's pov

After Dean left, I grabbed my coffee cup to head upstairs for a refill, hoping I would run into Amy's sister Rachel. We had an amazing night together, well I know I did anyway. There was just this connection between us, like we hit it off as soon as we met. She was really easy to talk to and she's super good looking. I'm still reeling from the sex last night. I can't believe it really happened, it's like it was all a dream or something.

When I walked into the kitchen I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed Rachel wasn't there. Maybe she's taking a shower or getting dressed I figured, when I saw she wasn't in the living room either. The house was really quiet. I'm sure Alex is still asleep and probably will be for the next four hours or so. Katie must be sleeping too, or I surely would have heard her by now. Just like her father, she's a bit on the loud side to put it mildly, except when Amy is around.

Taking my full coffee cup with me, I decided to walk by Dean's room to see if there was any sign of Rachel. The door was open to his room and the master bath and both rooms were dark and empty. Hmmm, maybe Rachel changed her mind and went to Drew's dentist appointment with Amy.

"Uncle Sammy, I'm hungry," a sleepy Katie yawned behind me, scaring the heck out of me.

"Well, what do you suggest we do about that, Jellybean?" I asked, setting my coffee down so I could pick her up and hoist her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Uncle Sammy, put me down," Katie giggled, as she hung nearly upside down over my back. "I can't eat like this." She laughed as I carried her into the kitchen and spun around a few times, pretending to be looking unsuccessfully for the items I'd need to make her breakfast. I held onto the back of her knees as her arms and upper body swung around unsupported while I danced in circles, thoroughly enjoying having one on one time with my niece again after being away for so long.

Katie and I spent the morning together making blueberry muffins, having a tea party and playing hungry hungry hippos. Just before noon as we were starting to make lunch, Amy and Drew returned home. Alone.

"Where's Rachel?" I asked, peering around Amy so I could see out of the kitchen window, thinking maybe she was just getting something out of the car and that's why she didn't come in with them. I had a sinking feeling in my gut telling me otherwise though.

"She didn't tell you?"

"No. Tell me what?" I asked.

"She texted me while we were at the dentist that there was a change of plans and she was leaving this morning to meet up with her friend from Deerfield or Smithtown or wherever."

"Oh okay," I replied, relieved. "Did she say when she'd be back?"

"All she said is they were road tripping down to Texas with the friend's boyfriend or brother or something to meet up with his cousin or college roommate or..." Amy stopped to acknowledge Drew, who'd been tugging impatiently on her pant leg for the past two minutes trying to get her attention.

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