By Giselle_901

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Taylor a twenty two year old woman who worked as a detective is trying to find the most wanted gang leader in... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 7

36 0 0
By Giselle_901

⚠️WARNING THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SELF HARM AND DISTURBING CONTENT. THIS MAY BE DISTURBING TO SOME VIEWERS⚠️As you can see there's a song so I'll tell you later on in the story when you could start playing it:)


I woke up seeing that Taylor was in my arms sleeping peacefully like a baby. I slowly removed my hand from under her head and placed a pillow onto her head and got up heading to the bathroom.

I splashed my face with cold water remembering the stuff we did last night. I wanted her and really bad but I fucking hated her. I wanted to touch her but I wanted to slap and hit her.

My mind was playing tricks on me as I went to the bedroom seeing that Taylor was already awake and making the bed. I took a quick glance at her neck seeing my marks all over her with hickeys all around.

She didn't feel disgusted last night and she didn't budge pulling me off which made me confused.

She hated me...

Why did she want me to do that...

Taylor finished doing the bed and looked at me with a warm smile that made me go crazy for her. She was sweet and innocent and then she was evil and naughty.

She walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. She thinks I love her since we had sex but I still hated her. I wanted to torture her really bad but she was feisty and strong which made me hit her more and love her even more.

I wanted to slap her face but her kissing my cheek just made me go weak to my knees.

"I'm going to go make breakfast." She said walking out of the bedroom door.

I went to sit on the edge of the bed and started hitting myself pulling my hair. I was angry and furious.

I was falling for someone and it way Taylor.

Why did I have to fall for her? Why her? What makes her so special?

I walked downstairs where all the girls were cooking and the guys were in the table cleaning their guns putting bullets inside.

I looked over to glance at Taylor and saw her hair falling onto her shoulders. She was moving her hips humming to a song.

She placed the food onto a plate and walked over to me placing the plate down in front of me. I looked at her giving her a smile as she returned it back.

The girls came to sit while Taylor sat beside me as well as the girls. We all began eating in silence not saying a word.

When we were done eating the girls grabbed the plates and put them in the sink washing them. Me and the guys got up from the table and headed towards the girls. We gave them all a kiss on the neck walking to the basement.

Samuel closed the door behind him as we all went to sit down on the table discussing important stuff.


Me and the girls were sitting on the couch watching TV not saying a word when Hailey did a squeal making us all look at her.

"Sooo, Taylor and Alissia, I see that you girls had fun last night, huh?" Hailey said looking at the teeth marks and hickeys all over my neck.

My cheeks turned red while I looked at Alissia who had her legs shaking on top of mine with hickeys all over her body.

"I-uhm," Before I could finish I felt Alejandro's hand onto my mouth.

"Me and Taylor had very fun last night. I loved when she screamed my name all night long." He said grabbing my chin placing a kiss on my lips.

My eyes widen from his comment as I felt his hot breath hitting my neck making the back of my hair stand up.

He gave me one last kiss before going back to the basement locking it.

I looked over to see Hailey who had her mouth opened wide as well as her eyes. She squealed like a little girl getting up from the couch and coming towards me hugging me.

"Yes girl, YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY TO ALEJANDRO, YOU GO GIRL!" She said wrapping her arms around my neck kissing my cheeks repeatedly like a little girl.

I didn't say anything about her comment.

I had already lost my virginity and it wasn't with him.

Hailey looked at me with her happy eyes and went to go sit down next to Melanie who looked scared while she was fidgeting with her fingers.

"Mel, are you okay?" She didn't respond, I called her name again still no response. "MELANIE." I said yelling her name out loud for her to come back looking at me.

"Huh? What?"

"I was calling your name and you weren't responding. Is everything okay?"

"Oh uh yeah just thought about something, but it doesn't matter." She said forcing a smile onto her face.

She looked like she was scared for some reason. She was eating slow in the table when we were eating breakfast and she was shaking like crazy.

I wanted to tell her what had happened with Samuel, but I didn't want her to remember something she didn't want to remember so I kept it to myself still glancing over her seeing that she was fidgeting with her fingers and shaking her legs.


"What are we going to do with Taylor, she's a detective she will probably escape and go to the police." Jay said drinking a beer from his hands.

"They fired her, they won't believer her; especially her boss. Talking about boss, I want to slaughter him and make him fear me. He called her a hooker because she was honest with him and he didn't believed her so he fired her." I said tightening my grip onto my glass taking a sip from the whiskey.


"HEY, CALM DOWN WITH THAT FUCKING ATTITUDE OF YOURS. IF IT WASN'T FOR ME FINDING YOU ON THE GODDAMN STREETS BEGGING FOR MONEY YOU'LL STILL BE OUT ON THE STREETS POOR BEGGING FOR MONEY. YOU SHOULD FEEL GRATEFUL THAT I TOOK YOU WITH ME AND MADE YOU MY TRUSTED MEN, SO I RECOMMEND FOR YOU TO LOWER DOWN THAT FUCKING TONE YOU GOT. TRUST ME JAY I COULD KICK YOU OUT ANYTIME AND MAKE YOU SUFFER. DON'T... capitto?" I said making everyone go silent while Jay lowered down his head not saying a word. I drank the last sip of the whiskey and poured some more. "And plus, Taylor wouldn't do that. Her life depends on that. If she puts us all in jail and lets the girls escape, when we get out I'll go find her and tell her who I really am, and what I'm capable to do to her fragile little body." I said making the guys laugh at me while drinking their beers.

Jay looked at me with terror in his eyes while I gave him a glare. He got a glass and poured himself whiskey drinking it in one swallow. One thing about Jay is that he never likes strong beverages like tequila or whiskey as well as vodka. It made me surprised for him to drink it like that.

"Well, then what should we do with her?" Samuel said.

"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it and her. I'll make her even forget about that job. She'll know who she messed with if she tries to put us in jail. Cheers." I said lifting up my glass.

We all drinked, laughing, and talking about business.


Me and the girls were making ourselves ice cream cones laughing and giggling like little girls.

Melanie started changing her mood from being scared and anxious to happy and funny. She put ice cream onto my nose making me giggle.

"Wow I barely know you Taylor and your already the best. Your funny, feisty, sexy, beautiful, and sometimes moody." Alissia said with a smile.

"Ha, thanks for the comment." I said taking a bite from my cone.

We all went to go sit down on the couch chilling just watching TV making dumb jokes.


Three hours had passed and the guys finally came out of the basement drunk like a hoe. The guys sat beside us while Alejandro placed his head onto my shoulder.

He reeked like liquor while he slowly closed his eyes. I was going to take a bite of my cone when Alejandro took a bite.

"Mmm, this shit good. Let me take another bite." Alejandro said, taking my cone out of my hand taking another bite.

I looked at him pissed by him eating all my cone not leaving me one piece.

Melanie's mood changed when Samuel went to go sit down next to her wrapping his arm around her neck pulling her closer to his body. I watched each and every movement that Samuel made on Melanie. He placed kisses on her shoulder, licked her ice cream but still Melanie looked scared from him.

"Excuse us girls but me and Melanie will need to talk privately, she'll be back." Samuel said, grabbing Melanie's wrist making her hiss in pain.

Melanie left the living room with fear in her eyes.

I glanced over at Alissia and Hailey who looked sad.

It made me feel scared and sad for what Samuel was doing with Melanie. I heard the footsteps upstairs but after that I didn't hear anything.

Alejandro grabbed my chin making me face him while he smiled at me. He looked cute being drunk but at the same time he had to get off of me and go take a shower but I didn't mind, I let him rest his head onto my shoulder as I felt his weight go onto mine.

I slowly closed my eyes resting my head onto his head while we fell asleep in each others embrace.


I felt my eyes slowly opening and saw Samuel sitting in the couch with blood all over his face and a small bruise under his lip, he looked unbothered as he sat next to Jordan watching TV. My eyes grew wide and I pulled Alejandro's weight off me making him get up.

Samuel looked at me while I looked at him with fury in his eyes. I walked up to him and slapped him across the room making him look shocked.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH MELANIE!" I said grabbing his shirt.

"Why do you care about that slut? She's just a hoe and is my hoe, she ain't yours and I recommend you stop with that fucking attitude." He said with a smirk on his face.

I felt my blood boil from inside and slapped him across the room making him push me off of him. Alejandro quickly got up from the couch and went over to Samuel pushing him making him hit the nightstand on the TV. He groaned in pain and looked up.

Tears blurred my vision as I rushed upstairs to Samuel's room. I opened the door and noticed blood droplets onto the floor leading to the bathroom. I went to go open the door but it was locked.

"Melanie? It's Taylor can you open up?" I said banging on the door. There wasn't no response and I started to get worried.

You could start the music now

I was trained while working as a detective so I knew how to pick a lock. I grabbed a paper clip from the nightstand and put it into the keyhole turning it around.

I unlocked the door and gasped upon seeing the most terrifying thing ever.

Melanie was on the floor bleeding out with a sharp razor in her hand. I reached over her and grabbed her head placing it on my leg.

"No,no,no, Melanie. Please be with me please...please. I can't lose you, not you. Goddamn it FUCK." I said tears falling out of my eyes.

She cut herself multiple times leaving scars on her legs and wrist. She was losing a lot of blood and needed medical attention right away.

I pulled her up from the floor and wrapped her arm around my neck.

I went downstairs where everyone was and when they saw me covered in Melanie's blood they all gasped. Jay, Jordan and Alejandro looked terrified as they gave a death stare to Samuel.

I grabbed the closest car keys not caring which car it was. I pressed the unlock button and to my surprise it was Samuel's car.


I put Melanie in the passenger seat as I heard her moan silently by the pain. I rushed over to the front seat and turned on the car. I looked at the rear view mirror to see everyone out getting inside their cars.

I opened the gate by pressing down a button and rushed out of there rushing towards the hospital.

I sped down the freeway like a maniac not caring if I was going to get a ticket.

I looked over to see Melanie who was still loosing a lot of blood.

My vision was getting blurry from the tears as I put my hand on her wrist trying to stop the bleeding.

People gave me permission as soon as they saw the car since they knew who it was and what he was capable of.

"Stay with me Mel, we're almost there. D-d-don't leave m-me p-please." I said with tears now staining my whole face.

I arrived at the hospital and stopped the car not putting it in park. I rushed to Melanie's side and slowly took her out of the car hearing her breathing slowly fading away.

I looked behind me and saw everyone coming up putting their cars next to Samuel.

Samuel got out of Jordan's car and rushed towards his car seeing if it had any scratches or bumps.

Was this asshole really checking his car while I had his soon to be dead pet in my arms bleeding out? Who the fuck was this jerk?

I went inside the hospital and people looked at me right away with my clothes covered in blood.

"HELP ME, PLEASE. SHE'S LOSING A LOT OF BLOOD, SHE NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION NOW." I said screaming my lungs out when I saw five doctors coming over to me with a stretcher.

They slowly placed Melanie onto the stretcher and rushed her to a room.

I followed them but they told me I couldn't go in. I didn't care and pushed the woman off of me getting inside the room.

"Ma'am you can't be here. Please go and wait in the waiting room." A doctor said turning me around.

"If she dies, I swear to fucking god I'll kill each and one of you guys." I said my breath increasing its pace.

She looked scared from the comment and let me in the room as she handed me a gown. I put it over my clothes that had Melanie's blood.

Tears and tears were falling out of my eyes while my hands were shaking.

I saw how they cleaned the blood and stitching her up. I felt nauseous yet I still stayed. For her... she had a rough life because of the fucking jerk of Samuel.

I didn't notice that I had his keys when Alejandro came inside the same room I was in.

He looked at me and walked over to me grabbing my wrist taking me out of the room onto the hallway as I pulled away from his grasp.

He turned around offended while I stared at him with my eyes red and swollen from the crying.

"I'm not going anywhere. Until I find out that she's a-a-alive. Here's Samuel's stupid car keys." I said reaching for my pocket and throwing him the car keys.

He caught them mid air and looked at me with fury in his eyes.

I should've known...

I was just a stupid pet for him and whatever we did last night was for him. Not me... he never and will not care for me...

He came closer to me as I heard his steps. I lowered my head down as he grabbed my chin hard enough to make a crack sound.

He looked deep down at me and backhanded me making me hit a wall.

My cheek sting while tears escaped my swollen eyes.

He looked at me and spit on my face grabbing my hair tight.

"Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that... do you fucking understand? I don't want to do that again." He said sounding like the devil. I mean he was the devil but in disguise...

He released his grasp from my hair as I slowly got up and headed to the room where Melanie was.

The doctors had finished and looked at me with fear in his eyes.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach hoping to not hear the news I wanted to hear.

"P-p-please don't tell me those news." I said covering my mouth with my shaking hands having tears fall down.

The doctor took off his gloves along with his mask coming closer to me.

"We're very very sorry ma'am but Melanie didn't make it. She lost a lot of blood on the way here. W-we tried everything we could. We're sorry for you lost ma'am." The doctor said with a broken voice.

I looked over to see Melanie as I made my way there.

I took a glance at her as I felt my heart shatter to pieces. I made her a promise that I was going to save her and the girls and I fucking failed at the promise.

"Melanie. Why? Why did you do this to your body? You could've came too me. Why did you do this to yourself. I-i-I'm so sorry that I couldn't complete my promise. Please forgive me. I didn't want this to happen to you, but I know that your in a safe place now. May your soul rest in peace. I love you so fucking much Melanie." I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

I left the room and went inside the nearest bathroom falling onto the floor crying.

My eyes stung from the crying but I didn't care. I lost the only person who holded shit for too damn long.

I got up from the floor and took off the gown throwing it to the trash.

I went to the nearest elevator and pressed L for the lobby. When the doors opened I walked out finding everyone outside.

Samuel was smoking a cigarette looking happy. My eyes grew dark and my blood boiled.

I came out of the hospital making everyone look at me. 

They began to walk up to me but I pushed them off walking towards Samuel.

He took a puff from the cigarette and blowed it onto my face making me cough.

"So, how's umm what's her name again? Ah yes, how's Melanie? Did she survive? Or did that whore finally die?" He said smiling.

I took the cigarette from his mouth and threw it pushing him making him fall to the ground.

I got in top of him and started punching him harder and harder. I was surprised that nobody stopped me especially Alejandro.

I continued punching him and stopped when he had his face all covered in his own blood.


He got up from the floor spitting blood that was in his mouth. He looked furious at me as well as everyone else for not taking me off of him.

"Yo Alejandro, control your fucking psychopath slut. She almost killed me and you didn't do anything." Samuel said.

I backhanded slapped him making him grab his cheek. Now I had pissed him off. His breathing became heavy as he made my way closer to him.

He was about to slap me when Alejandro grabbed his arm mid-air looking at him dead in the eye.

"Don't you fucking dare slap her asshole. And don't you ever fucking call her a slut. She's not your pet for you to be calling her that. Your pet is now dead because of you. You made her kill herself and I won't let you do that to her." Alejandro said pushing him onto the floor.

He looked at me and I saw his eyes change from furious to hurt.

"are you okay?" He said stroking my cheeks.

I pushed his hands off of me not carrying if he backhand slapped me again.

"Don't fucking touch me. I hate you... I hope you rott in jail like the rest of you guys. And I don't care if you'll punish me at home because I've had enough. Rape me, slap me, hit me, punch me, torture me do whatever you fucking want because I don't care anymore." I said making the girls look sad and shocked from my words.

I saw that Samuel was getting up from the floor but i kicked him in his dick making him yell in pain. I checked his pockets and got his car keys as I rushed to his car.

I heard loud footsteps coming closer and closer but I kept running until I saw Samuel's car. I got in and locked the door.

"Taylor open this fucking door! Don't you even think about running away because trust me I'll find you in a second and I will torture you." Alejandro said slamming the car window.

"Do whatever you want with me Alejandro I'm done. And I don't care if you torture me when you find me because I've had enough. You've tortured me and hit me and slapped me over and over again I'm already used to it." I said turning on the engine and rushing out of the hospital.

Alejandro got in his car and started to speed up catching up to me but I pressed down onto the accelerator going 200 mph. I didn't care if I got into a car accident or get a ticket but I'm not going back.


I kept driving and driving until I saw that Alejandro's car wasn't following me anymore.

I stopped the car in some street were there wasn't anything around. I got out from the car and started walking in the cold night.

I remembered the blood all over the floor and me rushing Melanie to the hospital.

"I can't lose you, not you."

The same words played over my head over and over again.

I walked down a dark crosswalk where there wasn't many cars nor building nor stores. It was just a peace and quiet street making me more relaxed forgetting about what had happened.

I walked into a dark alleyway and sat beside a dumpster feeling tears form in my eyes. I let them slowly fall down from my eyes as I looked up to the sky seeing the big shining moon.

I wanted Melanie here with me and hugging me telling that she forgives me and that she's in a better place resting but my mind imagined the bathroom, her defeated body on the stretcher and her own blood on my clothes.

I laid my head onto the dumpster closing my eyes hoping that no one would find me here.

I just wanted Melanie back... I wanted it to be all just a should've been me...not her...she didn't deserve to die like's all my fucking fault...

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