Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

14.9K 303 113

Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

Another Trick

67 2 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

Driving was complicated to say the least. I watched as Will showed me the different pedals and the gear shift, how they worked together, and the best way to use them. I spent more time watching how Will drove when we took the car out to the country for a day rather than looking at the scenery. Although it was very pretty where Will had driven us, a small town called Woodington.

The Rolls-Royce was rather out of place, but Will passed over a few notes to a farmer and we were given permission to use his hay field so I could practice driving. He didn't mind, the hay was all cut and stacked, and he chuckled as he walked off counting his cash. I patiently listed as Will went though everything to do, how to get the car out of park, how to turn the wheel just so, how to shift gears.

I managed two turns around the field before I forgot to hit the brakes and the car wound up in a hay stack.

Fortunately, nothing was hurt but my pride, although we did have to push the car back out of the stack and pick up whatever hay had gotten dislodged. I had tried to demur driving again, it was rather embarrassing to have put the car into the hay stack, but Will refused. I kept at it, and by the end of the day I could at least manage to drive the car, park it and start the engine.

Will was kind enough to not comment on the grinding noise the gears made when I drove and tried to go faster.

Back in Southampton, we were glad to have a few more days before we left. Enough for us to head down to the docks and have a walkthrough of the Anastasia while she was being loaded. Captain Fraser was there to greet us as soon as we boarded, "Mrs. Murdoch, it's wonderful to have you joining us. Although you could have made the crossing with us, we wouldn't have minded."

I smiled and waved my hand, "Ah, I wanted it to be a surprise for Will to find me here. The ship I took was far more comfortable than hiding myself in a crate."

He laughed at that, "Is there anything in particular you wanted to see?"

"The loading, if you don't mind." I took Will's arm as Fraser led us to the bridge, looking out over the fos'cle. Men were scurrying everywhere, the ship's cranes kept moving in a never ending dance and I could see Will's fellow officers directing the porters as crates were lowered down and stowed.

Captain Fraser shifted, "As you can see, everything is proceeding right on time. We'll be ready to depart in two days."

"Wonderful." I glanced to Will, "It will be enjoyable to see William in his element." I could see Will flush at my compliment, and I gave his arm a squeeze.

Fraser chuckled, "I'll expect you on your best behavior, Mr. Murdoch. Wouldn't want to disappoint our company owner."

"Of course, sir." Will nodded.

"And I may have to extend your watches. Just so she is aware of what an asset you are to us." Fraser's eyes were bright, a smirk on his lips.

Will sighed, "Sir, please." I laughed at that, and I could see Will relax a bit.

"And you'll need to stay in your usual cabin, even though she's in the passenger quarters. Wouldn't want any of our other guests to think you're engaging in improper behavior with a passenger." Fraser looked over to me, "If that's alright with you, ma'am."

Will butted in before I could speak. "Sir, I'm sure they'll know who she is."

"Will, it's alright." I raised an eyebrow at him. "I know you have a lot of things to attend to onboard." I patted his shoulder, "In fact, why don't you settle things here with Captain Fraser while I go take a look at my cabin? If it's large enough, I'll bring Rigel next time."

Will waited until Ana had left the bridge before turning to the Captain, "Sir, I would never disregard my duties."

"And what if your wife ordered you to?" Fraser snorted, "I know you're a good man, very responsible, but you're in an extremely unique situation when compared to the other officers here." The captain sighed, looking out of the bridge windows. "I can't have you rushing off to pick up a dropped teacup, even if she asks you to."

"Well, I mean she is one of the owners..." Will fell silent for a moment, "I promise you that I will do my utmost to prove that I can carry out my duties here without my wife distracting me."

Fraser turned, clapping his hand on his shoulder. "I should hope so, especially if I'm to pass the girl onto you next year."

"Sir?" Will couldn't helped the stunned tone in his voice. "You mean?"

"You've been worthy of command for awhile now, things just haven't been calm enough in your life for me to pass her on to you yet. I'm getting old William, I want to head home to my wife and my children. But I know you're the man to take things over, on your own merit and not because of your wife."

"Sir, I, thank you." Will stammered, completely flabbergasted. Captain, he would be a captain by this time next year. It was everything he had worked for since he had started out with his father, a ship under his command. To be a captain, it was the ultimate responsibility and place of pride. He glanced down, debating if he should tell Ana or not. He had no doubt she would be thrilled for him, but he didn't want her pressuring Fraser to hand over command before he was ready. Besides, it would be better to surprise her.

Ana did love a surprise.

So he held her close when she returned, quite pleased with the cabin that had been set aside for her. Will knew the cabin, it was the closest to first class onboard. Not that saying that meant anything, all it really meant was that it had a lavatory attached to the bedroom. The man who usually booked it would no doubt be put out to find his usual bunk taken, but there was little he could do about it. After all, it's rather hard to tell the ship's owner that she can't have the nicest room.

Later, back home, Will watched Ana bustle around the kitchen and smiled to himself. How had he ended up with a woman who could fit in wherever she went? She could glide across a ballroom and gossip with the best, and yet she could be content in his small home and even try her hand at cooking. She had gotten better, and managed a nicely baked fish along with a salad that night. If Ana noticed how often he was looking at her, or the stupid smile that he couldn't keep from his face, she didn't say anything.

Although she did when he grabbed her hand when she tried to clear the plates. "Will, I need to clean up."

"No, you need to get up to bed." He pulled her into his lap, inhaling the faint scent of Florida water from her hair. "And get those damn clothes off."

Ana chuckled, leaning into him. "But how can I be a dutiful wife if I leave dirty dishes lying around?"

He smacked her arse for that, "Ana, you are many things but not the meek and dutiful type. You know I hate when you try and do that. Now, are you going to head on upstairs or am I going to have to carry you?"

"Would carrying me involve more of that spanking?"


"Then carry me, husband. You know, some might even call you henpecked for letting your wife shirk her duties."

Oh, that did it. He stood with her in his arms, but instead of making for the stairs he set her on her feet. "Henpecked, am I?"

"You let your wife get away with not keeping a clean house." She smirked, although her eyes were kind. "I'm obviously the one who wears the trousers in this marriage."

He let his hands wander down to her thighs, pulling her skirt up. "You're not wearing them now." He bunched the fabric up around her waist, and leaned closer to brush his lips against her ear. "Turn around." Ana was always ready for him it seemed, turning to bend herself over the dinner table and sticking her arse up into the air. Will draped the skirt over her back, unbuttoning the drawers she was wearing and letting them pool around her ankles.

She gasped when he spanked her, the table jittering underneath her. "Should, should I at least move the plates off? They might break."

"We can replace them." He rubbed the slight mark on her, then spanked her once more for good measure. "After all, what use is the money otherwise?" Ana giggled, and Will dropped his hands to his trousers. God, when she shifted in front of him, when she twisted her head around to watch him free himself and run his hands down his length a few times to be sure he was ready, it filled him with lust. He didn't much care about the dishes on the table when he thrust himself into her, groaning at the feeling of her, hot and wet and so tight that he had to take a moment so that he didn't come right away.

Ana whined, "Will, God, move." He drew himself slowly out, sliding back in and that fairly broke him. He sped up, thrusting faster and faster with his hands on her hips to brace himself. It didn't take long before she was panting, and he slipped a hand around to tease her and make her tremble around him. He only paused when he felt his release come over him, his eyes squeezed shut as he emptied himself. But then he returned to Ana, staying inside her as he brought her to her own end. It was a strange feeling to feel her come around him while he was softening, but not unpleasant.

By the end of it Ana could barely stand, and he gladly carried her up to bed.

I enjoyed sitting on the bed and watching Will get his uniform on. He'd even gone so far as to shine the buttons on his waistcoat, his jacket and his frock coat. I'd insisted on the last, telling him that I wanted him to wear it one night. He'd rolled his eyes, but done it. I was wearing one of my nicer dresses, although not nearly what I would usually wear when setting out for a crossing.

I still stood out when we arrived at the docks, being the only woman heading towards the ship. I could see Captain Fraser talking to the other officers, and gently tugged Will towards them. "Ah, Captain Fraser, I trust things are proceeding well."

"Yes, ma'am." He bowed his head, his officers copying him. "Thank you for returning William, he'll be needed shortly."

"Well, it's only temporary." I chuckled, giving Will's arm a squeeze. "I'm afraid I'm going to be rather greedy, I'll be requiring Will to have dinner with me each night. I'm sure one of the other officers would be willing to cover an hour of his watch. Mr. Moody, perhaps?"

James shifted on his feet, and Captain Fraser looked back at the younger man. "I shall see to it, ma'am."

A wicked thought entered my mind. "Have we begun serving guests in their room yet?"

One of the other officers spoke up. "Yes, ma'am, as of two months ago."

"Good, I may retire early a few nights and take my dinner in my room instead of sitting down with everyone. I will still require my husband's presence, though." I gave Captain Fraser a smile, "I hope I'm not making things too difficult."

His smile was a bit brittle, but his voice was warm. "Of course not, I've already discussed with William about how his duties are paramount. However I think I may be able to indulge your requests for dinner."

"That's very kind of you Captain," I gave him a smile, because it was. Ship routine was very strict, and yet here I was throwing a wrench into everything. I glanced over, "I think I should go introduce myself to the rest of the passengers. I trust you'll keep my husband out of trouble?"

Captain Fraser chuckled, "From what he's told me, you're the one who's more likely to find trouble onboard."

Will shook his head, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I'll see you at dinner."

I returned his kiss, although on his lips. "I'll be glad to see you." I gave his hand one last squeeze, and walked to the group of men who were waiting to board. I was rather worried that some of them may have been watching me, but I shouldn't have worried. Everyone's attention was focused on one man who was berating the steward that was waiting to lead us aboard.

I kept quiet as I joined the back of the crowd, listening to him. He was a younger man, with a finely trimmed brown mustache and hazy gray eyes. His brown suit was not of the latest cut, but still decent. Just by looking at him I would think he would be a junior associate at some firm, perhaps an enjoyable dinner partner for conversation, but his current actions put me off that. He was leaning over the poor steward, his voice loud. "I booked that cabin two weeks ago!"

"Mr. Longmore, I understand your frustration." The steward spread his hands, looking down. "But we had a high priority passenger come aboard, we're very sorry that we had to rearrange cabins because of that." He glanced up, clearly trying to placate Mr. Longmore. "We won't be charging you for that cabin, in fact we've reduced your fare in order to compensate you for the change."

Longmore glowered, "I don't give a damn about compensation!"

"Joseph, please," One of the other passengers spoke up, drawing Longmore's attention. The other man glanced back at me, "There are ladies present."

I gave the steward a slight nod, pasting a simpering smile on my face. "My apologies, Mr. Longmore, but I think I may have caused this situation. Mrs. Anne Murdoch," I held back my actual name, because if Longmore acted this way to a steward I did not want to see what he would do if he knew I was the owner. I batted my eyes, "The captain insisted that I be given the cabin, for hygienic reasons."

He blanched, clearly realizing that a lady could not share the communal lavatory that the rest of the cabins shared. "Oh, of course, my apologies Mrs. Murdoch."

"It's quite alright," I waved my hand, then looked to the steward. "Are we allowed aboard now?"

The steward clearly knew who I was, for he nodded so quickly I thought his head might come off. "Of course, Mrs. Murdoch. If all of you would follow me, please." The group of us headed in, and I took a look at the men I would be traveling with for the next week. Most of them were older, dressed conservatively and appeared to have sailed on the ship several times. The youngest was Mr. Longmore, who grimaced when he was shown to his cabin. It wasn't a bad one, consisting of a bunk and a small chair but with a porthole to let in fresh air. The steward stopped in front of mine, the last one. He gave me a smile, "Thank you for earlier, ma'am."

I shrugged, "If I had known how much of an issue it would be I wouldn't have asked for it."

"Mr. Longmore is rather particular." The steward opened the door, revealing a modest cabin and a stewardess that had been finishing making the bed. "Alice here will be taking care of you for the crossing."

She curtsied, "Ma'am."

I gave her a nod and looked to the steward, "Has Mr. Longmore traveled with us before?"

"Yes, for a few years now on the other ships, although he switched over to the Anastasia as soon as she was launched."

I nodded, "Thank you, that will be all." Looking back to Alice, I chuckled. "You probably won't have much to do, during a crossing I'm not very needy." Especially a crossing like this, where I didn't have to get dressed for dinner every night in a new gown and jewels.

Alice flushed a bit, "It's no problem either way, ma'am. I'll be here for anything you need, ring for me for even the slightest thing."

"Of course, Alice." I took a further look around the cabin as she headed out. It had a couple of portholes, the blankets on the bed were blue, with Dalian Shipping emblazoned in white thread on them. I moved to one of the portholes, opening it and breathing in the smell of the docks that came through. I could even hear some of the men shouting back and forth to each other. A grin broke out on my face as the Anastasia's great steam whistles let out a bellow and she was tugged away from the dock.

I quickly abandoned the porthole for the portion of the boat deck that was set aside for passengers, glad to watch the land receded behind us as we gained the open ocean.

It was while I was leaning against the railing and watching the horizon that I heard a male voice, "Mrs. Murdoch, do you mind?"

I looked over, Mr. Longmore had claimed a spot on the railing a bit down from me, a cigarette case in his hand. I wrinkled my nose, "So long as you make sure the smoke doesn't come near me, no."

He sheltered a match with his hand for a moment, inhaling and letting the wind of our passage blow the smoke behind him. "I'd like to apologize for my outburst earlier."

I bit back that comment on my tongue, that he should have apologized to the steward. "It's really no problem, Mr. Longmore."

"I can assure you, I don't make a habit of cursing in front of ladies." He inched a little closer, "Especially pretty ones."

"And I can assure you, I have heard far worse." Hell, I had cursed worse myself when Will was on top of me, when I was riding him, when he had me bent over a desk. Just thinking about it made me want to rush to the bridge to find him and pull him into a deserted corner, but I restrained myself. I promised Captain Fraser that I wouldn't interfere too much, despite what I wanted.

"Then you must have been around some cruel men to have spoken so in front of a lady." Longmore edged a bit closer, "Fortunately I know how to treat a lady."

I raised a brow, "Really? I'm sure your wife is quite happy with that."

He barked out a laugh, taking another draw on his cigarette. "Ah, I'm waiting a bit to find someone to settle down with. Although it seems like you already have."

"It took me some time," I shrugged, "Although I am very happy with him."

"And yet you're traveling alone." He came even closer, and I leaned away. "Such a pity."

I waved my hand in front of my nose as he exhaled smoke around the both of us, "If you'll excuse me, I think that has given me a headache." I gestured towards his cigarette, and ducked back inside. I didn't stay in for long though, instead moving to the starboard side of the boat deck. The air was much cleaner over here, and the rest of the deck deserted. Which meant that no one was around to notice as I slipped up to the bridge and ducked in. Will wasn't on watch, but I did see Captain Fraser conferring with James over something. I waited until they'd finished speaking to insert myself, "Well Captain, I must admit you have a handle on everything it seems."

"So long as my officers are conscientious of their duties," He snorted, "Is there anything I can do for you, ma'am?"

"Yes, when you and Will come for dinner tonight, don't let them know who I am." I smirked, "Or that I'm married to Will."

He pursed his lips, "Your husband has mentioned that you occasionally like to play tricks."

"I do."

"The trick isn't on him, or myself, is it?"

"Of course not," I ducked my head. "I've learned my lesson about playing tricks on him."

"But there is a victim, I've no doubt of that."

"There is," I stepped closer, dropping my voice to speak quietly. "One of the passengers was screaming at a steward when we boarded, he was upset I took his cabin. I just want to toy with him a bit."

"Who are you toying with?" Will's voice rumbled behind me. "And weren't you going to try and not come up to the bridge so often?"

I turned, a smile on my lips. "You should be proud Will, I lasted five hours before coming up here."

"I'm very proud, now, an answer?"

"One Joseph Longmore." I tugged his down and whispered into his ear, "He tried to proposition me earlier, at least I think so."

Will's hands found my waist, their grip tight. "I'll have a word with him."

"Now now, husband." I giggled, "Wouldn't it be more fun to make him look like a fool?"

"So long as you don't put yourself in any danger." He sighed, giving my waist one last squeeze. "At least Lights isn't here, you two would be impossible." I gave him a peck on the cheek for that, earning a groan from the other officers as I headed out. Alice was available to help me get ready for dinner, although she didn't do much more than help pin my hair in place.

She curtsied again when I stood to leave, "I'll stay here ma'am, to straighten things up."

I cast a look about the cabin, which was fairly clean. The only thing I could see was a somewhat wrinkled blanket, "It's alright Alice, you can head off."

"Oh no, you'll need me after dinner." She shook her head quickly, "Go on, ma'am. I'll be alright." I pursed my lips, then forced them to relax and my brow to unfurrow. She was clearly uncomfortable with something, but I wouldn't push it. Perhaps she was just a bit nervous that I would wind up being too demanding if she didn't try and see to things before I noticed them.

I found I missed having Will's arm to hold as I set off to dinner.

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