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By PaPi_Chulo_HasMyJam

208K 11.3K 3.2K

Everyone nicknamed him the Street Killer, not because he was a murderer but because he could take a man's dre... More

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1.8K 116 16
By PaPi_Chulo_HasMyJam

𓆩 𓆪

"It's been two weeks," Jungkook paces around the room with his hand on his hips with irritation. "Two fucking weeks, and there's still no sign of her." His anger shows threateningly.

Despite his slim, weakened body and bloodshot eyes, he still looks intimidating the way he did before. Regardless of his slender frame, his eye bags, and the hair that's now getting long enough to cover his head in his normal hair color, he's still him.

"We're doing everything we can—"

"You're not doing nearly enough." He cuts Acid off. He looks at her with hatred, and he knows he shouldn't, but he can't help it. Regardless of her following Ghost's orders, she lied to him every single day while they were together.

He knew something was wrong in their relationship. He could feel it almost. When she told him that she loved him, he knew it wasn't right. The way she threw the word love around like it meant nothing told him so.

It wasn't right to keep their relationship going, but he hoped she would come around one day and look at him the way he did her. That day never came.

He acknowledged he loved her, but he didn't know what way until a few months prior, and he realized it wasn't true love at all.

Love isn't found in messy bedsheets tangled up with someone who you feel attracted to; it's found through knowing someone and realizing you would do anything to protect that person no matter what.

After all, how can anyone truly love another soul if they've never met? Or better yet, if they don't know the real them inside.

Jungkook never once knew Acid, not the real her at least, and he realized that soon enough. He kept it up for appearances, but when she left the warehouse, he missed her. He loved her once, and maybe it meant that love will never fade or maybe they were close for so long that the thought of never seeing her again scared him.

When Jungkook found out the truth about her, the love he thought he had fled the way she did.

No matter what excuse Acid has to offer, every word she says makes it worse. Even if she was forced to act that way by Ghost, which she told him, she didn't have to sleep with him and fake her love. But she did anyway. She never once considered his feelings and that alone told Jungkook more about Acid than their whole relationship did.

She may have been doing what she needed to survive but doing so by climbing on top of others so that she wouldn't drown only brought out the truth in her. Jungkook saw her as she pushed him down into the deep waters and used him as a life jacket. And then he knew she would risk anything to keep herself afloat.

He looks at her with a hatred so strong that the only other person to outdo this kind of hate is Ghost.

"You lied to me, told me she was safe, only to tell me when you met up with me what really happened. He took her and killed Hoseok. I thought he was dead, but maybe you knew the truth about that, too and hid it from me and everyone else. It wouldn't be the first lie you ever told."

Acid shuts her eyes momentarily, trying to calm herself before responding. She knows she's messed up, but in her mind, she did everything she could for the best possible outcome.

"Why would I hide something like that? My brother was alive. After everything he went through. He was alive. You know, I care about Vee, too, but don't think for a second that all of this is just about her." She adds with seriousness while taking a few steps closer to him.

"It's about Ghost, his men, where he's hiding, the evidence he has sealed away, and Hoseok's death on top of others. It's everything that has happened to us. He didn't care what happened as long as he could have his revenge and hang innocent people in his place."

Jungkook shakes his head with a sigh once Yoongi comes up and pats him on the shoulder.

"What Acid is trying to say is that we're all worried about Vee, but we have to keep a lookout in case he makes another appearance in public somewhere. A friendly... I mean, Hoseok was the only person who knew about Ghost's hideout. We know very little. We have speculations, but no hard evidence of its location yet—"

"How are you so damn calm about all of this? Hoseok's dead, and you're not even upset that he killed him for real this time? You're not upset that he was alive?" Jungkook turns to Yoongi, seeing a blank expression on his features when he shuts his eyes tightly.

"Jungkook..." Yoongi pauses, trying to hide his emotions.

"I've grieved over him for a long time. I'm confused about a lot right now, about whose heart is beating in my chest, about how he lied and never came back to us, about a lot of things. And yeah, I am upset, but I'm pissed, too. I have every right to be, but emotions aren't going to find Ghost, and they sure as hell won't save her from him." He remarks, glancing at Jungkook's cold-hearted face.

Jungkook bites his lip aggressively and shakes his head.

"You're right. Emotions won't save Vee, but they can fuel the motivation to search for her." Jungkook raises his fist and hits Yoongi right in the mouth.

It knocks Yoongi off of his feet, and he stumbles backward, landing on the ground while Acid rushes up to help him stand.

"What's wrong with you—" Acid begins, but Yoongi puts his hand up to stop her.

"I'm alright," he wipes his mouth, seeing smeared blood on his hand. "He's upset, and if it'll help calm him, he can hit me more if he wants." Yoongi spreads his arms open as if telling Jungkook to go for it.

Jungkook's face twists more into anger when looking down at him.

"Fuck both of you. If anything, and yes, I do mean fucking anything happens to her, you both will be held accountable for it. You sent her, in the weakened state she was in, on a mission with not only him present but other men like him. She was all by herself with nothing to defend herself with. Do you..."

Jungkook pauses when his voice cracks. He talks through the pain despite trying his hardest not to show it.

"Do you have any idea what she's been through in the span of two weeks? For all we know she could be dead. They could have tortured her, beaten her, starved her, raped her, and then tossed her body in a dumpster somewhere. She is out there," he points out the window. "And we don't have a clue what condition she's in."

With a trembling lip that he tries his hardest to control, he looks into Acid's eyes.

"You say she's your sister, well, I say she's my future, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back and give up on her. With your help or not, I'm going to find her, and I'm not going to wait around another two weeks either."

𓆩 𓆪

"You sure you want to go through with this?" Yoongi asks while leaning into the vehicle, blowing hot air into his cupped hands from the chilly, Canadian air.

Jungkook turns to him, his hands gripping the steering wheel, and parts his lips. "You said that it's somewhere in Canada." He admits with seriousness.

Yoongi sighs while putting his hands underneath his armpits to keep them warm. "I said we have speculations—"

"You have a map of all the places Ghost has ever hidden out in the country. It doesn't matter how far I have to go or how long it takes me, I won't stop looking until I've found her. He's bound to have dug underground close to one of those locations." He glances at the folded-up map in the seat next to him.

He takes notice of the black, duffel bag that's full of new clothes. He's got enough food and money to last him a while thanks to Yoongi.

"Look, I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, but I've never been the type to sit around and wait. I'll pay you back one day. Just please understand that I have to do this."

With a look of understanding on Yoongi's features, he nods and backs away from the car. "Don't forget to take care of yourself, too. You have my number if you find anything or if you just need to talk. I'll see you soon... I hope." Yoongi watches Jungkook's sad smile before he rolls up the window and puts the vehicle in drive.

He watches Jungkook drive down the snowy road and hopes he'll be safe. Yoongi can't help but admire him for going to the lengths he is. He walks back in the opposite direction to the lodge where government officials are trying to uncover Ghost's other crimes instead of hunting him down.

In their eyes, they have to have hard evidence to search, and since no crimes have been committed in Canada, there's no reason to go after him. So that's what Jungkook's doing. He's going to bring Ghost to them.

After all, it wouldn't be the first time Jungkook's had to do the law's job.

𓆩 𓆪

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