Inazuma Eleven Orion X Reader...

By Isadora_12_oyira

9K 317 13

Following the tragic event that happened to her in her home country, Maya moves to Japan and ends up taking u... More



158 7 0
By Isadora_12_oyira

"What's up with her?"

"I don't know, and honestly, with that smirk on her face, I'm a little scared to find out,"

"Maybe she isn't feeling too well?"

You sighed, your smile immediately dropping as you turned to look at the guys who were all still staring at you weirdly.

"I'm perfectly fine, thanks for your concern, Hikaru" you said, giving him a deadpan look making him look down and mutter an apology.

"Well, can you at least tell us what you're doing?" Goujin asked.

"Just something to keep me busy for a little while," you replied casually as you walked into the kitchen and brought out a knife.

Endou, who was standing closest to you, instinctively took a step back and hide behind Kazemaru.

"Um, why the knife?" Olivia asked cautiously as she gulped nervously.

"It's part of my plan to keep me busy for a while," you shrugged in response.

"And uh, I hope you don't mind me asking but, what might that plan be?" Atsuya asked.

"And why do you need a knife?" Matteo added

You sighed, all their questions were beginning to irritate you.

"Oh I don't know, maybe it could help in shutting up a few nosey football players whom I suggest should stop asking questions if they know what's good for them," you replied, eyes narrowed.

This time it was everyone who took a step back.

"Now would you all please sit and let me have a little me time?" You asked with a strained smile.

"But, manager-"

"I said sit."

"Yes ma'am."

You smiled at their compliance. "Great!" You beamed, "Though I will need someone to work one," you thought out loud as you used your forefinger to tap your chin as everyone's face looked completely mortified.

"Any volunteers?" You asked with a sweet smile, turned back to face to look at the players who seemingly shrunk in their seat.

"None?" You asked and once you still had no answer, you shrugged. "Fine then. Routa, Ryou, Terumi, Seiya, Tatsu, Hiro, come with me," you said as you headed upstairs and back to your room.

Everyone looked in the direction you had just gone into and back at themselves.

"So, what do we do?" Kazemaru asked as silence enveloped the room.

"I suggest you hurry up and follow her before she actually finds a use for that knife," Mizukamia said and all the afore mentioned players quickly scurried up the stairs and into your room.


You've been in your room for about an hour now, your plan to keep you busy for a while was working perfectly.

Though unfortunately, there was a little accident so you had to head down to the kitchen to get some supplies.

You got to the kitchen and immediately began your search.

"Whatcha looking for?" You turned to see Endou standing by the door, looking over at you crouched position.

"Oh, hey, can you please help me. I can neither find the napkins nor the paper towels anywhere," I groaned and he immediately offered his assistance.

"What do you need it for- Ahh!!" You jumped back when you heard his scream from the other end of the kitchen.

"What's wrong?!" Kidou bursted through the door like as if he was standing right behind it when Endou had screamed.

"What happened, why were you screaming and oh my gosh is that blood?!" Kidou asked also looking petrified at whatever had scared the goalkeeper.

"Blood? Where?" Your eyes moved over to where they were staring at. Once your eyes had settled on what they were looking for, your face oohed in realization.

"Oh that's not blood," you said casually as you resumed your search.

"Then what is it? And how did it get there?" Kidou asked frantically as he used his body to shield his friend.

"Calm down, you're overreacting. Ah, there you are," you waves them off as you finally found what you were looking for.

"I told Routa not to struggle so much. Now look what he's done to the poor knife," you shook your head as you began cleaning the edges of the knife that was stained with the red liquid.

"Wh-What did she just say?"

"Just back away slowly and let's just pretend like that didn't just sound like she killed Kazemaru," Kidou said as both him and Endou backed out of the kitchen slowly.

You just decided to ignore them and head back to your room to continue with your day of relaxation.


"What do you mean there was blood on the knife?" Mizukamia asked, not even buying what his captain was saying.

"Yes there was! I saw it with my own eyes!" Endou huffed, trying to make the boy and everyone else sitting around him, believe him.

"I'm sure there's a logical explanation for what you saw," Olivia said, patting the brown haired boy's back, offering some sort of comfort.

"Well if you're so curious, why don't you go to her room and ask her?" Fudou said as took a banana from the food basket beside him and began peeling the fruit.

"Uh-huh, no way I'm going there. Not after everything I just saw," Endou shook his head rapidly.

"You're being irrational, Endou. It's manager. Even if she wanted to get rid of someone, I'm sure we can all agree it'd be Fudou," Gouenji said making some of the other people snicker.

"Hey!" Fudou frowned, almost looking offended.

"Oh quit whining. We all know you like to annoy her the most,"

"Yes but I doubt she'd kill me for it," Fudou rolled his eyes.

"Can we please stop talking about this?" Asuto groaned. He couldn't understand why this team was filled with so much negative energy. Maybe it was because of what happened to Nosaka that everyone seems quite skittish lately.

"This conversation is getting ridiculous. Let's just go see what she's doing," Matteo said as he rose to his feet and up the stairs before making his way down to your room, everyone else following suit.

"Maya?" He knocked and waited for a few seconds before the door creaked open.

You peaked your head out the door and everyone almost took a step back when they saw your face.

"Ahh! She's an alien!" You frowned at Hikaru's sudden conclusion.


"Sorry, I think what he meant to say was, what the heck is on your face?" Atsuya asked.

"It's just a facemask," it was Olivia that had answered his question.

"What have you been doing in there all day, huh?! And where is Kazemaru!" Endou suddenly yelled at you, somewhat accusingly which made you confused.

"Would you please calm down and stop yelling," Kidou groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"How can I? When she just killed our dear Kazemaru. Oh and now we'll have to tell coach thet we'll need another defender and-" Endou continued ramble on.

"Wait a minute, I did what? I didn't kill Routa" you said with a frown.

"B-But the knife, there was blood and everything. You also said that he had struggled too much and caused the red stain," Endou rambles and you sighed.

Just when you thought this team couldn't get any weirder.

"Listen, Mamoru, Ichirouta is fine. No one was killed. And even if I wanted to kill someone  it wouldn't be Ichirouta. Maybe Fudou but definitely not Ichirouta." You said in reassurance.

"Hey!" Fudou exclaimed again, throwing his arms up in exasperation.

"What? You annoy me a lot, monkey boy," you waved him off.

"But then what about the blood we saw on the knife?" Kidou finally asked.

"I told you, that wasn't blood. Ichirouta just spilled a bit of my nail polish on it," you explained.


"See I told you there was a reasonably explanation for everything,"

"Well would you like to come in? From what I've seen so for, you all clearly need to relax," you shook your head in amusement before ushering everyone in.

It's a good thing your room was the biggest in the house. That way, the room didn't feel so cramped up.

"Oh, how nice of the rest of you to join us," Afuro said as he continued to flip through the magazine in his hand.

"Haizaki? What happened to you?" Asuto asked she he watched you continue to paint his nails.

"You should take a seat and relax. Manager seems to know a lot about all these stuffs," the striker replied nonchalantly.


"Kazemaru! You're alive!" Endou explained as he engulfed the blue haired defender in a big bear hug.

"Should I even ask?"

"It'd be better for all of us if you don't,"

"Duely noted,"

"So you've been running a mini spa in here?" Kidou asked, poking one of the curlers in Kazemaru's hair only to get his hand immediately swatted away by you.

"Don't touch that. Do you know how hard it is to curl all that hair?"

"And to answer your question, yeah I have. Isn't it great?!" You asked enthusiastically as you began to attend to your new 'clients'.

"At least no one's dead," Kidou just smiled as he ruffled your hair making you let out a giggle.

At least everyone's much more happier and relaxed.


In a bright room, walls painted a sickening shade of white, a figure laid there unconscious on the bed.

But then as the light from outside began to penetrate deeper into the room, settling on the boy's face did soft grey eyes finally open to stare back at the blank ceiling, dull pink hair scattered neatly across the cream pillow.

Nosaka wanted to sit up but his head hurt so bad.

Where was he anyway?

The last thing he remembers was the loud sound of a the final whistle for the Asian football finals and then colliding with the floor before everything went blank.

How long was he unconscious for?

And more importantly, where was everyone else?

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