Oye Mr. Senior Citizen (Engli...

By Halcyon_g

152K 5.9K 293

"you don't have to do this just because your parents said.... You still didn't finished your studies.... If... More

The marriage Proposal...
I will give the love you deserve..
His Thoughts...
Mouna Viratham ( Fasting of silence)
what if she loves me.....
My old man..
No one can replace...
Night Drive...
Opening up....
Important person
Don't you??
He knows...
First blow...
Falling apart....
my wife...
New one ..
For him...
it's my turn...
I did...
you are precious...
Little talks...
closeness is the Language of love
I like...
Anniversary πŸ€”πŸ₯±πŸ˜›
Can I get that...
I don't want to hearπŸ”ž
Author's Note...


3.3K 177 7
By Halcyon_g

Rudra's POV

I was on my way back to my flat... All things that happened  was confusing me....

Somewhere deep down I too want to give second chance for me to live...

But i am scared and thinking about that papa makes me feel guilty..

It feels like I am using that papa for my selfishness

From what I observed she is cute and carefree girl... She deserves a happy and loving man not a broken one like me..

But what Nila said is right then I am doing a biggest mistake of hurting that papa....

She is too good.... I don't know what to decide now...

If she loves me then do I deserve that love..
Is that possible for me to love another person again in my life...

Am I still worthy for someone's love...

If I said this to shiva then definitely he would have beat the shit out of me..

I chuckled thinking about that...

Hmmm... Okay Rudra.. What ever happens.. Why don't you give this relationship a chance  

Let's go with the flow Rudra....

That papa belives that she can make you fall in love with her... Just let her try her best Rudra...

I said to myself.... And yes I am going to give it a try.. It's not my worst dicision right....

With clear mind I went back to my flat after buying all the groceries and  Snacks items for her....

Interesting thing is when I brought snacks Nila's scolding didn't come to my mind instead my Papa's constantly eating face came in front of my view..

Yeah she is foodie too like Nila but I never find Nila that cute I always warn her not to eat more food..

But now my papa's eating habits are looking  cute for me...

I know I behaved like a jerk in past week but I didn't failed to notice all her acts.... She is too cute....

She doesn't want to wear a saree that bothers her alot still she wears it and walk like a penguin...that seems both funny and cute...

And yes she eats alot... Not food but snacks...

I never thought I would buy snacks to my home as I was a fitness freak I never liked them even the shop owner  was shocked when I asked him to pack the chips and chocolates and cakes....

That amazed me..... I smiled at myself...

Waitttttt  did somewhere I mentioned her as my papa...

My mv : may be in flow you might have said it  boss...

Rudra : oh  in flow .... That's right..

My mv : yes in that flow you admitted that you were silently sighting her fpr past one week..

Rudra : whatttt

My mv : yes boss.. You said..(big boss tone)

Rudra : I wouldn't have said something like that... Even if I said please delete it...

My mv :I can't...

Rudra : 😑😑

I ringed the calling bell of my apartment by nose as both my hands have carry bags...

With in few seconds she opened the door.. Is she was near the door all the time...

Her eyes were shining a small smile erupted on my lips thinking that it's for me..

But my trance were broken when she first snatched the food back from me...

Nandini : why are you too late....how much time a person can withhold hunger  .....you don't care about me....

Saying that to me she went inside I followed her and placed the bags on the teapoy.

I went to wash my face and legs in my room just to see the number of items that lined up in my bathroom...

Okay Rudra you are married man now and your little wife is not ready to leave you alone so she is staying with you.

How much faster you get used to this... That much good for you..

I said to myself, when I came to the Hall she already arranged the dinning table and sat there with her hands on her chin waiting for me to join... Once she saw me coming her eyes shined and gave me a grin...

Ayoooo cute uhhh

Then we both had food in silence..yes she eats in silence no one is allowed in between her and the food

Mymv : Saying you are angry...and avoiding her...you were sighting her every action inch by inch...how da...

Me : Yeah why do you care......

My mv : dei Rudra.you won't talk like this right...why this sudden changeover...

Me :After knowing papa is loving what i am going to do with that useless ego and ignorance game....

My mv : Howww......how can you completely change in single day...and how do you know that child loves you......

Me : She is saying that through her eyes da...

My. Mv : etheyyyy  through eyes ah....... Dei... Rudra... Is this you......just a moment before you decided to give this relationship a chance but now you are going  in jet speed..

Me : psh...what are you doing here..its couples space....leave da..

Mymv : right ra... you will come bcak to me only to blabber......its my curse....

Me : dei You are my mind voice why are you speaking like serial villi...... Go man..

My mv : Varan daa.... Chi.. Poren daaaa....

(I am coming da... Chi... I am leaving daa)

After having food I cleaned the plates..
She was now sitting on the sofa in folding her legs Indian styl with a ice cream tub..

Me : we just had our food papa...why are you eating ice cream now...o

Nandhini : Ice cream is not food its  desert... Which can be eaten after food...

You didn't even know this basics... Who did gave you chief engineer posting in that big company..

Me : what is the connection between food and my company ma..

Nandhini : we should make connection..

She said and continue her eating...

I took a deep breath.. I have to do this... I know it may hurt her somewhere but I have to....

Me : Papa...

She looked up from her ice cream tub

Nandhini : Yessss...Mr. Senior citizen.....

I controlled my laughter at her endearment and took a deep breath..

Me : Papa we need to talk..

Nandhini: what is this old man....we are already married you are saying seriously like we are about to break up with me...

Me : can you please let me speak fully ma..

Nandhini :  okay speak...

Me : Do you like the interior of this house and other things...if you don't let's change that according to your taste and wish..

Nandhini : its good why changing....

Me : I added them according to Nila's wish...
I wanted you to change it on your wish..

Her face fell.. I knew it...

Then she spoke..

Nandhini : You don't have to change anything for me....its good as it is....and I liked it....

She said in a sad tone...

Me : papa its not like that ma....just look around if you like it we will keep them if you don't like something we will remove.....
You are going to live here with me... And your wish is important for me..

Nandhini: During engagement you said you love someone else. This and that.....

Now you are asking my wish...

Me : I know I still don't love you papa..

But that doesn't mean I will behave rude on you...
Even if I try that won't be possible for me... I don't know in which situation you married me...

But we are married couple that's reality I can't change that now so I have to adapt to that...

You can make alterations in this house according to your wish... I won't say anything... Just inform me...

Then you don't have to extend your college leave...you can go from tomorrow.....if you don't want them to know you are married that's fine..

She interrupted me..

Nandhini : Mr. Senior citizen ...just because I am calling you with this name you are only give this kind of advice..

Everything is fine but what is with this marrige hiding thing.... Why should I hide it.... Do you think to hide only I got married grandly...

I am your wife first get this in your mind....
And I like this house as it is I don't want to remove anything.. Because each and everything is brought by my husband's own earned money...


I just noded and she went inside our room leaving me shocked..

Oh god.. I don't understand this girl... She behaves childish sometime... Suddenly speaks maturely... I couldn't predict when she behaves how...

But I know one thing my life is going to be entertaining here after....

The night arrived I was settled in my bed doing some work in laptop... She is inside the walkin closet I think changing her night dress...

When I hear the opening sound I looked up only to get the shock of my life...

Me : Papa...what is this ma....

Nandhini : Night dress...i usually wear this one to sleep...what's less in it...

She is wearing a shorts is tooo short it's ended till her mid thigh and that t shirt is sleeve less... Papa nu na solrathunala chinna papa dress eh potutu varale.....

Me : everything...... See ma I am a man...

Even I have the habit of sleeping without t shirt.... But I am wearing one considering your presence right.... You should consider me to right papa...

Nandhini : I didn't asked you to wear a t shirt and sleep....then why are you bothering me now...

I will sleep like this only...

She said and came to me and pulled my laptop and shutdown it..

Me : Papa what are you doing

Nandhini : you should do Office work there itself not in bed....i am sleepy if you type here beside me all night how can I sleep peacefully 

And don't worry I saved it before shutting down...so now sleep

I signed, I can't win her in talking. I settled on the bed and closed my eyes to sleep..

Only to open it by another shock... She is literally hugging me like a kola bear...

Me : Papaaaa.....

Nandhini : what old man....

Me : I am not Old Man

Nandhini : I am not papa too

Me : papa....

Nandhini : old man old man.... Old man...

Till you say papa I will call you that only......

She shouted still hugging me....
Okay... I took a deep breath to calm myself..

Me : papa.. Leave some gap ma...you are literally sleeping over me..

Nandhini : I won't move....i will sleep like this only... You are my personal  teadybear so don't make noise and sleep old man..

She said and closed eyes making me sign heavily..

My mv : you are taking more havy breath than heart patient man...

Me : see my time... Even you are making fun of me...

I still didn't hug her back..

Nandhini : Did you rented your hands to someone...

Hug me back old man.. Then only I can sleep

Good night 💤💤💤💤

With much hesitation I hugged her....

Nandhini : good boy.... Just like that close your eyes and sleep..

I smiled at her antics..

Me : Papaaaa..

Nandhini : hmmmm......

Me : Papaaa.. I will ask you something will you say the truth....

Nandhini : ask me Mr. Senior Citizen....

Me : papa do you love me.......

There was complete silence for few minutes then she answered breaking my hopes..

Nandhini : nooooooo

I smiled bitterly and swallowed the lump formed in my throat..

May be she should have said the truth that would have prevent her from future heartbreak.....

Author's note...

Hello people..

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Happy Reading📖📖📖📖

Thank you❤❤❤❤

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