Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)

By Lolowlfish

6.1K 23 98

Y/n has newly moved into town (protagonist has entered the chat everybody) but this place doesn't seem to be... More

Settling In
What? No Welcome Committee?
Hell on Earth
Mission Impossible
The Plan
The Game
Two teens at a cheap cafe
Authors note
"Zero Redeemable Qualities"
The Cult (pt 1)
The Cult (pt 2)
"Intermission! Mill about!"
Evening Get Together
What the fuck
The Sound of the Police
The Woods
The dance?(pt 1)(third times a charm)
The Dance? (pt 2)
Chapter 20!! Whooo!!
Purple Fish Dancing
The Cult (pt 3)
The Cult (pt 4)
Flee the Facility
Roy's House😏
I like to read
Maybe you aren't as bad as you were before.
Quick Heist
Chapter 30! Whooo!
W-what's today??
Safe Space
Slumber Party Trope but it probably wont be fun
What should I name this chapter? IDK I'm just the author
I'm Crying
To the resistance!!
Search and Rescue, bitches!
Cool it, Roy.
Chapter 40... Um.. alright...
Clean Up.
Did you think the story was over soon?
I don't appreciate my current emotions...
Helping Roy! (And totally not an excuse to draw him in a bunch of outfits)
The Graveyard
Untitled Part 47
Wake up Roy! We have to hide the body! There are no kids to bully in jail!
I can't believe you just read 50 chapters of this lol
Who's House is Burning Down at This Hour?
Gay People.
55 is the loneliest number
My window has mold or something on it. Maybe it's just a thick layer of dust.
A little break
Chapter 60. How the hell???
Another weirdly unexplained time paradox.
The End of an Era
Thank You (A/n)
Hoyl Carp!

Raising a Rose

57 0 1
By Lolowlfish

Y/n's POV (Mentions to drug use and non-graphic descriptions of made-up drug use.)

Sunday July 13
"Y/n, are you sure this is a good idea?" Asked Susie.
"Any other ideas?" I asked.
"Shush! Milo and Steve will hear you two." Roy said from the doorway of the backyard.  "And hurry up! I'm getting nervous here."
"We're going as fast as we can." I protested. "Y'know, this might have gone faster if we had flashlights to look around with."
"Flashlights would have woken up Milo. He's very sensitive to light. I already told you." Roy argued back.
I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, is this it?" Asked Susie. She was standing by the fence, holding up a small green pod. 
"Bring it closer I can't see." Roy held out a hand. 
Susie brought the little thing to him to inspect.
"Yeah this is it." He whispered. "See it doesn't have any spots so it's the Snapping Vine pod and not the Drooping Vine pod."
He pointed at it. Roy was getting a lot better at plant identification. Ever since Milo gave us a garden tour he seemed pretty interested in the weird and dangerous plants that grew back here. It was nice to see that he was gaining a new interest. Since his house burnt down there hasn't really been anything that he has latched onto or found interesting.
"Alright, let's go upstairs before we're caught." I said, hurrying to the door that the other two were at. 
We rushed back upstairs where Robert and Ross were sitting on the floor in Roy's room.
"Did you get it?" Asked Robert.
"Mhm. Snapping Vine pod for our next exorcism attempt." Roy held up the little round, green thing.
"Nice. What next?" Ross added. 
"The book says we light it on fire and sniff the smoke. It will expel the ghost." I read from the recipe.
"That sounds like doing drugs." Ross commented.
"Please don't sabotage another attempt, Ross." I said.
"It's not my fault that all of these exorcisms look like made up recipes a sarcastic 9 year old would come up with." Ross shrugged.
"Hush you. Can one of you get a lighter?" I instructed.
"On it!" volunteered Robert. They got up and dashed down the stairs.
"Do they know where the lighter is?" I asked.
"Uhhh... They'll figure it out." Roy replied.
He set the pod on his shelf and sat down on his bed. 

"Alright so just like this?" Robert asks as they flick the lighter on.
"Careful not to burn your fingers." Ross cautioned.
"Yeah I will. Hand me the thing." Robert replied.
Roy handed the pod to Robert tentatively. Robert lit the pod and handed it back to Roy.
"Alright. You ready?" Roy asked, stepping back over to me.
"This seems sketchy." I said.
"Worth a shot." He shrugged. 
"I guess so." I responded.
Roy put the burning seed under our noses. That was the last thing I remembered of that night.

I woke up again the next morning with a burning headache. I felt awful.
"Hey, you! You're finally awake!" Commented Susie. She approached the place I was sleeping and stood over me.
"Uggghh." I groaned. "What happened?"
"When you two sniffed that totally legitimate exorcism you passed out. Robert thought you died." She answered cheerily.
Too cheery for.. whatever time it was.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"Well, when you two fainted, we weren't just going to leave you on the floor so we shoved you two into Roy's bed. You're welcome. The rest of us slept on the floor and made sure you didn't throw up or die in your sleep. Robert already went home, BTW." Susie explained. "Ross is still down for the count, though, so be quiet. You'd think that kid got enough sleep for a lifetime."
Susie walked out of my narrow range of few. I still had to blink a few times to get the sleep out of my eyes. What time was it? I sat up to see if I could locate a clock, rubbing my eyes. 
"UUughh!" Groaned a voice from beside me. 
Oh right, what Susie said. They shoved us BOTH into Roy's bed. I didn't feel anything this time. I was too tired. I turned to see Roy rubbing his eyes, still lying down.
"Shit, my head hurts. What happened?" He complained.
"Rise and shine, biscuit head." I muttered.
"Oh. You. Not really what I was hoping to wake up to." said Roy.
"A headache and a crick in the neck? Yeah me neither." I snapped back.
"Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night. But, yeah, that stuff, too." He sat up as well. 
"You're hilarious. Any chance you could just go back to sleep?" I started to get out of bed.
"You can't get rid of me that easily, Loser." He followed me out of bed. "Great, now I'm going to have to clean my sheets since you touched them."
"Stop complainin', boy. You're lucky that your sheets were graced with my presence." I answered, sarcastically.
"Look, you two. The banter is adorable but I've been up for hours waiting for you to awaken and I am STARVING. Can we go eat?" Susie whined.
"Ok, one, it's not banter. It's bickering. Learn the difference. Two, yes, holy shit, I don't know what that seed pod thing did to me but I seriously need something to eat." I listed. Roy snickered.
"Yeah yeah, whatever, let's go." Susie said. She hurriedly went to open the door.
"What about Ross? We just gonna leave him here?" I asked.
"Let's go downstairs and wait for him to wake up. Then tell him everything was just a dream when we come back here." Suggested Roy with a devious look on his face.
"Ooo, great idea! We can tell him that he just woke up from his coma." I added.
"Yeah and.." Roy and I schemed a plan on the way to the kitchen so we would have the perfect narrative to confuse Ross when he woke up. 
I could practically feel Susie's eyes on my back. She had a problem. Roy and I were just friends. 

"Oh my goodness! Ross! You're finally awake!" I said in a dramatic voice.
"We were so worried that we would never hear you again!" Roy added.
"What? Why?"
"Well, um.. please don't let this hurt your heart too bad but.. You've been in a coma for some time." I placed a hand on my heart as Ross sat up.
"Mhm. It's been 4 weeks, Ross. We were worried that you were... dead." Roy nodded sadly.
"Stop. Stop this."
"Do you feel ok? You were affected by some serious drugs." Susie crouched down to feel Ross's forehead.
It took all of our willpower not to laugh and give ourselves away.
"Excuse me?"
"Susie stop. I hear coma patients need a good amount of space after waking up." I pulled her away.
"Wait. So did you exorcise the ghost of Evermore yet?" Ross asked.
"Who?" Roy blurted.
"The ghost that- oh shut up." Ross stood up. "We're in Roy's NEW room. If you wanted to play a stupid prank you could have made it more convincing. Also, there is no reason why all of you BUT Robert would be here." 
He strode out of the room and down the stairs.
"Damn. Guess he didn't fall for it." Susie said.
"Still funny though. Next time we do this we should bust him into a hospital and get Rob to do it with us." Roy started planning.
"Yeah. Maybe one of us could dress up as a doctor! That would be extra confusing. Or we could convince him that we're adults and that he has been in a coma for years." I added
"Ooo yeah and-"
"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!" Shouted Ross from downstairs, cutting off Roy's comment.
"Damnit." Roy muttered through his teeth.

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