His Billion Dollar Girl

Oleh HeiroAcre1981

428 26 1

The story of two different people who were fated and destined to be together found their way to meet and fall... Lebih Banyak



34 1 0
Oleh HeiroAcre1981

A SIMPLE WHITE TUBE TOP gown draped around Lizabeth's perfect curves, with bouquet of white flowers in her grasp that matched the white dress designed by Stella McCartney. The helm was sprawling around the ground, neverending how the grasses were smearing it. However, the grasses were dried  and not wet beneath the nine in the morning sunshine. Lizabeth's hair was hung down behind her, emphasizing the bare skin of her neck and shoulders, and allowing the pair of white diamond earrings dangling on both ears.

"How are you feeling, Young Lady?"

Lizabeth tensed up when Danna's voice wafted coming behind her. She whipped her head at her shoulder and gently smiled when she spotted Danna's frame smiling at her. "I can't find the right words to describe what I feel right now. Perhaps.." she sighed exhaustedly and continued. "This is what most of the women feel like when they're in this position."

"I bet Señora Veronica is so happy watching you right now." Danna plastered a joy and pride filled face, beaming at Lizabeth. "She felt the same way when she was in your shoes before." She snorted while reaching her hands for Lizabeth's hands. "I still can remember that exact moment–"

"Danna." Mr Goodwell admonishingly berated Danna from going further. He was standing beside Lizabeth to escort and accompany her to the podium in front of the wedding venue. "Remember I am here." He reminded Danna as he assumed Danna disregarded his presence. "And Veronica is not. Her absence will make me and my princess feel lonely instead of being happy."

"I.. ahm.. yes.. and I'm sorry, Mon Senior." Danna sputtered awkwardly as guilt and regret bombarded her. "I didn't mean to."

"It's alright, Danna." Lizabeth held gently on Danna's hands, consoling her to make her feel relieved and renewed. "I'm still happy even mom is not here. I know she's watching me and us all right now. And you are correct for telling me that." She then twisted gingerly and faced her father. "And I know you miss her. Don't scold me for telling you this." She gave her father a stern look before grasping on his arm. "Let's go!"

And timing was perfect when Lizabeth uttered it because the judge motioned to everyone to rise from their seats, signifying that the civil wedding right was about to begin. Mr Goodwell proudly walked through the aisle with Lizabeth sauntering along with him. The seldom scenario reminisced Mr Goodwell, sending his mind back to the time he and Lizabeth's mother were walking the same familiar aisle. Lizabeth grasped tenderly on her father's arm as they marched togetherly heading to the podium, where the judge and her groom were waiting.

Ralph was standing before the judge with his father, Mr Michael Angelo Amancio was also standing proudly behind him. Ralph was in his elegant Armani white suits and on the pair of Christian Louboutin black leather shoes. The elation and complacency smothered through his face clarified how he felt like toward Lizabeth. Regrets and remorse had no longer had rooms inside him as he brushed and shook away the memory of him running away from being in an arranged marriage.

"You are going to be mine for the rest of our lives." Ralph announced proudly when Lizabeth thudded in his front before facing him properly. "And I can't wait to lay down with you tonight." The pleasure and anticipation that enveloped his voice simplified the emotion he conveyed inside. "Tonight and for the rest of the nights of our lives."

Lizabeth rolled her eyes in exasperation and averted her attention to the crowd, plastering a teasing smirk around her lips. "You're nothing but a pervert and horny jerk." She mumbled quietly, ensuring that only Ralph could hear. She then renewed her objective to Ralph, who never ceased smirking at her. "Only think about having me in bed."

"Hmm." Ralph hummed softly in a teasing tone while suppressing a smile. "What a lovely denial princess. I still can recall how you commanded me to do it fast while you're digging and burying your fingernails on my shoulders and back." He whispered teasingly through Lizabeth's face. "And tonight I will be hearing it again."

Clenching her fists in exasperation, Lizabeth sighed inwardly in defeat surrendering to Ralph. "Alright. We'll do it every night." Lizabeth mumbled softly, making Ralph's eyes flitted wide in bulges. "And we'll not stop until I get sore."

"Even if I'm tired and exhausted?" Ralph whispered gently, asking Lizabeth in an incredulous countenance and tone. And he was rewarded with an enthusiastic nod and flirtatious smirk. "Even if I get sore and ran out of sperm?" He asked and she nodded gracefully without oscillation. "That's not fair!"

"That's what you want, right?"

"Uhm.." Ralph stammered clumsily while gulping awkwardly. "Yes I want it so badly."

"Then we'll start the fight tonight."

"Ahm.." The judge interjected dubiously, snatching the attention of the couple in front of him. "If you're done bantering about your plans for your honeymoon later, can we start the ceremony now?"

Lizabeth and Ralph nodded simultaneously.

And the ceremony began automatically as the judge started manifesting the civil wedding rights.

There were only a few attendees and visitors were invited to witness the seldom union of vows. The Amancio and Goodwell families were very picky and choosy not because they didn't like being crowded and thronged by different people. The security and safety of their well being was the top of the list of their priorities. Only the people they knew and close to them that they could confidently rely on, were allowed to attend. For them, no need and wasn't necessary to have a huge gathering, the union itself was the most important.

However, with her father's and Mr Amancio's consents, Lizabeth invited a few people she knew and definitely considered as friends. Brandon, Ariella, Gloria, Dorothy, Analiza, Gerald and Harold were basically invited to witness their union of love and vows. But what made everyone feel surprised, that was when Chandler and Mia Clara stumped triumphantly through the red carpet. It was Ralph idea to invite Chandler and Mia Clara since they became part of the story. Sebastian, Arthur, Robert and Xander were basically invited and sat beside Chandler.

The venue was the same place where Lizabeth and Ralph met for the first time as Lizabeth Azania Goodwell and Raphael Daniel Amancio. The private Bel-Air pavilion park. The adorable podium where Lizabeth and Ralph stood together with the judge, was situated at the front of a large fountain. The reception area was at the pavilions and only the family members and a few guests were allowed. Securities and bodyguards had their separate area for them to dine and unwind.


Everyone screamed the same words, congratulating the newly wed couple, Lizabeth and Ralph. They all abandoned their seats and sprinted impetuously to the kissing couple. Lizabeth was tiptoing to level with Ralph, while snaking her arms around his neck. Ralph sloped slightly low to accommodate Lizabeth's effort since he was six feet and two. Ralph's arms scattered through Lizabeth's lower back, keeping the young lady from bucking.

"Excuse me!" Ariella hollered tumultuously, admonished the couple from kissing longer. "Aren't we going to enjoy the rest of the day with the two of you?" Her hands were on her waist as she was reminding the couple. "You will certainly have each other tonight till dawn."

"It's not just certainly but completely having each other for all the nights of their lives!" Brandon cooed, correcting Ariella and making fun with the couple. "So roll the bottles of wine and spirits on!"

"No need to scream that Brandy!" Sebastian was holding a bottle of bubbling champagne that was about to erupt. "Here!" He hollered thunderously as he released the erupting bubbling champagne in the air over everyone and the newly wed couple. "Let the fun begin!"

Everybody immediately ran randomly and scattered through the grassy yard of the private pavilion. Sebastian was spurting and spraying the bottle of champagne to everyone, including the newly wed couple. Danna and Lucas ushered everyone to proceed to the reception for the actual lavish lunch. Lizabeth and Ralph sat in the table together with Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio, situated in the middle of the pavilion. The reception was exquisite and tremendous, everything was well oriented to provide satisfaction to all the attendees and visitors.

"Well, now that you are Mr and Mrs Amancio, I guess I can start my retirement as soon as possible." Mr Amancio enunciated while snifling his fluke of champagne. "I have been longing for this moment to come." He grinned at the couple before whirling to Mr Goodwell. "What about you amico mio?"

"Forgive me, amico mio." Mr Goodwell felt and sounded apologetic and disagreed with the option Mr Amancio announced. "Retiring is way too early for us. I have planned my retirement when I have my first grandchild."

Surprised, Lizabeth choked and nearly spilled the bubbling liquid through her chest, upon hearing what Mr Goodwell bragged about. "Dad! Please. I agreed to marry this creep. But–" She exclaimed in exasperation, pointing to Ralph. "I'm just twenty-one and way too early to step into the motherhood stage."

"This creep is my son." Mr Amancio repeated what Lizabeth exclaimed, pointing to Ralph. "A very handsome and smart creep." He giggled quietly while looking at Ralph. "Raphael, she calls you a creep. Your wife calls you a creep."

Ralph pouted and feigned innocently at Lizabeth. "A creep who satisfies the other creep here who can't be contented with just–"

"Honey, please don't!" Lizabeth placed her palm against Ralph's mouth, berating him. "I beg you." She smiled while begging. "It's our to keep."

"Lizabeth." Mr Goodwell called.

Lizabeth turned to her father, raising a brow. "Yes dad?"

"I know what Raphael meant to say." Mr Goodwell refuted his daughter. "Did the two of you already had sex before?" He asked Lizabeth without any oscillation. "Did you?"

"Well dad ahm.." Lizabeth stuttered pathetically, unsure of what to tell you to her father. She glanced at Ralph who was at her side and smirking faintly at her. "Actually… we accidentally–"

"We had sex a night before she left for home the next day." Ralph insisted MD volunteered to answer the dreadful intimidating question Mr Goodwell rammed to Lizabeth. "She found out that I resigned from Donatello's and would be leaving Los Angeles for good. She begged me to stay as she didn't want me to leave." He halted, entangling his hand with hers. "And she told me that she would do anything to make me stay."

"And he asked me to have sex with him." Lizabeth supplied just as Ralph reached the period of his statement. "In exchange for not leaving me."

"You were that madly in love with him that you surrendered your purity just to make him stay?" Mr Goodwell marveled audibly in a loud and thunderous voice. "And you had no idea who he was that time?"

"Excuse dad! You're using the wrong terms." Lizabeth chided frantically, crossing her arms across her chest. "The term madly in love doesn't sound soothing to me and–" she drifted as she glanced at Ralph. "To my husband."

"That's totally distraught and crap!" Brandon exclaimed cacophonously, diving into the private conversation between the Amancio family and Goodwell family. He was eavesdropping on the conversation together with the rest of the guests and visitors. And everyone's attention was darted to him. "If you're not madly in love with Mr Cortez  then why you didn't want him to leave?" He asked rationally, standing and facing Lizabeth. "Secondly, if you're not madly in love with Mr Cortez,  then why you surrendered your purity to him? A woman only offers her purity to the man she loves the most!"

Silence abruptly submerged in a very awkward way, thick and brazen. All the guests and visitors were eavesdropping on the conversation in the center nook, where Lizabeth and Ralph with Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio were lounging. But now, they were too stunned and overwhelmed by how brave and outrageous Brandon was to interject to the Amancio and Goodwell's family conversation. Even Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio who were both feared and well resected tycoons were also astonished at Brandon's point of view.

Embarrassment overflowed through Lizabeth's countenance, making her nerves pulsating wild under her skin. Gradually, she tilted her head and glanced at her now husband, Raphael Daniel Amancio. "I guess Brandon is right." She admitted and the honesty and sincerity laced her voice was palpable. "I am in love with you but my pride keeps rebuking me from admitting the truth."

Ralph slanted closer to Lizabeth and rested his chin in her shoulder, smirking cheviously at her. "You have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about." He enlightened here. "Because the first time I saw you with Chandler on the porch of your apartment, I fell in love with right away." He whisked his head and held Lizabeth's chin. "And I never keep my eyes off of you then."

Without further ado, Lizabeth wrapped her arms around Ralph and threw herself to him. Beneath the countless and numerous heavy weight stares that pinned to them, Ralph and Lizabeth shamelessly kissed each other to show to everyone how they were so madly in love with each other. After they kissed and pulled back, Sebastian stood up and ushered everyone to a grand cheer for the newly wed by tossing their flutes together.

"To the newly wed!" Sebastian took the lead.

"To the newly wed!" Everyone followed and repeated what Sebastian uttered.

THAT EVENING WHEN the party was over, Lizabeth slithered inside their ensuite washroom and sunk herself to a steamy and bubbly bathtub. The bathtub was filled with rose petals and scented candles floating on the surface of the aromatic oil filled bubbling water. The bathtub was also a jacuzzi but Lizabeth decided not to turn on the jet. Because turning the jet on would surely ruin the rose petals and the floating scented candles roaming freely around her.

The bathroom door abruptly swung open and Ralph ducked in with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Inwardly, Lizabeth flinched but mustered her countenance to hide the timidness and tension groveling through her nerves. Closing the bathroom door, Ralph slipped through the washroom and went straight to the bathtub. Ralph unbuckled the towel and dropped it to the floor, pooled around his feet. Hoisting himself from the soiled towel, Ralph stumped on the bathtub, pervading the remaining ample space across from where Lizabeth was.

"What are you staring at?" He asked when he smartly discerned how Lizabeth was staring at him. He was still standing and facing Lizabeth, naked and nude. "You have seen this before." The pride and ego that laced his voice was clear and visible.

However, Lizabeth baffled for she had no idea what her husband was referring to. If he was referring to his body? Or if he was referring to his member, which was partially erected. "I have seen you naked before many times." That was the statement Lizabeth rather exclaimed as she was still unsure what her husband was referring to. "And I am not…" she drifted when Ralph's member was total fullness. "Oh gosh!"

Ralph frowned and knotted a brow. "What?"

Shaking her head vigorously, Lizabeth retorted. "No, nothing." She sighed in apprehensiveness while stalking to the mirror on the counter. "I'm just overwhelmed by all the happenings today."

Ralph nodded nonchalantly beneath his dubiousness. "Okay." But he knew Lizabeth was fibbing and keeping something from him. So he crouched down and sunk himself to the water, ruining the floating scented candles and rose petals. "Sorry honey." He apologized instantly when he perceived the bouncing grimace across Lizabeth's face. He pouted, trying to be cute as he dipped towards Lizabeth. "I'm coming."

Lizabeth parted her mouth as she wanted to protest, but closed it immediately, deciding not to. She shifted her body, giving ample space for Ralph to slide in as he was aiming to settle behind her. Feeling how Ralph's member touch and graze through the bare skin of her rear, Lizabeth winced inwardly and her stubbles steeped slightly. A foreign vibe suddenly groveled through her skin despite how she was soaked and sunk in water. This was not the first she and Ralph being together and naked.

But it was their first intimate moment being husband and wife totally both naked in a bathtub.

Settling behind Lizabeth, Ralph frowned when Lizabeth stiffened and petrified in front of him. "Are you alright, baby girl?" He asked through her neck, clasping his hands around her shoulders. "You seem tense."

Lizabeth leaned backward, slanting her back against Ralph's bare chest. "Of course I am okay, baby boy." She told him while permitting him to wrap his arms around her. "It's just that this is so new to me being together in a tub."

"Yeah! I feel the same way too." Ralph comforted Lizabeth with this arms while snifling through her hair. And as he noticed the tension within Lizabeth never dissipated, a cliche idea came flashing through his head. "Do you want to massage your back?"

Shifting beneath his embrace, Lizabeth whirled and faced Ralph. "Massage?" She pondered audibly, knotting her brows. "I didn't know you know how to massage." She said and before Ralph could retort, she added. "But I accept the offer."

"Good." Ralph reciprocated, nodding mildly. "I'll massage you in bed later after we're done here."

True to his words, when they were done pampering themselves from the bathtub and to the shower afterwards, Ralph took a flacon of aromatic oil from the cabinet. Lizabeth felt amazing when every inch of her skin and muscle was pressed tenderly. The massage was indeed appropriately nurtured through Lizabeth's exhausted and tensed body. She could feel how the anxiousness and timidness drained out of her frame, leaving her feeling renewed and refreshed.

Ralph placed the flacon of aromatic oil on the night and Lizabeth flipped and laid on her back. Ralph crawled and hovered over her, one hand was pressed against the mattress while the other was caressing her hair. Their eyes met but not a single word fell out of their mouths, but the sparks of love and affection glistened through their eyes. Ralph leaned lower and kissed on Lizabeth's forehead. Silence filled the room and the only sound they could hear was the beating of their hearts.

"Now that we're husband and wife, what are we going to do next?" Ralph asked while still hovering over Lizabeth. "Let's start with the merging of our companies."

"That's the main plan according to our fathers."

"You will take over the Goodwell Empire and will take over ours."

Lizabeth nodded.

"And what about starting our own family?"

"We are stepping on to that already."

"I know." Ralph nodded as he responded. "But we must have kids to make it more realistic."

"I guess we're going to have our first born soon." Lizabeth uttered while tapping a hand on her tummy. "I feel like I am conceiving since my period hasn't visited me this week."

A smug smile formed and encompassed Ralph's face. "You're not jesting don't you?"

Lizabeth shook her head. "Of course I'm not!"

Ralph couldn't help it and leaned on Lizabeth and kissed her lips. "You're my Billion Dollar Baby."

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