His Billion Dollar Girl

By HeiroAcre1981

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The story of two different people who were fated and destined to be together found their way to meet and fall... More



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By HeiroAcre1981

THE ORIGINAL TIME schedule of their date was usually sat on three in the afternoon. But Mr Armando Goodwell and Mr Miguel Angelo Amancio dominantly moved it to six in the evening since they would be accompanying their children, ensuring that none of them would have the desire to back out and flee again. The venue or their rendezvous was the Bel-Air park grand pavilion function place. Mr Goodwell paid for the venue so Lizabeth and Raphael Daniel would have their intimate private moment.

Lizabeth was thrilled and nervous to see Raphael Daniel for the first time.

Raphael Daniel on the other side was thrilled to see how Lizabeth would react when she found out who he was in the first place.

Danna, Martina and Lucas were among the most excited individuals for their Young Lady Lizabeth's blind date – to be considered. Unfortunately, no one was allowed to come over to see what the date would be look like. Even Alexandro and Selena were remained out of the vicinity of the date strictly – to ensure that Lizabeth and Raphael Daniel would savor the interlude of their own moment. But once the two agreed to proceed to the good part, everyone was surely invited.

"I thought you sat our date in a private exclusive restaurant." Lizabeth pondered wonderingly, noticing the diverging of the direction of their limosin. Her father was sitting beside her, holding her hand, preventing her from quivering. But more basically, preventing her from probably jumping off the limosin. "Where are we going anyway?"

"For fearing that you might run away again, I changed the venue." Mr Goodwell was being direct to the point since the residual of the trauma he experienced due to Lizabeth's flee lingered.  "I'm sorry for telling you this. But you are the only one I have in life now." A lone tear rebelliously fell off his eyes. "I cannot rely our empire to anyone else."

"Dad, when I came home, I knew I had decided and made up my mind." Lizabeth leaned closer to her dad, wiping the tear that tarnished his face. "Taking over our empire and your place is my responsibility. I know I am kinda disaster because I am a woman and cannot carry the legacy of our family name. But dad…" she trudged off, tugging her father into a hug, kissing him on his cheek. "Please believe me. I'm going to be the best and stronger female version of you."

Mr Goodwell closed his eyes gently as he felt the warmth of his daughter's embrace, surrounding him. "Thank you, my princess."

Abruptly, the father and daughter felt how their limosin gagged and seized as their driver hit the gas. Their convoy finally arrived at their destination, and both Mr Armando Goodwell and daughter Lizabeth Azania Goodwell, could see translucently through the window of their limosin the convoy of Mr Michael Angelo Amancio  tenanted the other ample space of the parking lot. The two billionaires had compromised that they would hire an expensive celebrity chef cook to lavishly serve Lizabeth and Raphael.

The place was a comparison to what we called modern paradise and wilderness – extremely exquisite and overwhelming. There was pathway that built with heated bricks drifted through the luscious green grass – where palm trees, redwood trees, ornamental plants nestled beneath the spectacular California sky. Man-made ponds, lagoons and waterfall added compliment and attraction to the fabulous place. In the end trail of the heated bricks made pathway, a large pavilion nestled.

There were three separate pavilions, and the large one was situated in the very middle. The two other smaller pavilion were served as the kitchen and bar area. The other smaller one, it was where some of their securities were idling in. The rest of the securities were scattered around to ensure the total safety of both families. The center large pavilion, two sets of tables were sat on, and a sitting area was perfectly organized across the two dining tables. And Mr Amancio was standing, beaming radiantly at Lizabeth and Mr Goodwell as they thudded through the bricks made pathway.

"A pleasant late afternoon, princess Lizabeth Azania Goodwell." Mr Amancio greeted Lizabeth, bowing his head slightly and one hand on his back while one hand wedged through his chest. "My heart is thrashing badly in my reaction to your enchanted beauty." He praised and complemented Lizabeth, smiling widely at the young lady. "You are one of a kind."

Feeling flattered and blushed, Lizabeth giggled inwardly at the complement the Mafia King uttered. "It's nice to meet you too, Señor Miguel Angelo Amancio. It's an honor to see you finally in person." Lizabeth bowed her head, showing her full respect for the Mafia King. She then meandered her objective around, detecting the lack of somebody's presence. "Where's your son?"

Mr Amancio giggled quietly in his haughty reaction to the inquiry Lizabeth jabbed. He presumed that the young lady perhaps tense and nervous – and most probably thrilled to see what her future husband looked like. "He is still in our limosin. He decided to remain there for a while." He giggled quietly as he halted. "He wants to see how you look before proceeding and meeting you. But he asked me to give you these…" he drifted off as he spun and went to the table. A bouquet of roses, a box of dark chocolate and a dainty box of Caron Poivre parfum. "He said you like chocolate and Caron Poivre parfum is your favorite."

Lizabeth cringed inwardly when her eyes nailed to the gifts placed on the table. She loved and an avid fan of dark chocolate and red roses. And the perfume brands she mostly used – even the moment she fled and lived in that ordinary apartment – were Caron Poivre and Jean Patou Joy. Although Ariella and Brandon and even Chandler had noticed how extravagant her scents were, she was silenced about it for she didn't any of them to know that she was only hiding her true identity.

And how came the Mafia Prince had an idea what perfume brands I  prefer  to use?

"How long will he want me to wait here?" Lizabeth stuffed another question to Mr Amancio and at the same time shaking the thought off her head. "He should have been here earlier than me here instead."

Mr Goodwell draped an arm through Lizabeth's waist. "Don't be harsh to your future father in law. I know you feel nervous and I can sense it. But it doesn't mean you need to put me and my amico mio in pressure." He resred and kissed Lizabeth's temple. "Raphael also feels the same way as you do. The man is as excited as you."

Instantly, Lizabeth felt a wave of guilt plunged through her,and an arrow of embarrassment went directly to her heart. "I'm sorry." She mumbled apologetically, detering herself not to put pressure on everyone around her. "I'm just tensed and timid. It's not easy in my part to be set up into a date with someone I haven't–"

"He's here!" Mr Amancio exclaimed haughtily, grinning widely, pointing to the pathway. "My very handsome and adorable Raphael Daniel, your future husband is here."

Mr Amancio was practically pointing behind Lizabeth and Mr Goodwell. Mr Goodwell was the first to spin to look at Raphael Daniel, who was confidently gaiting through the pathway. Mr Goodwell beamed brightly at Raphael Daniel, feeling proud and excited all at once, seeing his future son in law arriving at the scene. However Lizabeth remained standing on her feet, feeling frozen and mortified – as she presumed Raphael Daniel would never want her to be his wife.

"My handsome future son in law." Mr Goodwell sprawled his arms before hugging Raphael Daniel.

Raphael Daniel sloped and hugged Mr Goodwell, tapping his hand around his back. "Nice to have you again here, dad."

Lizabeth flinched and cringed to herself upon hearing the same familiar manly voice she had heard before. Her dad and her future husband, Raphael Daniel Amancio were greeting and hugging each a few steps behind her. Her breathing became fast and quick for she knew who was the owner of that familiar voice. When she discerned that her father and Raphael Daniel were done greeting and hugging each other, Lizabeth felt a familiar warm presence standing behind her.

The scent of Raphael Daniel was the same familiar woody and musky scent Ralph Cortez was usually using before. A vision came crowding Lizabeth's head of her and Ralph savoring the intimate glorious night the two of them shared. Then a warm breath blew through the bare skin of her nappy, making her skin flicker and nerves pulsate ragingly. Gingerly and optimistically, Lizabeth whirled and her head dropped down as she faced her future husband.

"Nice to see you again, baby girl."

That voice hastened to her ears, sending shivers down her spine. From gazing at the pair of black leather shoes Raphael Daniel wore, Lizabeth dramatically tilted her head and glanced at the face of the man, who was beaming adorably at her. Instantly, her eyes fluttered wide and mouth gaped practically as she took aback, hands across her chest in disbelief. "Mr… Cor… tez?" She sputtered uncomfortably in nervousness. "What are you doing here?"

Ralph laughed at the astonishment and disbelief that flourished through Lizabeth. "My name is Raphael Daniel Amancio. I am the Mafia Prince you dreadfully thought about." He chuckled rediculously at the puzzled countenance through Lizabeth's face. "And here I am here now, baby girl. I am here as your–"

A sudden strong and furious slap perfectly launched on Ralph's face, leaving it reddened, making Ralph gawk and blink in pain and bafflement. And before he could utter his protest and complain, Lizabeth whirled fast and robbed the bouquet of roses from the table and smacked the cluster of roses on Ralph's head. However, Ralph dodged that and took aback, saving himself from Lizabeth's onslaught. Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio were both speechless in confusion and bewilderment, seeing their children fighting each other.

"Lizabeth, stop it!" Mr Goodwell scooted quickly to Lizabeth and wrapped his arms around his shuddering and shaking in rage daughter. "You cannot do that to someone you just met in person."

"Someone I just met?" Lizabeth whined sadistically, glaring at her father. "You're right about it dad. Someone I just–"

Lizabeth drifted off as Ralph robbed her from Mr Goodwell's position and wedged his lips to hers initially, silencing her even more. Ralph fastened his arms around Lizabeth when Lizabeth attempted to protest and shook herself off of Ralph. But Ralph was way too strong, towering and determined to satisfy himself from kissing Lizabeth. Tightening his embrace, Ralph felt Lizabeth finally succumbed and had given up. She ceased from squirming and shaking, apparently tolerating the way Ralph manifested his sensual onslaught.

Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio were gaping and blinking the entire time Lizabeth and Ralph were kissing and hugging each other.

After a couple of seconds, Ralph pulled and searched for Lizabeth's eyes. "You stopped protesting against my kiss." He mumbled softly but sounded teasing the young lady. "What does it mean?"

Lizabeth was still in a state of shock and astonishment while staring at Ralph. Her hands were still grasping on Ralph's biceps as she scrutinized his frame. "It means… that… I.." she ceased, averting her eyes off of Ralph. "I thought you were leaving for good."

"I was." Ralph retorted, "I was literally leaving for good from that apartment. Since you left your apartment and returned to your house, staying longer there for no reason seemed useless to me." Then he realized how Lizabeth never yanked her grasps off his arms. "You're still holding me right, baby girl. You really miss me so much don't you?"

Lizabeth nodded without oscillation.

"I see." Ralph snorted as he nodded slightly. An idea of asking Lizabeth that kept bugging his head lately. "Do you miss how we went to work together?"

Lizabeth nodded without saying a word.

"Alright." Ralph mumbled and asked again. "Do you miss those days we had–"

"I miss everything." Lizabeth exclaimed, shutting Ralph off. "I miss everything about you." She huffed as she jerked her grasps off of Ralph. "I miss how you watched me when I passed out." She gulped thickly. "I miss that night when we made love for the first time until early dawn." Her breathing became hitch and rough. "I miss you because…" she trailed off as she stared at Ralph closely. "Because I love you."

"I love you too, baby girl." Ralph replied, running his hand through her hair. "I love you so much."

"Raphael Daniel, what's the meaning of this?" Mr Amancio appeared magically between Lizabeth and Ralph. "Why are you saying I love you to each other?"

"Lizabeth, my princess, why are you crying? And why are you saying I love and I miss you to Raphael?" Mr Goodwell marveled audibly, appearing on the other side, standing between Lizabeth and Ralph and opposite to Mr Amancio. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Can any of you two answer that question." Mr Amancio demanded, challenging the two, crossing his arms across his chest. "We need to know what is happening here?"

Lizabeth and Ralph simultaneously shrugged and laughed ridiculously at their fathers. Ignoring the inquisitiveness of Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio, Ralph and Lizabeth grabbed each other because wedging their lips to kiss each other lusciously. Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio were blinking and gawking in disbelief.

INSTEAD OF HAVING their date, their very first date as Lizabeth Azania Goodwell and Raphael Daniel Amancio, in the private Bel-Air pavilion park, the couple decided to have their first dinner date with their friends in one of the most expensive restaurants in Los Angeles, California. The STK Steakhouse in Los Angeles, California. Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio wanted to protest and stand against the idea but their children were overpowering and dominating. It was them now who followed orders from them.

In immediate response, both Mr Armando Goodwell and Mr Michael Angelo Amancio sent some of their bodyguards to the mentioned restaurant in order to inspect the place. The STK Steakhouse indeed was the most prominent place for people like them since it was a high-end restaurant. Surprisingly, Lizabeth already paid and placed the restaurant in exclusive state – which was mainly for her friends to spend dinner with. Now that Lizabeth and Ralph were finally and officially in a serious relationship and about to be husband and wife too soon, they decided to allow their friends to take part and have participation in their upcoming union of vows.

"You two are not serious don't you?" Ariella hollered tumultuously, snatching everyone's awareness and turning them to her. She was standing in front of Lizabeth and Ralph. "What we're seeing isn't real, right?" She asked wonderingly, hands clasped on her waist, demanding for a valid answer. "Please tell us that you're just kidding."

"But baby, they seem so serious." Brandon scoffed teasingly as he appeared beside Ariella. He was staring at the Lizabeth and Ralph, who were holding each other's hand tightly. "They don't look like jesting or manifesting a prank on us."

"I am also bewildered as well." Dorothy interjected promptly, thudding beside Brandon, staring at Lizabeth and Ralph. She slipped her working time and impetuously rocketed her car to STK Steakhouse, leaving the L-Mart behind when Gloria informed her. "It was not long ago that Lisafe and Ralph worked as s cashier and warehouse personnel in L-Mart."

"I hate to think about it too. But they seem not joking or pranking to us." Gloria supplied, standing beside Dorothy, staring at Lizabeth and Ralph. She felt smugly amused when she found out that Ralph was Lizabeth's future husband. "And I knew it from the very start when they worked with us in L-Mart. I knew there was something the way Mr Cortez stole glances at Miss Redwood."

The two billionaires and tycoons, Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio were blinking and goggling to what everyone was saying. And what confused and perplexed them the most was the repeated mentioning of the notorious names, Lisafe Redwood and Ralph Cortez. They hadn't had the time to converse with their children since everything happened and went so abrupt and sudden. It seemed that their children were fooling each other when they fled and ran away from them. And ended being together as friends, neighbors and coworkers.

"Why don't you all take your place and enjoy the rest of the night.* Sebastian scoffed admonishingly, hollering from the table where he and Arthur, Robert and Xander were occupying. He was grasping on the bottle of Brignac Rosê while twisting the cap to open. "You were all cluelessly oblivious about what was happening."

"Oblivious?" Lizabeth turned to Sebastian who pouring a wine to his glass. "Why are they oblivious? And what do you know, Mr Grand?" She crossed her arms stubbornly across her chest. "Remember Mr Grand, you still haven't awed me an explanation about what you–"

"Ask your future husband about it, Young Lady Lizabeth's." Sebastian blurted out, silencing Lizabeth instantly. "He has the full explanation you desperately need to know." He added, sneering tauntingly at the furious Ralph. "Right Young Lord?"

Hearing what Sebastian babbled, Lizabeth turned to Ralph and glared at him sardonically, hands still crossed over her chest. "What does Mr Grand trying to ponder me, Mr Raphael Daniel Amancio? Why he refers me to you about what he did to me?" She asked, hugging Ralph's chin. "And why is Mr Grand is addressing you, Young Lord?"

"That's because Sebastian is my right hand." Ralph answered in a very controlled voice while shuddering inwardly, trying to spruce Lizabeth's head. "The guy has a crush on you but he still agrees to work with me despite how he knows that you will be mine too soon." He gulped slightly while Lizabeth still holding his chin. "We met long ago. And he was the one who helped me escape when papa shifted me from Italy to Los Angeles."

"And what about the harassment he maneuvered that might?" Lizabeth wondered, still blinking and goggling at Ralph. "Why he refers me to you for the explanation?"

"Because of Chandler." Ralph retorted.

Then he explained how he planned the entire act. Sebastian informed Ralph that Chandler was coming over to the apartment that night. Chandler was planning to ask Lizabeth to sleep with him and the idea came promptly in Ralph's head in order to distract the plan Chandler had. So Sebastian followed and accomlanied Lizabeth up to her apartment a couple of minutes before Chandler came. Ralph was standing behind the closed door of his apartment, eavesdropping on the happenings in the hallway.

Even before Ralph found out the truth about Lizabeth, he already began falling in love with her. Knowing that his father betrothed him to a girl he hadn't seen before and barely knew, half of him acquired the fear, while the other half was telling him that Lizabeth as Lisafe Redwood was the right one for him. Secretly, Ralph was so thankful for his benevolent instinct for ramming his mind and emotion to the right he was obliviously no idea that it was his future wife.

A wave of relief submerged, splashing on Lizabeth as she began to realize it was her who was oblivious to the things happened in her life. "So that was why you were so overprotective to me lately." She mumbled, jerking her hand off Ralph's chin. "Because you fall in love with me even before you found out who I am."

"This is a unique kind of a fairytale." Arthur cooed and Lizabeth and Ralph turned to him. He was commenting on the relationship between Ralph and Lizabeth. He was reclining against the backrest of his seat. "And I'm glad to have Bas as one of our friends. We would have not met the two of you." He said and grabbed the glass of his wine before tipping to Lizabeth. "Cheers!*

"I feel bad for Chandy and his parents." Robert parroted, joining the conference. "I'd only Mr Henry Limestone and Mrs Adela Limestone knew who you were–" he tipped his glass of wine to Lizabeth. "They would have caged you and forced you to marry Chandler." He shook his head and sighed deeply. "But it's the heart who chooses, not the brain."

"And I agree with you." Xander interjected and supported what Robert atated. "I feel bad for Chandler as he doesn't have feelings for Mia Clara. And he is trapped." He ceased, sighed and shook his head. "But he chose to be a jerk to you."

"I think everything was meant to happen." Ralph said, throwing an arm on Lizabeth's shoulder. "Chandler was not meant for you." He smirked cheviously at Lizabeth. "And we are meant for each other."

Then Lizabeth remembered that moment when she caught Ralph half naked and one of Tamara's friends was on his lap. Abruptly, she grabbed Ralph's collar and tugged him closer to her. "And you acted as a jerk once too. Remember that when I caught you shirtless, soaked in sweat and that stripper was on your lap." She sniggered scornfully at Ralph. "Remember?"

Immediately, beads of sweat began forming through Ralph's neck and forehead. He gulped thickly, clearing the lump on his throat and uttered. "Yes princess. I remember that." He nodded and smiled before he whispered. "But remember that night we made love for the first time, you asked me for another round."

Then everyone cheered up, urging Lizabeth and Ralph to kiss each other. Ralph who had been itching to kiss Lizabeth and own her to the fullest extent of his life, he complied to what everyone requested. Eventually, Lizabeth showed no amount of hesitation and apparently coiled her arms around Ralph's neck, preparing herself to the most awaited kiss. It was Ralph who slanted his head lower and closer to Lizabeth. And Lizabeth wedged her lips to Ralph's as she tiptoed to level their kiss.

Mr Goodwell and Mr Amancio, who witnessed the luscious kissing scene of Ralph and Lizabeth shook their heads in amusement. Danna, Martina and Lucas felt romantically thrilled seeing how their young lady boss was so happy in the hands of the Mafia Prince. As everyone was clapping and cheering, Ralph suddenly ceased and seized himself from Lizabeth, making everyone halt from clapping and cheering. Ralph then dug his hand to his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box.

"Lizabeth Azania Goodwell." Ralph started and everyone heeded earnestly. "I Raphael Daniel Amancio, the youngest son of Michael Angelo Amancio." He crouched down and kneeled on one knee and tipped the jewelry box towards Lizabeth. "Would like to have your precious Yes." He halted and cleared his throat, opening the jewelry box. "Will you marry me?"

Lizabeth hesitated for a moment and studied the emerald ring. She glanced at Ralph's eyes which were the same colors of the precious stone. Her lips then twisted gradually forming into a smug smile. Stretching her hands, Lizabeth took the jewelry box from Ralph's grasp. "Yes. I will marry you, Raphael Daniel Amancio. My Ralph Cortez."

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