Dean's Life

By Rddudd

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This is a story about Dean Winchester's life. He's a sheriff's deputy and a strict dad who's not afraid to sp... More

Once Over
Don't Even
Move In Day
Making Room
Paying the price
Say Uncle
Tea Party
Same Difference
Nick of Time
Didn't ask
For One Reason
No Big Deal
Taking Care of Business
Bad guy
Girl time
Don't think
What happened
Line Jumping
Focused on the Past
Traffic stop
Getting through
Either way
Because you are
This time around
Building Blocks
In Case
My life


1.6K 39 67
By Rddudd

Amy's pov

"Don't!" Dean cut me off. "You know better." He spoke so sternly, I shuddered. "You ever think of doing that again, you'll get a taste of my belt." He pointed his finger at me in warning. "And it won't be the sexy kind of spanking you like." I blushed in embarrassment. "It will hurt like Hell and you will never forget it. Am I clear?"

"You're right, Dean. I'm sorry," I replied with sincerity, feeling extremely guilty for even considering driving while I was still buzzed.

He nodded in acceptance of my apology so we quickly got dressed and headed out to my van. I really didn't want Rachel to have to hang out too long at the bus terminal waiting for us. It's not the most pleasant or safest place to be at this time of night.

"You know, if you and your sister are feeling rambunctious when we get back and you want to strip down to your bra and panties to have a pillow fight, I'd be happy to let you two have the bed and I could sleep on the couch, after getting it all on video, of course," Dean so generously offered, as he tried to lighten the mood, locking the front door behind us.

"Just get in the van, weirdo," I replied, chuckling at my immature whore of a boyfriend.

After picking up Rachel, I got her settled on the couch for the night and then Dean and I retired to our bedroom to get some sleep since it was after midnight and we were both exhausted, not to mention we each have to get up early for work.

The next morning

Amy's pov

It was an early morning for everyone at the Winchester house, except my sister of course. I both envied and reviled her for being able to live her life with no responsibilities, answering to nobody. Dean and I were getting ready for work. Sam was dropping Alex at the highschool, then he'd bring Katie and Drew back and feed them breakfast before walking Katie to her grade school. After they got Katie to school, he'd drive Drew to his preschool/daycare, come home and work on the basement all day.

Grabbing my keys, ready to head out the door, running late as usual, I told the kids to have a good day at school, gave a Dean a quick kiss goodbye and told my lazy-ass little sister who was still lounging half asleep on the couch, despite the noise and chaos surrounding her, "Sorry I can't spend the day with you but I gotta go to work. Sam will be here most of the day working on the basement if you need anything. See you at dinner."

After a long day at work, we all sat down to a delicious dinner of beef stroganoff, Sam somehow found the time to whip up. Well, all of us except Alex. He has late practice tonight for basketball. During dinner, Drew talked excitedly about his morning at preschool and his afternoon at daycare, sharing all his new knowledge and artwork with his Aunt Rachel. Katie I noticed, however, was uncharacteristically quiet. I wonder what that's all about. I hope she didn't get in any trouble at school.

"What time do you have to pick up Alex tonight?" Dean asked me, as he rinsed his dinner plate in the sink.

"Practice lets out at 8:30pm so I'll probably leave around 8:15pm. Why? Did you need me to get something while I'm out?"

"No, but I think it'd be a good idea if you took Drew and your sister along for the ride."

"Okay..." I replied hesitantly, looking to him for some sort of explanation.

Providing the answer to my query from earlier, he turned his attention to Katie and sternly said, "I believe you and I have some unfinished business to take care of before you go to bed." Glaring at his daughter with a hard look on his face, he asked, "Am I right?"

Oh, that's why she was so quiet at dinner. I forgot Dean promised her a bedtime spanking tonight. Poor Katie looked so embarrassed, I felt bad for her. She lowered her head, her cheeks flushing red as she focused intently on pushing her last bite of food back and forth across her plate.

"Yes Daddy," she replied shyly, keeping her gaze down.

Dean's pov

After Amy left with Drew and Rachel to go pick up Alex, I sent Katie to her room to start getting ready for bed. Sam and I cleaned up the kitchen and then he retreated to the basement, not wanting to be up here when I punish my daughter, his niece. He's heard it several times before and even spanked her a few times himself but for some reason, it still makes him uncomfortable. He's so sensitive.

Walking into Katie's room, I told her, "Let's go, it's time for your spanking."

Katie shook her head no.

"Now!" I snapped, pointing towards the hallway.

Slamming the stuffed cat toy she had been cuddling close to her chest down on the bed, she protested vehemently and quite unwisely, "Noooo Daddyyy, that's not fair. You already spanked me yesterday." Crossing her arms over her chest in defiance, she stated, "I don't need another spanking. I already learned my lesson."

"If I hear one more word out of your mouth and I don't see you hightailing it off that bed into my room in the next five seconds, you'll be gettin' spanked every night this week, Katherine Rose." I looked at my daughter hard, eyeing her closely, exerting my authority. "I suggest you follow me and bring your hairbrush with you, unless you'd like Drew to see me spank your bare bottom over my knee right here in this room for the next five nights." I turned quickly and walked briskly out of the room, knowing Katie would soon be right behind me. God help her if she disobeys me.

I inhaled sharply hearing her start to cry as she scrambled off her bed to grab her hairbrush and follow me out. Damn if I don't think she deserves this but it still hurts me to hear her cry. She's my little girl and she always will be. Enough of the pity party Dean, I admonished myself. Time to be the disciplinarian she needs right now. I'm honestly growing tired of encountering this budding obedience problem of hers during punishments.

As we entered my room, I turned and forcefully grabbed the hairbrush from her tiny hands before slamming the door shut. Yanking her pajama bottoms down, I gave her three hard spanks on her bare behind, dictating sternly, "You're going to learn one way or another to start listening the first time you're told to do something." I spanked her sore little butt with the brush as she danced around in vain trying to avoid each punishing slap I delivered. "You. don't. tell. me. no, little girl. Understand?" I stated coldly, enunciating every word with a crisp slap of the hard wooden backing of the brush to her delicate little cherry red behind.

"OWWWIEE!" Katie wailed, reaching back to rub the sting from her bottom.

"Katie!" I warned, growing impatient to hear her answer me.

"YES, DADDY!" she cried out, tears streaming down her face as she continued to rub her smarting buttcheeks.

Pulling her by the arm as she shuffled clumsily, her little legs constricted by her pajama pants pooled around her ankles, I dragged her over to my desk chair. I sat down and swiftly flipped her over my knee.

Spanking her little round ass with the hairbrush, watching her skin turn a darker shade of red with each well placed stroke, I asked, "Why are you in this position again tonight, young lady?"

Squirming uncomfortably atop my thighs, she stammered amidst her tears, "Cuz I d_didn't lis_listen."

"That's right. This could have all been avoided if you would just do as you're told." I tapped the brush against her sit spots. "The first time." I spanked her right buttcheek, then the left. The sound of the sturdy wood slapping against her taut young skin, providing an ominous warning of the price of disobedience in the house of Winchester as it echoed loudly off the confines of my sparsely decorated bedroom walls. "Twelve more and then we're done." I started spanking her soundly with the brush, paying extra attention to the sensitive undercurves of her smooth buttcheeks. Katie wailed through the remainder of her spanking, big tears dripping from her bloodshot eyes. I want her to remember this the next time she thinks about arguing with me when she's being punished.

After delivering the final spank, I took a minute to rub her warm bottom before lifting her off my lap. I picked up her pajama pants which she had kicked off completely during her spanking and helped her back into them. Not in the mood to be comforted, she whined and slapped my hands away when I pulled the waistband up over her throbbing bottom.

Grabbing her by the wrist to prevent her hasty exit, I softly said, "Straight to bed, Katie girl," before sending her off with a gentle pat.

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