His Billion Dollar Girl

By HeiroAcre1981

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The story of two different people who were fated and destined to be together found their way to meet and fall... More



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By HeiroAcre1981

BUT A WAVE of relief then loomed afterwards Lizabeth, brushing away the vile and the nervousness flourished through her – when Danna updated her that Mr Goodwell had recovered after he was taken to the hospital. Lizabeth never understood why life had been hard to her for the past days and weeks. However, Lizabeth knew no one to blame but herself, if she had listened and heeded to the advises Brandon and Ariella lectured her basically everyday.

Honestly, everytime when the issue related to Chandler.

And Lizabeth finally discovered the real face of Chandler David Limestone herself, catching him naked maneuvering his shaft inside Tamara's. Though she felt remorse and regret and allowing herself to lament and grieve, Lizabeth somehow found herself needing for comfort from her friends. Her father's current health condition added as factors for her anxiety to dawdle a little longer. But what made Lizabeth fortunate despite the tremendous and successive excruciating events that took place in her life lately, her being single and learning to live life all by herself contributed to the positive aspects.

Now, it had been a week since that night when the world turned around against her. Lizabeth asked Harold for her to have a leave of absence for the entire week – excluded the day they went to Las Vegas. Ariella and Brandon went to Harold in order to help Lizabeth explaining her side and the reason why she needed more days of rest. And the week of rest had gone fast and Lizabeth now resumed her daily routine. Lizabeth was ready to face the world and the upcoming challenges it might offer.

"Welcome back to Donatello's!"

Lizabeth shrunk mildly down inside her when she stepped in the kitchen of Donatello's and Analiza greeted her, offering a hug. "Thank you so much for being so understanding to me." She reciprocated, corresponding to Analiza, coiling her arms around her. "I miss you so much Ana." She pulled and smiled at her. "And thank you for taking my position for a while."

"It's no problem my dear. You needed time to rest and ponder after what happened to Vegas." Analiza enunciated insensitively, not caring if what she said was approximate or not. "It's not easy to catch the man you are crushing having… you know." She shrugged after she prattled.

Lizabeth frowned, drawing her brows together. "How did you know?" Lizabeth marveled suspiciously, crossing her arms around her chest and gawking at Analiza. "I haven't told anyone about it. And what I told Harold about is that I need rest after the news I received from my aunties regarding my father's health condition."

"Oh I'm sorry." Analiza enunciated apologetically, covering her mouth with her hand in mortification. "But that is what Harold told us about." She muttered thoughtfully, still gawking at Lizabeth in mortification. "He said you caught your crush, Mr Chandler David Limestone having fun… I mean extreme fun with a stripper." She added, cupping her own cheeks with her hands.

"Oh my goodness!" Lizabeth exclaimed exasperatedly, feeling agitated and confused. She whirled around and searched for Harold. "Where's Harold? Where's he?"

"There!" Analiza babbled, pointing to the kitchen door, where Harold just emerged. "There's the man of the hours."

Harold was leaning on the doorframe, looking at Lizabeth nonchalantly as if he knew why Lizabeth was looking for him. He heard Lizabeth – with the help of Brandon and Ariella clearly when they delivered Lizabeth's interpretation of her reasons why she needed to rest. Albeit Lizabeth told Harold that her father was sick and she had to visit him, Lizabeth was lying because she never left her apartment for the entire. She only holed herself there, listening to music, reading her favorite romance novels, watching news and sports events, and etc.

"Mr Miller, what are you talking about?" Lizabeth growled angrily, scooting fastly to Harold. "That is not what I told you about." She began while plastering a grimace that simplified her agitation. "I never said to you anything about i caught Chandler–

"Having sex with Tamara Swift."

"How did you know about it?"

"Simple and easy, Miss Redwood." Harold exclaimed indifferently while jerking off the doorframe. He sauntered languorously, heading directly to the island counter, where Gerald was segmenting slices of pork. "Mr and Mrs Limestone came and dined here last Friday night." He said, sloping his back against the counter. "According to them, their son finally lost his chance of impressing you. They said you caught their son having sex with a stripper."

Lizabeth thudded ploddingly straight to Harold, crossing her arms through her chest. "And now did they know about it? I know their son would never inform them about his agendas." She enunciated, remarking about Chandler. "I know Chandler very well."

"We don't think so, Miss Redwood." Gerald dove in and interjected, robbing Lizabeth's awareness from Harold to him. "We don't think you know about Chandler." He assured Lizabeth. "Chandler was aiming for your purity and he was determined to marry that woman named Mia Clara Lendholm to merge their business to the Lendholm business."

"And good thing you were hard to give in." Harold cooed, pointing his index finger to Lizabeth's face. "We're very proud of you, Miss Redwood." He patted a hand on Lizabeth's shoulder. "But you still be careful about Chandler." He warned her.

"But why?" Lizabeth furrowed, knotting her brows together. "He has no reason to get near me at all."

"He still talks to you.* Harold retorted rhetorically, twisting the corner of his lips. "And begs for another chance."

"I won't allow him to get near me." Lizabeth retaliated, drawing herself off of Harold. Then she wandered her eyes around and noticed something was lacking. "Where's Mr Cortez?"

Harold and Gerald, along with Analiza looked at one another before they resumed their attentiveness to Lizabeth.

"Excuse me!" Lizabeth scoffed wryly. "I asked you where's Mr Cortez?"

"I thought you and Mr Cortez were neighbors." Harold whined, giving Lizabeth a flat glare. "Didn't he inform you, Miss Redwood?" He matched through the kitchen and snatched the small white envelope from the small table in the corner.  He handed the small white envelope to Lizabeth. "He resigned yesterday."

That seemed to surprise Lizabeth that much, knowing Ralph was leaving Donatello's without letting her know. The two of them were together when Brandon referred their resumes to Harold. When they got hired, everyone in the Donatello's thought the two of them were in a relationship. They were so close and affectionate to each other – especially about Ralph who was too overprotective and caring about Lizabeth. And Lizabeth was oblivious to Ralph's manifestation of his feelings.

"What did he say about it? I mean what his reasons?" Lizabeth stammered reluctantly, being caught in timidness and culpability. She and Ralph never talked for the entire week while she was holing herself in her apartment. "We had a misunderstanding lately and we never talked for the entire week."

"He never told us anything about between the two of you." Analiza uttered while dragging a cart to fill in the orders. "He just said he wants to go back home in…" she trailed off and looked at Harold. "Where's that again?"

"Italy." Harold supplied abruptly. "But he still be staying here Los Angeles until next week or next month."

I see and thank God he's not leaving yet. Lizabeth mused mentally while reading the resignation letter Ralph had written. She smiled at the very last part of the letter Ralph wrote "life is meaningless if the most important thing is drawing away from him" clearly. I wonder what's the most important thing to him? I don't think it's me. If it's me, he would have confessed everything to me. All he did was being too overprotective and coming out clean to me.

The entire working shift schedule was boring and Lizabeth practically mustered her senses and thoughts not to get carried away. Contemplating about the resignation Ralph made, Lizabeth discovered that Ralph's presence also added colors to her – most likely when they went to work together and went home together. A wave of fear and dreadness splashed through Lizabeth, driving her literally nuts and crazy, wondering why she was kinda affected by Ralph's resignation.

One o'clock in the morning, Lizabeth hurriedly climbed off her car and sprinted fast from the parking lot up to the lobby and elevator. Lizabeth's head was telling her to calm down and if Ralph was leaving too soon, it was none of her business. In some point, her heart stood against the idea of how her brain worked. A knife of guilt and remorse stabbed deeply though her chest, ripping off her heart. Lizabeth hastened herself off the elevator when it reached the tenth floor.

Lizabeth impetuously stormed through the corridor, approaching Ralph's apartment and rang the bell. The doorbell rang several times but Ralph never opened the door. "Mr Cortez, open the door please." Lizabeth yelped tumultuously while pounding and her hands on the door. "I know you are there listening–"

The door abruptly swung open and that signaled Lizabeth to silence herself. Appearing on the other side of the door, the handsome and hot materialization of Ralph in a cleaned white towel wrapped around his waist. "What is it Miss Redwood? Or shall I say Miss Goodwell?"

"Can we talk even just for a few minutes?"

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me." Ralph said, smirking cheviously at Lizabeth. "And that you needed time and space." He chuckled ridiculously but still sounded  adorable. "I guess you are done grieving." He chuckled continuously.

"I am done with everything, Mr Cortez." Lizabeth uttered frantically, shutting Ralph and turning him into silence. "And I'll be done if I lose another friend." She said sadly, breathing drastically drift and fast.

"Would you like to come inside?" Ralph offered, beckoning to the living room of his apartment. "We can talk sternly there." He suggested, still pointing inside his apartment. "If it doesn't scare you."

Without further ado and fluctuation, Lizabeth stormed inside Ralph's apartment and Ralph closed the door behind, smirking devilishly looking at Lizabeth. Ralph ushered Lizabeth to sit in the couch and Lizabeth obediently complied, crouching down to the couch. Lizabeth felt a slight intimidation as Ralph stood a few steps away from her, making the coffee table as their division. The Italian guy was wearing nothing but a white towel draped around his waist. When Lizabeth discerned something growing harder through Ralph's crotch, she immediately averted her attention.

"What is it you want to talk about?" Ralph continued, breaking the looming awkward silence between them. "And what are you saying that you don't want to lose another friend?" Ralph crossed his arms across his chest. "Does this mean you–"

"I don't want to lose you." Lizabeth cut off Ralph when she exclaimed abruptly. "I heard you had resigned and will be leaving  Los Angeles for Italy soon." She was fidgeting her fingers in tension and apprehensiveness. "Why didn't you tell?"

"Why didn't I tell you?" Ralph mimicked and sounded like mocking Lizabeth. "Because you were too busy sulking and holding yourself in your apartment."

"Because I was still hurt." Lizabeth retaliated, pushing herself off abruptly of the couch. She was hyperventilating drifty while staring at Ralph with full determination. "And even now I still feel the pain inside me, creeping through my nerves." She clasped one hand on the other. "But I know I am recovering and leaving the residual behind."

"And why are you so affected by me leaving too soon?"

"Because you are my friend?"

"Just friend?"

"Important friend." Lizabeth snapped back and corrected Ralph. "Very important friend to me."

"How important I am to you?"

"Important as in very important." Lizabeth uttered, motioning to Ralph. "Like my life would become colorless without seeing you around. As if you are the sunshine that makes my day brighter."

"But you know I'm leaving too soon."

"I know." Lizabeth grumbled, slumping herself on the couch. "But if there's a chance for me to make you stay, I am willing to do anything." She pondered audibly. "I will do anything. I will sacrifice Mr Cortez."

Ralph was grinning and laughing out loud inwardly upon processing what Lizabeth exclaimed. A glint of passion and sincerity sparkled through Lizabeth's eyes, signifying how the young lady was telling him the truth. And that what she said to him she really meant every single word. One hundred percent Ralph was certain that he would no longer find difficulties making Lizabeth his wife too soon. Then a shady idea came pervading through his mind – Ralph felt no hesitation this time.

Ralph as Raphael Daniel Amancio in reality was inwardly itching to have Lizabeth Azania Goodwell as his wife soon.

Remembering what Sebastian told him that Chandler had not given up to make Lizabeth surrender her purity to him, with Lizabeth waa blurting how willing she was to do everything, Ralph had the last process of securing his position. Albeit he was not prepared for what or how Lizabeth would react – violently or calmly – contemplating about someone was planning to take his future wife's purity before their marriage, Ralph was ready for a gamble. Whether Lizabeth would agree or disagree, Ralph had to quell the itching inside him to own his future wife before they legally married.

"Are you sure about what you are telling me?" Ralph asked, sitting himself on the coffee table, a few inches from Lizabeth. "You are willing to do anything to make me stay?" He shifted his body and faced Lizabeth. "You're not serious don't you?"

"I am more than serious."

"Are you sure?" Ralph asked.

Lizabeth nodded without oscillation. "Yes."

"Will you do anything to make me stay?"

Lizabeth nodded again. "Yes." She said and her tone was filled with assurance and confidence. "Anything, Mr Cortez. Anything. I will do anything." She chanted. "Just tell me."

"Alright." Ralph hissed quietly, placing his hands on Lizabeth's cheeks. "Since you are desperate to do anything to make me stay." He mumbled softly, bristling cautiously and dragging Lizabeth gently off her seat. Then they were both standing facing each other, feeling each other's breath. "I want to have sex with you."

Silence immediately submerged and sprawled around the living room of Ralph's apartment. A vile that began rising through Lizabeth's throat but Lizabeth managed to swallow it. Lizabeth noticed that Ralph yanked his hands off her cheeks, leaving her reddened face obviously pronounced. Then Lizabeth felt Ralph's hands held her hands, dragging them to somewhere she was familiar with. Tilting her head down, Lizabeth's pried at how her own hands unbuckling the towel around his waist.

Lizabeth suddenly snapped back and yanked herself from Ralph after the towel dropped and pooled around his feet. "I.. I uhm… actually I.. " Lizabeth sputtered uncomfortably, averting her eyes off Ralph. "Mr Cortez, you know I'm–"

Ralph abruptly tugged Lizabeth's face and wedged their lips before entangling their tongues. Lizabeth didn't show any hesitation which made Ralph decide mentally to go further than kiss.

THE NEXT MORNING, Lizabeth was awakened by a large hand caressing her hair. Lizabeth squinted her eyes and rubbed the sleepiness off her head with her hand. Moving her body gingerly, Lizabeth was ascertained and she realized that she was lying pronely over a naked body of a muscular man. Heaving herself and hovered over the naked muscular chest, Lizabeth wandered her eyes and realized that she was also naked. When she traced the face of the owner of the naked body, Lizabeth suppressed a sigh when Ralph was staring at her with a sleepy eyes.

"Mr Cortez, what happened?" Lizabeth asked, sitting herself up on Ralph's thighs. "What am I doing here? And why are we naked?"

"Don't you remember what we did last night, baby girl?" Ralph inquired, smirking faintly at Lizabeth. "You said you were willing to do anything just to make me stay." He gulped thickly, roaming his eyes through Lizabeth's naked frame. "So I asked you to have–"

"Sex with you?" Lizabeth exclaimed incredulously, gawking at the naked Ralph. Then she felt the soreness that was aching between her thighs. "Oh my gosh!" She huffed, running her hand to touch her threshold. "We really had sex."

"Because you said you would do anything to make me stay."

"But sex is–"

"Part of anything." Ralph insisted, silencing Lizabeth. He shifted and adjusted his body, automatically rolling Lizabeth to the other side of the bed. "And I love it."

"Love what?" Lizabeth uttered while curling herself beside Ralph. "Love to have sex with me?"

"Hmm.." Ralph hummed softly while smirking at Lizabeth. "Yeah! I love to have sex with you." He nodded slightly, running his hand through her face gently. "And love to be with you forever."

"You love being with me forever?" Lizabeth frowned as she marveled dubiously, gawking pathetically at Ralph. "But I already told you that I am betrothed to marry the evil Mafia Prince."

The term and the use or choice of words Lizabeth exclaimed obliviously sent shivers down Ralph's spine. Rolling his body, Ralph shifted from sideways looking at Lizabeth to laying on his back and stared at the ceiling above them. Ralph presumed that somebody told Lizabeth the bad impression about the Mafia. Knowing Lizabeth's impression of the Mafia was negative, it was one of the hindrances and hurdles Ralph needed to ease and straighten. If Lizabeth's impression of the Mafia would tarry longer in her head, Ralph's plan to surprise her was doubtful.

I wonder how she feels when she finds out that I'm her future husband her father wants her to marry? Ralph insanely talked to himself inside his head. I hope she doesn't freak out.

"What are you thinking?"

Ralph fissured from his trance when he heard Lizabeth was asking him. Then he flinched inwardly when he felt her hand was trailing through his bare chest. Tilting his head, Ralph felt amused seeing Lizabeth laying her head on his arm. "What are you doing?" He asked when Lizabeth ran her hand gently back and forth through his bare chest. "Are you tempting me?"

Cringing, Lizabeth ceased her hand from rubbing and massaging Ralph's bare chest upon hearing what Ralph muttered. "What do you mean by that?" She asked and feigned innocently. "Why are you saying that I am tempting you?" She drew herself and placed her head at her hand, elbow was pressing against the mattress. "I'm only playing my hand on your chest."

Oh my goodness! How innocent she is to not know what she's doing? Ralph mused mentally, feeling amused and amazed by how innocent Lizabeth was. "Do you want to know why I say you're tempting me?" He asked, retrieving her hand from his bare chest. "Because your touch is making me hard. A single touch of your hand on my skin sends shivers down my spine." He explained, entangling his fingers with hers. "And it makes my…" he paused, pouting teasingly pointing to his member. "You know… hard and wild."

"Don't tell me you are hard now?" Lizabeth asked incredulously, gaping in bafflement. "Aren't you?"

Ralph smirked flirtatiously at Lizabeth, nailing his half hooded eyes to her. "Why don't you check it for yourself?" He pouted, pointing to the duvet that covered half of their bodies. "To see is to believe. I'm not good with words."

Lizabeth succumbed to her curiosity and gripped on the duvet before tugging it off their bodies. Her breath turned hitch and rough when she saw the exact thing Ralph bragged proudly about she was making him hard. Although she had seen the thing last night before they went to his bed together, but seeing it closely in actual form, lying through Ralph's pelvis and lower abdomen, Lizabeth felt her nerves pulsated ragingly underneath her bare skin. The tension inside her emerged adamantly, sweltering every single cell if her body.

And her phone rang deafeningly from the night stand.

She was saved by the bell.

Lizabeth heaved herself off the bed and crawled over Ralph, crossing through the other side of the bed. She stretched her arm, reaching for her phone but Ralph benignly retrieved it for her. Lizabeth unlocked the phone just as the call ended. Then her phone vibrated, indicating someone had sent her a message. Indeed, Ariella's name plastered as the sender and Lizabeth opened and read her message. Ariella and Brandon were inviting them to lunch at the cafeteria across the street.

"Brandon and Ariella are inviting us to have lunch with them. Lunch?" Lizabeth winced inwardly and immediately checked the time on her phone. "Oh my gosh!" She shrieked while covering her mouth with her hand. "It's almost twelve noon. Now I see why." She turned to Ralph, who was looking at her, feeling amused. "I'm famished and I'm going to have lunch with them." She jumped off the bed.

Ralph sat up and heaved a deep breath. "I'm coming with you, baby girl."

Fifteen minutes had passed, Lizabeth and Ralph emerged from the entrance of the apartment complex. They could see the familiar frame of Brandon, Ariella, Sebastian and some others, which were familiar to them through the floor to ceiling glass windows. They rambled together, crossing the street, and Ralph was grasping on Lizabeth's arm as he took the lead. Stumping through the entrance of the cafeteria, both Lizabeth and Ralph gawked and gulped slightly when the smiling faces of Gloria and Dorothy materialized before them.

"Gloria, Dorothy, I miss you so much girls." Lizabeth approached them with arms sprawled out, offering a group hug. "It's nice to have you here."

"It's nice to see you too, Miss Redwood." Gloria uttered, beaming radiantly at Lizabeth. "We miss you too."

"We really miss you, Lisafe." Dorothy interjected, hugging Lizabeth for the second time. "And we're so worried about you after what happened last week."

Lizabeth gagged and yanked herself from Dorothy. She searched for her eyes and glared at her in bafflement. "You are worried about me because of what happened last week?" She asked and they nodded simultaneously. "Did you know what happened last week?" She asked again and they nodded unhesitatingly, making Lizabeth burst inwardly. "But how did you know about it?"

Grabbing Lizabeth's attention, Gloria volunteered to answer the inquisitiveness Lizabeth poked. Mr Wilbert Kenney told them three days after the incident took place in Vegas. Mr Kenney got the information from Chandler's parents and Mr and Mrs Limestone got the information from one of Chandler's friends who was there when it happened. Gloria told Lizabeth that she and Dorothy were looking for a perfect time to visit Lizabeth as they were so worried about her.

After eavesdropping on Gloria, Ralph wandered his attention to the adjacent table and only to find out that it was tenanted by three familiar people. The three sneering familiar faces of Robert, Arthur and Xander made Ralph fum into agitation. "What are you three doing here?" He approached the table without hesitation. "And where is Chandler?"

Arthur reclined lazily on his chair, sneering at Ralph. "We came here to inform you that Chandler had proposed to Mia Clara last night." He giggled quietly. "So you have no longer had a rival to Miss Redwood."

Lizabeth, who heard what Arthur said clearly turned to Gloria. "Is that true?"

Gloria nodded unenthusiastically. "Yes Miss Redwood."

"Lisafe, why don't you sit here?" Ariella called and ushered Lizabeth to sit in the chair beside her. "I have already ordered your favorite." She pointed to the menu behind the counter, specifically the salmon in teriyaki sauce. "We can talk about all those shiits later after lunch."

Lizabeth settled down beside Ariella while Ralph sat between Sebastian and Brandon. Gloria and Dorothy rejoined the group in the table and the officiating cafeteria crew appeared, bringing their lunch. The smell of seared salmon in teriyaki sauce and the caramelized onions eased the tension Lizabeth felt lately. Ralph, Sebastian and Brandon together went to the counter and asked for their orders. Gloria and Dorothy had made their orders earlier before Lizabeth and Ralph came in. Arthur, Robert and Xander were already chewing just as Lizabeth and Ralph ducked in the cafeteria.

Everyone settled when Ralph, Sebastian and Brandon returned and occupied the three chairs across from where Dorothy, Lizabeth and Ariella sat on. Gloria was sitting in the very end between the girls and the gentlemen. Suddenly, Arthur, Robert and Xander dragged their table and adjoined it to the table where the rest were. Just as they began chewing and munching their lunch, the manager of the cafeteria turned the TV on. And the News about Mr Armando Goodwell came in as the anchor on board discussed about it.

But the volume was too low and everyone could barely hear what the broadcaster was saying.

"Can you please turn the volume level up?" Robert demanded, pointing to the TV. "I wanna hear about the old guy Armando Goodwell." He said haughtily and oblivious about Lizabeth's reaction. "He's my idol."

"I heard he's sick and ill." Xander cooed, also looking and listening to the news on TV. "And he has a very beautiful daughter."

"As beautiful as Miss Redwood according to Bas." Arthur supplied, motioning to Lizabeth. "I wonder how his daughter feels now. She is going to inherit everything."

"Will you three please shut up!" Sebastian blurted admonishingly, berating his friends who were bantering and teasing him. "We can't listen clearly if you keep talking loud."

And the volume level went up fast as they requested. Everyone heeded earnestly to the News while spending their lunch all at once. The broadcaster began reporting the news regarding the health condition of Mr Armando Goodwell – which was making Lizabeth winced and felt nervous silently. Mr Armando Goodwell was collapsed abruptly in the middle of his business meeting last week. He was taken to the nearest private hospital near Vegas and was treated right away. Unfortunately, the doctor discovered that Mr Armando Goodwell had a serious illness.

"Mr Armando Goodwell was diagnosed with brain cancer and he needed to be operated as soon as possible before the cancer could spread." According to the broadcaster, who was reporting live on TV.

Oh my goodness. Daddy. Lizabeth mused worriedly inside her head. I will definitely blame myself if something happens to you.

"However, what makes the multi billion dollar billionaire more ill, is that his only daughter is currently missing." The broadcaster continued, making the news about the Goodwell family intense. "According to our reliable source, Armando Goodwell's only daughter, Lizabeth Azania Goodwell fled and ran away when she found out that her father made an agreement to his college bestfriend. The agreement they made is to get their children married." The broadcaster paused as he cleared his throat. "Excuse me." He mumbled before he continued. "Lizabeth Azania Goodwell was supposed to marry sooner the youngest son of an Italian tycoon. But unfortunately the schedule of the wedding got cancelled when Lizabeth fled and ran away."

Then a picture of Lizabeth flashed through the screen. Everyone in the cafeteria frowned upon seeing the photo. They immediately turned their attention to Lizabeth and gaped in incredulousness.

And the broadcaster continued, resuming the news regarding the Goodwell family, making everyone resumed their awareness to the News. "Currently, according to our reliable source, Armando Goodwell's daughter is hiding near the suburb area around Los Angeles. Some says, she was spotted a few months ago working as a cashier in a retail store." The broadcaster blurted and everyone in the cafeteria darted their eyes to Lizabeth. Then the broadcaster resumed, grabbing all the attention back. "And when Armando's people went to that retail store, Lizabeth was no longer working there."

Gloria and Dorothy were jaw dropping while listening to the News – staring at Lizabeth at the same time.

Then the broadcaster appended. "Lately, Lizabeth was spotted working at Donatello's." He said, making everyone in the cafeteria jabbed their attention to Lizabeth. "And the night Lizabeth fled, she was spotted checking in to Ritz Carlton Hotel Los Angeles California."

"Oh my gosh!" Ariella shrieked in both horror and amazement. "You're a princess."

Lizabeth bristled abruptly, disregarding how heavy the stares everyone jabbed to her. "I'm sorry everyone." She said as tears began to fall. "I need to go home." She added before storming out of the cafeteria and ceased when she perceived a few familiar faces. "Danna, Martina, Lucas, what are guys doing here?"

Danna, Martina and Lucas were standing beside a limosin and four other huge vehicles idling and queuing through the driveway. Ten familiar men in suits submerged from the queuing vehicles and approached Lizabeth together with Danna.

"Young Lady Lizabeth." Danna started. "We're very sorry." She cried as she apologized. "But we're sending you back home."

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