The Day Runts Took Over(Male...

By Alpha_HodgyBeats

18.4K 327 76

(The story I mentioned [and possibly long awaited by some] is finally coming around) "You're too weak to be a... More

Welcome to the Academy!
Meeting the Albino
Wake Up to Reality
Hanging Out
The More You Know
The Breaking Point
Untitled 63
The Next Day
Bite Me!
The Troublemakers
I got a new stick!
HATE is a Weak Word
A New Leaf
No Russian
Pier 69(Lemon)
Ah Shit, Here We Go Again.
Back Where it Began
Back Into the Warzone
Brutal Testing


269 6 2
By Alpha_HodgyBeats

First Person: Alpha's POV

Today has presented me with mixed vibes, but in the end. IT WAS AMAZING! Me and my bro have been doing crazy fun shit all day! Now we're here on the beach relaxing in the moonlight, "Bro, today was amazing. I've had so much fun with you. I- I low-key don't regret being brought back."

Third person POV

"I know sis. I've enjoyed hanging with you. Too bad it's not real though." Alpha sits up and looks at Jake.

"Wait wha-" Jake begins to melt away as the world begins to crumble around her as she falls through the ground.

"Y͘͠o̧u mu͜҉s͢͏t ͢͡b̵̧e͏̵ ͜͜f͘u̶̸ck̕ing͠ ̢̀k̵͡i͜͞dd̡̧įng͜ m̸̷e." The demon Alpha appears.

"What do you w-" The demon socks the shit out of Alpha, making her fall to her knees. She hits her again, making her lay on her side and kicks her in the ribs.

"You know we're not supposed to be here. Yet your stupid ass is allowing H͏͟I͏̸̸̨̛͝M͏̨̛ to keep you here!?" Alpha weakly struggles to get up before getting kicked in the jaw, getting sent back and spitting out blood.

"H-He's our brother. W-Why would we not stay for a little? We want h-him to be happy." She kicks Alpha in the snout, breaking her nose, she holds her face in pain

"Shut up you slut. When you wake up, you're leaving that house with or without their blood on your hands." Kira looks at her hands to see them not only smeared in her blood but her parents along with her other siblings as Jake just sits there shocked at his sisters actions.

"K-Kira, what did you do?"

Kira jolts awake, falling off of the sofa in her panic. She bangs her head on the floor, "Shit! Alpha, are you okay?!" Jake gets off the sofa and goes to aid his sister.

"Yep. Yep, never better. Nothing a little 7up can't fix." She sits up rubbing the back of her head, feeling a small bump forming.

"The hell were you dreaming about that made you fall off the couch?"

First Person: Alpha's POV

"Nothing too crazy. Just that bitch of a demon in my head fucking with me. All I know is (Y/N) would be chuckling at my reaction." Thinking of (Y/N) made a smile come to my face. I open my eyes to see Jake smirking at me.

"Who's (Y/N)? Does my baby sister have a boyfriend?~" Of course he'd tease me about that. I can feel my face turning red.

"Y-Yeah, he is." Jake's teasing face vanishes.

"Wait, really? You got a boyfriend? I'm so proud of you sis, when did y'all meet?" His response makes me smile, I'm glad he's supportive of my relationship.

"We met a few days ago at school. He was a new student and when he introduced himself, he peaked my interest, he sat by me at lunch, we talked and hit it off." Jake was smiling brightly at me.

"I'm glad you have someone that treats you nicely. Just know if he turns on you, let me know and he'll end up worse than Bruce." Hearing him say that made me recall when he took Bruce's arm. I still think that was a little much, but when Jake's angry, even I'm scared of him.

"Besides that, when will I get to meet him?" I shrug at Jake and pull out my phone texting (Y/N).

"I don't know, he's probably in class right now. I'll ask him if he could drop in."

(Y/N)'s POV

God math class is so fucking boring. It doesn't help that Casey's stank ass keeps bugging me with her broken nose.

"Like honestly, I was worried about where you went. I didn't know if she was trying to hurt you! She's crazy anyw-"

The bell rang, saving me from her talking me to death, " Look Casey, not to bust your balls or anything, but you don't need to worry about me. Just focus on making sure that nose heals properly." I get up and leave the classroom, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket, I pull it out to see Alpha texted me, A smile forming on my face.
Hey babe

You think you could come
by and meet my bro?

Of course, I just finished classes
I'll go get your car while I'm out

Sweet ily❤️❤️❤️

Oh, and bring Bruce. Here's
the address
Hmm? She wants me to bring Bruce? If she says so. I wandered to the male's side of campus and entered the dorms.

Now if I remember correctly, he lives on the first floor innnn...This room *knock knock knock*

The door opens and there he is

"What the, (Y/N)? What brings you here dude?"

"I'm heading to Alpha's place, she wants you to come with me." I can see the confusion on his face, but he nods in agreement.

"Alright sweet. Now we gotta go see if her car is still at the mall."

*Small Time skip*

We finally get to the mall and take a look around in the parking lot. "Do you at least remember where she parked the car?"

"Of course I do. We were parked right here at the end of the lot." Now, where Alpha's car was parked, in it's place was a rusty minivan that obviously had two feet in the grave, a missing arm, and 2 shots to the head, but is too high off codeine to notice.

"So that means her car got towed and impounded. Now what?"

" *Sigh* Looks like we gotta do more walking. I'm glad I chose to wear light clothing today." I turn and begin heading towards the police precinct.

It's about an hour walk from here so we have to get moving, "So, how did things go between you two after I left?"

"Things went pretty normal. Why?"

"I don't know. Something about that bite bark on your shoulder tells me things went more than normal bro." He teased, I smacked his chest

"Shut it, I-I don't know what you're talking about." I keep looking forward, pretending nothing happened.

"I'm just saying man, if you've been wearing that shirt all day, people most definitely know you've been fucking. Who? They don't know, but I do." He chuckled. I can't believe we went from hating this guy to joking with him already. I know Alpha still has some disdain towards him, but apparently she has something planned for him.

"You know I just thought about it. If you truly cared for Alpha, why did you continue to hang with Casey and poke fun at her?"

"I knew it was wrong and I wanted to stop, but it had got way past the point of popularity to me being blackmailed." Blackmailed? The hell is this monkey on about?

"I'll explain it further when we get to Alpha's house so you can get the full context of how I got blackmailed." Ok, that puts my question on hold.

After a sweltering hour of walking we make it to the precinct. The second we enter, we're greeted by the two that detained Alpha and I. The cougar and lion turn their attention to us, "Oh, hello (L/n). Whatcha need?" Dexter quizzed me.

"I went to the mall to pick up Alpha's car and it was gone, so we assumed it to have been taken to the impound lot."

"You'd be right laddie. She's gotta pay the fee to get it out too, and have the proper documents." Shit, I think that throws a wrench in the program.

"So that means we can't get it out for her?"

"Not if you don't have the title/registration, proof of valid insurance, and a state driver's license." Fuck. That makes this harder.

"Ok, we'll be back." We step out of the precinct and sit on the curb. I pull out my phone and call Alpha.

"Hey babe- ah! Stop you baboon. Hahaha!" What the hell is happening.

"Alpha you good over there?"

"No! My b-bro- haha! He won't stop tickling me!" I've never heard Alpha this energetic. Now I see why she loves her brother so much.

I start to hear their ruckus calm down, "O-Ok, I'm good now. What's up, you get the car?"

"See, that's the issue. The car got towed to the impound and we need like, hella documents, a tow truck, and the fee money to get it."

I hear Alpha sigh over the phone, "Ok, gimmie a moment. Jake and I will be down there in a minute with a trailer. What papers do I need?"

"Uhhhh, the title, valid proof of insurance, and your driver's license." I hear a door close in the background.

"Alright we're on the way now. Sit tight. Love you."

"Ok, love you too." I hung up the phone, "Alright, now we wait."

I turn to look at Bruce and see him smiling at me, "No way, you guys are official? That's awesome dude!"

"Thanks man. It happened so fast, but I can't complain." About an hour rolls by before we hear and spot a Monte Carlo coming around a corner hauling a trailer.

The car stops in front of us, Alpha climbs out the other side and runs and tackles me, giggling, "I missed you too Alpha."

I look at her brother getting out of the car and oh my god. He is way taller than me and Alpha, and he's giving Bruce one hell of a death glare, Bruce steps back away from him, "Remember what I said I'd do if I saw your fucking face again? Dick."

Bruce holds his left arm and looks scared shitless, Alpha quickly gets between the two, "Whoa Jake. It's cool, he's on the road to redemption." Jake still looks extremely pissed off, making Bruce fall on his ass.

His mood completely changed as he was now in front of me with a goofy smile and bright eyes, "You must be the (Y/n) that's made my sister so happy. The name's Jake, it's nice to meet you!" He pulls me into a hug, crushing me.

"Bro, you're crushing him." He sets me down and apologizes.

We all step into the precinct, Alpha and Jake having to duck under the doorway, everyone in the precinct stares at the 4 of us. Alpha steps forward and sets her documents down, "I came to get my car. How much is the fine so I can get out of here."

Sgt. Mcgillan looks through all the paperwork and runs it through their system before handing it back, "It'll be $550 for storage fees." Alpha looks relieved and turns to me.

"I thought it was gonna be steeper than that. Here." She writes out a check and hands it to Mcgillan. He put it in a machine checking to ensure it's real, before handing her key and leading them to a side door. The Captain stops them for a second, "Miss Katsukumi, where are your parents? We went through a lot of work to reunite you with them."

"Yep, and all that work will go in vain eventually." A look of anger comes across the panther's face as she stares us down.

"Listen here, we spent years tracking you down to safely reunite you with your family. I will not risk a family losing their child like I lost mine." She looks familiar.

"You lost your son Ms?"

"Yes (L/n), and when we found Kejuan, he was beaten and tattered on the side of the 405, he was hardly recognizable." Wait, did she say Kejuan,

"Wait, Kejuan? There's a black panther at our school whose name is Kejuan, people call him Havoc." She lifts and pins me against a wall, scaring the shit out of me


"I'm not joking I swear! He lives in the dorms, I don't know the room or the floor, I just know he's there!" Alpha was there, please back me up.

"He's not lying, I was there when it happened. We can go there together tomorrow if that'll make you feel better." She immediately takes her eyes off me and glues them to Alpha.

"Okay Kira. Since you seem to be such the professional at hiding, you and (Y/n) here will take me there tomorrow."

Kira just shrugged, I didn't agree with that. She grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers, she smiles at me. Seeing her face so bright made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

We step out into the impound lot and see a large plethora of cars, a lot of wrecked chargers and challengers too. We reached lot 3-B, where they kept all the confiscated street racer's cars.

The look on Alpha's face, said that not only was she looking for her car, she was window-shopping, "You're telling me, that all these cars will either get sold at auction, or crushed if they aren't obtained?" She quizzed.

Mcgillan nodded, "We tend to hold them the first Monday of every month." Kira pulled out her phone and set a reminder for October 2nd as we approached her car. The beautiful S2000's metallic blue paint glistens in the sun.

"There's my baby!" Kira took the tarp off the center of the car, revealing the pristine, black interior. She climbed in and set the keys in the car. She reached down, then went to start the car, it took a few tries, but roared to life like normal.

Her brother nods, clearly impressed by Kira's car, he pats me and walks off, "(Y/n), I need you to ride with Jake. I may still be upset with Bruce, but I'd rather if he didn't die because he got a millisecond alone with him." She giggled, but we could tell she was being serious.

Bruce hops in her car as I walk out front to see Jake leaning on his front fender, "Ah, she made the smart choice. Like I said earlier, I'm Jake, Kira's oldest brother, or as she's put it, her only sibling." He had his hand out, I shook it and I'll be damned if he didn't have a strong ass grip.

"I'm (Y/n), there's nothing too special to know about me,"

We get in his car, and it starts right away, despite being older than Kira's. Speaking of Kira, she just went flying out the gate, not speeding, but she is moving. Jake hits the gas, the front of the car lifts a bit as he catches up with Kira almost immediately. Good to see high octane runs in the family.

I don't know how these two found a way to race home without speeding, but I guess there's a first for everything. Something tells me I'll start experiencing more stuff like this as time goes.

(Ok, I am very much alive, work has just been busy as hell lately. I'm going to do my best to keep a decent upload schedule. Love you all and thank you for 4k reads!🎉🎉🎉)

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