His Billion Dollar Girl

By HeiroAcre1981

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The story of two different people who were fated and destined to be together found their way to meet and fall... More



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By HeiroAcre1981

SUNDAY THEN CAME and Lizabeth was still savoring the time being she had in bed since it was Sunday. Waking up early in the morning then going to shower to prepare for work was unnecessary. Mr Kenney sat Lizabeth's rest day during Sundays. The store manager was so impressed with how Lizabeth was determined to work overtime for the past days. Same thing with Ralph, the guy volunteered to extend his work time so he could receive nice pay. Ralph was enthusiastic about the deal the car shop has with him.

The owner offered him a nice trade of his Porsche car with a slightly used Toyota Innova and a fifty thousand dollars cash. Later that night when they got back to the apartment,  the landlord as both Lizabeth and Ralph paid their six months advance monthly apartment rent. However after paying their six months advance monthly apartment rent, a strange realization and feeling suddenly thronged to Lizabeth's head. Lizabeth perceived that she and Ralph nearly or perfectly had the same situation. But in her case, she was there living in the regular apartment because she was hiding from her father.

And she had to discover what was the story behind Ralph.

"Coming!" Lizabeth hollered from the ensuite washroom of her bedroom, she was brushing her teeth meticulously as the doorbell rang relentlessly. I wonder who the hell is coming to my apartment this early morning. Wait! Is it still early? She whined mentally as she rinsed the toothpaste and the bubbling fluoride off her mouth with water. "Can't you wait please?" She said exasperatedly as she jerked the door to open.

Unfolding and bestowing before her very electric blue eyes, the couple Brandon and Ariella, who seemed ready to go somewhere. That was because Ariella and Lizabeth discussed last night about going to the department store. Lizabeth had planned to buy herself new clothes for her daily casual wears. Recalling, she left their mansion with only few clothes and shoes, she thought they would be good enough for a short while. Indeed, the items she bought from fleeing their mansion in Bel-Air vaguely good enough for the estimated time.

"I thought that you were ready to go." Ariella whined while wandering her eyes through Lizabeth, who was still wearing her bathrobe. "Geez! You better get dressed while I'm waiting here in the living room." She added as she folded her arms through her chest, leaning against the door frame, sneering.

"Sorry. But I was about to get dressed and you rang the bell." Lizabeth apologized sincerely. Her voice was laced with pettiness and contrite that was translucent and palpable. She cocked her eyes to the side where Brandon was standing. "And what's with this, guy?"

"I'm coming with you two." Brandon supplied, running his hand around Ariella's shoulder. "She needs to buy new clothes too and I want to supervise what she is choosing." He scoffed teasingly, leaning his head on Ariella's shoulder. "Short and skimpy skirts are prohibited."

Lizabeth immediately shifted her awareness to Ariella, who was wearing jeans and oversized shirt – which was probably from Brandon. Her lips twisted slightly into a smirk before she uttered. "Now I know why you love wearing jeans and shirts. Instead of skirts and blouses. That sucks though." She then ushered them to proceed to the living room. "Anyway, you guys wait there and I'll be done in a minute or two. Promise."

True to her words, Lizabeth immersed out of her bedroom just exactly two minutes, after dressing herself. She chose to wear a sports baby tee, a pair of sports pants and her only rubber shoes. Her hair as usual was bound together in a ponytail. Brandon and Ariella pushed themselves off the couch and followed Lizabeth to the  front door. Slithering out of Lizabeth's apartment, both Brandon and Ariella, along with Lizabeth, flinched and jolted when Chandler appeared, occupying the hallway and leaning against the wall.

"Mr Limestone, good morning." Lizabeth spoke politely as she greeted the son of the owners of the retail store. "It's a surprise to see you around this very Sunday morning." She added, smiling at Chandler. I wonder why he's here?

Chandler yanked himself from the wall and dashed confidently through the hallway up to Lizabeth. "Brandon told me that you're going to get yourself new clothes." His eyes darted to Brandon as he muttered. Then whipping his awareness back to Lizabeth. "And I'm thinking about coming with you. Perhaps you can have me as a reference while deciding what clothes you want to purchase."

"I don't think I need to ask advice from someone while debating what clothes to purchase. But I don't mind letting you come with us since you're my employer after all." Lizabeth spoke sincerely while curving her lips slightly into a faint smile. She then turned to look at Ariella, raising a brow. "You shouldn't have told Brandon. Now my bosses' son is troubled."

Ariella slackened her shoulders. "I'm sorry but she checked my phone and saw our messages."

Likely, only Lizabeth and Ariella secretly discussed and planned on going to a department store on Sunday morning. They talked about it via exchanging direct message to each other, using messenger app. However, when Brandon woke up earlier than Ariella, he checked her phone and saw all the exchange of messages Lizabeth and Ariella had. Ariella on her side assumed that Brandon would be going out with Chandler and the rest of their male friends. Rather, Brandon changed his mind and messaged Chandler instantly, informing him what the ladies were planning.

"What's wrong having me as a companion, Miss Redwood? I'm a good looking guy and you're a beautiful young lady. We're a perfect match." Chandler explained and his voice filled with pride and self-esteem. He glanced at Ariella and Brandon, together standing behind Lizabeth. "Am I correct, Brandy?"

"Absolutely right." Brandon retorted haughtily, agreeing and affirming to Chandler's inquiry. Then he smirked, glaring at Lizabeth, who was mildly scowling back at him. "And Chandy perhaps help you choose what you need to wear this–"

"No more talk!" Chandler ushered everyone and it definitely muted Brandon in an instance. "Let's go to the mall." He demanded while winking at Brandon.

Contemplating and mustering his thoughts, Brandon immediately remembered what Chandler told him about. Chandler planned to take Lizabeth out later in the evening but Chandler wanted it to be concealed, off the record and clandestine. Literally and practically said, Chandler planned to surprise Lizabeth when he would be coming later to ask her for a formal and proper date. Something about Lizabeth that kept Chandler hanging on the cliff and being enticed to her. Beneath how Brandon antagonized his plans on taking Lizabeth to a date, Chandler was persistent and tenacious.

The mall was congested and people pervaded nearly every aisle and alley. Sunday was indeed the perfect day for everyone and every family to spend time to shop, buying themselves and their loved ones stuff and items. Lizabeth and Ariella already discussed and agreed where was the the perfect place in the mall for them to shop – and they were Macy's and Forever 21. The two ladies sauntered directly to their chosen destination, albeit how Chandler was a little adamant about going to his favorite boutique, Gucci and Prada.

"But I don't have enough money, Mr Limestone. Gucci and Prada are extremely expensive brand for a cashier like me." Lizabeth whined and sounded defensive, objecting against Chandler's determination on dragging her to either Gucci and Prada. "You can go there and take Brandon with you. We'll be fine here."

"It's okay." Chandler acknowledged, hunching his shoulders in defeat. Then he grabbed one of the dresses, Lizabeth chose and held in her grasps. "So this is your size." He mumbled while schooling himself about her vital statistics. "So small but likely cute." He winked while complementing her size.

"Thank you, Mr Limestone." Lizabeth felt flattered and embarrassed. She never heard anyone praising her size and curve before. Gently, she grabbed the dress from Chandler's grasp and ducked to the fitting room. "I have to fit them all first." She said  before swinging the door close.

Chandler was left outside the dressing room bewildered. Actually, the guy thinking something that had been tarrying inside his head for the past few days. Not only he was thinking about taking Lizabeth to a date in a surprise method, but he seemed to like the young lady. He has been dating different women previously, and most of them were older a few years older than him – though some were younger than him – but Lizabeth was definitely an ideal and typical girl that was out of the box and beyond borders. Then a complacent smile encompassed his face when he finally dug the bottom of his thoughts.

"Do they all fit in you?" Ariella asked when Lizabeth ducked out of the fitting room. "Mines are."

"Yes definitely." Lizabeth snorted while closing the door behind. "I know my size very well."

The two flocked to the nearest cashier and paid the dresses they purchased. Ariella was a bit short after swiping her debit card. She found out that the balance amount in her account wasn't enough to pay the total price of the dresses. Brandon tugged his debit card out of his wallet and handed it to Ariella, and only to find that the balance in his bank account was also not enough. Both Ariella and Brandon grimaced at their negligence and stupidity for not being aware of their own expenses. Fortunately, Lizabeth offered benignly and swiped her debit and Ariella's invoice settled.

Brandon, Ariella and Chandler was stunned and practically surprised.

"I'm glad we're done with the halfway." Lizabeth said while leading the way back to the parking lot. "I have to take my dirty clothes to the laundry shop."

"Same here." Brandon chimed quietly. "So we better hurry."

"You guys go ahead." Chandler blurted as he ceased from pacing. Everyone stared at him, flabbergasted. "I have something to do. It's kind of important." He scratched the back of his head unreasonably before he added. "I'll see you this evening." And he ran back inside the mall.

Lizabeth and Ariella looked at Brandon, perplexed. And Brandon shrugged at them as comprehend.

IT WAS FIVE in late afternoon when Lizabeth got fractured by the annoying and obnoxious sound of the doorbell. She just got out of the shower, she was preparing for their dinner consolation date with Ralph. Not literally a formal date as Chandler was planning to. Ralph wanted to express his gratitude to Lizabeth from helping him find a job. Sauntering through the living room up to the front door, Lizabeth jerked the door and Ralph was standing on the porch in a very casual attire – in blue shirt and black jeans with black converse shoes.

"Why so early?" Lizabeth asked. "It's still five in the afternoon."

"I'm sorry but I think we need to be early. The weather outside is some kind of dismal." Ralph said while latching on the door frame. "I loathe it when rain catches us since we're only having dinner."

"Alright." Lizabeth waved at Ralph. "I'll be done in a minute." She whirled back and sprinted fast heading to her bedroom.

After a few minutes, Lizabeth ducked out of the bedroom and scooted hurriedly to the front door, where Ralph was patiently waiting for her. Together, they hurriedly sauntered to the elevator and from elevator up to the main lobby of the apartment complex. And as they plodded out of the entrance of the building, both of them gagged and startled on the porch. Their eyes shattered wide when the familiar Porsche car Ralph formerly owned flaunted idling in the driveway.

The driver's seat opened and Chandler submerged from the car. Confidently, Chandler gaited unwaveringly through the driveway up to the porch of the apartment complex – with a paper bag in his right hand. "Miss Redwood, sorry to surprise you but I have planned to take you out for a dinner date."

"B.. but I am going to…" Lizabeth trailed off as she looked at Ralph. "Mr Cortez and I will be having–"

"It's okay, Miss Redwood." Ralph interjected promptly, interrupting Lizabeth. He then cocked his head and glanced at Chandler then back to Lizabeth. "We were only supposed to have dinner. Aside from that he's our employer after all." He genuinely said before looking back at Chandler. "But I'm just surprised that you have my car, boss."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr Cortez. About your car, the car shop owner is my uncle and he sold it to me afterwards." Chandler explained logically, albeit part of it was a lie. He then shifted his awareness to Lizabeth and beckoned to her. "Miss Redwood, shall we?"

Before agreeing to come along with Chandler, and in order not to insult Ralph, Lizabeth gpared at the man she was supposed to be having dinner with. With all his approval, consent and understanding, Ralph nodded unenthusiastically as if he wasn't sure whether he was doing it right or not. Lizabeth nodded reluctantly in response to Ralph's approval and grabbed Chandler's hand. Chandler snaked his arm around Lizabeth's waist as he led the young lady to the passenger seat of his Porsche car – formerly or previously owned by Ralph. And Ralph sighed inwardly the witnessed Chandler drove his old car – with Lizabeth in the passenger seat.

Honestly, Ralph felt uncomfortable and uneasy as he turned and went back inside.

The restaurant Chandler had chosen to take Lizabeth there was one of the five star rated restaurants in California. Thudding to the entrance of the restaurant, a pleasant hostess greeted them and Chandler mumbled the earlier reservation he made. The hostess instantly led and accompanied to the table nestled at the corner area of the restaurant. Lizabeth felt inferiorized and embarrassed when she percepted that she was the only female customer wearing blouse and jeans. But she didn't care as long as nobody else there had knowledge about who she was.

"This is such a surprise for me, Mr Limestone." Lizabeth uttered as she handed the menu back to the server. She grabbed the glass of water and continued, muttering. Hope your parents don't know about this. Lizabeth thought but decided to say the other way around. "You should have informed me so I could prepare and wear a better dress."

"If I have informed you earlier, I'm pretty sure you would not agree to come with me." Chandler scoffed teasingly while latching on his glass of water. He held it up against his mouth, sipped and jerked it off. "And I'm sorry about stealing you from Mr Cortez. I didn't know you two were about to go out."

Literally and to be honest, Chandler lied and he really meant to arrive at the apartment complex earlier. Because he wanted to take Lizabeth as early as possible before Lizabeth and Ralph could leave and go for dinner. But he didn't expect that the two would be earlier. Brandon informed him that Ralph planned to take Lizabeth out perhaps within six to seven in the evening. Initially, Chandler just wanted to let Lizabeth see that he had Ralph's car and it was his goal to take Lizabeth out driving the Porsche car. But he knew Ralph would be dragging Lizabeth somewhere so he made his move and crashed before Ralph took her.

"I didn't know that you were also planning to take me out concurrently." Lizabeth countered logically. "You should have informed me instead so everything could be prearranged." She jolted and took a piece of garlic bread and dipped into the balsamic vinegar. "But I am thankful for this traits. I haven't been eating in place like this before."

"You're welcome, Miss Redwood. And I'm really sorry again." Chandler sincerely apologized as guilt and remorse tenanted his head. "Hope you're not mad at me."

"Mad? I'm not. And.i don't have reason." Lizabeth assured before nipping on the balsamic vinegar soaked garlic bread. "And thank you." But I feel bad for Mr Cortez. That guy is cool. But this one is hot and fancy. She mused thoughtfully, comparing Chandler and Ralph.

The waiter suddenly appeared magically and characteristically placed their orders to their table optimistically cautious and careful. While savoring the lavish and delicious dishes, Lizabeth and Chandler talked about random things that relatively related to the retail store and how his parents started and established the business. Mentioning his parents, Lizabeth abruptly recalled what Gloria told her about Chandler and his parents. However, Lizabeth respected Chandler and decided to shove the thought off her head.

The food was good. The guy was hot and generous. And she didn't want to ruin or spoil the night.

Why would I? Lizabeth spoke inside her head. This helps me save budget for dinner.

Suddenly, in the middle of their intimate discussion while having dinner, Chandler's phone rang from his pocket. Digging his pocket to recover his phone, Chandler flinched when his mother's name appeared as the caller. Chandler excused himself and went out of the restaurant, leaving Lizabeth alone in the nook. Observing and fathoming to the gesture Chandler manifested, a cue smacked on Lizabeth's head, telling her that it was Chandler's mother or father. When Chandler returned to the nook, he ushered the waiter for their bills and the waiter comprehended diligently, delivering the bills.

"There's an emergency business related issue in the house." Chandler told Lizabeth while leaving dollar bills on the table. "My mother ushered me to go home."

"It's okay and I understand."

"Thank you, Miss Redwood." Chandler audibly expressed his gratitude. "Let me take you home first."

It was almost nine in the evening when Chandler dropped Lizabeth to the apartment complex. Before letting Lizabeth go, Chandler promised that he would take the young lady out again soone. Lizabeth nodded and no word fell out from her mouth. But when Chandler attempted to kiss her on her cheek, Lizabeth took aback, creating proximity between them, enough for her to repelle him. Lizabeth hopped off the passenger seat and beckoned a flying kiss to Chandler.

"Thank you once again, Mr Limestone."

"I'll see you again, Miss Redwood."

Slipping into the elevator, Lizabeth stifled a giggle as she recalled how she made Chandler embarrass when she refused to let him kiss her. Deep inside, her subconscious scolded her not to do it again. The guy had been kind and good to her and Lizabeth realized it even before her subconscious reprimanded her. Abruptly, as she slithered and dragged herself off the elevator, the thought of asking apology to Ralph came crashing through her head. As she stepped on the porch of Ralph's apartment, Lizabeth rang the doorbell.

It took a couple of seconds before the door opened and Ralph appeared, making Lizabeth startle and stepped back. "Mr Cortez, are you alright?" She asked worriedly held her breath to avoid inhaling the stingy smell of alcohol. "Why are you–"

Ralph nodded nonchalantly, interrupting Lizabeth. "Yes I am, Miss Redwood." Then he leaned on the door frame, staring sharply at Lizabeth who was stiffening and blinking. "What's wrong? Haven't you seen a guy wearing nothing but underwear?"

All of her life, Lizabeth had seen men and guys in underwear and even in bikini and thong but only in magazine, television and internet. In real life, absolutely not and she never dreamed nor hoped to see one in personal. Her life was devoted to study and roaming around their large farm and vineyard in Oregon and Wisconsin. To see a man in his underwear was the least Lizabeth could think of. Not until this very moment of her life, seeing Ralph in his brief, so confident. The guy was drunk and Lizabeth could deeply understand if Ralph had no reservations for his demeanor.

"Did you enjoy your dinner with Mr Limestone?" Ralph continued when he perceived Lizabeth remained in her silence. "How was it, Miss Redwood?"

"It was good actually."

"Would you like to join me?" Ralph asked and it made Lizabeth gawk in puzzle. "I will not hurt you or do something else that will scare or freak you out."

Contemplating, Lizabeth thought for a while about her decision. There was something about Ralph that Chandler hadn't. In vice versa, there was something about Chandler that Ralph didn't have. Moreover, both men were appealing and gentle to her in their own different ways. However, the Italian beauty and posture Ralph conveyed told an untold story that seemed to entice Lizabeth. And that was what she wanted to uncover and unfold since they nearly had the same status.

"If you are true to your words, then I'll join you." Lizabeth finally decided. "Mr Ralph Cortez."

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