If This All Ends. [Bucky Barn...

By bloody_simp_

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Bucky barnes x (f)reader "Just because we are apart. Doesn't mean we won't remember" °°○••●°°○••●°°○••●°°○••●... More

Chapter 1- its just begun
Chapter 2- Mission
Chapter 3- Dances
Chapter 4- Complete
Chapter 5- Cryo
Chapter 7- separated
Chapter 8- fake out
Chapter 9- Ghostly
chapter 10-battle
chapter 11- Room
chapter 12- locked and out
chapter 13- running

Chapter 6- soldier

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By bloody_simp_

[Defidenly the longest chapter]


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>ready to comply<

He looked over at the man, waiting for orders.

"I need you to kill again" he said, a sinister smile breaking out.

Before he knew it, he was dressed in his combat uniform, before he left he put on his mask and glasses, effectively covering his entire face.

Now he was walking down the middle of the street. People around him stared before quickly walking away. Holding their children and family close.

He suddenly stopped walking. Watching as the shot up black van drove closer. He raised the launcher up and fired.

The explosive stuck itself to the bottom of the van and sent it flying upwards in a cloud of fire and smoke.

He stepped out from under the vans path as it landed upside down. Once it stopped sliding on the ground he walked twords it. Holding the gun, ready to complete his mission.

He ripped the driver side door off and looked inside. Finding nothing but a hole in the ground, still hot from whatever was used to make it.


Eventually he found out where his target was headed and waited on the rooftop across from the window.

It had been almost an hour but somebody else entered the apartment. The soldier paid no attention to him. Only waiting for his target to be in sight.

He could see him stand up. But it wasn't a clear shot. So he continued to wait. Letting him get closer and closer to the window.

Once he had a clear shot he fired once. Then 2 more times as the target dropped. He watched as the blonde man pulled him away hiding behind a counter.

Still he stayed for a moment. Ensuring he was dead before running away from the scene.

Behind him he heard glass breaking as he ran across the roof. Knowing he was being followed and his pursuer was close.

He jumped onto the next roof, rolling as more glass broke behind him. He was almost to the edge when he heard something being thrown at him.

He used his metal arm and stopped whatever it was. Realizing it was a sheild.shield. he no longer had his glasses on as he glared at the blonde behind him.

The blonde was frozen in place as he saw his friends shooter. But the shield was soon thrown back and the soldier was gone, completely out of sight.


It was late at night and he sat in the dark corner of the table. A sliver of light showing his eyes. The man stood in the kitchen. Grabbing a cup and staring back at him. A woman called into the room. Telling him that she would be leaving for the night.

"Night" he called back. Dismissing her as he heard the door shut.

"Want some milk" he asked filling his glass.

"The timetable has moved" he paused. "Our window is limited." He took a sip from the glass moving around the counter.

"Two targets. Level six. They already cost me zola.Zola. I want confirmed death in 10 hours" he sat across from the soldier looking into his eyes.

"Sorry. Mr.Peirce i-" the lady from before said walking into the room and stopping. Staring at the soldier sitting across from pierce. "I-i forgot my phone" she stuttered.

The soldier glared at her as she looked away.

"Oh Reneeta I wish you would've knocked" the man said. Grabbing the winter soldiers gun from off the table and shooting the housekeeper.

She let out a scream as she stumbled back before falling to the ground, dead.


He jumped ontop of the car. Pulling out the leek and throwing him onto the other side of the bridge where he got hit by an oncoming truck.

He moved ontop of the car as he shot down, trying to kill everyone inside. The car was thrown into park causing a loud screech and sent the soldier flying up ahead.

He rolled on the asphalt and used his left arm to slow himself down. He slowly stood up as other cars kept driving by. Then an armored hydra van drove into the back of the car. Forcing it forwards as he jumped ontop, grabbing the roof and holding on.

His legs broke the rear windsheild but he moved forwards and grabbed the steering wheel through the windsheild. Effectively ripping it out of the car as the hydra van continued to push it.

A few shots were fired through the roof as he jumped back onto the hydra van as it slowed down behind the car. Then the driver hit the gas causing the car infront to hit the barriers to the left.

The car flipped into the air as the 3 inside pushed the passenger door out and slid across the ground on captian America's sheild.

A grenade was launched at the sheild causing the man behind it to be sent flying off the bridge. The soldier then walked forwards with the hydra agents firing behind him. Trying to kill the other two people still on the bridge.

The redhead fired back, revealing her hiding spot behind a car as he fired a grenade at her. She flipped herself over the barrier and hid from the explosion.

He fired another explosive at a car infront of her. Sending both flying off the side of the bridge. He took a gun from one of the agents and went to the other side. Looking for someone.

When he was about to fire at a bus he was shot at from below. The bullet scraped his glasses causing a crack in the right lense. He threw them off and quickly stood up. Starting to fire below him where the shot came from.

But he was shot at again from behind of the crashed vehicles in the intersection. He ducked back before he started firing, missing and shooting the car beside her hiding spot.

He stopped firing for a moment giving her a moment to run the opposite direction before he and a few hydra agents fired again. He stopped firing watching her run away.

"у меня есть она. найти его"[I have her. Find him] he said. Jumping from the side of the bridge. Landing on a car. He walked off of it unscathed and followed as the redhead made her escape.

He fired at a cop car, blowing it up as it drove into some parked cars. He reloaded the gun and stayed silent as he listened. There was a voice behind a nearby car so he crouched down and rolled a grenade underneath. The car blew up but he was attacked from behind.

The woman jumped onto his back trying to choke him out with a wire but he brought them backwards into a car and threw her over his shoulder into another one.

She landed on the ground as he picked up his gun about to shoot when she turned around and threw something at him. It landed on his arm, stopping the mechanics from working as she made an escape.

He pulled it off and rotated his arm, ensuring it worked as he went after her. She was telling people on the streets to take cover and run away as she did herself. Looking back once or twice on the way.

As she stopped telling people to stay out of the way. She was shot in the shoulder. Falling to her knees and clutching the wound. She moved her back against a car and looked around for the soldier.

He jumped onto the car behind her and was about to fire again when the blonde with the sheild came running up. He used his left arm and hit the center of the sheild causing a loud sound to erupt.

The blonde moved the sheild away and the soldier drop kicked him in the chest before quickly sitting up on the car and firing, only hitting the sheild as the blonde hid behind it.

Once he was out of bullets he rolled off the side of the car. Grabbing a different gun but the blonde was quickly on the other side of the car. The gun got jammed which led for an opening where the blonde came over the car and knocked the gun out of his hand.

The soldier grabbed a pistol and fired again only hitting the sheild right infront of him. Once the pistol was out he threw it away letting the blonde get a swing in. But he quickly moved and grabbed part of the shield with his left hand again while hitting with his right.

He flipped the blonde with the sheild while taking it and using it to block his punches. He hit him in the chest sending the blonde back while holding the sheild infront of him.

The blonde started running at the soldier and he threw the sheild, landing it intot he back of a nearby van. He pulled out a knife and they started in hand-to-hand combat. Continuously blocking eachother. But as the soldier swung over the blondes head he finnaly got a punch in and grabbed the soldier.

He did a spin and kicked him into a van while running back at him. He was able to get another git in while the soldier pushed off of the van. But the blonde grabbed his arm and flipped him over.

This time the soldier was prepared and used his metal arm to choke the blonde. Walking him back into the van. He pulled him closer for a moment before throwing him over the hood of the car.

The soldier jumped up himself and tried to land on the blonde but he rolled away just in time. Letting the soldier break the asphalt with his metal arm.

They started fighting again, the soldier was able to force the blonde into the van and when he was about to come back at him, the soldier used his foot to push him back. Holding another knife.

He was about to stab the knife intot he blondes head when he ducked. Letting the knife dive into the van. They walked across the side of it. Leaving a rip where the knife was.

The blonde was able to grab the soldiers mid section, flipping him back onto the ground and running for his sheild, which was stuck in the back door of the van.

He used the sheild to block all of the soldiers attacks, then sticking it between 2 of the metal plates forcing the soldier forwards.

The blonde flipped around so they were back to back, grabbed the soldier mask and flipped him over his head, causing the mask to fall off and the soldier to land a few feet infront of him.

The soldier stood. Looking back at him. And slowly turning around.

The blonde slowly stood and started at the man infront of him

"Bucky" he questioned. Wondering how it was possible.

"Who the hell is bucky" he said pointing a gun at the blonde. But there was the sound of wind behind him and another man flew in behind him knocking the winter soldier to the ground.

The soldier looked at the blonde again pausing for a millisecond before pulling his gun up again. But before he could fire a rocket was launched, hitting the car behind him and effectively blowing it up.

Everyone turned to see who shot the rocket seeing the redhead. But as the blonde turned back around. The winter soldier was gone again.


He sat, back in the chair, while hydra agents worked on his arm, fixing the damage from the sheild.

While they were working his mind started to wander. Seeing a flash of something, he was on a train. The blonde man was reaching his hand twords him. But before he could grab onto him he fell

"Bucky. No" was the last thing he heard before he was on the ground. He looked up and saw somebody dragging him. Looking down he saw his left arm. With alot of blood. Leaving a trail as he was dragged through the snow.

His memory went black and he was surrounded by doctors again. They were sawing off what was left of his arm and melting his skin onto a new arm. The same one he has now.

For a moment he was back in the chair. The sting of a slap left on his cheek but immediately his mind went back to the memory.

He was laying on a bed. There was a doctor with a strange accent looking at him move his arm around. He was saying something to him but something told him the doctor was evil and he grabbed his throat. Choking him while the other doctors had to pull him off and sedate him.

"Put him on ice" were the only words he could make out before he was put into a metal tube with small window where his face was.

Instantly he woke up in the chair again. Throwing the doctor working on his arm into a wall and sitting straight up. While the guards in the room pointed guns at him. He was breathing heavy as a man entered the room.

"Sir. He's unstable, erratic" he heard through the door.

The man walked in pulling his glasses off as he made his way infront of the soldier. He tucked his glasses into his suit pocket and stared at the soldier.

"Mission report" he demanded.

The soldier continued to look forward.

"Mission report. Now" he said sternly.

The man walked forwards and leaned down so they were eye level. He looked at him for a seccond before backhanding him across the face.

The soldier slowly looked back before speaking.

"The man on the bridge. Who was he." The soldier asked.

"You met him earlier this week on another assignment." The man replied. Still bend down to look at the soldier.

The soldier looked down for a second before looking back "I knew him" he said.

The man pulled a stool over before sitting on it.

"Your work has been a gift to mankind." He said. "You shaped the centry. And I need you to do it one more time." He paused "society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. And tomorrow morning we are gonna give it a push. But, if you don't do your part. I can't do mine. And HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves."

The soldier looked back at the man. "But I knew him" he said again.

The man sat for a moment whe thinking. Then standing up. "Prep him"

"But he's been out of cryo freeze too long" another doctor said.

"Then wipe him. And start over" the man said as he left the room.

The soldier looked around at everybody as they moved through the room. They pushed him back into the chair and gave him the mouthpiece to keep from breaking his jaw.

One of the doctors pressed a few buttons and the metal arm cuffs locked in while the headpiece moved down. Sending volts of electricity through his body. He started to scream and shake as the man left the room.


The soldier fired an RPG at one of the jets about to take off to support Captian America.

The Sheild agents started running across the platform trying to get away from the winter soldier. He kept firing through the smoke, effectively killing everyone in his way.

He jumped onto one about to take off and shot the pilot. Breaking the glass and sitting in the chair. He turned it on and made his way to the helicarriers.


He sat behind some packages on the carrier and watched as Captian America and the Falcon walked by. He ran into captian America pushing him off the side of the ship and started to fight the falcon.

He grabbed one of his wings and threw him back but he pulled out 2 guns and started firing at the soldier. The soldier dodged every one and watched the falcon start to fly away. But he grabbed onto one of the wings with a steel wire. Ripping it off and grounding the man.

He then ran up to him and kicked him off the side of the carrier.


"People are gonna die. Buck" Captian America said. As they stood opposite each other on the small platform.

"I can't let that happen" he continued.

They continued to stand there. Staring eacother down.

"Please don't make me do this" The captian said, staring at the soldier.

The soldier moved his head down slightly. Still looking at the blonde. Suddenly he threw the sheild. The soldier blocked it and it bounced back to the captian as they both ran forwards.

The soldier had 2 pistols and fired at the captian as he was pushed back. Most of the bullets bounced off the sheild but while he was covering his chest, the captian left his side open and the soldier's bullet skinned his suit, leaving a small cut on his side.

The captian grunted and stopped for a moment. Letting the solder stand up, about to punch him again but he used the sheild and threw him back a few feet.

Instantly the soldier stood up, pulling out a knife, ready to fight again. They kept blocking eachother, seeming equally matched in their battle.

When the captian knocked the soldier down he moved to a keypad, typing in the code so the chips would move to the section he needed. But the soldier was back at it. Swinging and dodging as they fought again.

The soldier was pushed off again, letting the captian take out the chip he was going to replace. Before he could place it the soldier was back on him.

As they moved back the captian was against the railing. They were able to punch eachother a few times before the soldier finnaly rammed into the captian, sending them both over the edge and onto the glass dome below them.

They continued fighting as the captian dropped the chip further down as the soldier didn't stop.

The captian watched the chip fall and quickly punched the soldier in the face before kicking him off of where they stood, then chasing after the chip, jumping to where it landed on the glass.

Once captian America grabbed the chip he looked up to see the winter soldier about to fire at him again. He quickly grabbed his sheild blocking the attack, once the bullets stopped he stood up and threw the sheild. Hitting the soldiers arm again as it bounced off and landed behind him.

They started hand-in-hand combat again. Both equally blocking the others attacks. The soldier had a knife in his hand but the captian initially blocked it. But the soldiers metal arm pushed his back, diving the knife deep into the Captians right shoulder.

Captian America groaned and used his headbutted the soldier til he backed away. Bit the soldier pushed the Captian into a "wall" supporting the glass they were standing on and dived for the chip himself.

The captian pulled the knife out of hus shoulder and went back to take thr chip before the soldier could destroy it.

The captian held the soldier in the air by his throat for a moment before throwing him into the glass. He had the soldiers right arm in a locked position, trying to make him drop the chip.

"drop it" he said. Pulling his arm more. "Drop it" he repeated, snapping the soldiers arm as he let out a painful scream.

His efforts were useless so he dropped down holding the soldier in a chokehold. His metal arm pulled the captians down some, but once it was far enough, the captin used his left leg to hold the arm in place.

Soon the soldier stopped moving and dropped the chip. Immediatly the captian let go and grabbed the chip. Running for the ladder to the catwalk platform above them.

He was almost there when a gun was fired behind him. Hitting the captian in the leg, causing him to stumble. He looked back and saw the winter soldier holding the gun. But he continued making his way and climbed up more.

Another shot was fired, just barely missing his hand as he pulled himself up. Finnaly getting to the insert. When he was about to place the chip. He was shot again, this time in the stomach, falling to sit he looked at the wound causing his suit to turn red.

He was able to pull himself up, placing the chip in just in time. "Charlie lock" he said into the comms. Confirming the finnal chip was placed.

"Fire now" he said into the community. Still siting beside the inserts. Slowly he pulled himself up. Looking over the railing as he watched the ships fire at eachother.

One of the metal supports fell down. Crushing the winter soldier as he let out another scream, trying to escape.

The captian made his way down. Struggling to pick the metal support up off the soldier. But once it was up enough he crawled out.

The captian dropped the support and looked at the soldier.

"You know me" he said as they stared at eachother.

"No I. Dont" the soldier screamed. Punching the captian with his metal arm. Causing him to fall.

They both stood up. Only a few feet apart.

"Bucky. You've known me your whole life" the Captian said.

The soldier swung his arm around. Hitting the captian as they both struggled to remain standing.

Your name. Is James. Buchanan. Barnes" the captian said.

"SHUT UP" the soldier screamed. Hitting the captian again.

The captian pulled off his helmet. Looking back at the soldier. Dropping his sheild.

"I'm not gonna fight you" he said. Standing there, defenseless as the soldier stared at him.

the sheild dropped through a hole in the glass, landing in the water below them

"You're my friend." He said. Breathing heavy.

The soldier tackled the captian down. Landing harshly on the glass.

"You're my mission" he said. Staying ontop of the captian.

He started repeatedly hitting the captian while speaking.

"You're. My. Mission"

The soldier stopped for a moment. Holding his fist back, ready to punch the captian again.

"Then finish it." He said looking up to the soldier. "Cause I'm with you til the end of the line"

The soldier slowly lowered his fist. Staring at the captian with a scared and questioning look.

Suddenly another beam fell above them, causing the glass to break and the captian to fall. The soldier held on. Watching as he hit the water below them.

He hung there for a moment. His mind a total mess as he repeated the captians last words to him over and over in his head. Then he decided to drop down with him. Reaching for the captian and slowly bringing both of them to shore.

He drug the captian over to the side, so he was completely out of the water. Then the soldier stood there for a moment. Looking at the man infront of him. Before he walked off. Not sure where to go or what to do next. But he knew.

Not to go back to hydra.

[3901 officialy the most words I've ever written for a single chapter. And this is only the scenes the winter soldier/bucky is in. And I'm so glad I finnaly finished it bc now I won't have to do it again 😂. Anyway have a good day and hope you enjoyed it. Plz keep reading]

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