Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)

By Lolowlfish

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Y/n has newly moved into town (protagonist has entered the chat everybody) but this place doesn't seem to be... More

Settling In
What? No Welcome Committee?
Hell on Earth
Mission Impossible
The Plan
The Game
Two teens at a cheap cafe
Authors note
"Zero Redeemable Qualities"
The Cult (pt 1)
The Cult (pt 2)
"Intermission! Mill about!"
Evening Get Together
What the fuck
The Sound of the Police
The Woods
The dance?(pt 1)(third times a charm)
The Dance? (pt 2)
Chapter 20!! Whooo!!
Purple Fish Dancing
The Cult (pt 3)
The Cult (pt 4)
Flee the Facility
Roy's House😏
I like to read
Maybe you aren't as bad as you were before.
Quick Heist
Chapter 30! Whooo!
W-what's today??
Safe Space
Slumber Party Trope but it probably wont be fun
What should I name this chapter? IDK I'm just the author
I'm Crying
To the resistance!!
Search and Rescue, bitches!
Cool it, Roy.
Chapter 40... Um.. alright...
Clean Up.
Did you think the story was over soon?
I don't appreciate my current emotions...
Helping Roy! (And totally not an excuse to draw him in a bunch of outfits)
The Graveyard
Untitled Part 47
Wake up Roy! We have to hide the body! There are no kids to bully in jail!
I can't believe you just read 50 chapters of this lol
Who's House is Burning Down at This Hour?
Gay People.
55 is the loneliest number
My window has mold or something on it. Maybe it's just a thick layer of dust.
Raising a Rose
A little break
Chapter 60. How the hell???
Another weirdly unexplained time paradox.
The End of an Era
Thank You (A/n)
Hoyl Carp!


49 1 1
By Lolowlfish

Y/n's POV

Sunday June 22
Roy stepped out into the backyard and jumped a bit in surprise. The rest of us peeked out behind him. The backyard was a large garden. There were planters with herbs and beds of plants and flowers that looked like they shouldn't exist. In the center of the yard was a circle of dirt surrounded by stones like the type you would put trees in, but instead of a tree it was a giant Venus Flytrap looking thing. How could this be real? The garden was covered by a canopy of vines and leaves. I guess that's why we couldn't see this from the outside.
"What in the world." I heard Roy whisper. He was staring in complete awe at the fantastical garden. The light from the bioluminescent flowers hanging on the canopy reflected in his eyes. 
I had to tear my eyes away to look back at the garden.
"What the hell are you kids doing?!" Demanded a voice from behind us. The fantasy was lost as we turned around quickly to find Steve and Milo standing there. Milo was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Oh-um we- we were just-" Susie started.
"It was a dare! I dared Roy to look out here! I'm sorry!" I explained.
"Well we were going to show you kids this stuff later once we thought you would need it but.." Milo said.
"You were? When would we need this?" Asked Roy.
"I'm good friends with Jaune! She told me that you kids might need supplies for exorcisms." Milo explained.
"My mom isn't that good at keeping secrets.." Ross said. 
"Oh um.. right.. the exorcisms.." I muttered.
"Listen, we didn't want you to come out here alone or without us. That's why we set up the rule. We can explain all of the stuff here tomorrow but don't come out here without us until you know this place as well as we do." Steve said.
We all nodded.
"Alright. Go to bed. We'll talk tomorrow." Steve grumbled.
"So you aren't mad?" Asked Robert.
"I'm a bit disappointed that you kids broke the rule but I'm too tired right now. You didn't get hurt and you didn't fuck up the garden." Steve said.
"It's late. Go to sleep." Milo yawned.
We all went back upstairs to our respective rooms.
"Dang it, Y/n." Said Susie.
"Sorry." I replied.

Monday June 23
"Alright, and this one is called a Snap Fruit. Do you want to know why?" Explained Milo. 
Steve was watering the garden while Milo told us about each of the plants in the garden. We had to wear the itchy spare garden gloves. We were all too interested in the mysterious plants to notice, however. Though Roy seemed the most interested. He decided to write down notes about each of the plants in a brand new thick notebook for all of us to use later but it's pretty obvious he's writing for himself as well. 
"Why?" Asked Robert. 
Milo picked the spherical yellow fruit from the vine growing up the corner of the canopy.
"Because it bites when picked!" Milo exclaimed. 
The fruit opened up a mouth like a pac-man with sharp teeth and started trying to bite Milo.
"You have to be careful! If it bites you it's seeds, which are the 'teeth', will get embedded into your skin and grow a new vine! This vine we have here is growing out of a raw chicken we buried." Milo lectured. Roy scribbled down some notes.
"This fruit is good as a weapon but they don't taste that good so we don't eat them." Milo dropped the fruit on the ground and stepped on it.
"Oh my goodness." Robert muttered. 
"This next vine here is called a Serpent Plant. If it wasn't zip tied to the fence it would grow so fast that this garden would be covered in two days." Milo moved to the next plant. 
"Yeah, we don't want to do that again.." Steve commented from the other side of the garden.
"Freaky." Roy said. He scribbled down some more notes.
Milo explained the rest  of the plants in the garden and by the time he was done it was 12:30. 
"Alright, Lemondrops! Time for lunch!" Announced Milo.
After lunch we were sent home with the promise of more specific explanations later on and us swearing we wouldn't tell anyone about the garden except for Jaune.
I'm tired. I'm taking a nap.

"Y/n! G-ood t-t-to s-e-ee y-ou again-n!" Boomed a voice behind me. I had woken up in the graveyard again. Great, another dream.
"What do you want?" I asked. I didn't bother turning around. I knew I wouldn't be able to.
"Y-ou -kn-o wh- I w-nt. I wa- OUT! I do-t w-wan-want toooo... BE HERE!" Complained the broken form of Evermore. 
"Well you don't need to be here much longer. We're going to perform an exorcism." I said.
"Oh- no! I do-nt w-nt to to to b-e exorc-ised. I w-want con-trol." He explained in a dark tone.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"I h-ave former m-mem-members of m-my cu-ult work-king-ing onnnnnnn... FREEING ME. Once it is- done I-I-I wi-ill be able to-o take OVER the t-town ag-gain." He said.
"You still think you have people on your side? I'm pretty sure if you did, you wouldn't be here right now." I snapped.
"We-ell, th-that-s wh-where you-ou're wrong. I h-have a te-eam of sp-special peop-pole who h-have swor-n in bl-bl-ood t-to bri-ing me b-back aft-er d-death. It take-s time." Evermore drifted in front of me.
"What?" I questioned under my breath.
"M-hm. You'd b-bett-er g-et crack-kin! W-we're alm-most-ost d-done." He said ominously. He disappeared and soon after I shot awake. 

Friday July 4 
Fireworks crashed loudly outside my window. So loudly, in fact, that I had to close it. At least they kinda looked nice against the dark sky.
"You sure we have everything?" Asked Ross. He sat on the floor with the rest of the group. A small pile of ingredients was in the center of the circle.
"I double checked the list. Everything's here." Replied Robert.
"Are you sure you got the silverwood fruit and not the greywood?" Roy flipped through his notebook quickly.
"Yeah I did. It's the shiny one right?" Susie answered.
"No! It's a decoy name! Like Iceland and Greenland. Greywood is the shiny one and it's really poisonous to the touch!" Roy yelled.
"I'm just kidding! I got the boring grey one." Susie assured him.
"Now is not a good time for jokes Susie." I said, returning to the circle. "We are attempting our first exorcism."
"Yeah I know. Just trying to lighten the mood. This is pretty stressful with us only having 4 chances and all. Humor is my coping mechanism." Susie responded.
"That's understandable. We are all a bit stressed right now. Just, everyone, try to keep your cool." I reassured her. Everyone looks at each other and nods. 
"Alright. Let's do this. Step one, make a circle of salt that can fit two people in it." I read from The Book.
Robert popped open the lid of the salt and drew a circle on the floor. The rest of the group scooted back to allow room.
"Step two, put the piece of Silverwood in the middle and use the candle to light it on fire." I continued.
"Fire? Isn't that risky? Should we do this outside?" Robert asked.
"What are we going to light it with?" Questioned Ross.
"Susie, can you go grab a lighter please? They are in the third drawer down on the far right in the kitchen. The fire isn't going to be lit for very long so hopefully the house doesn't burn down." I instructed.
Susie ran down the stairs. An extra loud firework sounded outside the attic.  Hopefully those wouldn't disturb us. 
"Step 3 is Roy and I sit in the circle. Then you three have to hold hands and say this three times." I hand the book to Ross and he skims over the sentence he, Susie and Robert have to read. 
"This says 'Roy's hair looks like ass' in latin." He says
"What? It does?" I asked.
"I dunno. Maybe. I just made it up." Ross said.
"Shut your yap, boy, and get in your salt circle." Ross called to Roy.
"My hair does not look like ass." Roy grumbled as he got up to sit in the circle.
Susie came back upstairs with the lighter and I stepped into the circle.
"Alright, time to light this baby up." She said. She grabbed the wood in the circle and set it ablaze, quickly putting it down again.
Both Roy and I scooted away from it as much as we could to avoid getting burnt and bumped into each other. Neither of us cared. 
"Alright, do the rest of the exorcism. I want to put this fire out quickly before it burns the floor." I said, keeping my eyes on the fire. Why were we doing this inside? What was I thinking?
Another firework crashed outside. I wished I could sit on the roof and watch them instead of being stuck in an attic with a piece of burning wood in a salt circle.
"Ok, what do we do?" Susie asked Ross.
"We have to say this three times and hold hands." He showed her the book.
"What? That just says 'Roy's hair looks like ass' in latin." She questioned.
"Really?" Everyone in the room asked in unison.
"Yeah. I took latin as my language class this year." She said. 
Ross whispered 'Yes' under his breath and did a small fist pump.
"Are you sure this is a legit exorcism?" Asked Susie.
"No! We aren't sure about any of them!" I answered.
"Yeah I know but this doesn't seem legit." She worried.
I thought for a second. Everyone was turning their heads down. Some in worry, some in disappointment. This wasn't good. The book was messing with us and it was stressing everyone out.
"Yeah, you're right." I said, turning my head down as well. "We probably should have fact checked that before attempting. Now we only have three chances. I'm sorry."
"Hey it's alright! You didn't know. We still have three chances left! It's not like Russian Roulette or anything. How about we all go out to buy some candy and watch the fireworks?" Susie attempted to reassure us. It worked.
"Sounds good." I turned to look at her.
"I'm always up for some candy." Ross shrugged.
"Great! Let's go! I want to see some fireworks before they're over." Roy stood up quickly.
"Then it's decided! To the Candy Club!" Susie announced. She ran out the door, followed closely by the others. I stayed behind for a moment to look at our failed exorcism. Stupid book. I kicked the fire out and left the rest of it how it was.

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