Touch of Fire

By Minnamouse33

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Kaz Brekker never could let his guard down, life in Ketterdam was harsh and keeping your wits gave you a figh... More

The Bastard of Ketterdam
A Deal with the Devil
The Wraith
A New Start
Kaz-The Girl
The Game
The Deepest Cut
Bruises and Broken Promises
A Chance
Kaz- Into The Flame
First Touch
New Friends and Enemies
Kaz-The Deal Is The Deal
The Way It Goes
Dancing With The Devil
Inej-Last Chances
Pleasure and Promises
Revenge Is Just The Start
Kaz-Misery and Mistakes
When Our Demons Come To Call
For The Future
Kaz- The Fight
Nightmares And Dreams
Dining With My Darkness
Kaz-My Future
Desire and Decisions
Game Over
Thank you


291 5 4
By Minnamouse33

I woke up with a start, reaching instantly for the knife id stashed under my pillow.

I was alone and the room was dark. I wasn't entirely sure what had woken me from sleep but something was certainly off. It was eerily quiet and it made my heart race.

I leapt from the bed knife in hand and carefully made my way over to the door not bothering to find any light source.  I had mapped the room earlier and I knew it was a clear path from the bed to the doorway.

At the door I paused listening for any sound outside but they wasn't any.

I tested the knob and to my surprise it turned. I didn't trust this at all.  Where were the guards? Where was Carlson?

I was glad I had memorized the pathway from the room down to the main foyer because I needed to be careful, I had no clue where anyone had disappeared to tonight and I couldn't risk being caught sneaking out of here.

I shut the bedroom door silently behind me and started inching my way down the hallway. It was so quiet I could hear my anxious breathing.

I saw light spilling from under a door at the end of the hall and I made sure to be extra quiet as I moved closer to it.

My heart raced and I fought to calm my breathing.  My knuckles were turning white from how hard I was gripping the knife.

I stilled just outside the room and listened at the door.  I heard muffled voices on the other side but I couldn't make out what was being said from out here. I decided it wasn't worthwhile to try to stay and listen as I needed to get myself down to the main floor and find the way back outside.

I moved past the room and all the way to the top of the main stairs. I waited a moment to listen for any disturbance below. I would be entirely exposed once I started down the stairs and the idea of that made me even more anxious. I kept my back to the wall that lined the stairs and slowly decended.

At the bottom I darted across the foyer to the main door. I started to unlock it but I heard footsteps coming up from the other hallway. I moved myself away from the door and crouched down behind the grandfather clock keeping myself obscured in shadow.

I watched from my hiding spot as two guards moved up to the door. The one on the left checked the lock on the door and when they ensured the door was secure the two men moved back down the hallway they'd come from.

I waited a few moments more before I moved away from my hiding place and crept back to the door. I started unlocking it when I heard a deep male voice say," I suggest you back away from there woman."

I whirled to see the shadowed outline of Carlson standing in the entrance to the dinning room off in the right of the main door.

I watched him come closer. I didn't have anywhere to run, I was trapped.

I snarled at him," Just let me go. It'll save you a world of hell that is coming to you. Kaz and the Crows are on their way to rescue me. You're not going to win this time Carlson. I'll never be yours just understand that. "

He chuckled and it made my skin crawl. He wasn't acting like a man admitting defeat.  He was too bloody calm and it had me doubting myself.  Had I put faith in the wrong person? Had Delton even gone to Kaz at all? Was help coming or was I actually on my own?

No I had to stop doubting, I had to believe Delton had gotten word to Kaz and the others and I just needed to buy myself time. I had to be smart and I had to keep Carlson in my sight.

Carlson stopped advancing towards me, he stood just a few feet away and he took notice of the knife in my hand.  He smirked at me as he said, " You are mine and no one is going to be able to save you.  You should be the smart woman I know you to be and put the knife down, you don't want to hurt yourself do you?"

It was my turn to smirk at him. " I am being smart, I'm not giving up my weapon and if you come any closer it'll be you that will hurt. Don't think I haven't dreamt of gutting you,of sliting your throat.  I want to see you bleed and I want you to die bleeding at my feet,you piece of shit. I despise your existence with every fiber of my being."

Carlson feigned hurt as he put a hand over his heart. " Well that is painful to hear but I don't need you to like me. I just need you to obey. You can make things easier on us both by simply conceding. If you give me the knife now I might even be lenient and not punish you for trying to escape tonight. But if you keep defying me you will not enjoy what happens next Amira."

I had to keep in the offensive I held the knife out in front of me and started forward, much to my delight Carlson backed up. I tested it by taking another step and then another and when I had successfully backed him back into the dining room I paused.

" You don't get to control me anymore. I am not in your crew and I am leaving tonight. If you try to stop me I'll end your miserable life. You are a monster and monsters need to be put down Carlson." I watched as his eyes darkened with anger, he was tired of our game it seemed.  I knew he was close to his breaking point because the viens on his thick neck pulsed. He was gritting his back teeth and I knew I didn't have much longer before he snapped and attacked regardless of the weapon I held.  If he got his hands on me I'd be in a world of trouble. I arm was starting to shake from holding it out in front of me so long, my fingers were aching from the tight grip I kept on the knife.  I risked taking a quick glance down the hall and cursed as I saw the two guards coming back. If they saw me they'd alert everyone else in the compound and I was only one woman with a single knife. I had to act quickly. I started thinking of it was better to try to dart for the front door again or risk running back up the stairs and finding a hiding spot upstairs.

I had mere moments to decide. I glanced at the door and cursed, hiding spot it was.  I whirled and started back the way I'd come. I had to duck under Carlson's meaty arm as he figured out what I was doing and he tried to grab me.  I slashed up with the knife and grinned as Carlson cursed. I sliced his palm deep and his warm blood sprayed over my chest and face. I didn't stop to inspect the damage I slipped in his blood but I found my footing quickly and I ran. The guards had been alerted to Carlson's pained yell and were racing back down to where we had been standing.

I was halfway up the stairs when I heard a loud crack. Someone was firing at me. Shit shit shit. I panted as I ran up the rest of the stairs. The gunshot had alerted the others. Doors were being opened and lights turned on spilling into the hallway. I moved in the opposite direction and slipped down a secondary hallway. I had no idea where I was running to as id never been down this way but I had to improvise.

I tested a few doors I passed and cursed. They were locked. I heard shouting and heavy footfalls behind me and I couldn't afford to slow down. I was panting from exertion and I needed to find a place to barricade myself in.  I could fight them one on one but I couldn't me allow myself to be surrounded.

I darted down another path and came up to a dead-end. There was only one door at the end of this hall and if it was also locked I'd need to double back and find another path. Risking being corned.

I tested the knob and blessedly it turned over. I stepped quickly into the dark room and shut myself in. I locked the door. I glanced quickly around the room and took stock of everything inside. I moved over to
a dresser that was conveniently against set the wall near the door. I shoved it over in front of the doorway.  After I secured the door I took a few moments to look around the room again. The moonlight spilling in from the large windows, outlined a large bed in the centre of the room.  I moved myself over to the window and I tried to push it open. It was stiff and heavy but I managed to get it open. I glanced at the bed again and smirked as an idea came to me. I tucked my knife into my boot and started pulling the sheets from the bed. I worked quick and quiet, braiding the sheets into a thick makeshift rope. I looped the one end around the closest bed leg to the window and secured the end, tugged it a few times testing the knots Id made. It held. I moved back to the window and shoved the pile of tied sheets out the opening of the window. The make shift rope didn't reach all the way to the ground. I cursed silently. I'd have to risk dropping the rest of the distance to the ground and hoping I didn't break anything in the process.

I heard footsteps getting closer and raised voices. I didn't have time to debate this plan. I had to be out the window. I just hoped I could get myself ground level safely.

I took a rallying breathe as I maneuvered myself up onto the window sill. I moved slowly out of the window. I hoped the sheets would hold my weight as I started slowly down.

I heard the sheets tearing and it made my pulse skyrocket. I glanced over my shoulder. I was still a long way from the ground. If the ropes didn't hold I was going to be in a lot of trouble.

I had to move faster. I adjusted my grip and started slipping down the rope quicker. The sheets shifted above me and I felt the tension in the rope loosening. Shit, it wasn't going to hold for much longer.

I slid further down and was nearly to the end when I heard the distinct sound of fabric separating. I released the sheets and felt myself go into a free fall. The ground was fast approaching and I had to tuck myself to shoulder roll or I'd risk breaking something. I took a calm breath, closed my eyes and leaned forward tucking my head down towards my chest. I hit the ground hard,the pressure in my shoulder as it bore the impact was nearly incapacitating. I rolled and ended up sprawled on my back.My breathe left my lungs in a whoosh and I had to lay still and just breathe for a bit.

My entire left side throbbed but I had finally made it outside. I didn't have time to fully recover. I had to get out of the open or risk being recaptured. I sat up and rolled my shoulder to try to get feeling back in my left side. I flexed the fingers of my left hand and was relieved I could move them.  I hadn't broken anything but I would be bruised.

Just as I got to my feet I felt a hand rest on my right shoulder. I instinctly went to strike but I heard the familiar feminine voice saying gently, " Amira it's Inej. I've got you. "

I felt my eyes fill with tears and I pulled her into a tight hug.  Inej held me and patted my back soothingly she was saying something softly in her language. It sounded like a prayer of sorts.

" I'm so glad to see you.  Are the others here too. " I asked her trying to get my emotions back in check.

I let Inej out of my embrace and she met my eyes as she nodded," Yes they are waiting just there. " I looked to where she pointed and I could just make out several shadowy shapes in the distance.

" How'd you get outside Amira? Certainly made this easier on all of us. " Inej smirked at me.

I smiled back at the wraith," I'm not entirely helpless.I came out from up there." I pointed to the sheets still swinging in the night air.

Inej chuckled more as she replied," You are a wonder Amira. Let's get you home.  We've been so worried about you."

I put an hand on her shoulder stilling her. I shook my head as I said quietly, " Inej we have to kill Carlson. We cannot let him go,he'll just keep coming back into our lives otherwise "

Inej sighed," I know but you're in no shape to fight.  Especially if you're expecting. Its been a few days since your capture, so do you know if you're carrying Kaz's baby yet ?"

I put a protective hand over my stomach and smiled as more tears filled my eyes. Inej I noticed also had tears in her eyes as she watched me. " Yes I am Inej. I'm going to be a mother, I still cannot believe this is real.  I need to see Kaz and talk to him. "

Inej turned away from me suddenly I frowned at her.  "Inej? What is it?"

When she looked back at me again she was clearly very upset. My heart started racing,worrying something had happened to Kaz. " Inej what happened? Is Kaz alright? You need to answer me right now. "

Inej took a breathe as she grabbed my hands into hers. " I'm so sorry I didn't know what to do and I was extremely worried about you and I let it slip what happened at our spar. Kaz knows Amira. He knows you're carrying his child. I'm sorry. I hadn't meant to say anything to him but it just happened."

I felt my heartrate speed up. " Oh...ohhh. What did he say? Was he upset? Shit he's not going to let me fight now will he." I watched Inej shake her head slightly and grimace.

I knew this was going to be a difficult conversation but knowing Kaz now knew, it actually took some of the pressure off me.

I wanted to reassure Inej I wasn't upset at her at least so I gave her a small smile as I held my hand out to her. I waited for her to take my offered hand before I told her.," Inej thank you for being there for Kaz.  I'm glad he has you in his life.  I know we got off on the wrong foot but I need you to know that I want you at my side.  I'm going to need you when the child comes. I don't have alot of female friends in my life and I know my child will be so loved and protected with our crow family. That means you're going to be an aunt to this little one you know."

Inej smiled bright and it had me answering her smile with one of my own. She looped my arm through hers as she said gently, " Come on let's get the others and get out of here. We will come back for Carlson soon I promise."

I instinctly wanted to argue against her words but I knew she was right.  I was not in top fighting form and I knew I needed to see Kaz and we needed to have a heart to heart.  I was preparing myself mentally and emotionally for the conversation and I would likely need a few days to recover from it. I'd swallow my pride and let Carlson go for now but he would bleed at my feet before my child comes into this world.

I sighed as I nodded to Inej, " Okay let's go home. "

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