Adopted by Markiplier! || 11...

By RoseMitch

124K 4.8K 4.6K

Art and Cover by Me. After realizing that it was going to be a while before he got married, Mark decided that... More

C1: Welcome to LA Orphanage!
C2: Adoption Day!
C3: I Think I'm Gonna Like it Here!
C4: Nightmare
C5: Good Morning!
C6: Shopping
C7: To the Beach!
C8: Swimming and Cussing
C9: Carnival
C10: Bubble Baths
C11: RTX?
C12: New Phone?
C13: Cooking Blues
C14: Electronics
C15: Social Media
C16: Twitter
C17: Meet Up
C19: Family and Italian
C20: Pasta
C21: Netflix
C:22 Lets meet the gang!!
C23: Some Quality "Uncle Time"
C24: RTX (Day 1) Pt 1
C25: RTX (Day 1) Pt 2
C26: RTX (Day 1) Pt 3
C27: Before the "Horror"
C28: RTX Day 2 (Part 1)
C29: RTX (Day 2) Part 2
C30: RTX Day 2 (Part 3)
C31: RTX Day 3
C32: Finally Going Home

C18: CPS

3K 161 114
By RoseMitch

Today was the day the men in suits were coming in for a check up.

Leilah was happy they wouldn't come back, probably.

Mark wore his best formal/casual clothing while Leilah sported a frilly tunic with a bright yellow undershirt and black jeans.

She sat on her apprehensively, waiting for them to knock. she could see them from her window.

Mark sat on the couch, waiting for the time to go by before they finally knocked at the door.

Knock knock knock

Mark stood quickly, but waited at door for a moment before opening it.

He gave his best smile; there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Mark Fishbach?" A tall man, said looking down at a notepad.

"Yes, that's me." He said, stepping aside for the two men to enter. They stepped inside, looking around while Mark shut the door behind them.

The tall one made some notes before looking at Mark and smiling.

"I see Leilah has settled in well?" He questioned, looking at a couple of scattered drawings on the coffee table.

Mark chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, she draws us together all the time..."

"Do you mind if we can meet her?" the other man said, glancing over to the stairs.

"No of course not, she's in her room, follow me"


Mark knocked on the door before walking into Leilah's room.

"Leilah, I'm coming in," he said, opening the door.

He smiled at her.

She hopped off her bed and went over next to Mark, fast as lightning.

The two men walked over to the other side of Leilah's room.

"Leilah do you mind if Mark steps outside while ask you some questions?" The tall man spoke softly.

Leilah screamed internally. she wanted to say no, but when she looked at Mark, he just smiled and nodded his head.

"Just tell them the truth, they're the good guys."

Leilah looked back at the men, then back at Mark. She gave him a hug and nodded. Mark patted her back and left the room.

"So Leilah... We're gonna ask you some questions, and you have to answer them 100% truthfully. Do you understand?" The tall man said, pulling out his not pad once again.

The both wore very formal suits, which terrified Leilah. She took a very deep breath before nodded at them.

"Ok, you can call me Jim, and this my partner, Wolfgang."

Leilah smiled at the name. "Wolf-gang?" she pronounced it, making the agent smile.

"Yes, it's German." he said simply, grinning slighty.

"That's cool," Leilah said, easing up slightly.

They both chuckle a bit before continuing.

"So, Leilah, what do you like about your new home?"

Leilah was quick to answer.

"It's 2 stories! And the back yard is huge! Mark said he was thinking about getting me a puppy to teach me responsibility or something,"

"So, you like it here?" Wolfgang asked her.

"Oh, yes!" She answered.

"Do you spend a lot of time with Mark?" Jim said, writing some more notes on the paper attached to his clipboard.

"Yeah, when he isn't doing his job. When he isn't working, he always plays games with me and watch movies," she smiled giddily, happy this wasn't so bad.

"What does you dad do in his work?" Wolfgang asked curiously.

"Oh, well.... Uhh--" Leilah pondered, not knowing how to answer.

"I don't know what it's called, but he makes videos of himself playing games for other people to watch..."

Their faces contorted in confusion.

"He plays video games?" Jim asked.

"Yes." Leilah answered.

"Alright..." Jim said apprehensively.

"Does he work often?" Wolfgang asked.

Leilah nodded her head.
"He works a lot, but he says it's so we can have more time to have fun,"

"Ok, that's good." Jim said, more towards his partner.

"What kind of fun things?" he said cautiously.

"Well, the day after he adopted me, we went to the mall and he let me choose out a bunch of clothes. I hadn't been to a mall in 4 years before then," Leilah giggled, smiling wide.

"Let's talk more about you. We read your file, and we know what you've endured in the past. Are you dealing with it well? Has Mark helped you with it at all?"

"...I'm okay. We don't talk about it a lot, bu when we do he tells me everything's okay and that he'd never let anything happen to me..." Leilah said, gripping her knees nervously.

"We're sorry, Leilah..." Wolfgang said, giving Leilah a small frown.

"It's fine... It happen when I was really little..."

"Ok, we're gonna talk with your- Mark now and you can come with us if you want," Jim said, getting up and going towards the door.

Leilah followed them out the door and saw Mark was on the couch, messing with his phone. He saw them coming down the stairs and stood up. Leilah ran to him and hugged his legs tightly. Mark ran his hand through her hair while Jim and Wolfgang sat down on the couch.

Leilah let go of Mark and they both took a seat on the other couch across the agents.

"So, Mark, how are you?" Jim asked.

"I'm very well," he said looking at Leilah. "how are you all?"

"Good," he said, shifting forward in his seat.

"Now," Wolfgang said, clearing his throat. "Leilah said she didn't know the particular name of your, like of work. Can you tell us again what it was?"

"Haha, well- Erm... the unofficial-ish term is a 'Youtuber'. As a Youtuber, you are signed with the company YouTube and the pay you to create weekly content."

"I see... Do you find yourself with money problems?" Jim asked.

"Never! I'm actually having and charity live stream this month. I sit in front of a camera and play games while the people watching can donate money for thing such as children's hospitals and the ASPCA." Mark said proudly.

"That's a good head you have on your shoulders, Mark..." Wolfgang smiled.

The two men looked at each other and nodded, both standing up in unison.

"Well, Leilah, it has been a pleasure," Wolfgang said, smiling down at Leilah.
Leilah just giggled in response.

Mark shook both of the agents hands and held the door open for them as they exited the house.

"That wasn't so bad," Leilah said hopping off the couch and standing next to Mark who was still looking at the door.

"Yeah, but you know what is bad?"


"The Tickle Monster!" Mark said in a funny voice, letting Leilah get a head start as she ran away from him.

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