Oppsosites Attracts BUT Simil...

By 1_Day_Dream_er

228K 8.1K 498

The Title Says It All Join the journey of Two Adamant individuals binded together by the Sacred thread called... More

Know The leads
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 32

4.5K 191 7
By 1_Day_Dream_er

After 4 yrs


Its been almost 4 yrs since Harsh born, we celebrated his 4th birthday two days ago.

Harsh is making us all dance to his tune. More than my in-laws Ansh is the one who spoil Harsh.

I chopped almost half of my butt length hair, also i stopped wearing Saree, No kajal to my eyes. In short i avoided everything Ansh liked in me.

So many changes happened in this 4 yrs. My parents moved to Australia to be with my brother, they stay 9 months there and 3 months here. Keerthi and Varun mama is in Banglore. Everyone is busy with their own life.

Yet my relationship with Ansh is same. Infront of the family we are couples but in reality we are parents to Harsh thats it.

Its nt like he completely avoids me. He is trying hard to gain my love by giving me space.

He proposed me on this birthday, in the cake and decoration "Happy B'day My Love" it reads and the room was decorated with red heart shaped ballons. He never told me this before. May be he thought i have forgiven him. By my conversation with him last week.

I found few strips of sleeping pills in his cupboard. When i enquired he told me that due to work stress he cant sleep, so he is taking pills for the past few months. I advised him to reach out to some other way to relieve stress and not to rely on medications. May be this talk of mine, made him to propose me.

Because earlier all he used to do was to apologise to me,that too only by his actions. Similar to how he stood and supported me to rejoin the job.
He took break in his career which was going on upper scale for helping me to continue my job. A guy who mentioned he will not think to chop my wings of being financially independent if he feel threat to his ego has shut his career to make one for me, that too by leaving his parents behind. Moving to chennai was better option for his career but he didnt as he never wanted to leave his parents, but for me he shifted and stayed as house husband for months. I can see many changes in him.

He pulled out many such stunt in this 4 yrs to gain my forgiveness both directly and indirectly.

This indirect one, I came to know only recently. I dont know whether i could call it as his tactics. Because he never wanted me to know this it seems.

2 months ago, Me and Sriyansh went to his school friends get to gether.


We both reached the venue little late obviously coz of Harsh, he wasnt ready to accompany us, Ansh begged him to tag along and he agreed under the condition of getting him ice cream.

After an hr or so, we heard a loud scream of someone calling our names.There came Yamu Akka running towards us along with her child, Ved.

Yamini: Hey beautiful couple, finally i got to see you, now it feels worth to visit India. I have soo much to talk. Ved take Harsh along with you and play.

Do u know our friends arranged for a couple dance competition and the set is soo dreamy. I cant wait to dance. U both are participating right.

Ansh: Hmm... Not really Yams. I dont dance.

Yamini: What u dont dance? From when? as far i as remeber u nvr said no to dance.

Sara: "Akka i really dont like to do couple dance."

Yamini: Are u kidding me? You were the one who used to talk for hrs about all the tv serial couple them dancing together and all the fairytale stuffs in school.

"Now i dont like all that fairy tales Akka, its all fake" Sara told glancing at Ansh.

"Yams, i will be back in few minutes, actually Harsh will be looking for me." Ansh told yamini and went from there.

Yamini: Whats the problem between u both?

Sara: Nothing Akka.

Yamini: I know you both well. Dont lie to me. Ansh is really a gem Sara. He is a single child, he struggled a lot to overcome his introvert nature he is not a cool guy like he shows the world he is very much caring person.

Sara:Yaa yaa... he is really very caring.

Yamini: Do you remember, 4 yrs back, probably a month after you gave birth to Harsh i called u and suggested u to consult my friend Hema to overcome postpartum depression. Did u ever thought how i knew abt you being depressed. It was Ansh, who called me and told me to talk to you regarding this. I asked him why he didnt tell u directly, he told me that him taking you to psychiatrist might trigger you more. He also told me not to tell you but i m telling you now coz i feel there is some misunderstanding. Whats the problem.

Sara: Yamu Akka, Its something between me and my husband. Also thanks for telling me this.

Yamini: I just want you both to be happy, thats it.

I smiled back at her, not knowing what else to reply.

Flashback ends.

By now, i know he genuinely cares and his affection is true, and also he realised his mistakes, but i just couldnt forgive him. I cant, the words he written in his diary is not letting me to accept him.

My mom already started to ask me about our 2nd child planning, whenever she calls. And my Athai made Harsh to sleep with her and mama in their room.

But there is no change in the status of the relationship me and Ansh share.

Days passed, its christmas vacation for Harsh, so my in-laws had planned for 3 days trip with their grand child.

They left leaving me and Ansh alone in the house.

After long gap, you can expect a mature chapter next.

3 update in a single day. Hope you enjoy reading it.

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