Kingdom Fall : Aegon II Targa...

By Sweetophelia1

212K 5.7K 2K

It's Strange What Desire Will Make Foolish People Do. He catches a droplet of wine running from her lips to... More

Clementines And Dragon.
Creatures With Very Long Legs.
Broken Rules.
Love Can't Protect You Now.
Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Love and Duty.
Tempestuous Young Girls.
Arguements, Arrangements and Agreements
Prayer and Pomp.
Dinner and Diatribes
In Hot Water.
Indescent Relations.
Sacraficial Lamb.
Run Baby Run.
Just An Appendage.
Kicking and Screaming.
Thicker Than Water.
Promises Are Not To Be Broken.
Roughhousing and Revelations
If I Tell You You're Mine.
Whatever She Wants.
A Family Affair.
Would That Be A Bad Thing?
Nothing Like You.
History Is Like Gravity
Aesthetics 2//Anouncement
What's In A Name.
A Royal Crowning.
Mother Knows Best.
The One Who Gave You Life.
Inherited Injuries.
The Next Best Thing.
Girls Night.
Gently Does It.
Trials and Tribulations.
I Can Only Apologise
Pride Goeth Before Destruction
Authors Note - Please Read Though
Night Terrors.
A Gilded Cage.
Authors Note

Baths and Burdern's.

3.4K 107 37
By Sweetophelia1

They don't linger for long once they have finished their supper as instead of joining the rest of her family in the parlour eager to leave the tense dinner that her announcement had caused. Anne makes the excuse of bearing weary from her travels and she and Aegon make their way to her childhood bedroom.

The maids had already prepared a bath by the time they reached her chambers. Anne can remember the face but not the name of the handmaid that has been chosen to attend to her in Zella's absence.

"Princess, might I prepare you to bathe?" The nameless servant asks.

"Please." Anne answers. Before she turns around and the maid begins to unlace her riding dress.

Annerys is barely out of her first layer before Aegon begins to undress.

Hearing the young maid behind her gasp in surprise at Aegon's sudden and unexpected nudity Annerys says "can you not wait a moment?"

"No." Aegon smiles at her as he strides over to stand in front of her.

He leans down and although he's shorter than most of their male relatives he still towers over her. Anne reaches up and pinches his cheeks between her hands to stop him in his progress before he can meet her lips with his.

In the meantime the maid helps Annerys step out of her dress leaving her in her stays and small clothes.

Aegon takes a hold of her wrist and roughly pulls it from his face, "hurry up," he tells her before he kisses the back of her hand and  climbs into the bath. 

He settles in the bath the water rising to his chest as he turns to watch as Annerys as her maid continues to undress her.

The water begins to ripple and Aegon lets out a breathy sigh.

Aghast Annerys turns to him as she's being laced out of her stays "Aegon stop that."

"Stop what?" Aegon asks his innocent facade ruined as he groans.

Her handmaiden picks up her speed and quickly removes Anne's clothes before scurrying out of the room.

"That wasn't very nice." Anne admonishes once their alone in her room.

"Wasn't it? Well it felt glorious."

"Have I ever told you that you're awful?"

"It's been mentioned once or twice. Come here and say it again though."

Anne makes her way to the side of the bath and says "you're awful."

"And again."

"You're awful."

Aegon smiles at her before unhanding himself "Come sit on my lap."

Silently Anne climbs into the hot water of the bathtub and sits on his lap, his hardness pushed between them.

Anne reaches out and strokes the head of his cock between her fist. Aegon groans and fidgets where he's sat as her palm meets his cock "You're such a good girl. I bet your septa and your mother would always tell you that. Good little Annie."

"Gods you're irritating." Anne complains.

He smiles knowingly at her before he turns his attention from her face to her chest. The tips of her long hair had become wet as they sat in  the hot water covering her perky tits that had swollen with her pregnancy.

Aegon pushes her hair behind her shoulders to reveal them to him. He gently brushes a thumb over the taught blush coloured nipples. They immediately harden at his touch so Aegon asks curiously "are they more sensitive now"

"Mmhm." Anne confirms.

"Well they look...good."

"Good?" Anne smiles at him.

"Very good."

"You're a buffoon" Anne criticises just as she lets out a gasp of pleasure as he begins to toy with her clit.

"How does this feel?"

"Good." Anne snarks at him.

He smiles at her and says "good?"

"Very good." Anne finishes her repetition of his words.

Aegon uses his spare hand to push his thumb hard against her nipple. Anne gasps at the feeling and tries to lean away from the feeling. But Aegon follows her before he furls his hand around her side and pulls her back towards him.

"How does that feel?" he asks.

Annerys in answer groans both at the pleasure building between her legs and at the pain of her aching breasts.

"Sore?" Aegon asks.

"Hmm." Anne says breathlessly as he inserts two fingers inside of her.

"How about this?" Aegon asks before he gently licks his tongue against the sensitive skin of her nipple. Which despite their tenderness feels good so she whines against him she curls her hand into his silver locks and pulls slightly.

"Nice." Anne finally says.

"And this?" He says before nipping her nipple.

Anne cries out and neither she nor Aegon can tell whether it's through pain or pleasure as he plays with her clit and inserts a third finger inside of her.

"Aegon!" Annerys cries.

With his mouth full with her breast and his fingers working inside of her Anne cums with a loud and long whine.

Annerys leans her head against Aegon's shoulder as she comes down from her high. Aegon strokes his hand along her hair before he moves his hand to cup her cheek and manoeuvres her face to look at him.

Anne offers him a small blissful smile and rests her forehead against his. Aegon pushes her face away slightly so that he's looking at her face once more.And holds eye contact with her as he affectionately strokes her cheek with his thumb. Before he pulls her face back towards his and gently kisses her. The slow and gentle kiss eventually picks up pace and passion before Annerys uses her knees to push up off Aegon's lap so he can line himself up with her as she settles back down with him sheathed inside of her.

Anne gasps against Aegon's lips at the sensation. Whilst Aegon desperately clasps his hand around her head. Anne gives herself to acclimate to Aegon's size before she begins rhythmically rocking against him. Until Aegon finishes inside of her.


Despite being married for seven moons Annerys and Aegon have not slept in the same bed after the night of their bedding ceremony. Outside of the long night of Helaena's labour and even then they had not gone to bed with each other. Anne had just more exhaustedly crawled into his bed. So the two awkwardly lie parallel to each other with nothing but a single candle on Anne's bedside lighting the room, neither of them knowing how to continue.

Frustrated with both Aegon's and her own incompetence Anne sighs and leans over to blow out the candle leaving them in darkness. She rolls over onto her side with her back facing Aegon.

"Annie." Aegon says.

"Yes?" Anne asks.


Anne rolls back onto her back and blindly reaches out and  takes a hold of Aegon's arm that's furthest away from her before she rolls back on her side taking Aegon with her, wrapping his arm around her waist. Awkwardly Aegon shuffles closer to her so that his front is pressed against her back and his head is against her pillow. Before he moves his hand from where Anne had rested it against her small pregnancy bump up her torso. 


The following morning she wakes up to a small but incessant knocking against the large oak door. Even in his sleep Aegon is oblivious to the happenings around him so Anne carefully unwraps his arm from around her as he slumbers, gets out of bed to find her dressing gown to cover her nude form and answers her door.

Where she finds Lucerys and Joffrey waiting. "Anne!" Joffrey exclaims, full of energy despite the early hour. Annerys gently shushes her brother before she turns her head to check that Aegon is still asleep which predictably he still is.

"Is all well?" Annerys asks her brothers.

"Yes." Luke says at the same time as Joffrey says "no."

Anne smiles at the two before she reaches out her arm and carrasses the soft curls of Joffrey's hair "Why not?"

"Luke said that we had to knock and wait, which I think is stupid."

"Ah." Anne says as Luke blushes, clears his throat and looks to his feet. Although he's not alone in his mortification for Anne is right there beside him with her own.

"Will you have breakfast with us?" Joffrey asks. "And the man. Will he come too?"

"Aegon." Luke tells Joffrey.

"He will." Anne answers.

"Kepa's not going to like that." Joffrey giggles.

"Joff." Luke warns his younger brother as though he thinks that Anne could possibly be unaware of the tension between her family and her husband. But it is sweet he wishes to protect her from it.

"What?" Joffrey says "when mama was putting me to bed i asked her why he doesn't like him and she said that he does but i know she was lying like when she tells me Tyrax is sleeping when i want to go visit him even though i know he's not."

Anne checks again that Aegon is still sleeping before she crouches down to Joffrey's level. "Don't say that again."

"Why?" Joff asks innocently.

Unwilling to explain the socio-political dynamics of their family to a five year old before the sun has had a chance to fully rise, Anne instead says "well if Aegon was to hear it might make him sad."

"Oh." Joffreys says. "Well I like him."

"Me too." Anne says.


Once Anne has bid her brothers goodbye and promises to not dally Anne climbs onto the bed and sits on her knees beside Aegon. She leans down and kisses him on the forehead, then his nose and then each cheek softly saying his name with every touch of her lips. Aegon tiredly blinks as he begins to wake up.

"Come on, wake up." Anne says.

"It's still too early."

"It's time to break fast." Anne argues.

"Exactly wake me when it's time for lunch."

Anne flicks his ear and says "get up."

"Acting on the presumption that I don't like it a little rough is always the wrong move, Annie." Aegon taunts.

Anne huffs and says "if you don't get up now you won't be getting anything rough or not from me."

"You'd deny yourself." Aegon says.

"To spite you? Happily." Annerys says smugly.

"Mean." Aegon says before he climbs out of bed.

Anne smiles at him triumphantly before she follows him out of bed to dress.


Over the course of their break fast it is decided that they will spend their day in the gardens.

It had been Rhaenyra who had suggested that they "enjoy the warm weather and find some fun in the gardens."

At their mothers suggestion Jacaerys clears his throat before claiming that he "can not partake in the merriment as he had lessons with the maester to attend."

Rhaenyra in response says "you can miss the one day."

"I really cannot." Jace argues.

"Not even for me?" Anne asks.

" fair." Jace says.

"Jace, have some fun with your siblings, your lessons will wait." Rhaenyra intercedes.

"I don't want to."

"I'm in no mood to argue, Jacaerys just do as I say. It'll be good for you I'm sure of it."

"Yes mother." Jace reluctantly agrees.


Annerys is lying besides Rhaena on a blanket on the grass when Rhaena turns her head to ask  carefully "And you're happy about it?" Rhaena carefully asks.

"What?" Anne obliviously asks.

In lieu of an answer Rhaena nods in the direction of Anne's bump where her hands rest gently caressing the raised area of her torso.

"It is what it is. And i'm good with children its adults i can't stand"

"You'll make a good mother, I'm sure of it." Rhaena says.

"And Aegon?" Annerys asks her worries bubbling to the surface.

"I imagine he'll make a rather poor mother." Rhaena jokes.

"I'm serious." Anne complains.

"I hardly know him." Rhaena says unwilling to voice her true opinion as to not add to her dear friend's worries.

"But you've met him." Anne says.

Rhaena looks over to where Aegon is sitting drinking from his wine cup and says "Fathers don't matter half as much anyway." 

Annerys looks over at her husband and sighs before she looks at her cousin turned step-sister and says "Daemon loves you, I'm sure of it."

"Hmm." Rhaena answers "I just wish he liked me more."

"He likes you plenty," Annerys says in response "what's not to like?"

"That's the problem. I think I bore him. He should've just kept Baela and sent me to Driftmark. He'd miss me less." Rhaena says sadly.

"I've never known Daemon to not do exactly what he wanted, had he rather sent you to Driftmark that's where you'd be. Perhaps you're here because he wishes to foster closeness between the two of you. Perhaps the distance between the two of you bothers him too."

"Perhaps." Rhaena aquiesces.


Anne bathes under the sun with her step-sister for a little longer before Joffrey finds his way over to her, a little breathless from his games with Luke. "Can I feel the babe?" Joffrey asks without any preamble.

"What?" Anne asks.

"Like mother does." Joffrey unhelpfully answers.

"He wants to feel the babe kick." Rhaena explains, her eyes still shut.

"Ohh. Not yet."

"Why not." Joffrey sighs before plopping down beside her.

"Babes need a little longer before you can feel them moving." 

"Really?" Joffrey asks uncertainty "Are you sure yours isn't stupid."

"Well that i cannot be sure of but it's perfectly normal for it not to move yet, the maester says i should feel something by the end of this moon cycle." Anne explains.

"But you'll be gone then." Joffrey sighs.

"Come here." Anne says as she takes ahold of one of his small hands and places his palm flat against the swell of her stomach. Joffrey looks up and smiles at his elder sister and she smiles back at him. Lying flat on her back against the ground Anne stretches out her arms and Joffrey quickly climbs into her embrace and she pulls him close against her. Anne quickly finds herself teary eyed at the actions of the dear little boy who seems to be the only member of her family to be happy about her pregnancy.  Anne's not really sure how she feels about it but the child is hers and no one she loves wants it to exist. None but Joffrey, even sweet Luke had to force happiness to cheer up his elder sister. Anne presses kisses against the side of his head. She looks up to find Jace watching her. 


"Go play." Annerys tells Joffrey before she makes her way over to Jacaerys who is sat across the large garden table from Aegon. Anne wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind and leans over until her lips are level with his ear and says "don't be mad."

"I'm not mad, Anne." He sighs.

"You've barely spoken to me." Anne argues.

"I'm not mad." He repeats.

"You haven't even written to me."

"I have." Jace defends.

"Barely. Baela's written to me more often than you have these past seven moons."

"What do you want me to write about?"

"I don't know anything." Anne argues.

"Mother, Rhaena, Baela, Luke and even Joffrey all say that you are well so i don't see the point in my knowing the ins and outs of your day."

"You write to Baela?"

"Yes. She's all alone at Driftmark."

Anne feels hot rage spread through her very being and instead of boiling over  it simmers and Anne can control herself enough to whisper coldly into her ear "Fuck you." Before she pulls her arms from him and walks away.

As Aegon quietly watches the two Jace quickly stands and catches up to her and says "What?"

"I'm alone. She has grandmother and I have nobody." Anne whimpers.

"You have a husband and a babe in your belly." Jace spits at her.

Anne's just about to reply when she feels a hand in hers "Come with me," Luke says gently.

Luke takes her to the library where they both remain until dinner is ready. They sit silently with their books and it reminds Anne of when they were young and she had taken it upon herself to read him a story every evening before bed.

"You'll never be alone Anne, you'll always have me." Luke says, suddenly breaking the silence. In response Anne takes a hold of his hand and kisses the back of it.


Once again dinner is a tense affair.

"Did you all have a nice day?" Rhaenyra asks.

Nobody but Joffrey answers but ever oblivious to the strife within his family he exclaims "Yes. The best."

Rhaenyra smiles affectionately at her son "I'm glad. What did you do?"

"I played cuju with Luke and I said Hello to Anne's babe."

"Did they say Hello back?" Rhaenyra jokes.

"No. Anne said it's too early." Joffrey answers seriously.

"Ah." Rhaenyra says. "How far along do the maester's say that you are, Anne?"

"Just over five moons." Anne quietly answers her mothers questions.

"Well you've reached the easy moons now." Rhaenyra tells her.

"Have i?" Anne asks unsurely.

"Yes. The first three moons are horrid with all of the sickness. But that eases off now well typically it does, I remember my mother was always rather ill the whole time. How has it been for you?"

"Horrid the first few moons and then it eased off." Anne smiles at her.

"Good, enjoy these next moons because the final two return to horrid once more. You'll be tired, uncomfortable and heavy. But then at the end of it you'll get to meet your babe."

Unsure as to why but undeniably so Anne finds herself feeling a little overwhelmed. She smiles a little sadly at her mother and asks "really?"

"Really." Rhaenyra promises.

"Is it a boy babe or a girl babe?" Joffrey asks.

"Not something one can predict, I'm afraid, Joff." Anne answers.

"Oh." He huffs.

In an attempt to cheer him up and an attempt she will quickly come to regret, Anne asks "Would you rather a girl or a boy."

"Hmm. I've never seen a girl babe before. Only boys, so if you could make it a girl please, I'd like that."

"They're much the same, little one." Rhaenyra answers.

"Hardly." Daemon scoffs. "We will all join you in praying for a girl." Daemon says to Joffrey.

Joffrey smiles happily at his step-father, unaware of the pointed nature of his comment.

I was wondering whether chapters with or without smut are preferred?

Find Me On Twitter @SweetOphelia13

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