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She is standing in her mothers room with her brothers as they silently watch her arm be stitched together. "You will scar, but the wound will heal. Valyrian steel cuts clean." The maester tells her mother. Just as her Father bursts through the doors and exclaims "Gods. Is everyone all right?"

Maester Kelvyn explains "A broken nose is the worst."

"I have been betrothed." Annerys says sullenly and as though marriage is worse than Lukes which she supposes it is as Lukes nose will heal but marriage can not be undone.

"Annerys." Rhaenyra sighs.

"To whom?" Laenor questions as he sits down on a chair beside Rhaenyra.

"Aegon, who moments before called us bastards and Mother won't do anything to stop it." Annerys says angrily.

"Anne, you are in no position to complain about this betrothal." Her Mother tells her firmly, then says "Thank you, maester. Leave us."

"Why I wasn't brawling in the passageways, why should I bear the burden." Annerys complained.

"You might want to wear a dress with a higher collar if you wish for me to take your complaint seriously." Rhaenyra says tiredly.

Both her Father and Jace turn and look at her properly and she can tell that she has disappointed them but she's not sure how exactly because how would any of them know what she had done last night and yet they all seem to know exactly what it is she has done.

"What?" Annerys innocently questions as she brings both her hands to her neck as though to inspect it. Her mother takes pity on her and stands, pulls her hands away from her neck and holds them in hers whilst she runs soothing circles on the backs of her hands. Rhaenyra leans down and kisses Annerys on her forehead before she says "Go dress and we will talk later. My dearest girl."

Annerys begins to make her way out of the room as her mother says to her brothers "You as well. You've already found enough trouble today." She hears them say "Yes, Mother." and they follow her out.

They are almost at their quarters when Jace says trepidatiously to her "Did he force you?"

"No." She replies quickly, "No, I was just...I don't know. Anyway it's no different from you and the stable hands daughter, what's her name? Shauna?" Annerys says defensively.

"That's different." Jace blurts out in his defence.

"Why, because you're a man." Anne says mockingly.

"No, because she isn't casually calling us all bastards." He argues.

"Well I didn't know he was until afterwards." She argues which they both know is a weak lie.

"Of course you did, Anne. Don't pretend to be naive. Gods you have always been like this."

"Like what?" Annerys questions.

"Wanting the things you cannot have."He tells her simply.

She punches his arm and disputes his claim "That's not true."

"If you say so." He says as he opens his bedchamber's door and enters and leaves Annerys annoyed standing in the hallway. When Anne enters her room her maid Zella is there waiting to help ready her for the day.

She knew that it had originally been planned that she would break her fast with her Grandparents that morning but was quite certain that after the night's events they would not still be doing that. So she decides to ready at a leisurely pace that morning.

Finally in front of her looking glass she takes the time to inspect her neck and see what it was that had been such damning evidence that both of her parents and her twin had managed to figure out exactly what it was she had been doing that night. So she pushes her hair back from her face so it sits behind her shoulders and she pushes the collar of her robe past her shoulders as she inspects her neck where she finds three purple bruises littered across her throat where Aegon had kissed her the night before. She gasps a little surprised at the sight before she says to Zella "I will wear a dress with a high collar and my hair down today I think."

Kingdom Fall : Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now