History Is Like Gravity

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Sorry for missing an update last week I had tonsillitis. But back to regular scheduling now.

Also Brownie points for anyone that recognises the song the chapter title is from. 

When Anne arrives at the Redkeep it's late and she's tired. So very tired. She feels as though she has not had a moment's rest in weeks: moons really. And she supposes she will not be getting any for a while longer. She bathes soothes her aching bones and washes away the smell of dragon. Then her handmaiden Zella loosely plaits her long hair and dresses her in her nightgown. Before she leaves Annerys asks her to bring her a robe and her slippers which she quickly does.

"Are you going somewhere, Princess?" Zella asks.

"Hmm. To see my husband. Have there been any rumours surrounding him since his return?" Anne asks.

"Much of the same, Princess."

"His whoring?" Anne guesses.

"Yes, Princess. As well as his mothers and grandfather's ire. Rumour has it they're displeased that he returned without you. I believe her grace the Queen was heard to have said that he had put his heir in danger and that now your mother had you in her clutch they'd never see you again."

"Ah." Anne says.

"Indeed, princess." Zella agrees as she ties the rope fastening her robe together. "Will that be all?"



Submerged under the bath water. He raises from the water with a gasp. Where he finds Annerys stood at the end of his bath in her white nightgown lit by warm candle light. Looking upon her visage He thinks perhaps he has finally kept his head under the water for too long and now he is in the heavens, and he is looking upon an angel.

"Aegon!" Anne exclaims and then with a whisper she asks "what have you done to your hair?"

"What?" Aegon asks as Anne moves to the side of the tub.

"Your hair. Aegon, why would you cut it off?" As she feels the sheared ends of his hair that sit around his face and neck.

"It was bothersome." he answers.

"It was lovely."

Aegon clasps Anne's wrist in his hand and pushes her hand away from him "Annie," he sighs, "stop."

"Aegon. Look I know you're upset with me for telling Jace but i just...you upset me."

"I upset you?"

"Yes and Jace can be..."

"Did you shag him? In my absence. " Aegon suddenly says.

Anne screws her face in anger and spits"how dare you ask me that."

"So, yes then?" Aegon assumes as he rises from the tub and climbs out.

"So, what if I did?"

"What?" Aegon scoffs as water drips from his naked form, falling to a small puddle on the floor.

"You fuck anything that moves! I wouldn't be surprised if there was a particularly enticing pillow that you've had your way with."

"But I do not love them!" Aegon shouts back at her as he steps closer to her.

Anne knows that logically when your husband is accusing you of adultery you should deny it. And when he is accusing you of loving another man you should deny that too. But when has Anne ever been well acquainted with logic?

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