The Next Best Thing.

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She misses him. She can't help it. It's embarrassing. Unbearable for the prideful Princess to admit. But she yearns to see her wayward husband. Alicent has forced her to assist with her planning Aegon's nameday celebrations. So at least she has something to fill the hours of her days with other than staring at her daughter. But her nights are lonely. She has a few more weeks before the maesters recommend that Aegon carry out any penetrative acts against her. But it's been a full moon cycle since she's spoken to her husband and it's easy to forget about why she's mad at him when she can't see him but desperately wants to. But she does remember every time she looks at Rhaella she remembers that Aegon couldn't pull himself together for one day. Less than an hour really. She's not a particularly demanding wife but he couldn't meet this one expectation of hers.

So she stands up, puts down her embroidery and heads to Aegon's room. "Princess." The guard standing watch outside Aegon's room says as he looks at her apprehensively.

"Ser." She responds before she pushes Aegon's bedroom door open. Naturally he finds him sat on his couch with a giggling maid in his lap as he whispers into her ear.

"Anne!" Aegon exclaims as the maid scurries off his lap and out of his room. "What...what are you doing here?" Aegon stumbles over his words. "That wasn't what it looked like. You see she fell."Aegon says as Annerys storms over to him.

"Shut up." Annerys orders as she pulls up the many layers of her skirt and straddles her husband's lap. She rocks against his prominent hard on. Evidently a result of the maids 'fall'. But Annerys pushes all thoughts of infidelity from her mind and pulls Aegon by his hair closer to her and she begins to kiss him. Anne quickly feels breathless but continues nonetheless despite her dizziness. She's not sure if that's from a lack of air or Aegon's touch. But she enjoys the headiness it brings. A feeling she's missed. She feels Aegon's calloused fingers brushing against the skin of her cheek as they continue to kiss.

Anne gasps as with every bump of her clit against the buttons of his trousers as she grinds against him. She pulls her mouth from his and trails kisses down his jaw and then neck. Where she leaves open mouthed kisses that are sure to bruise his pale skin. She slides her hand between her legs and strokes her clit as she continues to hump Aegon's lap. Aegon whines as he watches her work herself to completion.

She cries out as she cums before burying her head into Aegon's neck where she rests as she comes down from her high.

He wraps one of her unbound dark curls around his finger. He's missed her. No one quite matches her. The blood of Valyrians and the first men seem to be quite the potent and rare mix. One not easily replicated by her lessers in brothels or the castle kitchens. No one's hair shines quite the way hers does.

Annerys sits up and pulls away from taking her lovely hair with her as she goes. She stands up so quickly he thinks she might fall. "Wait, just wait." Aegon pleads. But it falls on deaf ears as Annerys turns from him and makes her way out of his doors as quickly as she came in.

She tries to straighten her skirts as the door closes behind her. She feels flustered which isn't helped by the smirk that Aegon's guard offers her. So she quickly makes her way back to her chambers feeling like a reprimanded little girl.


Helaena had been rather relieved when after their spat Anne had seeked her out the next day with cakes and wine in hand. She'd confessed her shock to Annerys at the time that her niece had continued to speak to her despite their falling out which Annerys had laughed at and told her not to be "such a doomsdayer." Then they carried on as normal as though the day prior had never happened. And she was happy to have not lost her friend.

So she's glad when Annerys finally arrives at the feast.


She might chafe at tradition but she is willing to follow it when she must. So Annerys arrives at the feast by Aegon's side.

Kingdom Fall : Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now