Run Baby Run.

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The title is taken from the same song used for the title of the chapter they get engaged in and I can't help but pat myself on the back for that 😂

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The Lords and Ladies are herded out of the Sept and onto the streets whilst their marriage papers are signed. Once the official papers are signed by their parents Annerys and Aegon are to stand on the steps of the Sept and play the happy couple. Which Annerys does phenomenally, Aegon not so much. The two stand and wave at the gathered small folk and Lords alike as they cheer. Annerys is far more successful at plastering a pleased smile onto her face compared to Aegon who looks as though he's just been stung by a wasp.

They then make their way down the stairs where  two white horses are waiting for them, so that they make their guarded procession through the streets so that the small folk might look upon them with awe and delight and offer them well wishes. Another area Annerys excels at where Aegon seems to fail as they are expected to offer grace and dignity and lots and lots of waves. Although any attempt of grandeur seems to be lost on Aegon. But Annerys wears pomp like a well fit glove.

Once they reach the red keep Anne can finally be freed from her brides cloak which had been stifling riding through the streets in the mid-summer heat. It's Rhaena who assists her, with her hair as Baela wafts around a makeshift fan that's really doing nothing to help. As Rhaena douses Anne in scent and rouge and adds pins to her hair before she straightens out the skirts of her dress and finally announces that Annerys is once again ready.

The three girls make their way to the gardens where the wedding feast will be held. Aegon is waiting at the entrance as the two have to be introduced together as husband and wife for the first time. Only the gods know why as everybody at the feast only an hour ago watched the ceremony themselves and surely it hadn't been that forgettable. 

Baela and Rhaena leave Annerys' side and find their seats and leave Anne and Aegon standing awkwardly beside each other waiting to be announced to King and court.

"You look...nice." He says unsurely

"Thank you I suppose. Daemon said I look like a whore." Annerys says bluntly and perhaps a bit exaggeratedly.

Aegon's eyebrows shoot up, shocked by her revelation, then he tilts his head in contemplation and says "well."

"Dear gods." 

"No. No a very pretty whore." He defends.

"Right." Anne scoffs but she smiles at him.

Saved by the sound of horns and then "Prince Aegon and Princess Annerys of House Targaryen. United in matrimony." And the two walk in and settle into their seats in between the King and Queen.

And then the gift giving begins, which is a lot more tedious than it might sound. Their given several candelabras and matching glass goblets and plates and culvert and countless other items that makes Anne wonder 'what do they expect me to do with that?' And 'do they think the red keep is likely to run out of glass?' 

Although when Lord and Lady Redwyne come to offer their gift which is naturally two goblets and a bottle of their own wine which is of course "the finest in all the land" Anne couldnt begin to tell you how many items have been the finest in all the land this day.  But she decides snarks not the best idea so she takes one of the goblets out of the pretty wooden box and calls a maid over carry a tray with a bottle of the wine they had bottled on the day of her birth being served that day and she fills the cup up and offers it to Lord Redwyne "an apology and repayment for the wine I owed you," Anne tells him.

"That's most generous, Princess. But I wouldn't presume to..."

"You're not, I'm offering my lord, with my thanks." She says 'now go away' she thinks. Luckily he bows and does taking the goblet of wine with him. 

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