A Family Affair.

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When Aegon and Anne settle into bed that night its silent and terse.

"Worry not, Aegon. My family will grow used to the idea sooner or later."

"The idea of what?" Aegon asks.

"The Babe." Anne answers incredulously as what else could he mean?

"If you like." Aegon replies.

They sit in a long and uncomfortable silence until Aegon finally  rather snidely says "I imagine Jacaerys's displeasure is most discomforting for you."

Anne sighs "and what if it is?" She refuses to be trapped between two men and she won't be lectured on propriety by Aegon of all people.

In lieu of an answer Aegon instead rolls onto his side facing away from Anne.


When readying for the day the following morning as her handmaiden is lacing the back of her dress Anne says over her shoulder to Aegon "will you at least make an effort today."

Which Aegon scoffs at.

"What?" Anne huffs.

"They would all rather pretend that I was not here."

"They'll get over it. Jace and, Luke especially, adored you when we were children and Joff will love anyone that pays attention to him. Not to mention you barely even know Rhaena."

He smiles wearily at her.


Over breakfast it is decided that they will all take to the skies that day.

It's Rhaenyra who suggests "we should all go flying today."

"That sounds fun, mother." Luke replies.

"Can I ride with you Kepa?" Joffrey quickly asks Daemon.

Daemon in answer silently nods at him.

"Looks like you're with me then, Rhaena." Rhaenyra smiles at Rhaena.

"Ha." Joffrey directs at Rhaena. "Caraxes has been to war and fought in battles." The little boy exclaims.

"Careful up there then that's how our Great Grandfather Aemon died." Anne jokes and although the boy is more than a decade younger she still can't help but wide up her siblings.

"Anne, don't speak ill of the dead." Rhaenyra tells her."lest your grandmother hear you spoke ill of her father." 

"Or the stranger." Daemon quips which Rhaenyra scowls at not appreciating him making light of her reprimanding.

"Sorry." Anne acquiesces before Joffrey sticks his tongue out at Anne. 

"That's not even how he died." Jace corrects.

Anne smiles into her porridge having had only said it to irritate Jacaerys for she knows how much he admires the Pale Prince, Luke had always been rather fond of the stories about Prince Baelon the Brave ever since they were children they had been regaled with stories of how the younger brother had avenged his elder following his slaying. But Jacaerys had always adored stories of the level headed once future King who had loved his wife and daughter and brought honour to their family. Or perhaps it was just a little boy's desire to endear himself to his distant Grandmother.


Anne of course takes an age to ready herself to fly, having a maid change her into her riding dress and change her hair into a more suitable style for the skies.

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