Gently Does It.

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Eight Months Later.

Annerys runs her hand over her large belly as she feels the babe kick against her rib. Whilst she carries little Rhaella, now ten moons old, with her other arm. They're on their way to visit Anne's ever ailing grandfather in his chambers.

Rhaella has taken to loud babbling and stringing sounds together as she begins to make attempts to talk. So as they enter the silent room Annerys pushes a finger against her lips and makes a shushing noise.

"Anne." She hears the familiar voice of her mother call.

Annerys immediately turns to the sound and as quickly as she can carrying both her unborn child and her infant makes her way over to her mother. She's quick to embrace her mother. Rhaenyra kisses her daughter's brow bone and asks "can I hold her?"

Annerys smiles and nods and passes over Rhaella. As Rhaenyra awes "she's grown so big."

"As have I." Annerys laments as she rubs a hand over her swollen belly.

Rhaenyra chuckles at her daughter before saying "no you look well." And places a comforting hand on her cheek.

Breaking the two generations, or three if Rhaella is to be included, from their moment of calm Daemon asks from where he sits "Have you taken with the seven?"

Annerys brings her hand to the seven pointed star pendant around her neck and says "no, it was a name day gift from the Queen."

"Hmm." He replies.

"Daemon, not now." Rhaenyra warns.

"What?" Anne asks. Sensing where this is going she preemptively says "None of this is my fault."

Daemon scoffs as Rhaenyra says "no ones saying it is."

"He is." Annerys exclaims and points at Daemon. Despite being a wife and a mother almost twice over she still feels like a petulant child.

"Do you know what's happening?" Daemon calmly asks.

"Yes." Annerys replies.

"Then why am I finding out The Green's plan from Baela?"

"They read my letters." Annerys exclaims in her defence.

Daemon scoffs at her response.

"They do." Annerys protests. "I told you Grandfather's condition was worsening and that the..."

"Hmm." Daemon says dismissively. "I told you this would happen." Daemon says to Rhaenyra.

Before her mother can get out a response "I don't love him." Annerys defends although no one had claimed otherwise.

"You don't?" Daemon pushes.

"No." Annerys says weakly.

"Then why are you keeping things from me?" Daemon pushes.

And as though it's a defence or a clear response Annerys repeats "They read my letters."

"You love the boy." Daemon argues.

Annerys says "No." And straightens her back to stand taller "Is that not what you told me to do?"

"No, it is not." Daemon clarifies.

"I haven't seen you in a year and I'm to stand here accused of a treason I haven't committed." Annerys says sternly.

"Anne, the time has come where you will be forced to pick a side." Rhaenyra says delicately, eager to end the confrontation between her daughter and husband.

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