Roughhousing and Revelations

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"I...What are you wearing?"  Aegon questions.

"You told me to wear my plainest clothes. Don't complain now that I look plain." Annerys counters.

"Annie." Aegon sighs.


"This is so far from plain. You really have no clue do you?"

"What are..." Annerys begins as Aegon steps closer to her and slides his hands around her waist so that they meet in the middle of her back where her jewelled chain belt rests. He unclasps it and throws the belt off to the side and it lands on her bed with a jangle. He then gently removes the small sapphire earrings from her ears. Then he holds her hand in his and removes the rings from her fingers.

"Surely I can keep some on."

"You cannot. They wouldn't just steal your jewels from you, Annerys." he tells her forebodingly.

He sighs as he takes the gold signet ring from her left index finger that was embossed with the three headed dragon that her mother had gifted to her.

"I told you to dress plainly so that we might not be recognised."

"And I dressed plainly," Annerys argues.

"You're wearing Targaryen signalia."

"Well I am a Targaryen by blood and by marriage."

He smiles bemusedly at her "but people aren't supposed to know that."

"You've managed all this time without shaving your hair." Annerys says as she plays with a strand of his hair that rests against his face.

"There are plenty of dragon seeds that share my colouring to not arouse suspicion."

"Where are we going?" Anne asks as he pulls her through the halls of the RedKeep. 

"To have fun."

"I hate it when you do that."

"Do what?"

"Evade questions."

"I'm not evading anything, Annie. It's a surprise. Don't frown at me, you'll like it."

"You've said that before."

"And you've always liked it." Aegon smirks.

He pulls her past Balerion's skull and she cannot help but wonder what her Grandfather would say if he found out she had snuck out of the Redkeep or her Mother. It's not so bad, surely. She's a married woman and it's her husband who is doing the dragging, that can't be improper and yet Annerys feels like a criminal.

As though she might be caught by a gold cloak at any moment and dragged in front of the hand.

He pulls her by the hand all the way into the city once the streets get fuller and rowdier Anne tucks herself closer into Aegon careful not to bump into anyone. Aegon seems at home here more comfortable than he does at dinners or balls at that keep.

Annerys feels unsafe and Aegon feels at home.

"Where are we going?"

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"


"I'm not, I just want to know."

"You'll like it. I swear."

"Cross your heart," Anne giggles.

"And hope to die." Aegon responds which seems to appease Annerys enough that she questions him no further.

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