Trials and Tribulations.

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Took a great deal of googling but i'm fairly certain Anne remains a Targaryen despite marrying Aegon. As even though he's not the King you only get the royal name if you're born into it. Like Laena remains a Velaryon despite being married to Daemon. Unlike Catelyn who becomes a stark.

Sorry that the gaps are so long now. Since they were every week during summer but I've gone back to uni and it's quite full on since it's my final year. There's only a few chapters left for this season. So it'll becoming to a temporary end soon although I'm not sure that anybody's still reading 😂

She's had only black dresses made for her during her time in King's Landing. She of course has numerous green dresses that the Queen had kindly gifted he. So she has no blue to wear that will fit her in her last month of pregnancy therefore she settles on having a blue veil stitched into the braids that sit at the top of her head.

She carries the Velaryon name, let them remember that today. 
She forgoes meeting with her good mother in the sept that morning in exchange for visiting her brother in his chambers.

She knocks at his door and he's quick to answer.
"You're already dressed." Annerys says surprised since the hour is still so early.

"So are you." He responds brushing off his sisters suprise.

"I always am at this hour. You however love to rest." Anne jokes.

"How's the babe?" He asks to change the subject.

"Luke." Annerys sighs.


"Let us sit." She says as she leads him over to the sofa.

"I don't want to." He argues.

"Well i do. And i'm the elder so you have to do as i say."

Annerys doesn't waste any time once they're sat "You can't be affraid."

"I'm not." Lucerys huffs. Of course lying.

"Good." Annerys says bluntly. "We don't have room for your fear Luke. And i am sorry that it must be you that has to bear this burden but you do. And you can't show any weakness. Not today. Not ever again."

Luke looks at her with panicked eyes and she'd like to tell him not to worry that he'll be fine. But he won't. None of them will. So she says "Luke there is blood in the water and the sharks are circling us. One wrong move and that's it."

He nods at her and says "I promise I'll be brave. I won't flinch."  and Anne pulls her little brother into an embrace and he rests his head on her shoulder.

"I love you." She tells him.

"I'll keep everyone safe." He promises her.

"I know you will." Anne tells him because she knows he doesn't have any other choice, none of them do.

She leaves her brother. He will arrive with their family and she with her husband.  
Aegon is still sleeping when she arrives in his room. There is who she believes to be the wife of some minor Lord from the Westerlands lying naked next to him. She rolls her eyes at his antics, perhaps she should feel something more than irritated but fidelity is so far down on the list of things she needs or wants from her husband that the pinch she feels between her breasts at the sight is easily ignored.

Sits down next to him on the bed and softly says "Aegon. Aegon, wake up." As she strokes a hand across his face.

Quickly she becomes bored of this method so instead pinches his nose until he wakes up gasping.

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