Just An Appendage.

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It was actually like drawing blood from a stone trying to write this chapter. 😂

Annerys wakes up sore and alone.

It's not that she'd expected Aegon to be there necessarily but the curtains are still drawn so it's dark and she's alone and sore.

She's also still tired and drowsy enough that she'll be able to fall back asleep if she so desired, so she rolls over and stretches her arms out where she finds a fruit of some sort on Aegon's side of the bed. She picks it up and places it in the bedside and drifts back to sleep.


When Annerys wakes up again it's by the light that falls on to her face as  Zella draws the curtains open and the bright daylight wakes her.

It takes a moment for her to get used to her surroundings as she has woken in Aegon's bed rather than her own.

She asks Zella to prepare a bath for her and bring her a gown. As she slowly makes her way out of her bed she remembers the fruit that Aegon had left on the bed she turns to the bedside and finds a tangerine there it's strange for him to have done such a thing but not unusually odd for him. Anne takes the tangerine with her and eats it as she bathes. She then readies and makes her way to her mothers room for breakfast.

Once she makes it to her mothers chambers her family are already there and once they see her body walk through the door they all turn and look at her like a wounded pup.

Which Anne finds to be somewhat unbearable.

They all watch her silently as she makes a plate of food and pours herself some fresh juice. She usually sits next to Jace but she moves past her unassigned assigned seat and sits next to Lucerys instead.

Luke had recognised that his family had tensed once Anne had walked in, even Daemon. He'd taken note of all the sad looks they offered her. Even though their mother had told them not to say anything to Annerys about it, he's not sure what it is.

But he's figured it must have something to do with her marriage and he knows whatever it is Anne feels it too because something must be wrong if she's not sitting next to Jace so he places his raspberries on her plate knowing their her favourite and she smiles at him so he knows he's done the right thing.

"We're leaving on the morrow." Rhaenyra says gently.

"I thought you'd stay a little longer." Anne says sadly although she had known that they would be leaving the day after her wedding, her mother has duties she must attend to on Dragonstone but she still feels abandoned.

"I know, but you can visit us soon." Rhaenyra says which they both know isn't true but Annerys offers her mother a small smile anyway.


Anne spends her day with her brothers, cousins, Daemon and her Mother in the gardens. They even bring little Aegon out with them.

Anne had been trying to teach him how to roll over and all she had really accomplished was making a fool out of herself for all Aegon had done was stare at her blankly and babbled.

Once Aegon had begun to get unruly in need of a nap their mother had taken him to sit under the shade and rock him to sleep. Joffrey is quick to take Aegon's place and crawl onto her lap and once he's settled onto her crossed legs where they're all sat on the grass she kisses the side of his head.

"Am I your favourite boy Anne?"

"My most favourite."

"I knew it!" He exclaims elated.

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