Mother Knows Best.

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This chapters quite mother heavy. So I was quite proud of myself when titling it😂

Aegon stumbles out of Anne's chambers turned birthing room and is greeted with far more Lords than he had left outside her room. He's patted on the back by this Lord and that Lord as he makes his way through the dense crowd.

He knocks on his sister's door and patiently waits, he thinks Helaena will appreciate that. He rocks back and forth on his heels until Helaena finally opens the door and lets him in. She guides her older brother to sit on one of the chairs in her room. And waits for him to say something.

"Will you...I," He sighs and tries again "I've given you no reason to say yes but will you do something for me?" Aegon finally asks.

"For Anne?" Helaena asks.

"Yes!" Aegon blurts out. "For Anne, I need you to retrieve her mother from Dragonstone. Please."

"Alright then." Helaena easily agrees.

"Truly?" Aegon asks equal parts hopefully and dubiously.

"Yes. I've gotten quite good at lying to Aemond, so it should be fine." Helaena proudly tells him. "Have no fear brother, the sun will rise and the golden dragon will arrive." Helaena smiles.


Helaena makes her way to the Dragonpits and Aegon makes his way back to Anne's room. He can hear her screams, which only get louder the closer he gets to her chambers. He finds himself outside of her door once more unable to enter. Perhaps it's simple cowardice, but he just cannot enter. He stands staring at the wooden door as though he was having a staring contest with the inanimate object as though it would kill him to lose. He's of no use to Anne in there. None at all. The seed that he planted inside of his beloved wife is going to kill her. That's just as bad as killing her himself. He's not sure he can bear being in a world she is not. She's the sun. the only thing that keeps him warm. He remembers his maesters lesson, or the few he had attended that they had needed the sun to survive. Without the sun there would be no life, only the cold. And the real enemy is the cold.

He decides to sit at the foot of Anne's door, like an obedient dog, and wait for her screaming to end. He can feel tears running down his cheeks and yet he can't find it in himself to care. The Lords waiting outside of Anne's room like vultures look at him with ridicule and the Lady's look at him with pity. It's his Grandfather who looks at him with disdain. "Perhaps you ought to find some rest in your chambers, my Prince." Otto says to him.

Aegon chooses to ignore him instead he rests his head against the wall separating him and Annerys.


Her screaming finally stops. And then there's no noise at all. He can hear the Lord's and Lady's praying. As though Anne is in need of prayers. He dries his cheeks and stands. She's his wife and he knows just as much about what's happening to her as every other person standing outside her doors.

"A son or a daughter?"

"A girl, my Lord." the maester informs the Hand.


Alicent sits rocking the small sleeping girl. How perfect she is. She's always liked babes at this age. So new and fresh. You're yet to disappoint them and they're yet to disappoint you. They make no requests of you. They're only demand is to be held. If she had a babe now she'd make them love her. They'd appreciate her and all she does for them. Not like her own children. Who only scorns her. She'd kill to have a parent such as herself. But her children don't understand their luck. Well this one will. A brand new start to be adored and appreciated by her blood.

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