Love Can't Protect You Now.

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The title is taken from 'The Riggs' song 'Run Baby Run'

The two men had quickly followed behind her so she had barely made her way to her brothers when they entered through the doors "I found the two together." Criston announces to the room but clearly the information is intended for the Queen.

The queen quickly responds and asks "What were they doing together?"

But just as Ser Cole is about to speak Aegon interrupts him "We were talking. I was trying to get her to try the wine but she didn't want to break the rules." He says and his lie has saved her  reputation so she can't find it in herself to condemn his sly smile that he shoots at her and she quickly looks away from him.

"Where were you?" Jace whispers into her ear.

Ignoring his question which she feels is a lot less pressing considering Luke's face is covered in blood and Aemond's face is being stitched together by a maester so she asks "What has happened?"

Before he can answer Luke rushes headfirst into her stomach and wraps his arms around her waist "I didn't mean to" he cries as she hugs him back mouth agape at the anarchy that has descended upon Driftmark.

"How have you let this happen?" she sharply asks Jace.

"Someone stole Vhagar." Rhaena tells her in Jace's defence.

"Dragons cannot be stolen." She says almost to herself.

"Anne, you didn't hear what was said." Jace tells her and she knows her brother well enough that he doesn't start fights because he feels like it she knows that he must have felt he had no choice.

The two are stood there silently communicating when she overhears the maester tell the Queen that Aemond has lost his eye so she whispers in valyrian "skoros emagon ao gaomagon?" (What have you done)  It takes Jace a moment but quicker than Aegon to translate the high valyrian before he responds he shakes his head no, worriedly and tells her with alarm "īles Luke" (it was Luke).

Annerys looks down at her brother who's still crying into her nightgown with his arms wrapped around her waist and then gives her twin a look that tells him that they need to leave quickly, he nods in confirmation as Annerys takes hold of Lucerys' hand and the three attempt to leave before the queen yells "Stop! Where do you think you are all going?"

Annerys quickly says "Luke can be seen by the maester in the morning, I'm sure you all and Aemond especially don't want any more spectators than necessary" Annerys hopes to sound more conciliatory and less like a frightened mouse running from a cat.

"No, there will be answers for the crimes against my son." Queen Alicent replies.

Anne can feel her heart pounding in her chest and the blood rushing in her ears the longer their mother is absent and the queen is amongst Luke the more certain she becomes that a broken nose will be the least of Luke's worries as she can tell the queen will demand retribution for her son's injuries, so in what she hopes is the correct move she attempts to reduce the severity of the situation  she says lightly "Well boys fight don't they. Luke won't hold his injury against our Uncle Aemond and he's learnt a valuable lesson about caution when...roughhousing with friends in the future isn't that right Luke." To which Luke nods quickly to.

Clearly she has made a misstep when the queen's shrill voice repeats " 'his injury'  'A valuable lesson' he has maimed my son and it will be dealt with."

She looks to her Grandfather and says "I really do think it's best if we leave"

Alicent says "You are all forbidden from leaving this room until I have justice."

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