Girls Night.

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It's decided earlier that day that Helaena will sleep in Anne's room that night. Like she would sometimes with Baela and Rhaena once their parents married. There would be sweets and games and Anne was sure Helaena would enjoy the evening. So when Aegon comes to visit her chambers that evening he finds his wife in her nightgown braiding his sister's hair.

He walks to the side of the bed and asks "what is this?"

"I'm all Helaena's tonight i'm afraid." Annerys answers.

"Hmm." Aegon says "is that so."

Annerys lets go of the strands of Helaena's hair that she had been plating and crawls over to the edge of the bed until she's kneeling in front of her Uncle. "It is." She tells him.

"Well what am I to do?" He pouts.

He'd come in with his doublet undone so Annerys fastens the buttons as she tells him "find a whore to occupy your time." Which causes Helaena to gasp.

Aegon looks over her shoulder at Helaena and says "now look what you've done. You've shocked my little sister."

"Helaena's not so easily shocked." Annerys corrects.

In response Aegon pulls Anne's head towards him and kisses her passionately. Annerys pulls away once she feels his wet tongue run along her lips requesting entry. Aegon's hold on her head grows tighter and he pulls her back towards him. "Aegon." Anne warns.

"If I can share my wife with my sister. Then surely my sister can share her companion with me." Aegon tells her. So Annerys lets him kiss her properly before she pushes him back.

Annerys runs her fingers along her now kiss swollen lips and tells him "Alright, you can go now." Aegon smiles at her in response, kisses her once more and leaves.


"Sorry." Annerys apologises once her husband has left.

"It's alright." Helaena says and then waits a beat before she asks "does he always kiss you like that?"

"Like what? With his tongue?" Annerys asks in response.

"Yes. No. Like he wants to." Helaena clarifies.

"Oh." Annerys answers. "He does."

"Is it nice?"

"Yes. Does Aemond not?"

"I wouldn't say so. He's always very careful. I don't think he likes it very much."

"Sex?" Annerys inquiries.


"Do you wish he did?" Annerys asks.

Helaena shrugs her shoulders and says "it would be nice to try. Just to know what it's like to be wanted."

Annerys sits up and turns so that she's facing Helaena and props herself up on her knees and reaches out and pushes Helaena's hair off her face and behind her ear. Before she leans her head forward and gently presses her lips to hers.

"Is this alright?" Annerys asks.

"I think so." Helaena says. So Annerys continues to kiss her before she pushes her tongues past Helaena's lips. She gasps at the intrusion and holds onto Anne's shoulder.

"Tell me if you want me to stop." Annerys says before she kisses along Helaen's swan like neck. Helaena quietly moans as Anne, careful not to leave any marks lest Aemond notice, leaves wet kisses against the soft skin of her neck.

She pulls away from Helaena's neck and bunches her nightgown in her hands before she pulls it over Helaena's head.

Her tits are much larger than Anne's own and she finds herself completely fascinated with them. She understands Aegon and Jace far more now. How when she wears a lower cut dress they seem to talk to her chest rather than her face. She thought men silly for enjoying such things but as she holds the soft flesh of Helaena's chest in her hand and how every brush of her thumb against her perked nipple leaves her writhing and moaning it's impossible to not be entranced by her supple mounds.

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