Maybe, Probably (Roy X reader)

By Lolowlfish

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Y/n has newly moved into town (protagonist has entered the chat everybody) but this place doesn't seem to be... More

Settling In
What? No Welcome Committee?
Hell on Earth
Mission Impossible
The Plan
The Game
Two teens at a cheap cafe
Authors note
"Zero Redeemable Qualities"
The Cult (pt 1)
The Cult (pt 2)
"Intermission! Mill about!"
Evening Get Together
What the fuck
The Sound of the Police
The Woods
The dance?(pt 1)(third times a charm)
The Dance? (pt 2)
Chapter 20!! Whooo!!
Purple Fish Dancing
The Cult (pt 3)
The Cult (pt 4)
Flee the Facility
Roy's House😏
I like to read
Maybe you aren't as bad as you were before.
Quick Heist
Chapter 30! Whooo!
W-what's today??
Safe Space
Slumber Party Trope but it probably wont be fun
What should I name this chapter? IDK I'm just the author
I'm Crying
To the resistance!!
Search and Rescue, bitches!
Cool it, Roy.
Chapter 40... Um.. alright...
Clean Up.
Did you think the story was over soon?
I don't appreciate my current emotions...
Helping Roy! (And totally not an excuse to draw him in a bunch of outfits)
The Graveyard
Untitled Part 47
Wake up Roy! We have to hide the body! There are no kids to bully in jail!
I can't believe you just read 50 chapters of this lol
Who's House is Burning Down at This Hour?
Gay People.
55 is the loneliest number
My window has mold or something on it. Maybe it's just a thick layer of dust.
Raising a Rose
A little break
Chapter 60. How the hell???
Another weirdly unexplained time paradox.
The End of an Era
Thank You (A/n)
Hoyl Carp!


48 0 2
By Lolowlfish

Y/n's POV (Warning: More throwing up and being sick. Roy being germaphobic.* Some awkward parts. I think Roy has a mild case of Adrienagrestitis and it could be contagious.)

Wednesday June 18
I slumped over the toilet at Jaune's house. Robert and Susie had already gone home. Turns out the stomach ache was not nothing. It was the same thing that Roy went through yesterday.? Though, for some reason, it felt less intense, however it was going on for much longer. I had snuck away to the bathroom when I started to feel sick about an hour ago. I wonder if the other people in the house were wondering where I was? They are gonna have to come here though. Every time I think I'm good enough to stand, I cough up more blue. I'm just going to stay here for a while. I coughed up more liquid into the toilet and wiped the half dried tears off of my face. I had been crying, but they had stopped now. I just felt tired and sick. Why did this have to happen to us? 
"Y/n! You alive?" Shouted a familiar voice through the door. Roy.
"Y-yeah.." I tried to reply but my voice was giving out.
"You've been in there forever! I- Jaune and Ross are worried." Roy called.
I noticed the stutter. Hmm..
"D-don't be.. just sick.." I replied.
"What? You're sick? Why? How? What's wrong?" 
Shit, why did I say that? 
"No no.. I'm ok.." I coughed after that and more blue came up in the toilet.
"Gross.." I muttered to myself.
"Ok. I'm coming in. Pull your pants up, Loser." 
"Roy, no-" I tried.
The door swung open and Roy scampered inside.
"What the hell? Now you're throwing up blue raspberry, too?" He shouted.
"I'm fine, ok? It isn't as bad as yours just.. going on for a lot longer.." I rasped.
"Oh my god, Y/n. You got it on your hair and sleeves! Why didn't you tell us? Or ask for help?" Roy scolded.
"Shut up.. You were.. the same way at the.. graveyard." I argued.
Roy rolled his eyes and closed the door. 
"Here, just let me help you." He crossed the room back over to me.
"No.. You'll get it on you.." I protested.
"You forced me to accept your help. Now I'm forcing you to accept mine. I WILL be helping you, Loser."
"Why do you still call me loser if we're friends?"
Roy paused for a second.
"Why do you still call me dumbass if we're friends? Also, it's kawaii."
"Ok fair enough.. Also.. never say.. kawaii to me.. EVER again.."
"You're acting really kawaii right now, Y/n. Not cool."
"Do you even.. know what that.. means?"
"Probably. Now hold still while I help you."
Roy stood up and pulled a hair tie off of his wrist. Since when did he have a hair tie on his wrist? (if your hair is too short for a hair tie then you can ignore the hair part.) 
He put my hair up to keep it out of my face. 
"Ok now take off your hoodie. The sleeves are all messy. I'll put it in the wash."
"What? No! I'm not wearing a shirt under this!" I protested. (For anyone worried, if you're a girl or have a female body, you're wearing, like, a bra or a binder.)
It took a second for my words to sink in.
"What? Why aren't you wearing a shirt under a hoodie?" Roy argued.
"It's hot outside but I didn't want to take my hoodie off." I explained.
Roy wasn't having any of it.
"Ok, start wearing shirts under your hoodies or don't wear hoodies, you freak. Now if you didn't know I have a thing about germs and unclean shit so just hand it over so I can wash it. I'm not gonna be creepy." Roy said sternly. 
He held out his hand for me to hand him my hoodie.
"Bitch, no. I'll just change it later." I argued again.
"This is an unknown substance! We Don't know what it does to skin because we clean it off too fast! I don't want your skin to turn blue or burn just because you refuse to change your stupid hoodie!" Roy yelled.
"Fuck you, kidney bean!" I flipped him off.
"Don't make me fight you." He threatened.
"You wouldn't fight the sick, would you Roy?" I asked in mock surprise.
"Try me!" Roy replied. He looked at the mess of my sleeves and shuddered.
"I'm not giving you my damn hoodie, Roy. You'll have to cut it off of my cold dead body." I turned my head away from him and turned up my nose.
"I might have to! I don't want you to die just because you were stupid and didn't let me wash the ghost juice off of your sleeves." He said.
"Piss off! I'm never washing this hoodie again!" I yelled and then laughed at his annoyed facial expression. 
"You are such a pain, you know that?" Roy grumbled.
"Aww thanks! I try." I teased. Then I started to feel sick again.
I had to clutch my stomach to fight the feeling away. Roy took the chance and held me up by the hood of my hoodie so that he could look me in the face.
"If I close my eyes and bring you a shirt really fast, will you let me put your hoodie in the wash?" He asked in a bit of a softer tone while still keeping it serious. 
"Let me go, candy corn." I waved my hands in his face to get him to drop me.
"Auugh!! You got some on me! Ew!" Roy started freaking out. 
He ran to the mirror to see where it was and to use the sink to wash it off. He does have a thing about germs.. I sighed.
"Alright.. I've been wearing this hoodie for days anyway. Just be fast ok? I don't know what's up with Jaune's air conditioning system but this bathroom is FRIGID." I said reluctantly. 
Roy turned back to me and relaxed a bit. 
"Ok.. Thanks. And I'm sorry this has to be weird. I just don't want to mess around with this stuff." Roy said in an apologetic voice.
"Yeah yeah. My dad was really weird about germs, too. Now close your eyes." I responded.
He closed his eyes and covered them with one hand, holding the other out to take my hoodie. He also turned his head to the side in a way that his hair would cover his peripheral vision. I handed him my hoodie and curled up next to the toilet to block out the cold. Why was this bathroom so damn cold? Roy hurried out the door, accidentally running into it before fumbling for the knob and hurrying away. I was going to force him to put an ice pack on that later when I was feeling better.
He hurried back quickly, hand still covering his eyes, holding a yellow T-shirt in place of my hoodie. This didn't look like one of my shirts. He threw the shirt at me and it hit me in the face.
"I'm sorry I couldn't find your clothes and I didn't want to dig around in your stuff so I just got one of my shirts and I hope it works and you can change it later after you feel better sorry!" He blurted out quickly. I found it mildly amusing. He was actually trying to be nice. 
I put on the shirt. It fit a little weirdly. It was a bit too short so if I raised my arms up it would show my stomach and a bit too baggy around the sleeves, but it would work for now.
"Ok, it's on. Thanks, Roy." I said. 
He let out a breath and opened his eyes again. He tilted his head slightly upon seeing me in his shirt. Aww, head tilts are cute. Shut up, you're slumped over a toilet. I shook my head a bit and leaned on my arm.
"It doesn't look that bad on you.." Roy said. Then in a more smug tone, "I guess I just have good taste."
"Oh shut up. Your parents bought you this without your input." I teased.
"Wow, Y/n. Thanks for bringing up my parents. Who are in JAIL I might add." Roy crossed his arms. He wasn't being serious though.
I tried to laugh a bit but I was too tired and it ended up being a weird robotic "Ha Ha Ha" like Wally Darling.
"Are you feeling any better?" Asked Roy.
"Eh.. I'm really tired but other than that I think the stomach ache faded." I replied.
"Do you think you're feeling ok enough to go to bed? It's, like, 10 o' clock." Roy stated.
Wow. Another end to another rough day. It's been like hell ever since we went to the graveyard that one night. I had almost forgotten that Roy had just gotten out of the hospital today.
"Yeah.. I think so." I responded. I tested standing up. A bit shaky and my legs barely had enough energy to hold me up, but I could manage.
"Need help?" Asked Roy.
"Nope. I'm good. Let's go to bed." We started the journey up to the attic.
"You have to be quiet, ok? Ross and Jaune are asleep." Roy said. 
I nodded. We arrived at the attic and turned on the light. The fact that Roy and I shared a room alone finally hit me. We hadn't actually ever been alone up here. We have had friends over since Roy started staying here. I didn't want to think about that.. Too tired..
"Alright.. goodnight I guess.." Said Roy He started toward his mattress on the floor. His dusty, hard mattress.
"Wait, you're just gonna sleep on that, tonight? You just got out of the hospital, you can have the bed." I protested.
"Hell no! You were literally JUST SICK! You get the damn bed." Roy argued back.
"Nope. I can't let you do that Roy. My good conscience won't let me." I put the back of my hand to my forehead for emphasis. 
"I can't let you sleep on the floor. You were literally just sick and have said that you were tired, like, 3 times." Roy continued.
"Well, I-"
"You didn't let me finish! What I was going to say was,' we will just have to share I guess.' And no arguing! I'm not letting you sleep on the floor. This way we both win." Roy finished matter-of-factly. He turned and went over the bed, with its new bedsheets. Had he heard what he just said? I was left standing at the door, mouth open partially in surprise and partially because Roy had interrupted me in the middle of talking. A slight blush was creeping across my face. Roy got into the bed and scooted over until he was touching the wall. Leaving room for me.
"Well? Have you chosen to sleep standing up? Turn off the light while you're over there." Roy called to me. That broke me out of my trance.
"O-ok." I said. I turned off the light and made my way over to my bed. 
"Aw dang. You aren't gonna sleep standing up? I thought I was going to have the bed to myself again." Roy said.
"Oh shut up. You were the one who suggested this."
He snickered.
I couldn't see him in the dark as I got into my half of the bed. I accidentally bumped my leg into his, quickly apologized and moved my leg.
"It's fine. The bed is small. I'll start sleeping on my own mattress tomorrow." He said.
I laid down but couldn't seem to relax. I was so nervous that I would accidentally bump Roy. Also that fact that I figured out I might LIKE him was not helping. I clutched the blanket and stared at the ceiling. 
"Night, Loser." Roy said sleepily. I could hear him shift around a bit and then stop. 
I should probably get to sleep as well. My tense muscles couldn't fight off the heavy tiredness forever and I was soon asleep.

*Cancelled ;)

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