Inazuma Eleven Orion X Reader...

By Isadora_12_oyira

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Following the tragic event that happened to her in her home country, Maya moves to Japan and ends up taking u... More



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By Isadora_12_oyira

A/N: I'm not really that good with these but I just want to thank you all for over 3k views. I really appreciate all the love and positive energy. Enjoy the chapter🤗

"Are you sure you can play, I mean, maybe you should just sit this one out," you said looking worriedly at the player who was handing over his crutches to you.

"I promise I'll be extra careful, I already missed the semi-finals so I can't afford to miss this one," Asuto smiled before placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder when you still didn't seem convinced. "Don't worry about me, Manager. I promise I'll score the winning goal, just for you!" he said, a little of his excitement started to rub off on you.

"I look forward to it,"

"C'mon, Asuto, let's go!" Goujin said before pulling the midfielder out of the house. "Bye!"

You smiled as you watched the bus pull out from the driveway.

It was finally time for the final match and you knew everyone really wanted to participate in it.

Following Nishikage's earlier request, Nosaka didn't play in the last match. You spoke with coach again to see if he could allow the same thing to happen again today but unfortunately, coach had refused, saying that, Nosaka was one of the main key to winning this match and since he hadn't gone to the hospital to do any tests, you had no official medical record to back up your claim. You just hoped that he would last until the end of the game.

You on the other hand, had to take Haru back to the vet to check on his progress. You were very happy when you had noticed the faintest amount of fur already sprouting on his neck and back.

You still had a little more time before the match started so you decided to make a quick visit and asked Matteo to accompany you.

You didn't want to waste anytime there at all, wanting to get home as quick as possible so that you could witness the first half but as your luck would have it, you only made it back during halftime.

"How are they holding up?" you asked as you plopped down on the couch, facing the tv.

"Though China is leading with one point, they still seem to be holding their ground," Olivia replied.

"But that your coach, I think he has something up his sleeve,"

"What makes you say that?" you asked looking at the screen intently, trying to see if you would find something off about your coach.

"Well, for someone who's currently losing, that smirk on his face says it all" This time, it was Matteo who answered.

"Let's just see what they have in store for the next half," you ended up not even having to wait that long to find out as in the next two minutes, the players were called back to the field.

"The second half for the Asian Football Championship is finally underway! China is pulling ahead of Japan with the score being 1-0, will this be Japan's time to strike back or will China end up being crowned victorious?!" the commentator announced.

"What's this?!Japan has made a few changes to their starting lineup! Nosaka Yuuma has been switched to forward and Tatsuya Kiyama to midfield! What is their coach thinking?!"

"I don't think this is a good idea. Shouldn't they focus on defence so the opposing team doesn't score again?" Olivia asked.

"That was what I was also thinking. China possesses an overwhelming offense so why is he weakening the team's defence? Does he have something in mind?" Matteo asked, turning to you.

"We can't really say as no one really gets coaches ideas right off the bat. We'll just have to see how this plays out" you replied.

The referee then blew the whistle for the kickoff to start. And just as expected, with one less defender, Shirou and Kazemaru had to work twice as hard to defend.

The match kept on going back and forth and now there wasn't much time left. If they don't score soon then Japan is going to lose the final match.

"Maya, what's wrong? You look worried," Olivia pointed out. "It's this match. I-I have a bad feeling about this," you replied. Something about this match just seemed incredibly off. Well, not the match per say, but the players. They were all trying their best but what you noticed was that Nosaka was completely left out from all their plays.

You could count the amount of times he had laid foot on ball on one hand and still have a few fingers left. Nosaka himself didn't seem to be bothered on the outside as he completely kept his cool throughout the entire match but you had noticed the frown that would appear on his face everytime the ball was passed to someone else who was currently marked instead of him who was always wide opened.

China's team didn't even bother with him anymore and focused their own plays round Kidou, Atsuya and Haizaki, who were currently leading their offense.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll pull through," Matteo said, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

"Believe it or not but that's not even what I'm worried about,"

There's now only twenty minutes left till the end of this match and the score was still one nothing. Then you noticed Kidou checking his eleven-band, probably receiving a message from the coach.

"Hey! Pass it over here!" Kidou said running forward before receiving a perfect pass from Hiroto. "True Illusion Ball!" He got past a few of China's players before passing the ball to....Nosaka?

You gritted your teeth and hugged your pillow a little tighter in anticipation.

Nosaka did even waste much time before initiating 'The General' with Hikaru. They immediately got passed China's team before the ball was then passed to Tatsuya who was currently in position to shoot.

"Wait a minute, we do all that only for the ball to end up in the feet of a defender?!" Olivia exclaimed. "What was coach thinking putting him in front like that?" You asked yourself. He then set the ball under his feet and prepared to shoot.

Wait a minute, isn't that...?

"Hold up, don't tell me he's actually going to use that move?" You sighed but couldn't help the smile that tugged on the corner of your lips. You guess it was about time he'd used that move anyway. After so long you were finally going to see him perform his favorite hissatsu shot.

You didn't even have to ponder, the smirk on the redhead's face was a dead giveaway.

"Meteor Blade! V3!" Ah, there it is.

You can't even believe he had actually evolved it after not practicing it for so long.

"Is this really it?! The almighty Meteor Blade has been resurrected back onto the field after so long!" and just as expected, China's goalkeeper didn't stand a chance.

"Goalll!!!! Japan has finally tied the score!!"

"Yay! he did it!" Both you and Olivia jumped in excitement while Matteo kept his cool but still had a smirk on his face.

"It's anyone's game now! Who ever makes the next goal will be crowned the Champions!"

The match went on. It brought a smile to your face to see everyone going all out. But the team's stamina was getting weaker especially a particular emperor who had to run back and front, assisting both the offense and the defenders.

"This will probably be Inazuma Japan's last chance to score! Can they make it in?! There's only less than sixty seconds left!"

The ball was now, once again, with Nosaka. Heavy determination covering his face as he prepared for his final shot.

"Moonlight Blade!"

China's keeper was able to stop the shot just in time but the ball ended up hitting the bar and bouncing back onto the field.

Nosaka couldn't get up as he held his head in pain. "Yuuma," your voice was laced in worry as you watched him struggle to get up.

"I won't let it end here!"


You shifted your attention to Asuto, who appeared out of nowhere before using the rest of his strength to give the ball a bicycle kick.

Since no one had expected it, the keeper didn't have enough time to react and the ball ended up going into the net.

The whole stadium remain silent as the referee blew the final whistle.

"Did- Did we win?"

You waited for a few seconds to let the whole situation sink in as the stadium erupted in cheers.

"Inazuma Japan has done it again! Our Champions have one again proven to be at the top of the soccer world!!"

"They did it!!" your scream was probably heard by everyone in the entire neighborhood as you bounced up and down.

"This calls for a celebration!" Olivia declared

"Oh, but what's this?! Inazuma Japan's Midfielder Nosaka Yuuma isn't getting up!"

"What?" Your eyes finally snapped back to the screen to see all the players clad in blue rushing towards where the pink haired boy was lying, unresponsive and his body withering in pain.

You then received a call.

"Seiya? What happened?!"

"It's Nosaka-san, he's not getting up!"

"I'm heading over to the stadium now, okay? Don't panic,"

"No don't come here! Head to Gouenji's dad's hospital, we'll meet you there,"

"Alright," you then ended the call. You rushed to the front door and grabbed your jacket.

"Where are you going, Maya? C'mon say something," Olivia called. "I don't have time to explain. Matteo, come with me, Olivia please stay and help me watch Haru. I promise I'll text you when I know what happened." you said, putting on your second pair of shoe and heading out with Matteo following closely behind.

It didn't even take ten minutes before you arrived at your destination and just as discussed earlier, Kidou was waiting for you outside to escort you in.

"How is he?" you asked once you both were within listening range. "He's worse than we had anticipated. They said it may take a while," the playmaker replied.

"W-What about Seiya? Is he okay?" you enquired worriedly

"He's holding up quite okay but he hasn't said anything to anyone yet," Kidou replied as he began to lead both you and Matteo inside.

"Manager?" After seeing you approaching, Asuto was the first to rise to his feet before wrapping his arms round your small frame. You let out a sad smile before patting him on his head. "Th-They s-said he's in c-critical condition and m-might not m-make it, Manager. I don't know what else to do," he sniffed as his voice cracked.

Poor kid was so close to the pink haired midfielder that they were like brothers. Seeing him like this must have broken his heart.

"It's okay, sweetie. Don't cry, I'm sure he'll pull through" You said reassuringly while stroking his back. "He always does,"


It's been three hours now since you and Matteo had arrived at the hospital. Nosaka was still unconscious so you all decided to take turns visiting him to pass time.

Nishikage had been in there the longest while you hadn't even gone in at all. You weren't sure if you would be able to keep your composure if you saw how he looked like now.

You even had to send some of the boys home. The match with China had drained a lot from them so you didn't think a hospital was an ideal place to spend the night.

You specifically asked Endou to help keep an eye on Asuto since he didn't seem to be doing well either.

You snapped out of your trans when you saw the door to Nosaka's room open and Nishikage walking out.

Well, guess it's your turn now.

You took a deep breath before walking in slowly. The first thing you noticed was the annoying beeping of the machine that was indicating his heartbeat and the amount of wires attached to his skin.

You used your hand to cover your mouth as tears rolled down your cheeks. You tried tried to hold in a sob as you ran your finger down his arm before taking a seat beside his bed.

"Wh-Why did you have to do this to yourself?" you sucked in a breath trying not to sound as miserable as you felt. He was your responsibility but yet you still let this happen.

You saw the signs but you still didn't try your best to stop him. Maybe if you had been persistent enough with coach then maybe he wouldn't have ended up like this.

"Even if you were thinking about yourself then at least you should have thought about Seiya and Asuto and everyone else on this team who cares about you." you placed your head beside where he laid before letting your sadness take over. "Why didn't you think about what this would have done to me?"

A/N: Probably the shortest chapter I've done since the beginning of the whole book so I hope you don't mind. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Important Notice!
I've been thinking of doing a little question and answer after the next chapter so if you have any question for your author (could be possibly anything) feel free to ask in the comments below and I'll answer everything.

Bye for now and see you all in the next chapter.
Love ya ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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