Flame Emperor........

Av Zeromicz

31.2K 830 100

A Young Pirate from the East Blue sets off in the world to become someone. However, he soon finds out that th... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 1#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 2#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 3#
Flame Emperor: Grand Fall Part 4#
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73 [ The End]

Chapter 49

289 9 1
Av Zeromicz

Everyone was in awe at the discovery that Y/n was the Pirate King's son.

Reporter:" 'Fire Fist' is Gold Roger's son?!?" he asked in shock.

Reporter 2:" This is big news!!! Notify the Head Office right now!!!! We'll print an extra edition!!!" he yelled to one of his coworkers.

Report 3:" I-It still exists........ The bloodline of the Pirate King!!!" he said in awe of what his ears have heard.






Esdeath was shocked.

Esdeath:" Y/n is........ the Pirate King son?" she asked in shock as her eyes widen.

Empire Soldiers:" Gold Roger's son?!?!" they said in shock.






Wave and Kurome back at the headquarters were shocked.

Kurome:" The son of the most wanted man in history was under the Empire's nose.." she said in awe.

Wave:" W-Wasn't everyone associated with Gold Roger executed?" he asked in shock.






???*whisper*:" I thought his father must be Dragon too since he's Luffy's brother." he said.

He's thin and tall, standing 5'6". He has a cross-shaped scar above his right eye. His hair are long and shaggy and kobi pink colored. He wears a standard-issue Empire jacket, pants, and neckerchief as well as a brightly patterned bandanna worn tied across his forehead. He put his glasses above his forehead, but when in need to read he use them.

- Koby, Master Chief Petty Officer of the Imperial Capital -

???*whisper*:"  So did I! What's going on here? They aren't really brothers?!?!?" he asked to Koby.

He is a lanky, average-sized young man with a distinctive cleft chin and light blonde hair. he  wear his hair in a broad ponytail, coupled with a white shirt, pale green vest over it, purple slacks, black gloves, and a rather odd-looking black visor over his eyes.

- Helmeppo, Chief Petty Officer of the Imperial Capital -

Garp clentched his teeth as he was in his thoughts.








A Garp, at the age of 56, was seen standing infront of a cell talking the a prisoner.

He was a tall and very muscular man. His most prominent physical features were his curved black mustache, a fierce grin he almost always wore, and his intense eyes. He also had thick black hair and a short, thick neck. Like many other high-ranking pirates, he wore a long red captain's coat. Beneath his coat, he wore a blue shirt and had a yellow sash around his waist. He wore a white cravat around his neck, dark blue pants, and what appeared to be black sea boots. Before he turned himself in, he also wore a pirate hat with his on it over a yellow-spotted bandana.

- Gol D. Roger, Also known to the public as Gold Roger, Captain of the Roger Pirates and the only man in history holding the title of "Pirate King"-

Roger:" Garp! I'm gonna be a father! But I'll be dead by the time he's born." he said with a smile on his face.

Garp:" Why are you telling me this Roger?!? I'm with the Empire!! We mean to hunt down who was ever associated with you!" he yelled angrily.

Roger:" That's exactly why I'm telling you this. The Government will retrace my steps for the past year....... and kill her! But our unborn child is innocent, Garp. We've been fighting each other for years. I trust you as much as any of my crewmates!! SAVE MY CHILD!!" he said with a smile on his face.

Garp:" S-Stop talking nonsense!!!" he said as he was shocked by his rival request.

Roger:" I know you. You'll do it. Take care of my child!" he said with a bright smile.






Days before Roger's execution the Empire sent a Captain and his forces at Baterilla.

Empire Captain:" Are you sure this is the island?!?" he asked.

Empire Soldier:" It's been reported that Roger acted more like a man in love than a Pirate here!!!" he said.

Empire:" Check all the children born up to 10 months after his capture! Inspect all the pregnat women too!!! Kill anybody who looks suspicious!!!! The Era of the Pirate King is over!!! We have to wipe out his bloodline!!!" he yelled.

A woman was seen walking past the Empire forces as trying her best not to give off a bad impression.

She was a slender woman with long, wavy pink-blonde hair. She wore a pink hibiscus flower in her hair on the left side of her head, and had freckles on her face that were passed on to her son. She also wore a long, short-sleeved, light blue dress that reached down to her feet, and sandals. She has brown eyes.

- Portgas D. Rouge -





The days passed as Rouge was giving it all to hide her pregnancy from the Empire aswell as discovering her lover soon to be execution was increasing the woman's pain, grief and sorrow.

But her little hope inside of her..... was the only thing able to keeping her on her feet and never giving up.





- 1 month passed -

Empire Soldier:" 5 children were born this month!!!!" he informed the Empire Captain.



- 2 months passed -

Empire Soldier:" The following are expected to give birth next month!!" he informed.



Several month passed as Rouge was doing her best while gently rubbing her belly.

Rouge:( Not yet...... Not yet. It's still too soon. You can't be born yet. I'm sorry.) she thought in her head while shedding a tear from her right eye, apologizing to her unborn child.






After 10 months, finally the Empire decided to give up their search since there were no more pregnant women in the Island of Baterilla.

However only one man from the Empire remained and it was Monkey D. Garp who went to the hospital where Rouge was currently delivering her child.

Garp:" You're Portgas D. Rouge, aren't you?" he asked to Rouge as Rouge closed her eyes and nodded.

After delivering her child she was now seen holding it with a look of sadness but aswell as joy in her eyes.

Rouge then spoke up.

Rouge:"...... Don't be picky. Eat lots and grow strong. Make sure you bathe every day and stay warm. Also don't stay up late. You need lots of sleep. And make friends. You don't need a lot of friends. Just a few ones you can really, really trust. Practice a lot, if you fail there's always a next time but don't extend it too much. Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses. So don't get get too sad if you can't do something well. Always remember to respect your elders. Oh, and this is important. Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money. No alcohol until you're old enough. Too much can ruin your health so drink in moderation. Don't get hooked up in a wrong crowed and don't try to prove yourself to them. Find someone that fits you right. F-From now on you're going to face lots of pain and hardship. Be true to yourself. Have a Dream and Ambition that you promise yourself to make it a reality. There's so much.... S-So much more that I want to pass on to you. I wish I could stay with you longer..... I love you..... Y/n. " she said with a smile while holding her crying baby.





After Rouge's death, Garp decided to have the boy raised by the Mountain Bandits of the Foosha Village.

And later on, a young Luffy was also sent to the Mountain Bandits as the two children ended up meeting each other for the first time.







Garp covered his face with his left hand remembering the past as Sengoku continued on.

Sengoku:" 3 years ago....... You took your mother's family name.... and began working your way up at an amazing speed, that was when we discovered that the bloodline of Gol D. Roger had not been extinguished. But we weren't the only ones who learned the truth eventually. Najenda took you within her group so that she could raise you to become 'Joy Boy'......." he said making everyone confused by this entity known as 'Joy Boy'.


Sengoku:" You're the only one who believes that. Don't you know why we were never able to touch you? Because Garp was protecting you. But you had to be stopped in time your abilities would eventually allow you...... to lead a storm on a reign of terror!!!!!!! FOR THIS REASON YOUR EXECUTION TODAY IS NECESSARY!!!!! EVEN IF IT MEANS AN ALL OUT WAR WITH THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY!!!!" he yelled as the Imperial Soldiers raised their weapons out and let out yells of agreement with Sengoku.

Then a Imperial Captain spoke up to Sengoku.

Imperial:" Lord Sengoku!!!!! I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS!!!! A FLEET BLAZING SHIPS ARE COMING TO BATERILLA!!!!!!" he yelled.

Sengoku sighed.

Sengoku:" As expected." he said with a serious tone.

The Revolutionary Army ships arrived as Y/n eyes widen in shock, all of the Army Commanders, Deputy Commanders and members were there.

Y/n:" S-So many, people....." he said in shock.

Imperial soldier:" SHOULD WE START THE ATTACK?!?" he asked in fear.


Doflamingo then started grinning.


Budo's ears started picking up as someone made his way forward making Y/n eyes widen in shock as his body froze. 

Garp eyes widen as his body froze aswell.

He was a tall and muscular young man. He has a pronounced facial symmetry and a scar he acquired over his left eye, His hair are blonde and styled deliberately to cover up his eye scar.  His  outfit consist in a long black jacket with a buckle on the left sleeve, with a blue shirt and vest, a frilled cravat, and a simple belt holding a pair of loosen light-blue pants with black boots. He also wears a pair of brown gloves and the same top hat with goggles over the band.

- Sabo, No. 2 of the Revolutionary Army -

Sabo:" Hey you guys.................... My beloved brother better be all right." he said with a smile which hid murder intent, Akame, Mine and Najenda also made their presence known.

Y/n was speechless as he didn't know what to say at the moment.

Mine:" I HEARD YOU HAD MY DUNCE OF A COMRADE!!! SO WE HAD COME AND SAVE HIS BUTT!!!!!" she yelled as the Revolutionary Army all agreed.

Y/n face warmed up as he was close to breaking down in tears.

Esdeath was bothered by this as she started sensing too much love coming from Mine.

Akame pouted.

Akame:( I wanted to say that to Y/n...) she thought in her head.

Najenda:" WE'RE TAKING Y/N BACK!!!!!" she yelled as the Revolutionary Army and the Empire prepare themselves to go to battle against each other.








To be continued.......

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