Bet On Us

By Brooklyne61217

236 0 0

Katie, aged 21, moves to London hoping to start a new life and find the perfect career. It all hits South, wh... More

1. Welcome To London
2. Meeting Mr.Stone
3. Live A Little
4. Actions Mean Consequences
5. Honesty
6. My Broken Heart
7. Intimidation
8. Working With A Billionaire
9. Uncalled Chemistry
10. My Shattered Past
11. Where Have You Been?
13. Gates Of Hell
14. Learning To Live
15. Fighting Through The Storm
16. Take It Or Leave It
17. Hidden Truths
18. My confession
19. It Just Wasn't Meant To Be
20. My Healing Process
21. Stab Wound
22. Jealously Moments
23. My Twin Flame
24. What Now?
25. Run Me Like A River
26. Turn Up The Heat
27. Lost & Found
28. His Favourite Son
29. Justice
30. Freedom Is Ours
To Be Continued...

12. Anothor Day In Paradise

8 0 0
By Brooklyne61217


It was Friday morning, and also, the day of the party.
I sit on the edge of my bed, stretch and yawn.
I look on the other side of the bed, and Robert was nowhere to be seen.
Where could he be?
That was very strange.
What kind of billionaire stays at somebody's house, then leaves during the night?

I walked in my front room, and realised that Robert was singing, making coffee, and cooking pancakes. He was singing with a wooden spoon, I looked at him with one eyeball open and the other one closed. How does Robert have more energy than me?

Robert turned around, and didn't realise I was standing there, he dropped the wooden spoon because I made him jump.

"You frightened the life out of me" Robert cried
"Sorry" I said

He was making pancakes for me, how sweet.
I've never had somebody make me breakfast before. Was this his way of making it up to me?
Robert come towards me, and placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. Alongside, Nutella, jam, and sugar as toppings.

"Thank you" I smiled
"You're welcome!" Robert cried

Robert sat down in front of me, and started to eat his breakfast. With every mouthful, he sipped a cup of his coffee.
I've never known a man to do that.
Each to their own, I guess.

"Are you sure you want to go to the party later? You don't have to, if you don't want too" Robert cried

Robert's facial expression changed, it went from singing to worried in a matter of 30 seconds.
It was quite scary, if I'm being honest with you.

"I want to come, I've never been out to a lot of parties. So it'll be nice for me" I replied

Robert smiled. What was he hiding? Does Miah know the truth? Questions started to circle round my head, but I know that there was no time to be thinking about that right now.
After breakfast, Robert washed up everything while I got ready for work.

I straightened my hair, applied my make up, wore a purple blouse with a black blazer, black knee length skirt, black tights, and my smart loafers.
After I was done, I brushed my teeth.


I grabbed my car keys.
Suddenly, I heard my phone going off.
It was Millie.
I'll attend to that later.
I walked towards the front room door, walked outside, and locked the door behind me.
Robert walked towards the car, and waited for me to open it.
I opened the car doors, and Robert hopped in the passenger side.
I started to drive to work.


I arrived at work, and walked into the hotel. I walked towards the lockers, and put my belongings in there.
I walked towards the reception counter, I opened up the laptop, and got up Malcolm's


So far, I had a couple customers, a few phone calls, and 5 bookings.
It wasn't busy, like Tuesday's, Thursday's, & the weekend.
I was still thinking about mine and Robert's conversation this morning, he looked guilty about something.
I was going to find out.
Even if it did break my heart, I would rather know than be comforted with a lie.
I had a bad feeling about this party.
I was prepared for anything that was thrown my way, any insult, and any argument.


It was midday already, I felt so tired, even though I've had my morning coffee.
I turned around to Robert, he was on his phone, he was texting a lot I've noticed.
What was he hiding?
Robert turned and looked at me.

"You're everything to me, remember that Katie. You changed me into a better man" Robert cried

Was Robert feeling okay? He don't usually talk like this. I wondered, what was on his mind?
Something was bothering him.
Whenever, Robert looked at me, he looked worried and guilty.


It was nearly time to go home, thank god this shift was nearly over.
I couldn't wait, to just have a nap with Robert.
If he was coming over, that is.
He's been acting off, ever since he hung out with Miah.
It's weird.


I wrote the rest of the customers names down, there hotel room numbers, & there way of payment.
I walked towards the lockers, to grab my bag, when suddenly, Robert came in.
He was still handsome, like the first day I laid eyes on him.
I couldn't help myself, but gaze into his Ice blue eyes.

Robert walked towards me, lifted me up, and started kissing me down my neck.
I kissed him back slowly.
He kissed down my curvaceous legs.
He took my tights off, as well as, my underwear. He ducked his head under my skirt, and spread my legs a part.

I let out moan after moan, it felt like he was marking his territory, the force was getting stronger, as I grabbed onto my skirt tighter.
Robert came from under my skirt, wiped his mouth, and smirked.
He slowly kissed me again, I felt his soft cherry lips on mine, it felt like my lips were on fire.
As we made out, we went from one side of the room to the next.
People must think they've been hit by an earthquake in this hotel.
I could smell his cologne, the more we kissed, the more intoxicated it become.

Robert undone his trousers, pulled them down, lifted me up, and started to penetrate me while I moaned in his ear.
I'm surprised, I didn't make him deaf.
I was still kissing him, while he was penetrating me.
The way we was colliding into one another, it felt like a tornado, it felt intense, dangerous, & emotional, all at the same time.
It felt so good, but so wrong.
We both liked each other, and we started liking each other. When Miah got shot nearly, but I saved her life.

I've never had sex at work before, so this was a new experience for me.
After we'd finished, I tried to make myself look decent.
My hair was ruffled up, my eyes were watery, plus my back was filled with sweat.
Robert's hair was ruffled up, he'd look like he just got out of bed, his back was filled with sweat.
I put my tights on, sorted out my skirt, put my loafers back on & sorted my hair out.
Robert sorted his hair out, done his belt up on his trousers, and tucked his shirt back in.
He walked over to me, kissed me on my lips softly and smiled.
I turned around to grab my things.

"You coming to mine, or am I meeting you at the party?" I asked
"I'll meet you at the party later babe" Robert cried

I smiled, I left the locker room, nobody seemed to notice that we were doing the deed. At least, nobody heard. I saw Malcolm walking around the hotel, oh shit! What if he heard us?
I give him a wave and smile, he waved back.
He didn't hear then, thank god for that!
I left the hotel, and walked towards my car, I unlocked it and hopped in.
I started to drive home.


I arrived home, locked my car up, and entered the building.
I opened my door, and walked inside.
I decided to ring Millie up, as she rang me this morning.

-Dialling Millie-
-Beep Beep-

"Hello Millie, you okay?" I asked
"Hi girl! Yes I'm good, just checking up on you. Haven't heard from you since Saturday" Millie replied
"Sorry, I've been working. I've kinda met somebody, and I had an awful day yesterday" I exclaimed
"I knew you met somebody! Who's the lucky fella?!"Millie screamed over the phone

I laughed, she's so adorable, bless her heart.

"Please don't judge me for this, but it's Robert" I cried

There was a pause, I think she was mad, but didn't want to show it.

"Robert? As in Miah's cousin?" Millie asked shocked
"Yeah. He didn't grass me up, it was all down to Miah, he told me the truth" I cried
"Do you believe him?" Millie asked
"Yeah I do, but he's been treating me nice. I've got a party tonight, it's one of Robert's friends" I cried
"I have a bad feeling something is going to happen at that party, and you aren't going to like it Kat, you're going to come out heart broken" Millie cried

Millie is like a psychic, like me, we can both tell when something is going to go terribly wrong. We feel it in our gut, Millie can tell when I'm upset, she can sense it.
I always trusted Millie, I trusted her with my life, because 9/10 she was right.

"I know Millie, I can sense it, I want to find out the truth" I cried
"You're always welcome over here, if you need me. The boys are there for there auntie Kat too" Millie replied
"Awe thank you Millie! What would I do without you?" I asked
"I don't know, I'm just your fabulous friend, as well as, your free therapist" Millie cried

I started laughing, she always knew how to cheer me up, and she was always there for me.
I loved her and the boys, Harry was lovely too!
He treated Millie with respect, and that's what I like to see.

"Okay, Mills. I'm going to get some beauty sleep, I love ya" I cried
"Okay lovely, I love ya too. Bye!" Millie said

I hung up, and walked towards my bedroom, took off my uniform and placed it into the laundry basket. I slid into something comfy. I took a nap, the minute my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light...

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