If He Was Your Fan (A Henry C...

By TheRealChione

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What would you do if Henry Cavill was a fan of your fiction? More

Chapter 1: The Panel
Chapter 2: Discussions, Dagwoods, Draenei
Chapter 3: Good Night, Good Day
Chapter 4: Black Stallions & Bikes
Chapter 5: Night Out
Chapter 6: The Set Up
Chapter 7: Working Things Out
Chapter 8: Working Things Out
Chapter 9: Lines in the Sand
Chapter 10: Wind & Thunder
Chapter 11: Lightning & Rain
Chapter 12: Storm Breaking
Chapter 13: Perfect Storm
Chapter 14: Day After
Chapter 15: Sunday, Sunday
Chapter 16: Monday
Chapter 17: TGIF
Chapter 18: Off & On & Into
Chapter 19: The Cavill Challenge
Chapter 20: Games Afoot
Chapter 21: Face Off
Chapter 22: Mmmonday
Chapter 23: Week of Wooing
Chapter 24: Night & Day
Chapter 25: Lesson One
Chapter 26: Come What May
Chapter 27: Hallow's Eve
Chapter 28: Good News, Bad News
Chapter 29: Why What Who When How
Chapter 30: Scent of Daddy
Chapter 31: "L" Words
Chapter 32: Afterglow
Chapter 33: Wrapped
Chapter 34: Moving On
Chapter 35: Old York, New Spot
Chapter 36: TLC
Chapter 37: Christmas
Chapter 38: Reservations for Two
Chapter 39: Happy New Year
Chapter 40: Click, Click Boom
Chapter 41: Fortnight Falling
Chapter 42: Coffee & Cavill
Chapter 43: Captured
Chapter 44: Briefing
Chapter 45: Simple and Clean
Chapter 46: New In Town
Chapter 47: Emeralds
Chapter 48: WTH, WTF
Chapter 49: Prey
Chapter 50: Working It Out
Chapter 51: Chances
Chapter 52: Fallout
Chapter 53: Three Words
Chapter 54: Moving Forward
Part 55: Another Wrap
Chapter 56: A Perfect Day (Henry POV)
Chapter 57: Perfect Night (Henry POV)
Chapter 58: Separate But United?
Chapter 59: Prerogatives
Chapter 60: Britainization, Part 1
Chapter 61: Britainization, Part 2
Chapter 62: Britainization, Mounting Up
Chapter 63: Britainization with a T
Part 64: A Fine Match
Chapter 65: Birthday in Bed
Chapter 66: Walk, Trot, Canter, Jump
Chapter 67: Straight to The Castle
Chapter 68: Weighed & Measured
Part 69: Family, Meet Boyfriend
Part 70: Thanksgiving
Part 71: At the Library
Part 72: Found Wanting
Part 73: Tarnish
Part 74: Lost and Found
Part 75: The Unwrapping
Part 76: American Lady
Part 77: Visitor & Suitor
Part 78: Blue to Green to Blue (Henry POV)
Part 79: Eventing (Henry POV)
Part 80: Tea Time (Henry POV)
Part 82: My Lost Lady (Henry POV)
Part 83: The Clearing
Part 84: Two Words
Part 85: Sail Away
Part 86: A KISA...Finally

Part 81: The Second Strike

349 15 9
By TheRealChione

Henry had business back in London, and you have a meeting with the school and Jared to finish the final plans on the library.  You absolutely hate parting with him. After the weekend you had with him, you honestly couldn't be happier:

"That's it, love," Henry's voice was encouraging, intense with need as he lowered you onto him. "Take me..." The words were hissed softly against your neck as he braced you against Luc. You told him that if you went for a ride, tracks would prove if you both dismounted and went somewhere else. So, he decided that your feet simply would not touch the ground. He already told you the story that you would tell. Luc got spooked and reared, and he dismounted to check on you, hence his feet next to Luc's. After "assurances" were made, you'd continue on.

"Ahhh..." You bit your lip to try to contain your inclination to moan and scream aloud as you were lifted and lowered, pinned between the Luc and him. His passion makes you feel helpless, and yours strengthens you to hold onto him, not daring to let go. "Henry," your whimper was a sort of high-pitched hiss as your fingers dug into his jacket, your knees squeezed his sides and your feet pointed with your body quivering around him. "Ohhhhh....!"

He muffles your cry with ragged kisses but then his head fell back. "Bite your lip, love!" He said hoarsely. 

Your head fell back again, surrendering to him, needing him. You dizzily wondered if things like this happened back then-following those rules in public only in the hopes of finding some time away, some hidden place to let go. You bit your lip a little harder as you raked his back back and then gripped. 

"Uhhhnnnn...." Henry's thrusting slowed, but didn't lose intensity as his hips bucked you. Your body was limp, having climaxed three times so quickly. This weekend had been intense and full of intimate intrigues. Your grip lessened and he held you to him like a limp doll as he planted small butterfly kisses on your cheek and temple. "That was good, darling, that was good."

You pulled back to look at him, the combination of the look in his eyes and what he had done washing over you and making you even more short of breath. Though he looked so relaxed, you didn't miss that glint in his eye. "You...you're dangerous."

He winked at you and pulled your underwear out of his pocket, planting you on Luc side saddle so he could help you put them back on. He raised you one more time and you are ready to go.

"I'm sure I look disheveled."

"Remember, Luc had a scare and you had to get him under control," he shook his head sympathetically, running his fingers through his hair. "You're bound to look a little unkempt." He tilted his head and smirked, his look holding a glint of humor and sarcasm. "That was quite a ride, milady. Are you alright?"

You shook your head at him. "You rake. I'll recover." 

"You little pixie, leading me astray," He said softly. "I doubt I know the way home." He swung up on his horse.

"The way back to bed?"

"Ah! I remember, thank you."

You both share an intimate laugh.

"There you are!" Graham said angrily. "You are not supposed to ride alone with him!"

"I only rode around the property--"

"We were not gone long," you gasped as if offended.

"Mere minutes, really," Henry shrugged. "What can happen?"

"Enough that you should be married!"

You both flashed your rings at him.

Graham's jaw tightened as his nostrils flared. "You were in the wooded areas--" 

You smiled a little, trying to be reassuring, the best you could do not to laugh at his upset. "Yes, on the trail. Luc got spooked by a garden snake, I think."  You try to straighten up. "I held tight, though. Henry double checked my cinches for me, thank goodness."

"One was a little loose, but I got it," Henry smiled.  You smiled too, because he did double check your cinches...in the barn after kissing you breathless. Graham was called away (or Henry arranged it) and you both seized the opportunity for time alone. 

Graham blinked. "Good."

"She could have been hurt, Graham," Henry said seriously. 

"You should thank him, Graham. You were the one who put my saddle on." You frown.

Graham's cheeks colored and his face was not one of gratitude. He gives a respectful half bow. "Thank you, sir."  He turns his horse. "We can all ride back now."

You and Henry nod in agreement and ride on, but not before mouthing "I love you" to each other the second Graham's back turned.

You look down at your tea, and you pour Luna some in your saucer with a giggle. Graham said he would have tea with you in a bit, and truthfully you prefer the cat's company to his anyway.  You decide to call Wilson again. You miss him. He had to go back to London before you went on the weekend trip and said he'd be in touch. No answer, still. You miss his walks, the things he taught you...he was more like an uncle than a guard. You smile at the memory of him telling Henry to "stand by her. You may be all the lady has."

You take a shower and put on leggings and a long sleeve top. You are about to put on your favorite slippers when you see Luna on the chair. She is asleep. 

"Luna, hey, don't sleep yet, have some salmon first." You walk over and pick her up, but she is limp! "Luna? Luna!" You shake her, and then hold her body to your ear. You hear a heartbeat, and exhale in relief. Then you realize...the tea! Something is wrong with it! "Oh, God." Your heart drops to your stomach and then returns, only to thud hard in your chest. Someone spiked your tea!

Your throat grows tight, and you remember Wilson's training.

"Listen, lass," Wilson told her. "I've got a hunch about something, and I've got to go to London."

"Let me go with you," you plead. "Graham is annoying."

"He--he's a bit more than that."

You laugh, but he looks serious.

"If you feel unsafe, go someplace there is," Wilson suggests. "or stay with Henry."

"But I have a meeting with --"

"Meetings can be postponed," he frowns. "Promise me you'll leg it if something's off."

The only person that could have spiked it is Graham. There is no one else in the house. You lock the door, and go to your closet. Wilson told you if you were ever in trouble, to hide in the forest. You knew how to survive there, but you don't know it as well as you'd like. You look at the pretty purple hiking bag that Graham gave you. There was barely a thing in it, and it lit up like crazy with the reflectors. You go to your Victoria's Secret box and pull your second go bag from under lingerie, the one Wilson suggested you have if you need to hide. You put the purple bag inside of the black one, just in case, and retrieve your leg pack as well. Your chest rises and falls with panic as you check each to make sure nothing has been messed with. You see your second phone, turning it on to see if it's charged. It is. You smile, but then you see you have a message. You call and hear Wilson's voice.

"Okay, listen, lass," Wilson's voice sounds intense. You hear the rev of a car engine in the background. "Whatever you do, don't trust Graham. His family controlled your accounts before you were found, and there was a deal in the works to--speaking of the devil." You hear wheels screeching. "Damn it! Leg it, you got me?! Leg it and don't trust--"

The line goes dead and your mouth is dry. You put on your hiking boots and jacket. You fill your water bottles with water, even your gourd, which was in the bag. You have granola bars and snacks, even chocolate. You pull your fire ladder out of your closet-another blessing from Wilson-and open the window. You hook it to the sill and throw it over.

You hit speed dial.

"Hello, darling--"

"Henry, get out here, quick, and bring the police."

"What?" He pauses. "Sweetheart, I'm halfway to London now, what's--"

"Luna had spiked tea."


"Only Graham could have done it--please, get here!"

"Graham?!" His voice got serious. "How--"

The phone is dead. Why is it dead? 

You look at the phone. No reception! None!

Suddenly there is knocking. 

"Lady Edenvale!" you hear Graham's voice.

You get some toilet paper and dip it in the tea. Then you put Luna and the saucer under the bed, with Luna on top of the toilet paper. You shove the Victoria's Secret box under the bed and scramble for the window. 

You sprint to the car. Locked! Locked! You look up at the house, and see Graham frowning at you. Time to go.

The closest police station is forty minutes away. Henry is halfway to London, but with his driving, he can get back...but not fast enough. You know your forefather died here and was hidden for years. It looked like lightning was striking twice.

And it's getting dark.


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