King of the hero's |My hero a...

By _kosu_

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In this timeline, Izuku Midoriya was born with the Gum Gum quirk, which allows him to stretch and blow up his... More

My rubbery quirk
Training with All Might
The UA entrance exam
Class A's introduction
Gum Gum vs Santōryū
Class A's battles and leader
The USJ incident Part 1
The USJ incident Part 2
Sports festival preparations
The obstacle course
A kids game????
A Perfect Duo
A burning family
Uraraka's Will
Gum Gum vs Diable Jambe
An Immovable Object vs An Unstoppable Force
The sports festival's winner
A King's Meal
A deal with the devil
Class A's interships
Kodomo Yūsutasu and The Old Man
Deku's Bizarre Adventure
Three Girls One Rabbit And Guardian Dog
A Burning Friend
The calm before the storm
A New Dawn
Class A's Reunion
The Final Exam
Class A's Resolve
A Fateful Encounter
The Summer Camp
His Hero
A lost friend
Tomura's Master
All Might vs All For One
Gifted blades
Akuyaku Gakkō
The hero licensing exam
Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo
The Big Three
David's Mistake
Chisaki's Deal
The Lagoon Squad
The Lagoon Squad vs The League of Villains
The Deku Agency's Will
Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki
Lemillion's Rage
Shigaraki's Message
Unexpected Reunions
Hidden Talent
A New Threat
A Gentle Man
A Bouncy Battle
The Number Two Hero: Endeavour
Tomura's Statement
Class 1-A's Tournament
Class A's Decisive battles
Class A's Decision
Distant Memories
Intermission Chapter [Explanation on all of my OC's]
Poking The Bear
Australia's Last Hope
The WhiteStache Agency
The Justice Association

The Hero Killer Stain

1K 23 8
By _kosu_

(If you guys are fine with it, I'm gonna add cover pages to the chapter to emulate manga or some light novels)

Cover page: Chizome and Himiko talking about their favourite foods.


"Forgive me, Manual, I won't be long I promise." The UA student spoke to himself, running down the streets of Hosu in search of a certain villain.

Using his Observation Haki to sense the area, the boy picked up on a large murderous intent from an alleyway not too far from him.

"That has to be him." The boy assured with a scowl, running to the alleyway. As he turned the corner, he saw the man he was looking for and as expected, he was standing over an injured hero, ready to finish the job he set out to do.

"Time to say goodbye faker." The masked man grinned with his sword raised above the hero's head. "DI-"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, RECIPRO BURST!" Ilda screeched, kicking the off-guard Hero Killer through many walls.

"Ouch, that hurt, where did you come from?" Stain rubbed his head before disappearing from the enraged Ingenium's sight.

"Where did he go?" Ilda asked himself as he looked around. Calming himself down for a split second, the boy closed his eyes and sensed where the Hero Killer was. "He's here!" The boy announced, seeing the bloodthirsty Stain appear out of the alleyway entrance.

"Come here hero!" The masked criminal blurted, launching himself at the teen.

Anticipating the attack, Ilda ducked under the man's initial attack. Stain expected the boy to do this, adjusting his blade to swipe down as he passed over the boy's head. Fortunately, Ilda didn't plan to only duck the man's move, he planned to retaliate with a devastating armament-covered kick to his back.

"RECIPRO BURST!" Ingenium yelled, doing a standing backflip to kick Stain into the ground, forcing the man to cough up blood. "I'm not done with you yet!" Ilda revealed, grabbing the Hero Slayer by his top, and dragging him across the ground and up a building until they were airborne. "URGAH!" He shouted, throwing the man down toward the ground.

"This bastard is trying to kill me." Stain uttered as he fell from the sky. Preparing another attack, Ilda used his Recipro Burst once more, making himself continuously flip in the sky as he descended. "TAKE THIS YOU SCUM, CONCASSER!" He yelled, crushing his Armament covered foot into the Killer's abdomen, sending him flying straight into the ground, which created a loud thud on impact, breaking the ground around him.

Landing next to the Killer, Ilda began to pant heavily after he used all of his Recipro Bursts for the day.

"That should be enough to deal with him." The boy panted, looking at the crater the villain lay still in.

A minute had gone by and Ilda's legs recovered, allowing him to walk again. Unfortunately, he took too long to recover as an ominous wave of pressure-filled the area. With a scared look on his face, the hero in training took a quick glance at the crater he had created moments prior to assure himself that Stain hadn't recovered. Sadly, Ilda looking at the crater wouldn't assure him in the slightest, making him even more scared than he was just a few seconds ago.

"He's... he's..."

"Right behind you." The Hero Killer whispered in the boy's ear, using his long sword to pierce through his armour and skin. Due to the length of the blade, he was able to stab completely through his body, allowing his blade to come out of the other side.

"ACK!" Ilda coughed as he looked down to see a blade coming out of his stomach.

"Don't worry kid, I didn't hit any vital points. This was payback for that shit you just pulled." Stain spat, pulling his sword out of the teen. "Now sit still while I deal with this faker, I'll get back to you in a second." The Hero Killer sighed, licking his blade. "You taste like a hero I took down a few weeks back." The man creepily smiled, looking down at the defenceless Ilda.

"Of course I do, he's my brother you asshole." The new Ingenium revealed, making Stain laugh.

"Oh, so this was for revenge, how pathetic. Now that I think about it, I remember him. His name was Ingenium." Stain remembered.

"I'm glad you remember him because when I get up, I'm gonna beat your ass in his name!" Ilda cried, trying his hardest to break free of Stain's bind. "Why... can't I get up?!" The confused Ilda asked the Hero killer

"News flash, that's my power kid." The villain replied, walking over to the Native American-looking hero. "Alright where was I?" Stain asked himself as he was about to stab the unconscious hero, but before he could fully swing his blade, a bin next to him began to shake, throwing his concentration off completely. "What was that?" The villain asked himself once again, looking around.

"Up here jackass." A levitating Yūsutasu smirked, moving the hero and Ilda to a rooftop next to himself. "Now how about I make you fly." The red-haired teen smiled, throwing Stain into the air with a wave of his hand, only to crash two Haki-covered balls in his abdomen. "Now eat dirt." Komodo scowled, forcefully sending Stain crashing into the ground.

"ARGH!" Stain groaned, struggling to get up. "My clothes, they feel heavy." The man complained, trying to use his Haki to break free of the magnetism.

"You're up Strawhat," Yūsutasu ordered, throwing Izuku into the air with his quirk.

"M-Midoriya?" Ilda weakly called out.

"Izuku Midoriya? I can't attack him, Himiko will get mad." Chizome kissed his teeth, finally breaking out of Yūsutasu's magnetic hold.

Realising his hold was broken, Yūsutasu immediately sent his Haki-covered balls to split up and pin Stain's limbs to the floor. "You're not going anywhere," Kodomo smirked.

"THIS IS FOR HURTING ILDA, GUM GUM: ELEPHANT GUN!" Midoriya declared, blowing into his thumb to create a huge fist, which was covered in Haki once at its peak capacity.

"I can't dodge it, shit!" Stain realised as the fist rocketed down, slamming against his body. Due to the size of the attack, Izuku tore down the buildings that Stain was sandwiched between, causing a large amount of debris to fall on the Hero Killer.

Landing at the edge of the rubble-covered alleyway, Izuku had a worried look on his face. "Oh no, did I kill him?" The boy panicked, trying to sense Stain's presence.

"Don't worry about that, stay on guard." His senior advised him, removing the rubble from Stain.

"Okay, Magnes." Izuku nodded, calling his senior by his hero name. Once all the rubble was removed, both boys looked at each other in confusion and terror as the body of Stain was no longer there, only leaving a pool of blood where he last was.

"Wait... Izuku move!" Magnes yelled, trying to warn his teammate.


"Don't move." A bloody Stain threatened, pressing his blade against the boy's skin.

"Shit, I was too late." Yūsutasu cursed, angry he couldn't use his foresight quicker.

In the alleyway, Izuku stood still as the psychotic villain rambled in his ear. "You know kid, you remind me of a young All Might, I can tell you and even that boy up there are gonna be the next big thing for this society, but I gotta know. Are you here to make a change like you say you are or are you here to give people like me false hope?"

"If you're a part of the group of people who were shunned by society due to unfortunate circumstances then yes, but if you're a ruthless criminal who does this for his own pleasure and no greater good, I'll be giving you false hope." The boy answered, making Stain happy.

"You're exactly how I thought you were, I can see why she adores you so much." Stain smirks, ready to cut Midoriya to paralyse him.

"Who's sh-"

"FIRE!" Yūsutasu shouted, purposefully distracting Stain to allow Midoriya to escape the incoming arrow barrage and Stain's grasp.

"Not so fast." Stain muttered, cutting Izuku's neck, and paralysing him before deflecting all of the arrows.

"Shit." Yūsutasu sighed, realising Midoriya's current state. Observing the battlefield, Yūsutasu picked up many pieces of metal debris behind Stain and launched it at his back, forcing the villain to use his own foresight to block and defend against all the things coming his way.

"He's gonna get the boy back, crap," Stain said, frustrated with his current circumstances. Using the opening he made for himself, Yūsutasu attached his new set of metal balls to Izuku's back, dragging him up to the rooftop opposite the pro-hero and Ilda.

"Alright, we only have a few seconds so use your Haki at max strength." The redhead demanded, gaining a weak smile from his junior. "Ready and now!" He flexed, freeing his junior from Stain's quirk.

"Thanks, but what are we going to do now?" Izuku asked his senior.

"I have no idea, but Gran's not gonna be here for a while if he's dealing with four Nomu at once," Magnes replied, recounting how their mentor held off four Nomu to allow them to fight Stain.

"Well, I'm completely outclassed in hand-to-hand combat and he hasn't used his Conquerors yet. Usually, I would be against it, but I think we should retr-" Before the green-haired teen could finish his sentence, an angry-looking Stain landed on their rooftop, oozing his will everywhere.

"Broke free did you? You're really making it hard for me to go easy on you." The man snarled, walking toward the teens.

"I guess there's no more time to retreat now." Izuku sighed, activating his second gear. "GUM GUM: HAWK RIFLE!" He announced, stretching his arm back while twisting it around. Once stretched enough, Izuku retracted it, sending his Haki-infused fist at Stain. Unfortunately, Stain was able to dodge it, leaping at Magnes.

"You're first kid." Stain declared, covering his sword in Armament Haki.

"Crap." Yūsutasu cursed, blocking the villain with his Haki-covered arm.

"Nice kid, you can control your will, I expect nothing less from All Might's student." Stain laughed maniacally, adding his own Conquerors to his attack, sending the teen flying off the roof and into a building behind them. Not wasting the opportunity, the Hero killer jumped off the building landing in front of the injured Yūsutasu.

"Magnes!" Izuku yelled, jumping off of the roof to help his senior.

"Hehe, at least I can die knowing I can coat my attacks in my will." Kodomo smiled as the notorious Hero Slayer stood over him.

"I didn't want to do this originally, but you left me no choice, goodbye ki-"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, GUM GUM: RED HAWK!" An enraged Midoriya yelled, smashing his fist into Stain's half-turned face, sending him through the wall and flying into another alleyway. "Good, I was just in time." He sighed, lending his hand to his senior.

"Yeah, but what was with that fire? Don't tell me you're a fire user too." The teen questioned his junior while taking his hand to get up.

"I don't know, it's probably because I moved my arm back really fast so it probably lit up due to that." He shrugged.

"Mhm, the more I see of your quirk, the more abnormal it seems," Yūsutasu claimed, walking over to the immobile Stain.

"Stop lying it's... did you feel that?" Izuku asked Magnes, gaining a nod from his partner. Suddenly, the ground around them began to shake as a frustrated Hero Killer emerged from the rubble in front of them.

"I'm getting sick and tired of this, I don't think I can hold back anymore. Forgive me for what I'm about to do." Stain stated, destroying the debris around him with his will alone.

"I guess it's time to fight a full power super-villain." Yūsutasu smiled, forming a metal arm that covered his left arm.

"I guess we can't retreat now," Izuku smirked, activating his second gear once again. Staring down the Hero Slayer, the two boys got into their battle stances, ready to attack until they heard an unfamiliar voice shout.



Running through the backstreets of Hosu, two boys eagerly searched for the Hero Killer Stain, hoping that the loud thud they heard had to do with him.

"Your hunch was right, I can sense so much murderous intent down here." Todoroki praised his teammate, turning a corner.

"Thanks, I'm usually right with things like this." Draw smiled as they heard another thud followed by an immense amount of pressure, surprising them. "Whoa, that definitely came from around this corner." Draw thought out loud, peering around the corner to see an angry Stain covered in blood. "He's right there, I don't know who he's fighting but they've put a good beating on him." The black-haired teen smirked.

"That's good. So what's our plan of attack?" Todoroki asked his senior, curious to know his senior wants to handle this.

"I'll fire a Masenko to distract him, he'll jump and then you'll meet him in the air with one of your fancy kicks." Sleeves planned, gaining a smile from his junior.

"That sounds perfect." Shouto smiled, fixing his tie.

"Alright then, let's go." Draw said as he stepped out of his hiding spot to yell. "MASENKO!" Firing a blast of fire at the angered Stain, forcing the villain to dodge.

"Another kid? Do pro-heroes not monitor their sidekicks anymore!" Stain snapped, jumping in the air to jump.

"Hehe, you fell for such an obvious bait jackass." Todoroki smiled, meeting Stain in the air.

"Todoroki!" Izuku called out happily.

"AND WHO ARE YOU?!" Stain shouted, immediately raising his guard to block an incoming kick.

"Diable Jambe: FLANCHET STRIKE!" Todoroki announced, kicking the angered Hero Killer into a desolate convenient store located on the street next to them. After his attack successfully worked, Todoroki joined everyone on the ground, immediately being hugged by a happy Midoriya.

"Todoroki!" The excited Midoriya called out as his senior brought the limb bodies of Native and Ingenium to their location.

"Of course, you were the one causing all of this ruckus Midoriya." Izuku's friend grinned, patting his friend's back.

"Hehe, I don't mean to be so destructive." The boy laughed, taking his hands from around his friend and turning around.

Looking at each other for a moment, both boys knew what they wanted to do. Walking out of the alleyway, the two boys prepared themselves to take down the notorious Hero Killer. "Midoriya stop, let's wait for the rest, I'm pretty sure they want to join us." Todoroki pointed, looking back at the four other men who were still in the alley.

Standing over the injured masked heroes, Yūsutasu looked at Draw, demanding his assistance with something. "Hey pipe guy, help me out here," Yūsutasu commanded which Draw heeded, walking over to the redhead to help him.

"Alright, what do you want me to do?" Sleeves asked Magnes, eager to help the bloody teen.

"Put your hand on them and then use your Haki at full strength, it'll break them out of Stain's quirk," Kodomo informed Draw, gaining a nod from the American.

"Alright, I'm ready." Draw stated, placing each of his hands on top of the paralysed heroes.

"Okay and now!" Yūsutasu initiated, using his Haki at its max output to free the paralysed heroes. After a moment of silence, the two injured men sat up, taking deep breaths.

"Wow it worked, I thought my haki would've been too weak to contribute." Draw sheepishly laughed, happy that he was able to help break out two people of a quirk bind.

"Thank you." Native thanked them, getting to his feet to limp toward Izuku and Shouto.

"Where are you going?" Draw asked the injured hero.

"To fight that bastard, I can't have a bunch of kids outperform me." He looked back with a smirk on his face.

"I mean if you think you can fight in that condition then that's fine." Yūsutasu shrugged, standing up to go join them. "You not coming?" The red-haired teen asked Draw, looking down at him with a smile on his face.

"I would, but what about this guy?" He replied, taking a glance at the masked Ilda.

Coughing up even more blood, Ilda took out a wound-sealing spray and stuck his hand out in front of the black-haired teen. "Can... you... close them?" He asked as his hand began to shake.

"Them? Do you mean you have two wounds?" Draw wondered, noticing the wound on the man's abdomen.

"He has a wound on his back, Stain stabbed his sword all the way through," Kodomo answered for the injured teen, walking behind him to see a constant stream of blood pouring out of the man's back.

"Oh okay, stay still I'm going to spray it now." Draw told the teen, spraying the open wound on his abdomen and then the wound on his back.

"Thank... you." Ilda weakly said, trying to get back on his feet.

"I don't think you should fight. The fact you're even conscious right now is a miracle." Sleeves suggested, surprised at the teen's pain tolerance.

"I'm not stopping until he's in the ground, I don't care what condition I'm in," Ilda growled, using his rage and determined to stand up and walk out of the alleyway.

"I mean if he wants to we can't stop him." Draw sighed as he began to walk out of the alleyway.

Following close behind, Yūsutasu walked behind Draw, grabbing all the metal debris he could. "Before we go into battle, what's your name?" The redhead asked.

"Draw Sleeves, and you?" The pipe wielder answered, asking Yūsutasu the same question.

"Kodomo Yūsutasu, but my hero name is Magnes." The teen replied, forging two metal fists that covered his arm.

"Nice, it's based on the Greek God right?" Draw wondered, gaining a nod from Magnes.

"Yeah, I'm glad you realised." Yūsutasu smiled as they caught up with the group, standing in front of the convenience store Stain was laying in.

Now that everyone was there, Todoroki was about to go over their plan of attack until they felt the same ominous pressure they felt earlier. "He's up again, but this time he feels stronger." The half-and-half boy smirked as Stain kicked a large piece of rubble off of his body, completely destroying it.

"Alright you little shits, how about I deal with you all at once." He barked, coating his sword in Armament and Conquerors.

"Whatever he's planning it's gonna be big," Native warned them, covering his arms with Armament Haki. Listening to his warning, each of them covered themselves in Armament, preparing themselves for the worst.

"Damn it, I can't coat myself in my will anymore." Yūsutasu angrily brought up as Stain readied his attack, drawing his sword back and getting into a stance.

"I'm tired of all you fakers, you need to be, PURIFIED!" Stain yelled, pouncing at them, which allowed him to unleash a devastating attack, flinging them all across the street. "Just as I expected, you all go down once I start to truly try." Stain spoke with a disgusted look. "Now, I should leave the red hair one and Himiko's friend. The rest are going to die." The villain planned, walking toward the wounded heroes.

"Damn, it... what was that?" Ilda groaned, struggling to get up.

"It's the power of someone completely out of our league." Yūsutasu grinned, getting back on his feet, ready to fight Stain once again. Seeing his senpai grinning, Izuku smiled, getting back up to join his senior.

"That hurt like hell, but I would rather die fighting than just roll over," Shouto stated, coughing up blood as he stood next to All Might's interns.

"You still have fight left in you? Ho-"

"RAGHHHHHH!" Before Stain could finish his speech, an enraged Draw roared, shooting a pillar of fire from his body as he got up. "STAIN YOU, BASTARD!" The black-haired teen pointed, shooting a blast of fire at the Hero Killer. "I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO TAKE ANY MORE LIVES!" The boy declared, rushing at the confused Hero Killer.

Battling against the angered Draw, Yūsutasu grabbed all the metal he could and sent it toward the villain while talking to Izuku and Shouto. "Whoa, what happened to him?" Yūsutasu wondered, levitating in the air.

"Sleeves has two sides. The one you saw before was his logical side, which is cold and makes the right decisions in battle, while the one you're seeing right now is the irrational and emotional side. The sides flip depending on how angry he is." Todoroki explained, sending an ice attack at Stain.

"Oh I see, well then we should continue to support him, GUM GUM HAWK WHIP!" Izuku said as he kicked the distracted Stain.

"Get away from me you annoying kid!" Stain snapped as he tried to stab Draw's face. Fortunately, Todoroki was able to rush in quickly enough to kick the blade away.

"Sleeves calm down, try to do what we did in sparring," Todoroki told his new friend, landing next to him.

Listening to his friend's voice of reasoning through his rage, Draw took a few deep breaths, calming himself down. "I'm back." He smiled, grabbing his pipe off of his back. "Alright, I got a plan. While that Yūsutasu guy shoots metal at Stain, I'll assist him by shooting fire at him. While we do that, I want you and your friend to think of something you can do. I don't know him that well so think of something." Sleeves planned, separating himself from Todoroki to shoot fire at Stain annoying him.

"The fire ones calmed down which means he's weaker, I should attack him." Stain thought to himself as he dodged a metal beam and fire blast at the same time. "Yes, he should be first." Stain maliciously smiled, dashing at Draw.

"JET BURN!" A familiar voice announced, hitting the Hero Killer directly on the back, burning Stain's back.

"ACK! Who-Endeavour?!" The man screeched as spit and blood dripped from his mouth. "Maybe I should've listened to her, today hasn't been so great to me." Chizome thought out loud, remembering back to Himiko's warning.

Levitating next to Yūsutasu, Endeavour stared the Hero killer down, forming a spear coated in advanced conquerors. "I'm glad I didn't get here too late, you kids did a good job holding him off," Endeavour said before rushing down to Stain, throwing his spear at the bloodthirsty Villain.

"Nice try." Stain grinned, smacking away Endeavour's spear and then blocking his fist with his long sword.

"I guess you're as strong as they say." Endeavour congratulated Stain, igniting his fist on fire to deliver another Jet Burn, which knocked Stain into his student. "Hit him back to me Sleeves!" Endeavour demanded.

"Right!" Draw nodded, coating his pipe in Haki to bash Stain back to Endeavour, who grabbed him by his face, slamming him into the ground with a fiery advanced conqueror's fist.

"I'm not done with you!" Endeavour growled, picking up the hero killer by his neck and jumping into the air, activating his fire to boost him higher. "This is for all of the heroes' lives you've taken!" Endeavour shouted, throwing Stain in mid-air. "PROMINENCE BURN!" He roared, blasting Stain through many buildings and into a street far away.

Observing Endeavour's final attack, the group looked up in awe, witnessing the power of the number two hero. "He just... took him out in a few attacks." Native stared in awe as Endeavour landed, taking a deep breath.

"Wow, what a spectacle, you wouldn't have been able to do that without our help." Todoroki scoffed, turning off his fire.

"Whatever boy. Are the rest of you okay?" Endeavour asked the group, walking over to the injured barely conscious Ilda and Native.

"We could be doing better, but we're good. The other two got ba-" Before Izuku could continue his sentence, a loud screech was heard, followed by an extremely violent wave of pressure, which swallowed the whole of the city, knocking out many people.

Jumping many feet, a burned Stain landed in the middle of the street, staring down Endeavour who was holding Native. "You... you FAKER, you really thought I was done?! The only one who can defeat me is All Might, until he appears before me I can neve-"

"Put a sock in it!" Gran Torino demanded, appearing out of nowhere to deliver the final kick that would finish the Hero Killer. "There we go he's stopped talking." The old man smiled, walking over to Endeavour. "You alright Todoroki?" The man happily waltzed, taking the mask off of Ilda to check his pulse.

"Yeah, his will shocked me for a second." The fiery hero sighed, noticing Stain's presence knocked out Native. "Are you okay boys?" Endeavour asked once again, getting a collective nod from them.

"Wait, why is he still standing, are you sure he's out cold?" Draw wondered, walking up to Stain to see his eyes blanked out. "Oh, he is..." Sleeves stared in confusion.

"His will was so strong he didn't fall over once he was defeated, how weirdly admirable." Yūsutasu commentated, noticing a news helicopter above.

"That pilot must have a really strong will." Todoroki pointed out, also noticing the helicopter.

"Hey gramps, how did you get here so fast, when I passed you earlier you were fighting a lot of Nomu," Endeavour asked Gran Torino, looking down at the old geezer.

"You know how it is, give them a few kicks and then they fall. Your little burn attack helped too, I was able to direct myself easier." The old man laughed, holding Ilda's limp body.

"Makes sense. Alright guys, let's wait for the ambulance to get here, once they do I want you to all get checked." Endeavour said, gaining a nod from each teen.

As the group began to chat away and catch up, a satisfied Shigaraki put away his binoculars and stepped through a portal, laughing maniacally as he stepped through the portal. "Time to make this our win." He declared before completely disappearing.


After many hours passed, everyone in Hosu woke up, trying to assess everything that happened. While the city and other major parts of Japan were stressing out about the whole situation, Tomura Shigaraki posted a video about Stain, detailing his ideals and how he was a part of the League of Villains, attracting many eyes.

How the hero society and other major villainous groups will react, is completely up in the air, but one thing they can all confirm is that the League of Villains may be the next big thing Japan has to deal with.

(End of chapter! Did you guys like this chapter? Did you guys like how I represented Stain in this chapter and the many other characters? Tell me in the comments.

Personally, I feel like I could've done more with Ilda, but don't worry, I'll make sure to shine some more light on him with the chapters to come.

Anyway, the next arc is the mid term exam arc. I wonder what the teams will be this time.)

05/06/2023 (UK)

06/05/2023 (US)

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