By cocoz_books

194K 4.4K 603

Was previously named "Darius" #Book 1 in Alpha Series ≛ He was powerful He was terrifying He was huge He had... More

{Plot 1} •Chapter ♠︎ÒÑÉ
{Plot 1} •Chapter •TWÕ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ♣︎ThRÉĒ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ♤FØŪr
{Plot 1} •Chapter *Fìvè
{Plot 1} •Chapter ^SSĪX
{Plot 1} •Chapter ♧SËVËÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter◖ĒĪGHT
{Plot 1} •Chapter ※ÑÌNË
{Plot 1} •Chapter ◇TÉÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ✥ËLÈVÈÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ✧TWËLVË
{Plot 1} •Chapter •THÏRTËËÑ
{Plot 1} •Chapter ⁑FØRTÉEN
{Plot 1} •Chapter ✠FÌFTÈÉN
{Plot 2}• Chapter øñè
{Plot 2}• Chapter twø
{Plot 2}• Chãptér thréè
{Plot 2}• Chapter fōūr
{Plot 2}• chapter fïvë
{Plot 2}• chaptér six
{Plot 2}• Chapter sévèn
{Plot 2}• chapter éîght
{Plot 2}• chãptèr nïne
{Plot 2}• chàptér tën
(Plot 2)• chàptêr elévēn
{Plot 2}• chàptér twélvê
{Plot 2}• chäptêr thîrtéèn
{Plot 2}• chäptēr føurtéèn
{Plot 2}• chàptêr fíftéèn
{Plot 3}• CHAPTER I
{Plot 3}• CHAPTER II
{Plot 3}• CHÃPTÉR IV
{Plot 3}• CHÄPTÈR V
{Plot 3}• CHAPTÉR VI
{Plot 3}• CHÀPTÉR IX
{Plot 3}• CHÄPTËR X
{Plot 3}• CHÄPTËR XI
{Plot 3}• CHÀPTER XV
{Plot 3}• CHÃPTÉR XX


1.1K 28 12
By cocoz_books

Astrid paced back and forth in her room restlessly as she watched the door, expecting the maid to come in at any time. She bit her nails nervously as she shifted her weight from foot to foot in anticipation. Immediately the door was pushed open she was quick to lunge towards the poor maid snatching the sheets from her hands. She wasted no time in spreading it open across the floor, her eyes searching for something but when she didn't find it she let out a breath of relief.

"Pick it up" she instructed the maid who had been watching the scene confused and a little disturbed but she did as told. "Are you sure you didn't see any blood stains anywhere else in the room" Astrid asked eagerly but the maid shook her head in the negative.

Satisfied with her answer Astrid pulled out fuce gold coins from her purse and pressed it into the maids hands, sending her off with one command "Don't tell anyone about this" with that she shut the door, not giving room for enquiry. A triumphant smile stretched her lips as she twirled around the room in joy, spinning and humming to a tune. She had succeeded in ensuring Darius and Audrey not consummate their bond. Originally she was skeptical when the pack doctor had given her herbal leaves- when she had lied of trouble sleeping if they would work for Audrey so she added a few more leaves than prescribed and they worked like a charm.

Her plan was simple but the two just had to complicate it with moving into the same room. It was already heart breaking enough to see them sleep in the same bed now she had to constantly keep an eye on them to make sure they weren't getting to intimate. With every scene she witnessed her hatred for Audrey burned like a furnace. The arrival of the elders had proved a great advantage for Astrid but a an inconvenience for the council men as they would be put under a magnifying glass till further notice. The elders arrival meant the matters of the realm would have to be broken down and accounted for by the council and if everything seemed amiss then it would arouse suspicion so the council were of no help currently. With the elimination of Lord Odin their plans were safer than ever.

Astrid witnessed it when Lord Odin's body was brought to the castle in secret and the rocks that had been kept in his pockets were recovered. The council had done a great job in painting the murder into a suicide. The assassin they hired must have been a professional for if Ryker couldn't find any proof then all seemed clear but the extra precaution Astrid took seemed fruitful as well. Certain that Darius wouldn't just leave the matter Astrid made sure to plant evidence that would further prove the first assumption on Lord Odin's 'suicide'.
Lord Odin's pocket watch just happening to be at the bottom of the lake where a particular sales boy goes to gather scraps which also happens to be the same place Lord Odin's body was recovered. Coincidence? Definitely not.

It sickened Astrid to her core to know that Darius went the extra mile for Audrey but knowing how he was it helped her save the council men's behinds so they were even now. She had just paid the debt she owed them for taking care of the Boatman that was an accomplice in the first attempt on Audrey's life. Till date Astrid was unaware what happened to him nor the coins she gave him but she was certain his fate wasn't a pleasant one at least she had no blood on her hands like the men of the council did. She was clean, fit for a true queen.

Although she found it hard to believe the old men were supporting her for the sole purpose of wanting her on the throne. She knew better than to think that. She hadn't known the men for a long time but by now she was able to tell they were self serving power hungry tyrants in the wrong position, for when Lord Odin posed a possible threat they wiped him out. He no longer served their purpose when he developed the unnerving obsession with Audrey for they knew it was just a matter of time before he slipped up or something went wrong.

Fortunately Astrid had overheard Darius speaking with his lieutenants as they maped out the area in his office. There she had found their plan to catch Lord Odin at the agreed upon spot and have him prosecuted. So without wasting time Astrid informed the council and they were quick to send an assassin to 'take care' of the matter. So she was aware her purpose also served their selfish means in some way, but how? She was unaware of the answer to that but she didn't care either. As long as she would become queen and rule beside Darius and Audrey would finally be out of the picture. For good. Everything had been working in her favor up until this point and she was certain the next blow would be one that would amount her the victor. Darius would finally be here and only hers.



"I hope your food wasn't too cold by the time you wanted to eat dear" a teasing smile on Elder Irene's face as she watched me closely for my reaction.

"No, the maids heated it up so it was fine" Sugars I hope my voice didn't portray how truly embarrassed I was. Elder Elfrid snickered as Orchid joined in. I felt my cheeks begin to warm up at the thought- Did the two seriously wait to see when we would leave the room? Was their stunt from earlier today not enough!?

I remained silent as Ruby and Faye continued to get me ready for the day ahead. Ruby brushed and styled through my hair while Faye carefully prepped my face and put on the necessary ornaments for my first appearance in front of the public. Wrong again was I to think that there would be no extra preparationsand I wasn't exactly as enthusiastic now Darius wasn't going to be there. I had gotten dressed with Darius but Faye snatched me away the moment she saw me and ushered me back to my chambers saying she would 'fix me up' because I had to give the masses the best impression. "It would show how committed you are to them and prove despite the rumors how much you love their king even if they don't see you as one of them" Faye had said and I completely understood but was I a bad person for still wishing Darius could be by my side?

Nevertheless I would try my best and make him proud when he got back because I did love him. He was a king which meant he loved his people and the realm and if loving a king meant doing everything in my power for this realm then I would. While the maids packed up the food items that were to be distributed during this mating season I was being prepared and trying to ready my mind for what I was about to face- people who had no reason to like me nor believe anything about me because I wasn't one of them. The one thing I was sure I could make them believe was I loved their king and I would do anything for him and I would make sure the need would never arise where he had to choose between his kingdom and me.

"I hope the Jigalians don't get aggressive this time around" Ruby spoke from behind me and immediately my ear stood.

"This time around? Why would they get aggressive?' I asked, concern lacing my tone as my heart began thumping harder in my chest. I looked between Faye and Elder Irene with a pleading gaze but Faye just avoided my gaze and walked behind me leaving Elder Irene to answer.

She sighed before glancing my way, "The first time the Jigalian clan came into our notice they were burning down houses claiming they had been built on their soil without any proof to back their claim. The land had been put aside for construction of those specific homes but the Head of the clan believed otherwise" she shook her head in disdain.

They sounded like bad news and the idea of having Darius on their turf made me uneasy. Yes Darius could take care of himself and he was more than capable it didn't stop me from getting worried and wishing he hadn't gone. What did people who had no remorse for taking grain for aid just to get our attention capable of doing? Definitely no good.

"We should hope that horrible clan doesn't use this as leverage to help some evil notion-" Just then the double doors cane flying open abruptly, leaving everyone to snatch their heads to the source as Ruby, Penelope and the two elders walked in hastily.

"Milady" they greeted at the same time. "Elders" they acknowledged the three elder ones in the room. Their faces were ones with fear scribbled all over them and their entire body language read one of nervousness.

As for Elder Azalia her face was devoid of any emotion but when her gaze met mine i could see the urgency they held "The leader of the Jigalian clan is here with a few of his guards. They arrived at our gates a few minutes ago and now they are in our halls" Elder Azalia replied.

"Why are they here? Didn't Darius's envoy arrive?" I asked, panicked myself. From what I had heard I didn't think it a good thing that a leader of such a notorious clan was here now.

"I don't know but Audrey we have to go. We can meet their leader in the throne room. We must show a united front" Elder Azalia walked up to me, raising me from my seat that I didn't realise I had been grabbing tightly in my panick.

"It can't be a good thing. They are aware of Our King's absence so their presence here can't be a peaceful one but even at that we have to do our best to not show any weakness in front of The King's usurper" Elder Elfrid cane up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "So swallow your fear child and come with us" she squeezed my shoulder comfortingly.

"The rest of you ladies go alert the guards and follow them to make sure these Jigalians don't have other guards planted in the shadows" with one voice my ladies had nodded in understanding. I walked up to them, pulling them into a tight hug and they squeezed me back before walking off and pulling Astrid- who had just walked in along with them. I swallowed thickly, pushing all the fear that had crawled into my chest down. I needed to be strong now.
The elders ushered me out the room along with Ruby and Faye who left the four of us once the four guard joined behind along with Maximus.

"Milady you don't need to go address the Clan leader. You should be in your chambers with these guards keeping watch" Maximus spoke into my ear as he followed diligently beside me.

"I have to go represent my mate, I rreguse to hide away while we have possible threat in our castle" I said with a new found pride pumping through my veins as I stared strongly at him all the while feeling a pair of eyes on me. We reached the hallway and just in time two men emerged, both dressed in expensive silk suits and gears. They had their weapons hoisted at their waist and without asking I could tell who the leader of the clan was from the two. The one had this danger emmiting offh I'm in waves and I could feel it, he had rough features, greyish black hair styled ruggedly, a stubble that had grown out passed it's shaving period and a scar that cut through his left brow adding to his whole look.

He had piercing icy blue eyes that seemed to penetrate my soul. I was getting a bad feeling about this whole encounter. Was it coincidence that they showed up when Darius wasn't here?
He looked to be roughly 30 years older than I but the way his eyes devoured me made it seem like I was a piece of meat and he was a starved caveman.

"Vandal, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?" Elder Azalia walked forward, shielding me from his gaze enough to have his eyes only focused on her.

My gaze swept behind Vandal to see the man I assumed to he his second in command. He looked a lot younger than Vandal but just as menacing. They had more guards than we did and they were all heavily armed and from the looks of them I was certain they had more weapons underneath.

"Oh Elder" he walked forward, taking her hand in his and placing a kiss to it, his gaze remaining on me. "I have come to discuss something important but I see His Highness isn't here?" He looked around like Darius would appear at any time.

"His Highness will be back shortly, he doesn't take much time when he's away" I answered with a sweet smile on my lips as I stared at Vandal. He fully turned to me seemingly so interested in me now more than before.

"And who is this who has granted me the honor to grace her beauty?" His gaze dragged down my form, leaving my skin crawling everywhere his eyes had scorched.

Elder Irene came forward, taking his gaze off me. "She is the King's mate, he is courting her" she replied, her strong gaze directed his way.

"Courting? I would have thought he'd already claimed her and put a ring on that finger. The king always did have too much patience" he remarked under his breath but loud enough for us all to hear.

I had to press my lips together to stop from replying. "Come now let's discuss this in the proper place" Elder Elfrid gestures towards the hallway that lead to the throne room. "Your weapons, please"

Maximus held out his hand for the men to place their weapons. All the humor disappeared from Vandal's eyes all of a sudden and I thought he was going to snap, "Of course, just a precaution" he smiled. "Men"

His guards gave their weapons to Maximus' hold and when they were done he walked off to drop them only he knew where. We began our little journey to the throne room with me safetly tucked between the three elders and the palace guards but all the while my gaze kept fixed on Vandal. So far everything was going okay, despite the uneasiness his arrival brought I could only hope things got better from here. Once we reached the room Vandal's guards were stopped from entering but before they could complain he ordered they stand down and they obeyed. He stayed calm as the doors were closed leaving the elders, Vandal and I in the throne room.

"Vandal, please tell us what beings you here?" Elder Elfrid asks, grabbing his wandering eyes from my direction.

He walked up to the large windows that had the view of the palace gardens and grounds, his back facing us "The king had taken my land from me years ago. He gave my land out and they were not my people and I came to be compensated for my loss. When our land was taken from us so was a large part of my holdings" he turned around, an evil glint in his eyes as he began walking towards us. "So elders, compensate me"

I could feel the three elders go rigid in their spots once they had heard him. I myself was left feeling uncomfortable. How did he want us to compensate him, "We will give you gold in the weight of what you lost" Elder Azalia answered, her narrowed gaze on him.

He chuckled darkly, shaking his head "Gold is not what I lack dear elders. I have enough gold, more than enough" his eyes drifted to me. Just then our guards were pushed into the room, Vandal's guards overpowering them as they held weapons over their heads.

We looked between ourselves, panick rising in my chest at the look of fear on the elders faces. Our heads snapped to Vandal's direction as a sinister grin settled on his lips. "I'm taking this castle till my needs and that of my men are met"

The guards called, pulling our guards out of the room. My wide eyes met with Vandal's and he winked at me, making me almost shiver in disgust.

"You can't do this" I refused but he only chuckled once more as if mocking me.

"Oh but I can gorgeous. Just as his highness invaded and laid waste to my land I will do same to his precious abode and maybe have a little fun while I'm at it" his eyes wandered all over me and I shrunk back.

"You're choice is unwise Vandal. When his highness finds out that you have invaded his home he will not take to it kindly and we know the King's wrath is something to not be trifled with" Elder Azalia said, her expression calm and calculating. I didn't know if she intended to scare Vandal with her words but we all knew she was telling the truth.

"I am not stranger to the tales of the King's anger but I am no fool either. You see dear elders I will not rest till I am content and compensated and you will do well to fulfill whatever want I may have if you want to ensure the safety of all the inhabitants of the castle" there was a hidden message in his words like he was daring us to not comply. "My needs will be met and don't try to reach out for more of your guards. The majority were taken along in the King's envoy and the rest have been locked in the cellars. I've heard the famous palace cellars were made of pure silver, impenetrable by wolves. How interesting don't you think?" He smiled sadistically.

There was no way we could fulfill his demands. Vandal knew what was at risk, he knew the odds were in his favor so he could ask of us whatever he wanted and we would have no other choice but to agree. This was bad, really bad. To make matters worse I had no idea if Darius had made it safe or if he was in some sort of danger. No one knew what he was riding into.
'Goddess please protect Darius and save us all'

I'm in shock you guys! Thanks so much for your support and love for this book it means so much

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