Superfamily one-shots

By Aaliyah548400

1.9K 40 0

Superfamily one-shots More

:Love you kid:
:Nightmare ๐Ÿ’•:
:Too overprotective :
*Oh ...Peter*
Hi da... i mean mr.stark
Chapter 7:Holy cow
I'm just worried
I'm then who..?!
Protect cinnamon roll
The shake up
Overprotective superfamily
My baby :stony: son peter
Story of uncle Ben
Frustrated ๏ฟผ
Peter singing
Headaches hurt
I'm cold
Emotional break
I hate bullies
We will get through this together
:Bullying is not right :
The panic
The panic part 2
I forgot
Giggle machine
Ice skating .gone wrong
Peter not feel
Disney world
๏ฟผ aww
Everything's gonna be OK
Sick days
Bashful ๏ฟผ
Backflip oh no
No coffee
Breakfast ๏ฟผ
Passes out
That hurt
I hit my head
Happy peter
Road trip
Well, take care of you
Bad morning
I'm so.. tired
Shaky part 2
I forgot my web shooters
Stressing out
Separation anxiety
The stars are shining like my eyes
First time walking
The Spider-Bite
Superfamily Health Scare
Superfamily Sleepover
When Peter Falls Ill
Be more careful
Believe in yourself
Title: Breathless
A Superfamily's Support
Road to Recovery
Lego land
A Superhero Smile
A Night to Remember - Peter's Prom Dmma
Peter's First Date
A Christmas
A Wild Ride with the Avengers Superfamily
Resting on Iron's Lap
Genius Playtime
Family Matters
Age-Flipping Avengers Celebrate Victory.
Title: Bambino
Title: Bambino (Part 2)
Title: Superfamily Easter Fun
Title: "A Super Cinco de Mayo"
Title: A Mother's Day to Remember
Title: Memorial Day
Title: "Sparks and Senses"
Title: "Fizzing Fun on National Root Beer Float Day"
Title: "Of Crushes and Confessions"
Title: "Spicy Surprises"
Title: "Guardians of the Superfamily: In the Face of Adversity"
Title: A Pup-tastic Request
Title: "Coffee Talks in the Superfamily Household"
Title: Family Matters
Title: "A Super Birthday Surprise"
Title: The Wisdom Teeth Woes
Title: Teenage Troubles
Title: Superfamily to the Rescue
Title: The Truth Behind the Arc Reactor
Title: Superfamily Tech Troubles
Title: A Superfamily Treat
Title: A Superfamily Haircut
Title: A Day in the Life of the Avengers Superfamily
Title: A Family's Care
Title: A Sticky Situation
Title: A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Title: A Day at Universal Studios
Title: A Father's Comfort
Title: A Superfamily Snack Run
Title: Sugar Rush Shenanigans
Title: A Day at the Pool
Title: Peter's Dental Dilemma
Title: Sleepless Night
Title: Family Allergies
Title: A Stark Family Conference
Title: Allergic Avengers


17 0 0
By Aaliyah548400

Sure, here's the fanfic:

IronDad Tony and Papa Steve were in the living room with their Superfamily and a few of their Avenger friends. They had just finished watching a movie, and everyone was chatting and laughing as they discussed their favorite parts.

Suddenly, Peter's face fell, and tears began to well up in his big, innocent eyes. He buried his face in his hands and began to sob uncontrollably.

Concerned, Tony and Steve immediately rushed over to comfort their son. "Peter, what's wrong? Talk to us," Tony said gently.

Peter looked up at his dads with tearful eyes. "I...I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying. There's just so much going on and...I can't handle it."

Tony and Steve exchanged a worried glance. They did their best to comfort Peter, holding him tight and letting him know that it was okay to cry and to feel overwhelmed sometimes.

The rest of the Superfamily and their friends gathered around as well, offering words of support and comfort. Bucky brought Peter a tissue, while Happy made a cup of hot cocoa to help soothe his nerves.

Hulk put a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder. "It's okay to feel scared sometimes, Peter. Even we adults feel that way, but we push through it because we have each other."

Nick Fury chimed in, "And we'll always be here for you, Peter. No matter what."

Slowly, with the love and support of his Superfamily around him, Peter began to calm down. His tears faded away, and he began to smile once more, feeling loved and protected in the arms of his family.

As they all settled down into a circle on the floor, Tony and Steve knew that this was what being a family was all about. They would do anything for their son Peter, and they knew that their Superfamily and friends felt the same way. Together, they were unstoppable, and they would always be there for each other through the good times and the bad.

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