King of the hero's |My hero a...

By _kosu_

91.1K 1.5K 1.3K

In this timeline, Izuku Midoriya was born with the Gum Gum quirk, which allows him to stretch and blow up his... More

My rubbery quirk
Training with All Might
The UA entrance exam
Class A's introduction
Gum Gum vs Santōryū
Class A's battles and leader
The USJ incident Part 1
The USJ incident Part 2
Sports festival preparations
The obstacle course
A kids game????
A Perfect Duo
A burning family
Uraraka's Will
Gum Gum vs Diable Jambe
An Immovable Object vs An Unstoppable Force
The sports festival's winner
A King's Meal
A deal with the devil
Class A's interships
Kodomo Yūsutasu and The Old Man
Deku's Bizarre Adventure
A Burning Friend
The calm before the storm
The Hero Killer Stain
A New Dawn
Class A's Reunion
The Final Exam
Class A's Resolve
A Fateful Encounter
The Summer Camp
His Hero
A lost friend
Tomura's Master
All Might vs All For One
Gifted blades
Akuyaku Gakkō
The hero licensing exam
Izuku Midoriya Vs Katsuki Bakugo
The Big Three
David's Mistake
Chisaki's Deal
The Lagoon Squad
The Lagoon Squad vs The League of Villains
The Deku Agency's Will
Kai "Overhaul" Chisaki
Lemillion's Rage
Shigaraki's Message
Unexpected Reunions
Hidden Talent
A New Threat
A Gentle Man
A Bouncy Battle
The Number Two Hero: Endeavour
Tomura's Statement
Class 1-A's Tournament
Class A's Decisive battles
Class A's Decision
Distant Memories
Intermission Chapter [Explanation on all of my OC's]
Poking The Bear
Australia's Last Hope
The WhiteStache Agency
The Justice Association
Loose Ends

Three Girls One Rabbit And Guardian Dog

1.3K 22 13
By _kosu_

"Where are they... Midnight-sensei said they would be easy to spot but-Oh wait, HEY YOU THREE!" A strawberry-haired girl called out, waving at her juniors.

Looking at each other, the three girls nodded and then walked over to the yelling teen. "You're Mawata Fuwa right?" Ashido asked the average-sized girl.

"Mhm, yes I am. Follow me you guys, I'll take you to see Mirko." The girl smiled, walking over to the elevator. Close behind, the girls followed, entering the elevator with their senpai. "So are you guys excited?" Fuwa questioned, trying to make things less awkward.

"Yeah I am, Mirko has been my favourite hero since I was a kid, she was one of my main inspirations," Mina answered, fangirling over her favourite hero.

"That's so cool, and what about you two?" She pointed toward the quiet Uraraka and Yaoyorozu.

"Well... okay I'm gonna say it, I'm a big fan! I'm just scared she might not like me." Ochaco revealed, making Mawata laugh.

"Don't worry, I was just like you when I first interned here. Just be yourself and she'll love you." Fuwa reassured her junior.

"Thanks." Uraraka exhaled, patting her chest.

"And you?" The grey-eyed girl said, looking at the mature-looking teen.

"Mirko is cool, I like her work. I want her to teach me new techniques and to improve in general. After my last performance, I'm not happy with myself." The girl bluntly responded. "But aside from that, I'm intrigued to know if she's ever killed anyone with those huge thighs. I've seen her use them in combat so I'm curious." Momo thought out loud, making everyone in the elevator look at her in a weird way.

"Why would you want to know that?" Ochaco questioned her friend with a worried look on her face.

"It's Yaoyorozu, you should know that she thinks of weird creepy things all the time." Mina reminded the brunette.

"Oh, so she asks funny questions like that all the time? I think I'm gonna like you Yaoyorozu." Fuwa laughed, grabbing Yaoyorozu's shoulder.

"My question wasn't really funny, I'm just curious." The girl sighed, taking a book out of her pocket and opening it.

"I guess that's the drawback of being so smart, you know all the important stuff so you need to know all of the extra stuff that nobody asks about." Mina theorised, jumping when the elevator suddenly stopped.

"You have arrived." The automated voice spoke, opening the doors once it was done with its announcement.

Walking out of the metal box, the girls spotted a stressed Mirko. "ARGH, WHY DO I KEEP LOSING!" The hero yelled, throwing her controller on the floor. Looking around in frustration her eyes locked onto the four girls standing near her elevator. "Mawata, training room, NOW!" The hero demanded, leaping from her couch to the training room doors.

"Erm... is that normal?" Ashido asked her senpai.

"Yeah, whenever she plays games this usually happens, Mirko's an actual ranked pro at fighting games so she's really passionate about them. Anyway, follow me, our little spar could show you something." Mawata informed them, walking into the training room.

Slipping out of her school uniform, Fuwa put on her hero outfit, swinging her club around before slamming it on the floor. "You ready?" The pro asked while finishing her stretch.

"Yeah, I'm ready when you are." The hero in training smirked, taking a battle stance.

"Alright, let's FIGHT!" Mirko declared, pouncing at her student. In retaliation, Fuwa gripped her Kanabo, jumping at Mirko to meet her in the middle. The result of both of their actions lead to a clash, which showed the more dominant one out of the two of them.

"I'm catching up to you Mirko," Mawata smirked, struggling to match Mirko's power.

"Yeah right kid, how about you take THIS!" Mirko fired back, spinning around and using her other leg to kick her Kanabo, launching the teen across the room.

Although the force of the kick was hard, it was aimed at her Kanabo, lessening the impact of the kick, and allowing the girl to regain her feet after sliding for a moment. "Damn it, I'm gonna have to transform." Mawata sighed, morphing herself into a half-animal, half-human hybrid.

"Woah! She can transform into a dog?" Ashido pointed out, making Yaoyozoru intrigued.

"She looks very reminiscent of the Guardian Deity Dog I read about a few years back. That's very interesting." Momo rambled, analysing Fuwa's form.

"Didn't take you much to transform, it seems like you want to impress the new girls." The dark-skinned hero smirked, darting around the room to confuse her opponent.

"She's testing me, all I have to do is close my eyes and... HYA!" Closing her eyes to gain composure, Fuwa was able to see Mirko's next move, swinging her Kanabo at the incoming Mirko.

"Nice, you even added some advanced armament to that swing, unfortunately, you're not hitting me!" Mirko informed the girl, grabbing onto her Kanabo and swinging herself around it to land a devastating kick to Mawata's face, dazing her. "I'm not done!" Following up on her previous kick, Mirko landed two more powerful kicks on Mawata's stomach, sending the high school student flying into the wall behind her.

Struggling to get up, Mawata realised that she didn't get to protect herself properly from Mirko's onslaught, using her Kanabo to get up. "I didn't get to use my ice armour in time, I should apply it now." She mumbled to herself, creating a layer of ice to protect herself.

"Ready for more?" Mirko smiled, getting ready to pounce.

"Shut up you stupid bunny, I'm ready, come and at me." She invited, taking a deep breath.

"Oh the bitch has decided to pipe up, I'll make sure to put you in your place!" Mirko chuckled, dashing at the teen.

As Mirko dashed at her, Fuwa closed her eyes and realised that Mirko wasn't baiting her and was going to clash. In response to this move, she covered her Kanabo in ice and swung her club, clashing with Mirko once again. This time, Fuwa was able to overpower the hero, knocking her away. This may have thrown the pro hero for a moment, but that was not enough to stop the hero's onslaught.

Regaining her footing, Mirko pounced around the room once again, but at a much faster speed than before. Due to this, Fuwa was forced to close her eyes once again, focusing even harder. "She's going to come now!" She thought out loud, jumping in the air to dodge the incoming kick, which broke the ground. "Take this! YGGDRASIL'S DOOM!" She yelled, slamming her Kanabo down toward the pro. Unfortunately, Mirko was able to get out of the way in time, leaving Mawata alone in the cloud created by the groundbreaking. "Wait I didn't hit her?" The girl asked herself, looking around confused while wiping away the smoke.

Noticing that her opponent is confused, Mirko rushed back into the smoke, finding Mawata. "Hey kid, hold this." She cockily suggested, wrapping her thighs around her student's head.

"You guys can see through the smoke right?" Yaoyozoru smirked.

"Oh God, your question might be answered." Ashido rolled her eyes, adjusting her infrared glasses.

"Mirko wai-" Before Fuwa could finish her cry for help, Mirko had already placed her hands on the floor, allowing herself to slam Mawata's head into the ground, removing her legs from the girl once the attack was successful.

"Whew! Now that was a good workout." She smiled, dusting her hands off. As she walked away from her unconscious intern student, she locked eyes with her new students, walking over to them. "Sorry for the scary introduction girls, I promise I'm only like that with Mawata." She informed them, making Ochaco sigh in relief. "Anyway girls, tell me about yourselves. I know you guys, but I don't at the same time. Like you Ashido, you have a really wild and cool fighting style with your acid. Oh, and Uraraka your quirk is really special, if you weren't facing someone who's more battle oriented you would've won. Lastly, Yaoyozoru, your quirk is really strong, I'm a big fan of all three of you. I can't wait to make you super strong female heroes." The dark-skinned woman rambled.

"You really think my fighting style is cool?!" Mina giddily asked.

"She said my quirk was special... I think I'm gonna faint." Ochaco celebrated.

"Mhm so if my quirk is strong but I'm not one of the strongest, I have to be using it wrong," Momo spoke, thinking of different ways to use her quirk creation quirk.

"Wow you girls really do talk a lot, how about we sit down and have a chat? It'll be easier for me to learn about you guys that way." Mirko recommended, gesturing for the girls to follow her.

"But what about Fuwa-senpai?" Uraraka asked, worried about her senpai.

"She'll be okay, she's a really durable dog." The hero reassured her, opening the door to leave the training room.

Once they were all sat down at a table, Mirko told them that she wanted to address each of them one by one, pointing out their flaws and what they could improve.

"Okay so-" But before Mirko could begin, Fuwa left the training room, holding her head.

"I hate you." She growled, slightly morphing her mouth.

"You don't mean that, now come and sit." The dark-skinned rabbit smirked, mocking her student.

Sitting next to the raven-haired junior, Mawata sighed. "Are you going over their weaknesses/flaws and what they could do to cover them up?" She wondered, gaining a nod. "Let me do it, I can explain it far better than you," Fuwa suggested, gaining another nod from her part-time Sensei.

"Go ahead, I'll happily sit back and listen." Mirko smiled.

"Okay, I should start with... Uraraka." Fuwa decided, shifting her focus onto the squishy-cheeked brunette. "My advice to you is, just get stronger. So train your haki, especially your observation haki. The reason I'm telling you to train your haki is that people can resist your quirk if your haki is too weak. For instance, touch Mirko and watch how easily she can resist your quirk." Mawata instructed.

Listening to her senior, Uraraka touched Mirko and uttered. "Float." Making the number five hero float.

"Woah this feels weird." Mirko laughed before flexing her haki, breaking free of Ochaco's control.

"Wait so is that with every quirk or certain quirks?" Mina inquired.

"This only happens with certain quirks. If a quirk makes you lose the ability to use your will, you'll be unable to counter it." She replied.

"Well Midoriya was able to break out of a quirk that made him unable to move on his own, wouldn't that mean he lost his will when the quirk activated?" In response to Yaoyozoru's question, Fuwa shook her head.

"Midoriya most likely had the ability to think while being instructed by the owner. That means he could still use his haki, Midoriya wasn't completely unconscious when being controlled so that's probably why he was able to break out." Fuwa explained, answering her curious junior's question. "But back to Uraraka. Aside from strengthening your Haki in general and focusing on your observation, there's nothing really much more to do. Your quirk is really potent so you should focus on it. Your role in battle should be a support, who disrupts the enemy and can end a battle in one shot if given the chance." Mawata said, making Ochaco think back to her battle with Bakugo.

"So if I were to train my Haki to be really strong, I could defeat even Bakugo and Midoriya?" She thought out loud, gaining a smile from both Fuwa and Mirko.

"Of course, it's like I said before. Your quirk is really special. Being able to tap someone and send them flying out of the battle zone is a very strong quirk, can you control where the person goes or only how high they float?" Mirko wondered, making the girl excited.

"Both, but I can only move small rubble, if I wanted to move something big, I would have to grab it and move it." She answered, making the pro think of the things she could do.

"If we're thinking outside of battle, you would be a very good rescue hero. You'll be able to stop buildings from falling on people and other massive structures/objects. Wait hold up, do you have a limit to what you can hold?" Fuwa questioned her junior.

"There's a limit, but I'm working on increasing it," Ochaco told her senior.

"Mhm, well my advice to you would be to; increase how much you can levitate, focus on your observation haki and your haki in general. Also if you want to learn some fighting moves, me and the rabbit will be happy to help you out." Mawata instructed her brunette junior. "Okay next is Yaoyozoru," Mawata said, shifting her focus to the dark-haired junior. "Now Yaoyozoru, your quirk is so versatile for how tunnel-visioned you think. For example, in the Tokoyami fight, you could've made a jet pack as soon as the fight started. If you would've done that, you could've figured out his weakness from a far better position and reigned down many things. For instance, you could've created a gun that has needle bullets. That could've scared him. You could've used a lightsaber in that battle too, I heard the top cooperations in the support world just made their seventh lightsaber. You could've gotten the schematics and learned to create it with your quirk." Fuwa rambled, making everyone there aside from Yaoyozoru bored.

"I see..." Yaoyozoru nodded.

"Aside from your quirk, you should learn both Haki types and become really good with both of them. Your quirk is far too versatile for me to go over most scenarios, but I'm gonna tell you what you should use in battle and what your role should be." Mawata continued, clearing her throat to ramble even further. "When you're in battle, always make sure to have the schematics of your teammates' weapons or armour on you or in your head, this is good for obvious reasons, but I don't think I need to explain why. For yourself, you could have a gun, sword or shield to defend or attack. With a gun, you could make it shoot gas bullets which would knock out the opponent on contact or with a sword you could use it like a swordsman would. In battle, I think you should be a support who can fight if needed. For instance, you could repair your teammate's things and provide them with bandages. You could even be a far-range sniper who shoots gas bullets that infects the whole area." Mawata blurted.

"Mhm, I see, thank you. Well, there's something not many people know, but once I've created something once I always remember it. So I'll be able to make weapons much easier. Thank you for your advice, I'll be using it to improve myself." Momo bowed before opening her phone and searching for new schematics she could use.

"No worries, now onto Ashido." Fuwa smiled, waking up the sleeping Ashido.

"Ah yes, me yes me." She yawned.

"Well if I'm being honest, I feel like as a fighter you're very smart. You use your quirk in creative ways and have good battle sense. If I were you, I would improve on controlling your acid and making sure it isn't as messy. Aside from that, I'm pretty sure I used you use your acid in every way it could be used so, I think you should focus on your Haki. Either one is fine, but become efficient in both, it'll be to your benefit." Mawata concluded, heavily exhaling.

"Oi dog, you forgot conquerors, those girls could get it. Even you have it." Mirko reminded Fuwa, making the pink-haired girl sit back up.

"Conquerors is hard to teach, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Anyway, since we're on the topic of it, we should make sure you guys understand the 'use your will to protect you statement.' That statement is referring to conquerors, which is why so many people struggle to unlock armament and use it correctly. The right explanation for armament is, to imagine there is a sheet of armour that is covering your skin and protecting yourself. This explanation should make unlocking armament a lot easier. Once you've learned that, you can use it for offensive since it enhances your attacks or you can use it defensively, using it to block and such. The higher grades require you to feel the flow of your haki, so if you wanted to transfer your haki to your weapon or an object, you would need to transfer it there. The flow can also be used as a way to bypass another person's Haki or tough skin to damage their internals, but that's a discussion for another day." Mawata explained, captivating her junior's attention's.

"So how come Kirishima was able to use armament before any of us?" Mina wondered.

"He's the hardening boy correct?" Fuwa asked the girls, gaining a nod. "Well since his quirk is extremely similar to the most basic version of armament, he must've realised that using your will was the wrong way of thinking about it and done what I just explained. As I said, armament's basic version is just hardening so for someone like him it should be second nature." She answered.

"That makes perfect sense. So if I'm correct, the difference between the higher level of Conquerors and Armament is; one uses your will to coat yourself and the other one is like a sheet of black armour that you gain from 'hardening' yourself?" The dark-haired girl asked.

"Yes and observation is just sensing where someone is, this can include their intentions and many other things," Fuwa replied. "Armament is very easy to learn compared to Conquerors. I'm learning how to coat my weapons in my will right now, but it's very stressful. Having to ooze my will and then use it to cover my weapon is tiresome, it's hard to physically manifest your will and constantly use it. It's way easier to just impose it on someone." She sighed, remembering her training.

"Don't worry, just like Armament and Observation became pretty easy to use regularly, you'll learn how to use it pretty regularly like most of the top heroes," Mirko reassured her student, petting her head as if she were in her dog form. "Anyway, I'm hungry, we should get something to eat and get to know each other some more. The more we know each other, the better training and the patrols will be." Mirko reasoned, pulling out her phone to order food.

"Do you eat anything apart from ordered food?" Fuwa sighed.

"Yeah I do, you're not here, usually Nejire is here." The dark-skinned hero smirked.

"That's because she makes the food, you're pretty much useless in the kitchen." Fuwa rolled her eyes, gaining a laugh from the three freshmen.

For the rest of the day, the girls chatted amongst themselves and had fun, building a new bond that will be pivotal in the near future.

(End of chapter. How did you guys like the buffs I gave to Momo's and Ochaco's quirks in this chapter? I thought they would be necessary moving forward since the level of everyone is pretty high so why not make the odds even?

Did you guys like the introduction of Mawata Fuwa? She's actually the only second-year student who's a canon character in the anime and manga. We don't know her quirk so I gave her Yamato's. Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter, the next one should come out soon so don't worry.)



Mawata Fuwa

Mawata Fuwa (hero costume) *chill on my editing, I tried man...*

Mawata Fuwa (hybrid)

Mawata Fuwa (Full transformation)

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