Our Love Story • Luka Couffai...

By alazyass_

55.9K 2K 356

"Wow Your Sneakers are awesome! Did you decorate them yourself?" "Yeah! I've written every nice thing that a... More

|Author's Note|
|Chapter 1|
|Chapter 2|
|Chapter 3|
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|Chapter 6|
|Chapter 7|
|Chapter 8|
|Chapter 9|
|Chapter 10|
|Chapter 11|
|Chapter 12|
|Chapter 14|
|Chapter 15|
|Chapter 16|
|Chapter 17|
|Chapter 18|
|Chapter 19|
|Chapter 20|
|Chapter 21|
|Chapter 22|
|Chapter 23|
|Chapter 24|
|Chapter 25|
|Chapter 26|
|Chapter 27|
|Chapter 28|
|Chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|Chapter 31|
|Chapter 32|
|Chapter 33|
|Chapter 34|
|Chapter 35|
|Final Author's Note|

|Chapter 13|

1.5K 63 11
By alazyass_


(Y/N) found herself in a creative slump. As an aspiring writer, she often sought inspiration from the world around her.

On this particular evening, she decided to take a walk outside, hoping that the fresh air and the beauty of nature would spark her imagination once more.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape.

(Y/N) wandered along a scenic path, surrounded by lush greenery and the gentle sound of rustling leaves.

Birds chirped happily in the trees, adding a melodious backdrop to the peaceful ambiance.

As (Y/N) strolled deeper into the park, she stumbled upon a hidden gem—a quiet garden tucked away from the bustling city.

The garden was adorned with vibrant flowers of all colors, their sweet fragrance perfuming the air. It was a tranquil oasis that seemed to invite creativity.

(Y/N) stepped inside the garden, admiring the beauty that surrounded her.

She found a bench nestled under a blooming

tree and decided to sit there, hoping to find inspiration in the serenity of the moment.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, a familiar voice broke the silence.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

The voice was oddly familiar, she couldn't mistake that voice for anyone else's. (Y/N) turned and saw Viperion, her new friend and instant crush.

Blush quickly soared her cheeks as she drinks in the sight of him. She was certain that she'd meet him again, but so soon after the Eiffel tower incident?

"Yes, it truly is." (Y/N) coughed, "I was hoping to find some inspiration here, but it seems to elude me."

Viperion smiled, his eyes sparkling with understanding.

He felt lucky, absolutely lucky to find her wandering about again. She looked alone, and her eyes gleamed with something hidden beneath them.

It's what intrigued Viperion in the first place, her eyes, the windows to her soul.

He was a bit embarrassed to admit, but he may or may not have been looking for her for these past few days.

And now she was right there Infront of him, and he wasn't sure how to start a conversation.

He then heaves out, "Sometimes, inspiration comes when we least expect it. Perhaps it's not about searching for it, but rather allowing it to find you."

"That sounds like something Master Oogway would say." (Y/N) deadpanned.

"But it's the truth."

His words resonated with (Y/N), and they leaned back against the bench, their eyes fixed on the dance snow white petals as they gently fell to the ground.

Then suddenly, Viperion asked her, "Can you tell me more— Of the stories you write, I mean."

(Y/N) immediately opened up to him, sharing her dreams and aspirations.

Her desire to transport readers to magical worlds, to weave tales of love, adventure, and self-discovery.

The time flew by in a blur. (Y/N) and Luka sat on one of the benches with (Y/N) animatedly telling him one of her tales as Luka listens with all ears.

"No way? Then what'll happens to Luciana?" Luka listen to (Y/N) with intent anticipation.

"I... Have no idea yet." (Y/N) grumbled.

He wasn't one that typically reads dozens of books in a day— But the way (Y/N) tells her tales draws him in.

Her shared passion for tales quickly became apparent. They spent hours discussing books, legends, and their favorite stories.

Viperion was captivated by (Y/N)'s vivid descriptions and her ability to bring characters to life with her words.

He had indeed, never met anyone quite like her.

"They got together in the end, of course! I never write sad endings." (Y/N) huffed proudly.

As (Y/N) finished her tale, she noticed a change in Viperion's expression. His cheeks flushed with a gentle warmth, and his gaze held a newfound tenderness.

Sensing the shift in the air, (Y/N) smiled softly, her heart aflutter with anticipation.

"How'd you like the story so far?" She asked him.

"Your stories are more than words on a page," Viperion confessed, his voice filled with awe. "They have become the soundtrack of my heart, (Y/N)."

Viperion quickly caught himself, teal eyes wide with surprise and bewilderment. His gaze quickly falters as he turns his head away from (Y/N).

He wasn't thinking straight, his heart was merely doing its own thing.

Fortunately, he caught himself before he was able to say anything stupid, "I have fallen deeply in love with y— Your stories! Yes!"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened with surprise and delight. She had not expected such a confession, but she was happy that Viperion was taking such an interest in her work.

"Really? That's great!" She beams brightly at him.

Viperion found himself falling deeply in love with (Y/N). However, he knew he had to hide his feelings from her.

Being a Miraculous holder, Viperion follow a strict code that forbade him from revealing his true identities to anyone.

Viperion couldn't risk compromising his secret or endangering his mission by revealing his love for (Y/N).

If he were in different shoes— His normal shoes, Viperion would go all in to show (Y/N) his love and dedication for her.

But then he's realized that she isn't really fond of him in civilian form— (Y/N) only knew him civilian form as that one weirdo who she keeps bumping into.

Despite his inner turmoil, Viperion couldn't resist the allure of (Y/N)'s stories.

Each story she told only deepened his affection for her, and he cherished every minute he spent in her presence.

The nature that surrounded them turned dim, and only the soft light of the street lamps and the sound of the wind accompanied them.

The more time Viperion spent with her, the more he's realized how passionate and interesting she was.

(Y/N) was like a breath of fresh air, and Viperion was a starved man who desperately needed his air.

He never wanted their time spent together to come to an end. Viperion wished to the heavens above that their conversation would never end.

Unfortunately, the sound of his bracelet beeping halted the twos conversation to a halt. (Y/N) jolted at the sound, and blush immediately flushed her face.

"That scared me. Is that the thingy you use to transform?" (Y/N) scoots closer to examine his bracelet, but all Viperion could think of was how close they were.

The proximity was suffocating him, but it was the kind of suffocation that he didn't mind at all.

He inhaled the scent of her, something so intoxicating that he was immediately addicted. Blush soared his cheeks, but then he heaves out a small sigh.

"It's my miraculous. Unfortunately, I need to go now." Viperion grumbled out, the tone of disappointment avail in his voice.

(Y/N) also looked slumped, but she quickly retorted, "Then I'll see you later?"

Those very words gave Viperion a slight tinge of hope. Maybe, just maybe— He can pull this off.

With a heavy heart, Viperion turns to gaze (Y/N)'s mesmerising pools of wonder, before turning back and preparing to launch himself.

"Yeah. See you later, (Y/N)." He smiles.

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