Broken Angel 💔💘

By Theoptimist011

238 53 5

What if it turns out that your whole life, you have been deceived by those you love and cherish and what if t... More

Broken 💔
To my readers ❤
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen (The End)

Chapter Fifteen

4 2 0
By Theoptimist011

         "What happen?" Ummukhaleesat said when she saw Aidah sipping on a glass of coffee past midnight. "You daughter kicked me out of her room" She replied innocently looking down at her coffee her eyes strained with tears. "You said it would be fine Aidah"  "Yh I did, I just wanted to see the intensity of her hatred for me. The fact that it hurts this much is driving me insane". "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you dear. I know it's not easy to forget all the difficulties you went through because of me but I hope you can give me a chance to prove to you just how much I care".  "I need a phone"  Aidah said ignoring her pleas. "Sure, I will make an order. You can sleep in my room for today"  "No thank you, thats not necessary" She said heading back to Khaleesats room.  She tugged her hair behind her ear as she laid beside her on the bed. Suddenly, Khaleesat started muttering cursed words in her sleep crying in the process. Aidah held her closer murmuring soothing words as she rubbed her shoulders gently but her body continued to shake violently. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and her body gradually became hot. Looking around the room, she was lucky to find a neat towel which she folded, soaked with water and pressed against Khaleesats forehead. After sometime, her temperature was back to normal. She was taken aback as she stared at Aidah. "How do you feel now?" The later said ignoring her expression.  "That's absolutely none of your business" She fired with so much hatred. "I thought as much" Aidah said as she made her way towards the exit. She went to the parlour and slept off.


                        She yawned as she stretched. Checking her wrist watch, she was stunned to realize it was ten in the morning and instead of finding herself on the cushion she slept off, she found herself in a  wide room painted all pink. Muhsin appeared out of nowhere with breakfast in his hands. "Good morning beautiful" He said in his enticing voice as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She was about to say something when she fall off the cushion hurting her knees. It was all a dream. "Damn it!!" She cursed studying her knees.

            Aidah hissed as she hurriedly picked up her phone following  it's continuous vibration against her skin. "Lord of heavens!!! 20 missed calls". Her aim was to pour out her anger to the person disturbing her peaceful sleep. It was past 11 for God sake. Why would someone be up by that time of the night?.  She was about to rain abuses on the person but stopped dead when the person on the phone spoke first. "HEY" He called out in a hoarse tone. "Hey, what are you still doing by this time of the night?." She said like a mother scolding her three year old child.  "Well... I'm at a bar trying to get you off my head but it's not working you know... As usual". She could sense he was drunk from the way he was speaking. "Muhsin are you drunk?,  I mean when did you start drinking?"  "When I realized you're his to behold not mine. What exactly I'm I to you Aidah? , Oh Yh, I'm your saviour. I'm only here to wipe away your tears but not to share in your happiness. I share with you your sorrows but you run back to him once you're stable. The thought is sickening. And that's why I've decided. I'm leaving because I can't stand it anymore. He doesn't deserve you but you're never going to realize that fact. Anyways.... Goodnight. Te amare haste la eternidad( I will love you till eternity)".  "Hold on Muhsin,  which bar are you right now?"  "HIDEOUT"  "I'm on my way there so can you please stop drinking?"   "Okay love ,anything for you" He replied in his drunken voice hanging up.  She had to be there as soon as possible but how to get there was the problem. She had no car or her own and she was definitely not going to ask for one and Khaleesat won't help her out for sure not after what happened the other day when she fall off the cushion. She was scolded by her own father when he found out that she had kicked her out of her room. She decided to sneak into one of the drivers room and ask for car keys which she successfully did.

               There he was lying back on his chair, his eyes closed. His hair was messy yet he still looked beautiful. He must've felt her presence because he looked up to meet her gaze when she was few inches away from him. He smiled and she smiled too as if everything was okay but it was far from it. He stood up and strolled towards her taking her by surprise as he hugged her so tight as if it was his last task on earth.  "Muhsin, you're drunk"  She said pushing against him but her strength was nothing compared to his.  "Stay here for a while" He mumbled before backing away from her. "You look beautiful as always" He said smiling sheepishly making tears form in her blue eyes. He looked so helpless. "Why are you doing this to yourself?"  She asked muffling her sobs. "No. I think your question should be,  Why are you doing this to me?"   "I'm sorry"  She apologized her tears breaking through.

           "Pain",  It brushed through her like electric waves making beads of sweats form on her forehead. Going into his kitchen,  she helped  herself with a glass of water trying to cool down her racing heart,  as if it would work. Besides she knew it wouldn't.  "The number you've dialed is not reachable at the moment" was all she kept hearing as she dialed his number. Why this feeling though, why feel so broken just because he's leaving. She hated the feeling to the core. But his words kept replaying in her head just like when you watch a movie and can't get over an interesting part.  Shit!!!!, LOVE?, it can't be. It's something she  feels only towards one person in the universe and that's Najib. "Arghh" She cried out holding her head between her palms rolling back her tears.  "Why don't you just leave" He spoke behind her bringing her out of her reverie. "He was here afterall,  He didn't leave"  She said to herself approaching him.  "Muhsin" She started when she was breaths away from him. "Just leave" He said cutting her short. "Do me a favor by leaving this house now please!!!, I beg you"  He added running his hands through his messy but curly hair frustrated. "Do you hate me this much?" She whispered with her pain shot eyes. "Geez! Aidah no?" He replied confusion evident in his voice. "Then why are you asking me to leave, Why are you pushing me away desperately, why don't you want to look me in the eyes anymore?. She complained like a baby deprived of her milk,  surprised by her own reactions. "Stop being such a Bitch!" Her inner voice warned.  "You're making it hard to leave, and the more I find it hard leaving, the more I think of ways to make you mine and I'm definitely not going to do that cos I love my brother beyond your imagination. So just..... leave Aidah please. I need to think  straight for a moment. You know the way out don't you?" He said gesturing his hands towards the exit.    "I'm not leaving, why?, cos I love you"  She voiced out not minding the consequences of her actions.  "BITCH" her inner voice cursed.

      He stood,  speechless, his eyes glued on hers finding answers that were not in any way matched with her facial expression.  "Repeat what you just said" He said inhaling in a rush.  "Too late, I've got my answers"  She mouthed finding her way out only to be held back aggressively and pushed against the wall. "Where do you think you're going?" He growled.  "Home" She replied innocently.  "Stop behaving as if you didn't just......."  He stopped finding it hard to complete his statement. "I needed to check out something, I thought I had feelings for you but then,  turns out it's just my heart  playing games with me. I'm sorry if I sounded sincere"  She explained". Hurt, confusion, was all she could make out in his expression. Backing away, he strode lazily towards his bedroom, dimmed the lights and laid on his king sized bed. Deep down he wanted to scream, break all the flower vases in the room or hit his hand Severally on the wall until it bleeds. That was his own way of releasing his tension but he couldn't do that. Not when she was inches away from him listening to his every move. Or maybe she was gone already.
"Footsteps" He sensed her coming closer to his bed, shut his eyes pretending to be asleep. Then he felt her move the bedsheet and she gently covered him up like a baby before whispering "GOODBYE" into his ears.  "Please don't leave" He wished he could say but that would only make him weak. So he laid still waiting for her to leave and just when she did, he rose and started destroying  his bedroom, broke the flower vases, screamed until his lungs dried out and punched his hand on the wall until it bled. But it refused to subside, the anger.

              "Hey love, you done?" Najib coaxed so sweetly over the phone, she found herself blushing in return.  "Nope, not yet, 40 minutes to go"   "OK, I will just round up then. What would you like for dinner?"    "Anything light"   "You mean.... Anything light?, even if it's not food"   "Yh"    "How about a kiss then?"   "bad boy"  She giggled  before hanging up.
It's been months since Muhsin left the country. Najib tried as much as possible to stop him but he was adamant on his decision. Aidah did felt a bit sad when he left, but it was all for the best.
Few days after he left, She was was assigned the new CEO of her father's company. Of course things were not going on well with her sister but it was just a matter of time. She would open up to her when the time is right. Her phone vibrated against her skin. "Hi"  Was it her or her vision playing games with her.  Khaleesat sent her a message. No No No,  something must be wrong with her phone, maybe if fell off without her notice and now it's messing up. "Hi"  She replied with shaky hands.  "Would you like to go out for dinner with me?".  She stared at the message again and again before rebooting her phone just to be sure and Yh it was her sister writing casually to her as they've been friends all along.  "It's OK if you don't want to"  Khaleesat added before going offline.

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