Angel of Fire

By quinn_between_

12K 256 14

Katherine Helen Swan is a relatively normal teen until her sister becomes involved in the business of vampire... More

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By quinn_between_

"You're 22 weeks which is 5 months," Carlisle said in shock.

"What? No. Measure again. I've only ever been with, Jake. And I can assure you it wasn't 5 months ago," Katherine shook her head.

"I know. Last I measured it was at 10 weeks. It shouldn't have grown this fast," Carlisle explained as he continued to examine the scans.

"Do you think the venom could have caused this?" Rosalie asked as she held Katherine's hand.

"It's no longer in her system. Almost like it was never there," Carlisle shook his head. "I couldn't even make a guess as to why your pregnancy sped up."

"Let's hope it goes back to normal growth rate. Cause it'd be awful to try and explain to Charlie. I guess for now It's fine. Everyone will just think me and Jake were together 5 months ago," Katherine sighed.

"On the bright side, I know the gender. Would you like to know?" Carlisle turned to Katherine with a smile.

"Yes, a thousand times yes," Katherine nodded with a smile.

"You're having a-"


"Have you picked any names?" Seth asked as he rubbed her back.

"No, I just found out the gender. I woke up today and found out I'm further along then I should be," Katherine sighed. "I should have listened to you about staying home that day. Then me and my little bear would be safe and normal. Well as normal as a child who's mother is a witch and father is a wolf could be."

"Try not to worry too much. Carlisle said the baby is healthy so everything is fine," Seth assured her.

"You should be mad at me," Katherine sighed.

"I'm happy if you're happy," Seth smiled.

"You're too good for this world, Seth,"Katherine kissed his cheek.

"Emily is making lunch, wanna go?" Seth asked as he held a hand out for Katherine.

"Um, yes. Is that even a question. I've been craving her food like crazy," Katherine said as she stood up. "Still no word on Jake?"

"No. Sam says to just give him space," Seth said.

"Space," Katherine sighed. "Let's go."


"So um, you think Bella's gonna be showing?" Jessica asked.

"Jess, she is not pregnant," Angela scolded.

"Okay. Who else gets married at 18?" Jessica said as Katherine walked past.

"Oh my God. Kit's pregnant," Jessica whispered to Angela.

Katherine took her place as the wedding began. The music began playing and everyone stood and faced the house. Bella began walking down the isle by Charlie's side. Bella looked beyond beautiful as she walked down the isle towards Edward. All eyes were on Bella as Charlie handed Bella over to Edward. The minister had everyone sit and he began speaking. He had them say their vows and exchange rings. They kissed and everyone began clapping. Katherine clung to Charlie as she noticed he was on the verge of tears.

It wasn't long after that the reception started. Bella and Edward greeted and thanked their guests as Katherine stayed close by Seth's side.

"Hey, man. Nice to see you," Seth greeted Edward. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you," Edward said with a smile.

"I hope you're happy, Bella," Billy said.

"Thank you, Billy," Bella said with a smile. "Have you heard from him?"

"I'm sure Jake wishes you the best," Billy said.

"Right," Katherine scoffed quietly.

"Kit," Seth shook his head.

"Well, I plan on getting drunk," Charlie spoke up causing chuckles from everyone. "They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne. Sue, can I get you a glass?"

"Sparkling fire water," Billy interrupted the two. "Sounds great."

Seth and Katherine followed Billy and Sue and Charlie followed behind them. Katherine notice Seth looking over at one of the vampires.

"Hey," Katherine smiled and took his hand.


Speeches began and Katherine couldn't help but cringe through them. She tried to ignore the Speeches as they went on. Bella had tried on multiple occasions to convince Katherine to give a speech but she would blame her lack of speech on the nausea caused by her baby.

Dancing began and Seth begged Katherine to dance with him she finally gave in after telling him she refused to wear her shoes any longer though.

"Jake's back," Katherine whispered to Seth. "He'll be lucky if I don't knock his teeth out. I'll let it slide since it's Bella's wedding."

"Just breathe. Don't get upset. It's not healthy for the baby," Seth said softly.

"I know," Katherine listened to the conversation outside. "Seth. Go. Now. Stop him from doing something stupid."

Katherine got out of sight of people before rushing outside to see Seth trying to pull Jacob away.

"Walk away, Jake," Seth struggled with Jacob.

Jacob shoved Seth off of him causing the younger wolf to fall over. Katherine ran over to Seth and helped him up as Embry and Quil struggled to pull Jacob away. Jacob shoved them away too before Sam spoke up.

"Enough, Jacob," Sam demanded.

"Stay out of this, Sam," Jacob warned.

"You're not gonna start something that we'll have to finish," Sam explained.

"She'll die," Jacob retorted.

"She's not our concern anymore," Sam said.

Jacob walked away and bumped Sam harshly as he passed him. Embry and Quil followed after Jacob. Sam turned to walk away.

"Let's go, Seth!" Sam demanded.

"He can stay with me, Sam. I'll make sure he gets home," Katherine nodded at Sam.

"Don't leave each others sides," Sam ordered before walking away.

"Let's go, Seth. Maybe we'll find my drunk dad," Katherine joked as she took his hand and walked back to the reception. As she passed Bella she placed a hand on her older sisters shoulder in a comforting manner before walking away with Seth.

Everyone had gathered in front of the house to see Edward and Bella off for their honeymoon. Katherine stood close with Seth. They both watched as Bella said her goodbyes to her parents.


Katherine could feel the pain Jacob was in. She couldn't sleep cause perhaps their child could feel it too.

Katherine breathed in then out as she closed her eyes. "Come on, little bear. I just want to get some sleep," Katherine rubbed a hand over her tummy only to have it kicked away.

"Can I?" Charlie asked as he stood in the doorway. "Bella used to give your mom a lot of trouble at night too."

Katherine nodded and Charlie placed his hand on her small bump. He began rubbing soothing circles and the baby began to calm down.

Katherine let out a yawn, "do you think Bella's really happy?"

"Yeah. Are you happy?" Charlie questioned as he tucked her into her bed.

"I think so," Katherine cuddled into her pillow. "I'd be really happy if my son would let me sleep peacefully."

Charlie chuckled before kissing Katherine on the forehead, "get some sleep, kiddo."


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