Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope...

By JaydenRIddles

13.5K 524 364

Y/n has had the misfortune of becoming popular at a young age. He hates it; the people; the popularity; all o... More

A Risk Worth Taking
Solar System Mission Is Ago!
Solar System Mission Is Ago! 2
Bros. Totally Bros. Straight. totally.
Bro's Before Hoes
Why & Space
The Realization/Movie Night
Magic...? 2.0
Fat Chance
Learning About Lloyd
Lloyd's Confrontation (Joke)
Out of Context (Joke)
Just a Glimpse
Now I Know
Coming Out
Bonding or Bondage?


307 10 9
By JaydenRIddles

"Daddy, I need help.." I said as I leaned against my dresser, feeling suddenly tired even though it was bearly noon. "Are you okay? Did something happen, kid," Dad inquired, his tough, deep voice rising in volume, showcasing his concern. "I um..." I gulped. "Kinda? It's not bad...but... it's... it's not exactly good either? I'm not sure how to explain it."
My dad was quiet for a bit and I knew he was thinking about what to say next. "Well...I have an hours break, think you could explain over an hour?"

I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh yeah, hundred percent."

So, I began to tell him, though, I wasn't quite sure how to explain all of it, so, I started out with my most recent discovery.

"What I'm about to tell you, you can't freak out about," I said abit hesitantly. My dad hummed on the other line, he was supposed to be coming home this weekend...I could just tell him then, but..I don't think this could wait. "So ummm..." I swallowed. Wow, this was harder then I thought it would be.

"I um...I made a friend.."

"Okay...why isn't that an entirely good thing?"

"I think I may like them."

I gulped. I knew what he would ask before he asked it. "Okay, ask her out." I took a deep breath. "Dad... it's umm... they're not a girl."

"Say again?"

"The person I think I like...he..he isn't a girl." I paused. I could feel myself tearing up and I was thinking of everything that was about to go wrong. I heard my dad open his mouth, due to the soft smack of his lips but I spoke before he could. "Dad I um...I don't think I'm straight. I thought I was, but...but he's perfect. It's like nothing else matters to me when I'm with him. But he's a reserved person, and he's almost always out of reach from me even when he's right next to me, and I like him. And I don't think he likes me, or if he even sees us as friends or...or if he likes me back."

The chances of Lloyd liking me back were slim. I didn't deny the fact that he may have an attraction to me, but attraction and romantic attraction are two different things. I don't think Lloyd liked me...I don't know if I would ever be able to even really reach him.

"I...I just realized I liked him yesterday, and I think I've known for awhile.. actually no. No I haven't. I've tried to think of other things, including Alyssa. I...I don't I love her anymore. I don't think I've loved her for awhile. But I...I don't know what to do," I said, my voice breaking slightly as I spoke. As I had been explaining, silent tears had began to fall. My nose had got stuffy and I was crying.

"Y/n, Y/n baby call down."

I sniffed.

"I think I understand what you're saying, and I'm booking my flight home right now. I just want you to know that I love you, and you being gay-"

"I'm not gay...I ummm.." I sighed.

"I don't know what I am dad. I mean, I could be Bi? Right now I'm just questioning."

"Well, you having a crush on a boy isn't gonna change the fact that I love you. I love you so much and I'll be home very, very soon."

I sniffed once again.

"Thanks daddy, I love you too," I said, letting out a quiet cry that slightly rocked my body.

I hung up.

I've always had a sense of security. A sense of who I was.

I've never needed anybody.


It's always been just me. My dad was mostly out of the house for business, my mom and (sibling/s) were out of the country and..and I'm by myself. Or, I was.

When Lloyd came along... it's like...it was like for a moment...I was able to need and rely on someone other then myself.


I started through the halls, joking with Alyssa and Chen. In two days, we would be going into highschool. "Have you heard,"  Chen asked suddenly. "Heard what," I asked, Alyssa hanging on my right arm as Chen walked along my right. "Lloyd Garmodon was punched into the lockers today. Wish I had gotten it on video!" Chen sighed. "Oh my gods and the black eye it left," Alyssa giggled. I stopped mid step, jerking Cadence slightly. "Alyssa, Chen what are y'all talking about? Is he hurt?" I hurried to ask, choosing to ignore how I caught myself calling Alyssa by her last name, Cadence.

"Well of course he's hurt Y/n," Alyssa smiled. "Yeah man, he's the ... he's the overlords son!" I blinked in surprise. "Wait, what?" I said in shock.  "Yeah man, it's going around the entire school! Apperantly his mom went all weird after he turned! His dad was...well, he was a ninja! " Chen said, stupidly moving his hands. "You mean a sensei," Alyssa corrected. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

I stared in front of me in slight shock.  I've heard of Lloyd before, he was one of the only gay people in school so things got around.

All of a sudden I smelled s'mores. I looked around, the scent alluring. I saw a blur of albino hair a few steps in front of me and stopped for a second. Lloyd? I wondered to myself. "Hey uhh, I need to use the bathroom real quick, I'll be back in a sec!" I said quickly, speed walking forward, followung after the blue of white hair. I only knew one person with hair like that, and it was Lloyd Garmodon.

I swerved a corner and saw him walking down a hall, his music book and a pair of drum sticks in his left hand. He looked down as he walked and my heart sped up a bit. Probably adrenaline from running, I thought. "Hey, uhh, Lloyd," I called out. He stopped and slightly turned his head to let me know he was listening. "I wanted to know if you were okay," I said softly, trying not to worry him. Chen is rude, I won't lie. But if Chen was being that rude about Lloyd's situation, I can only imagine what others are dahing or doing to him. Lloyd turned around, his emerald eyes wide. His pale skin shimmered as if covered in highlighter powder, and his lush pink lips were slightly gasped open in shock. "You care?"

Looking back on it now...I gulped. I slightly brought a hand to my chest and placed it abover my heart, squeezing the fabric slightly.

Thump! Thump!

I let out a shaky breath. Oh gods...all this time...from day one...

I'm so stupid.

It's never been Alyssa Cadence.

It's been Lloyd.

It's been Lloyd from the moment I laid eyes upon him.

And now...

I looked around my room before remembering I had my phone, all tiredness suddenly leaving my body. It was only an hour past noon, and Lloyd had left two hours ago.

Now I realize, Lloyd hasn't ever been untouchable, I was just to much of a coward to reach out to him.

I hurriedly did my phone pin and opened my messages to Lloyd and my chats, and hit the call icon.


"Hello?" I quietly exhaled a breath of relief. "Hey Lloyd, I know you just left and we've made plans, but I'm like, suoer bored and I low-key miss you," I sware I heard a soft giggle. "And I was wondering if you wanted to meet up in like, and hour or two if you're not busy?" I asked, crossing my fingers he said yes.

"Uhh...I have a few things to do, but I should be done within an hour so, sure why not? What did you have in mind," Lloyd asked. I smiled, my heart beating out of my chest from approval. "Okay sweet! Uhh... ice cream?" "Sounds good, " there was a bit of static, but I was able to pick up the sound of a woman who seemed... annoyed? "Ah...I umm...I gotta go Y/n but I'll see you soon bye!" "See ya, bye Lloyd," I smiled.

I hung up.

I had been to much of a coward. I was trying to be a friend, and I wasn't properly acknowledging my feelings. Now that I have..I know Lloyd is reachable, I just need to put my fear aside and man up.

I'd reach out. Actually, reach out.
And not for the benefit of gaining a good friend..

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